Good morning.
It’s been a week since Mercury stationed direct, though the long conjunction to Pluto that peaked over the weekend may have extended the drama a bit. The benefit of that was discovering deeper answers to questions you were asking, and working out lasting solutions to to problems you may have discovered only recently.
Keep making decisions, and keep working your way toward the heart of the matter. Current aspects favor honesty, and also experiences where passion is a feeling. Three signs join forces to create that effect — Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. You could not want a more rich mix of earth and water, especially with Venus moving into a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn.
Any irritation you may have experienced during the Moon-Mars conjunction that lasted from Sunday into Monday will give way to the feeling that you’ve come around a corner. Try not to bring any emotional residue of the past with you. If you can manage that, aspects reveal deeper feelings which make room for honest commitments.
When you’re asked something, try responding honestly, and letting your feelings show. When you need something, ask with the feeling of faithful expectancy. That is not arrogant. If you were to study only politics, you might think that average folks all hate one another — but that turns out not to be true. In fact we all have a stake in one another’s success.
With Jupiter conjunct the North Node, you’re reminded that what is good for you is probably good for everyone. You can afford to be generous, so offer yourself and pass forward your own blessings and abundance.
In that spirit, I’m happy to offer you a preview of all the work I’ve been doing on Vision Quest. If you visit this page, you can listen to previews of both your astrology and rune reading for the year.
As one reader wrote today, “Your readings confirm my process over the last so many years. This reading confirms a turning point that seems to be happening.”
Your horoscope for the week is below. Here is your long monthly reading for February and here is your short monthly reading as well. Here’s your Monday Morning Horoscope from last week.
Keep your light on!
Astrology for the Life You Live — and the Life you Want
Dear Friend and Reader:
At long last, the Vision Quest audio readings are done and published, added to the written readings published a few weeks ago. On this page, you have links to samples of all 24 audio presentations for the signs — seven minutes of the 60-minute astrology readings, and seven minutes of the 30-minute rune/artifact readings.
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Eric Francis in Blue Studio.
These readings go to an unusual depth. They cross-reference, which gives you exponentially more potential to use them. But they are not for everyone.
They are for people not afraid to go deep; they are for people who take the art of relating as such — as an intimate art. They are for people who are seeking better things. They will help you if you are feeling stuck, or looking to open up a new horizon.
They are written with the ethics of therapy. I see my role as showing you the landscape and the possibilities, but not predicting your future or telling you what to do, or what to think.
If they are for you, your intuition will tell you that — and to help, I’ve provided a sufficiently thorough sample of the whole project, which I’ve given some 20 hours per sign.
Signup links are below each image. You may order by sign or receive all 12 signs here.
Thank you for your business.
Navigate your reading samples by sign:
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Pay attention to your sexual energy. Some profound exchanges are possible now; more emotional, meaningful and beautiful than usual. Rather than thinking this must be with one special partner, you can treat everyone you meet — and share energy with — as the love of your life, at that moment. Treat everyone with equal potential and feel the people who can feel you. You will know because your emotions and even your senses will be richer and more resonant around anyone you have the potential to connect with deeply. If someone is your certified partner, the approach to take is a wide-open space of empathy. Embrace whatever it is that the person loves. Be the person with whom they are utterly free to be themselves. Vibrate with ‘whatever turns you on turns me on’. Cast jealousy to the four winds.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Remember that the most important leadership the world needs now is on ethics. Our entire society seems to be coming unhinged about what is right and what is wrong. Traditions that have served humanity well for centuries are being discarded. Ethical leadership means following your deep inner guidance on all matters of truth and justice, which is likely to be coming through at full strength. Once you know what is right, it’s essential that you not violate your inner guidance. This is the form your leadership takes. You may also be faced with the question of what to do with tradition — such as in a discussion about religion. This need not be controversial. Always look for the universal truth that connects all spiritual traditions. Usually it is obvious, and has a way of making people feel happy.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keep your thoughts and ideas moving. Mercury is now direct, after yet another challenging retrograde phase. You may have noticed a subtle shift over the past week, which led to some unusual discovery about yourself or some unusual breakthrough this past weekend. Don’t fixate on that. Take it with you as you travel, and hold steady in the river of your emotions. Keep looking ahead. If you’re going to pause, I suggest you get to a high place and get a view of your surroundings. I mean this literally, as in a tall building, a mountaintop, even a hilltop or the view from the roof. You are in a rare moment when you can see the future, and feel what is possible. You can catch a glimpse of where you might go. Once you have a strong preference, the plan will manifest.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s as if an energetic gateway is opening inside you, which will allow for many unusual possibilities this week. They may be with a close partner or loved one, with whom you might deepen your connection. This promises to be as fun as it is deep; as beautiful as it is meaningful; as creative as it is transformative. If you are an artist or creative person of any kind, the same wave of energy could lead you to a whole new level of your work. You will be guided more by your feelings than by your concepts. Using music as a metaphor, this is about playing intuitively rather than composing intellectually. To do this, stay close to your vulnerability. Feel your passion and don’t hesitate to put your feelings into words. If you get the urge to be daring, go with it.