What do you need to dig into, investigate or persuade someone about? Astrology this week offers support in those realms, though with a caveat: empathy and a goal of mutual benefit need to be guiding principles — along with an awareness of the potential for obsession and self-righteousness.

Dragon-horse sculpture by Taiwanese artist Hung Yin in Manhattan. Photo by Amanda Painter.
In this era of binge-watching shows online and falling down Google rabbit holes, it seems we’re becoming acclimated to a certain level of obsessive behavior.
That can be problematic when it comes to getting distracted when you’re on a work deadline; or when an inability to avoid the pull of obsessive diversions undermines personal goals. When it becomes a habit, self-esteem can suffer.
Yet there’s a time and a place for hyper-focusing. Many kinds of research and high-stakes tasks require it for brief stretches. If you’re investigating a mystery, engaging in intense, penetrating thought could be the key to solving it — as long as you don’t fixate on one detail to the exclusion of others that might, in fact, lead you to the solution.
As Mercury nears its conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn this week (exact Wednesday), these are some of the themes to watch for. You may find your mind is predisposed to getting under the surface of something; perhaps what you say to someone will strike at the heart of a matter, or persuade them of your point of view. If so, being considerate of others’ feelings, and not misrepresenting yourself, are important.
Mercury receives some assistance this week in the form of a sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio (Jupiter is similarly still sextile Pluto). This would seem to further heighten powers of observation, and potentially help in the exercise of sound judgment. Yet Jupiter is having a magnifying effect on Scorpio’s already intense energy. This makes it all the more important that, as you go for what you want, you make sure others benefit, too. In fact, helping others get what they want or need might be the better starting place.
Either way, Mercury’s aspects suggest that this is a good week for business negotiations, contracts and planning for the future. Partly that rests on this whole idea of ‘mutual benefit’, which is the foundation of any true negotiation.
On Friday, Mars leaves Scorpio and ingresses Sagittarius at 7:56 am EST (12:56 UTC). In a natal chart, Mars here tends to indicate someone who’s optimistic, impulsive, talkative and desires freedom; possibly a good salesperson or an active traveler. They may be open, direct and philosophical at one end of the spectrum; or self-righteous, overly blunt and prone to gambling at the other end. Physical activity is an essential way to channel the energy of Mars in this sign. You might notice some restlessness begin as Mars gets itchy in the last degree of Scorpio; if so, do your best to use it constructively — which, for Mars, means actively.
Interestingly, just a little inside the doorway at two degrees of Sagittarius, the asteroid Karma is waiting to meet Mars. If that is not a reminder to follow the Golden Rule this week, I’m not sure what is.
We reap what we sow; and no matter where we travel to, or how much freedom we strive for, or how philosophical we get, this cosmic law can be fascinating (and damned humbling) in its effect — both across lifetimes and within this one. With Pluto lending considerable subterranean energy to thought processes and communication this week, you’ll want to use that power well — which might mean ‘with control’ as well as ‘with emotional intelligence’.