One common assumption worth questioning is that age confers wisdom. In fact, there is no such correlation. True, there are many who have made good on learning from long experience. Just as evident and abundant are the examples of those who stubbornly persist their whole lives with perceptions that no open mind would consider sustaining.
Of course, persistence is not always a bad thing. As the I Ching repeatedly states, “perseverance furthers.” Yet, a closer reading of the ancient Chinese oracular tome also advises discretion when it comes to when and how your capacity for tenacity should be applied so as to result in actual progress.
Sometimes it is appropriate to act with steadfastness when it comes to things greater than you. Other times, it is best to be diligent and determined only with smaller, more personal matters. When you consider the astrological context of how the Moon will be moving this week, anyone with an open mind should be able to grasp the sort of discernment from which authentic wisdom springs.
As the Moon continues to wax through fixed and fiery Leo for all of today and about half of tomorrow, you should have a chance to see how diligence can sometimes be an end in itself for either good or ill. After the Moon moves on to mutable and grounded Virgo tomorrow (and into the first quarter phase on Friday), it should become more apparent how things go when pertinacity serves as a means to an end instead.
Provided you are observant enough, lunar motion over the next several days should yield information regarding the difference between doggedness and intransigence. Assuming you are able to occasionally release some attachment to a predetermined outcome as this week goes on, the data your observations glean could make you significantly wiser.
With the Sun in Gemini for basically three more weeks, an air trine aspect (120 degrees of separation) from the Libra Moon this weekend holds a potential to show clarity gained. Even so, it is also important to remember your place in the solar system. Yes, you are occasionally called upon to be receptive in order to further the sky’s implications, but rarely is it appropriate to be passive.
If the full potential implied by the Sun, Moon and planets are to be manifested, it is nearly always advisable for you to play an active role as a fully-fledged player in the cosmos. The promise specific to this week is consistent with that principle, but a bit more specific. The question indicated from above as May ends and June begins is not whether you should persevere, but how, when, where and to what purpose.
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In the Involution Aquarius reading (Rooster T-shirt), Eric called this genius level astrology that is confirmed by your keen observational skills. To paraphrase: Assuming you are able to release some attachment to a predetermined outcome is key in discerning doggedness from intransigence, and could make us significantly wiser. Wisdom, knowing others, and Enlightenment, knowing oneself is a balancing act of emotional detachment, an open mind, as one seems to empower the other. While wandering in a cave for most of my life, this mountaintop view can be breathtaking, as the data that keeps coming in starts to takes flight. Also, growing pains/patience are included as part of the refining/perseverance process before any progress is made in the how when and where. In the active search of the greatest love of all as purpose. The Sun/Will seems to (or does) suggest this; Love/Wisdom.
About that Rooster…..or should I say barnyard pimp. I read it written that cheating on your wife (significant other), is like getting the sunrise pass a rooster. Just a word to the wise; no matter the gender, as both are included in the chart.