The Day of Occupational Fluctuation: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 22
The Day of Occupational Fluctuation | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

You may be developing a new perspective on your career trajectory, and what your vocation means to you. Perhaps your work is evolving along lines you did not anticipate, but by which you are nonetheless intrigued. It’s also possible you’re more inclined to take a daring path, which might involve some risks but would certainly afford you more room to be yourself. Only you can determine your best options, though remember that your potential for growth never ends.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

The Moon enters Aries early in the day, but the big news is the Sun leaving Cancer and entering Leo. That happens at 10:50 pm EDT (2:50:14 UTC Tuesday). You might notice that impulse control is a little trickier today, between having the Moon in a fiery, action-oriented sign and the Sun making its way through the last degree of Cancer. Having the Sun in the last degree of a sign can have an edgy, ‘let’s just get on with it’ sensation.

If that describes how you’re feeling, beware of letting it come out through harsh or judgmental words. The Sun’s square to an asteroid called Rhadamanthus suggests this dynamic. Yet it’s Mercury’s retrograde condition that describes potentially complicated misunderstandings or unnecessarily hurt feelings as a result. (And don’t ignore the ways self-judgment can be just as difficult to navigate.)

Integrity is important, and must be expressed when core values are at risk of being compromised. Integrity does not, however, mean inflexibility or a lack of empathy. Think of suspension bridges: they balance strength of structure with an ability to flex with the wind. In doing so, they enable us to get where we need to go — efficiently, safely, and in the company of many, many other people.
— by Amanda Painter


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