“And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”
— Paul McCartney
It’s been a busy week for the sky. Venus left Taurus behind to ingress Gemini as Tuesday segued into Wednesday. Almost exactly 24 hours later Mercury departed Cancer to enter Leo. Now a Full Moon is coming up, and it’s time to do a loving turn.
For all but the easternmost time zone of North America, the Full Moon opposition from the Cancer Sun to the Capricorn Moon will be exact late Saturday. Farther eastward, it will happen sometime Sunday.
For consenting adult couples, you could not choose a better Full Moon for romantic weekend activity. For much of the world, it’s an optimal time of year to be outdoors and comfortable at night. Of course, not everybody is part of a loving couple.
Anybody reading these words, however, is part of the world. If there is no one person with whom you can cuddle, the world at large could use some love right now. A significant contribution might begin with loving the Earth.
All of us take from the Earth. There is nothing wrong with that. Some, however, are more careful than others. If you want a way to honor the Full Moon alignment this weekend, you could start with treating our planet a little better.
Perhaps this would be a good weekend to leave the car parked. Alternatively, you could plant a tree — or simply water one. Even if all you do is pick up a little carelessly discarded litter, it would help. It would be even better if you did not litter at all. A similar principle applies to showing love for your fellow inhabitants of Earth.
Showing love in a respectful way for other beings can sometimes mean simply leaving them alone. That’s nearly always true for animals in the wild, and often also true for people. At the very least, you can rarely do wrong by doing no harm.
Nearly every day presents you with the opportunity to refrain from doing harm. If another person is not currently receptive to so much as a kind word, you can still show your love by not writing or saying anything harsh to them. Indeed, perhaps the surest form of manifesting love in the world is to exercise restraint.
It is seldom, if ever, that any person can change the world (or even a single life) by themselves. Reality tends to be more complex than that. What you can realistically do is behave so as not to make things worse.
Even if you cannot improve a single person’s lot going into next week, it does not mean you are powerless to show love. Sometimes your most effective forms of caring and affection are not outwardly demonstrated at all. Restraint may not seem to count for much, but sometimes what you don’t do will be the best thing you could ever have done.
And in the end, taking some loving care of yourself could make the biggest difference of all.
Offered In Service

Thank you, dear Len. Love ya! If music be the food of love….(am listening to this):
Sorry, Lizzy, but this is country homophobia at its corniest. The boy couldn’t (rather than wouldn’t) scratch his woman’s itch so she stops feeding him. Can’t say I blame her necessarily; life’s a bitch and then you die.
Ha ha ha!