Aries (March 20-April 19) — What you experience day to day can add up over time. If you study or practice something a little each day, you would probably improve more quickly than if you did it sporadically. If you have frequent moments of enjoyment, these contribute to your overall wellbeing. Likewise, if you consistently encounter a particular source of stress, however small, that can accumulate until it becomes a problem in need of addressing. Consider the patterns of your daily life; notice how you feel about them; and if there’s anything you need to change, now’s your opportunity.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In our present environment, the concept of risk has altered almost beyond recognition. Many people are happily laying open details of their lives on social media, while being afraid to open up about what they really think, feel and want. Over the next few days, you may benefit from taking up an opportunity that might feel a little risky. I’m not suggesting you abseil down the Grand Canyon. This is more along the lines of talking frankly to someone, going to an unfamiliar place, or considering an idea that may seem out of bounds. Think of it as an experiment, and be bold.
Pre-order individual signs here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Are you content in your present home? You may find you’re getting a sense of wanderlust, or a desire to move location. Even if you think that would be difficult as you’re currently placed, try tracing your feelings to their source, if only to understand what’s behind them. It’s possible a few small alterations are all that’s necessary to refresh you, or that going to one or two new places could satisfy your desire to explore. Then again, you might need to consider more significant changes. Be honest with yourself, and hold space for your wishes and ideas.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your intuition can generally be trusted to lead you right when it comes to interacting with and making sense of your fellow humans. Just be aware that everyone has days when interference from your mind or body can tamper with the signal, and it’s useful to have a backup plan. Also, it’s worth considering that others around you may be operating on a different wavelength, though if all parties are looking to communicate openly and honestly, they will eventually reach an understanding. By contrast, if someone has a hidden agenda, that’s far less likely to happen.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What do you expect of yourself, and are those expectations appropriate and fair? These are questions you may need to ask this week. Notice the difference between pursuing dreams and aspirations, on the one hand, and on the other pushing yourself harder than what is reasonable. In order to make progress, you don’t have to work 100 hours a week, or take on roles for which you don’t have the necessary training. Instead, set goals that are practicable, and take into account your physical and mental health. As you do, keep in contact with your body and emotions.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your sign continues to be in the astrological spotlight this week. You seem to have come a long way in a short time, though in reality you’ve been doing the groundwork for months to years. What’s happening now is almost certainly a culmination of your efforts and persistence. It’s important that you take time to enjoy the fruits of your success, though equally you don’t want to stop there. Personal growth is a lifelong endeavor. So celebrate yourself, and at the same time continue to feed your desires, your curiosity, and your most profound aspirations.
My individual sign readings are designed to be a source of motivation and inspiration: they’re about what is right with you. I talk about how to best use your resources and your abilities, and making peace with who you are and what you want.
In These Times Autumn Reading by Eric Francis
Individual Signs: Astrology That’s Better Than Therapy.
Dear Friend and Reader:
You might have noticed that the world is in upheaval, which is both coming from, and feeding into, personal challenges: that out of control, crazy feeling of what the holy heck is happening and where is this all going and what am I doing? This will be the theme of my Autumn Reading, called In These Times — which I am about to begin recording.
Although I conceive of this project as a set of 12 interrelated segments, I realize that some people prefer to focus only on the one or two signs they resonate with most strongly. To accommodate that preference, I am now opening up the pre-order phase for individual signs of In These Times.
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This option tends to be particularly useful if you’d like to give the reading as a gift to a friend, relative or colleague — which many of our customers do.
“Uncanny. Wow. Totally on point. So much so, I bought readings for my daughter, cousin and a friend as gifts.”
— Glinda W., on the 2019 Spring Readings
My individual sign readings are designed to be a source of motivation and inspiration: they’re about what is right with you. I talk about how to best use your resources and your abilities, and making peace with who you are and what you want.
And you can still purchase the full set of all 12 signs for $99 (final price upon publication will be $111). Costing less than half a therapy session for all 12, these readings will point you toward your source of guidance, comfort and sanity. I will take a light touch covering the intense Capricorn astrology, and the current Virgo astrology, tailored for each of the signs.
Delivery is anticipated for early September.
In These Times is included with the Backstage Pass and the Galaxy Pass. If you upgrade, it will come with your new membership. If you have one of those levels, please consider extending the reading as a gift to someone who needs it.
Thank you for your purchase, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
PS — You may place your order by phone, by calling (206) 567-4455. If someone does not answer we will call you back promptly, next day at the latest.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — During the past few weeks you’ve likely encountered old or deep material on more than one occasion. This is probably going to take some working through; as you do that, please remember to be kind to yourself, and to notice how you feel without judging, as much as possible. Keep records, and pay attention to dreams and intuitive signals. These may be a source of creative inspiration for you, as well as indicators of your state of mind. After the Full Moon on the 14th, any tension that may have built up should begin to dissipate.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Currently we all have to work to maintain our understanding of nuance. One allure of certainty is that it’s easy; it requires no striving for resolution, no challenge. Another is it offers something you can cling to for reassurance. However, maintaining an open mind on any subject allows you to learn more, feed your curiosity, and appreciate the subtlety and variety of human life. This, of course, involves being honest with yourself, and admitting when you don’t know something, which is not presently in fashion, though it tends to far better outcomes. Also, where possible, keep the atmosphere friendly.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When you consider who you want to become, and what you aspire to, whose wishes are you following? If you’re not certain they’re entirely your own, it may be time for a review. Everyone has a unique path, and part of self-actualization is pursuing it regardless of what others think. Only you can know what you’re truly capable of, how you feel, and what you desire most passionately. Only you can determine the nature of your dreams, and set your goals in accord with them. And ultimately, only you can steer along the course of your journey.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve been feeling somewhat stuck intellectually or in terms of your aspirations, and are perhaps unsure quite what to do next, this would seem an excellent time to seek and receive inspiration. The process of forming new concepts or aims is usually helped immensely by fresh stimuli — such as variety in people, places or experiences. Make a point of learning or doing something new as often as you can, as a way of keeping yourself awake. Persist even if you think you’re not getting far, because you’ll probably be moving a lot quicker than you realize.
Pre-order individual signs here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re likely processing a lot of internal material at present, so be sure to take as much time and space as you need. Go easy on yourself as far as possible. Your astrology suggests this is not necessarily a project you need to undergo alone. If you feel the need to reach out to someone, it could help you communicate emotions that might otherwise remain hidden. Also, don’t hesitate to focus the power of your analytical mind. Though logic can’t explain everything, it can certainly prove a useful tool in examining the source of feelings and ideas.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Relationships of any sort are sustained by trust. If you’re confused about where a partner is coming from, there are a number of methods of gaining illumination. One is to ask them outright what you want to know. Another is to give the benefit of the doubt, at least until the current oppositions to Neptune have passed. Practicing clarity, openness and truth in your own communications is almost always helpful. Honesty is like a bright light that disperses fog, regardless of who shines it; and once seen, others will likely find it easier to reflect back to you.