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will be able to move mountains at work this week, though you would benefit from treating everything and everyone creatively. In any situation, ask to be connected to its highest potential. You seem destined to establish something of lasting value, which means focus on the quality of what you’re doing rather than the amount. Go deeper into any question, and find out what is really motivating you. You may arrive at a point where you face the question of either following the established way or provoking a revolution. You don’t need to make any radical changes, though. You might think of the formula as encouraging evolution: progress that seems modest, but which is real and authentic. This will be your formula for success. As you push your roots deeper into the ground, your branches will reach higher into the sky.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Aspects this week describe a profound emotional breakthrough. This is being inspired and driven by your need to feel free within yourself. This has been an ongoing project, but you’ve arrived at a tipping point. It’s as if you’re now catching up to everything that you’ve learned and desired in theory. Now you must make it real, and bring inner changes to fruition in your outer life. It’s as if you’ve taken a long inhale, and now it’s time to exhale some new truth, some new desire, some new phase of your journey on Earth. You don’t need to do a lot, or to make many changes. Start with something small and let that gather momentum. This is the time to take an artistic and experimental approach to life, rather than a romantic one.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have no need to conceal what you’re feeling, as much as it’s your tendency to do so. Rather, I suggest you put words to all the movement and sorting out that you’re going through. Certainly maintain an active dialog with yourself, whether it’s in your diary or some other expressive outlet. Yet you will benefit greatly from choosing one or two people you feel confident with, and letting them know what’s moving and shaking within you. Sometimes talking about things disperses the energy, and sometimes it helps you discover what is real, what is meaningful, what is the most important to you. Your charts describe all forms of expression as having the power to lift your mood, to give you more room to move around and to take a weight off of your chest. Speak freely and be free.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your astrology is reminding you to be kind. You can afford to be. You have so much going for you, and so many advantages, especially as compared to the sorry state of the world. Rise above any petty feelings or responses that you have, particularly to close partners, and allow yourself to expand. Pay particular attention if someone makes you angry. Once you acknowledge your anger, you will feel better, which means more inclined to express forgiveness and empathy. It just helps to go in that order: recognizing your actual response, and then guiding yourself to a more enlightened level. I also suggest taking any opportunity to stand up for someone who has been cast off, disadvantaged or left behind. The quest for social justice is strong in your charts now, and you will feel much better if you do something about it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There is no order of difficulty of miracles. They are all equally easy, or what would be the point? Your astrology is pointing to some minor challenge that, if you meet it consciously, opens the way to infinite experience. It’s as if, in the process of solving some minor problem or meeting a routine challenge, you tap into a kind of spiritual well that contains the answer to much more than you were looking for. It would help, therefore, to pay attention to small things, even those too small to notice under normal circumstances. Consider every question you’re asking to be a metaphor for something greater; every puzzle you try to solve or problem you try to resolve the key to something larger. Tap the deeper, abundant creative energy that is currently filling your deepest well.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your planets are describing the potential for a passionate week. Venus in your sign hints at some profound self-discovery you will make, which is rooted in being utterly honest with yourself. This will be easy, because you might say that Venus alludes to an aspect of yourself to which you don’t always have easy access, but you do now. Let your experiences guide you to a deeper place and then remain alert and aware. In work-related matters, this same basic posture will allow you to emerge as a kind of creative prodigy. Your natural inclination is to put love and quality into everything you do. Take that to an extreme. I don’t mean be a perfectionist. I mean intentionally infuse everything you touch with the energy of the goddess, which in a word is beauty. You are her representative on Earth.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Remember, you set an example for everyone around you. You’re likely to find yourself in a position where your leadership is required, and people are more inclined to do what you do, rather than do what you say. Yet at the moment you’re a kind of psychic transmitter. So what you feel is as important as what you do. In every situation, take the higher road, and see the best in people. Mars in the achievement angle of your chart may be giving you a competitive edge, but it’s essential that you not act that way. Treat people as your friends and allies, enlist their help when you need it and offer yours at any opportunity you get. Weave a culture of cooperation and mutual benefit, and that will go a long way for you and everyone.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Do your best to stay visible this week. Make sure people know what you’ve been up to, and make sure they can actually see and feel your best work. Whatever you’re doing is now starting to rise above its foundations and show real results. But you must do your part, and stay available and make sure that your accomplishments are known. Therefore, do not be modest. Your idea of bragging is closer to everyone else’s idea of modesty, so you can push things. You are likely to make some unusual contacts, so pay attention, and know who you’re talking to at any time. Get a real conversation going, even if you’ve known someone for five minutes. Your old friends will be even more valuable. You might reach out to people you’ve known for a lifetime, if only to say hello and ask what’s up.