Experience the beauty of Vision Quest, our 2016 annual. Written and audio excerpts for each sign are available from the Vision Quest main page. Order all 12 signs or choose your individual signs.
This Way Out is a Pacifica-affiliated international LGBT radio magazine, broadcasting since 1988.
On this week’s show (hosted by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle), the “life and crimes” of Justice Antonin Scalia (“Gay USA” hosts Ann Northrop & Andy Humm “roast” the not-so-dearly departed homophobic judge).
Australia’s marriage ban crosses Jordan’s awesome axis (the Axis of Awesome’s Jordan Raskopoulos comes out as trans and discusses how Aussie law requires her to divorce her supportive wife in order to change the gender on her birth certificate).
In “NewsWrap” (produced by Steve Pride, written by Greg Gordon, and reported this week by John Dyer V & Wenzel Jones), Indonesia’s homophobic “moral panic” escalates, politics and piety stall Italy’s civil unions, Panasonic propels Japan’s queer couples, religious bias passes for freedom in Mississippi and Georgia, trans-phobic bills plague other U.S. state legislatures, and a Texas Board of Education hopeful flunks presidential history.