It’s almost as if there is a contest in the sky right now. One could almost say it’s a conflict, just like in the old days. That is to say, the really, really old days before legend — the days of myth. But wait, it can’t be that way because at least some of the evident contestants now were not evident way back then.
No, what’s going on now simply cannot be a throwback to ancient times. We have not been displaced to an antiquity when human beings recorded themselves as hapless, and helplessly at the mercy of warring deities.
Yes, it’s just us. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say “justice.” Either way, and from appearances, we can still find astrology useful even if we can no longer project our experience on the sky.
We are still part of the solar system. As with any system, one part can tell us something of any other part, and of the whole. That’s pretty darn impressive when you consider how detached many of us have become from our very bodies, much less the sky. Our main task as human beings right now is to be just as impressive in turn.
It would not be impressive if we were to revert back to the really, really old days and transfer responsibility for our destiny to deities above. Nor would it be especially imposing if we were to continue our more recent history of giving our power away to human beings whom we allow to wield godlike authority. Nope, the only way through everything that now seems impossibly crazy is for you and every individual person to accept an appropriate share of what, after all, we have striven for and finally won.
What we have won after thousands of years of evolution is an independence of sorts. With that freedom from gods, from kings, and finally from what has become a hapless plutocracy must unavoidably come a certain set of responsibilities. First and foremost in that set is an obligation to let yourself be human.
In a way, it is almost as if humanity is no longer childlike but still highly impressionable. If that’s actually true, and if we are to make the most of our situation, we each have to be okay with that. You must accept yourself as being capable of awe, wonder and even being overcome without using your vulnerability as an excuse to revert back to being childlike. After all, we have each individually been through something like this before.
You can remember. Most of our parents were not terribly explicit about it. Upon emerging from our individual childhoods, many of us were at least vaguely informed, however. Upon entering adolescence, many of us were told that were were about to go through a big change. Then we saw it happen in our very bodies.

BALANCE, our exciting 12-sign Midyear Reading on forthcoming astrology, including Jupiter in Libra, is available for instant access. Get all 12 signs here, or choose your individual signs.
What’s going on now is something similar, except it is all of us together at once. Just as with our individual emergence into adulthood, this collective maturing is both unavoidable and visceral. It’s a good thing, too.
Indeed, even if the current state in human evolution is every bit as trying as the individual going through the experience of adolescence, it’s also better because none of us need feel like we are alone. It’s happening to everybody, and there is correspondence in the sky.
Pluto in Capricorn correlates with the inevitability. Neptune in Pisces corresponds with how you wake from unreal dreams into a world that sometimes seems even less real. Uranus conjunct Eris in Aries is emblematic of the revolutionary change in identity. Saturn in Sagittarius connects with how limits can actually be employed to define, rather than allowed to confine.
Jupiter now in Libra relates to our having greater capacities of balance than we imagined. Mars approaching conjunction with the Galactic Core in Sagittarius would parallel with our need to bridge from the boundless energy of childhood to the newfound desires of an adult. Venus in Libra might very well represent the values we need to guide us, especially when it comes to evolving from “just us” to “justice.” Mercury, especially retrograde and in the depths of Virgo, is the very image of being impressionable.
Finally, the culmination of the Sun and Moon not only opposing for a Full Moon, but eclipsing on Friday is indicative of an outcome aligned with all of us here on Earth. And it’s all one picture. It’s a whole, not any one planet or aspect alone.
The sky is not jiving. Neither should we. Humanity is going through the big change, and we must individually and collectively be our own parents, our own kings and queens, our own gods and goddesses. At the same time, however, we must each respect the realities of our physical existence.
Let that need for mutual respect be your guide. When in doubt, take care of your physical needs, and do your best to help as many others do the same as you can. If you can do just that, you will have done justice to yourself, to others and to our time — for the time being. After all, we do need to take this big change one step at a time.
Offered In Service
Good one Len ! Just Us. Or even Just As. I love the way you have depicted each of the transiting planets in a way that defines their roles in the totality of The Big Change. And I agree, it isn’t just one planet or aspect alone. There is something I feel is being emphasized though and it doesn’t take away from the idea of the one picture.
Two planets are in their own signs, Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Libra, and those two planets are connected as in Neptune symbolizing the higher octave and Venus symbolizing the lower octave of the same energy stream. I’m sensing that this exact period we are in is providing space and time so that these two symbols of god/goddess Love energy can be focused on that mutual energy.
Yes, they are making aspects to other planets, but they are very focused on their defining roles. More intent and not beholden to other energy types as they would be if in another planet’s sign.
I remember the last Big Change I went through as being pretty scary at times. For various reasons I felt alone and unable to talk much about them with others my age. Now, even though an eclipse can have scary properties (but then so did the Tunnel of Love ride at the Fair when I was young), I feel much more prepared for change. We CAN help our fellow humans and be JUST AS impressive as those old goddesses and gods. Just like you help us through so many processes with your sensitive and wise ways. As ever,
Barbara: Thank you for the reminder about Neptune being the higher octave of Venus (for some astrologer, at least). That is a valuable key to our complex astrology right now. As always, you serve to both deepen and broaden the quality of my attempt to serve here.
Wonderful Len and wonderful, Len:)
Many thanks for the sweeping canvas you’ve painted.
beleclaire: you are very welcome.
Thank you Len! I haven’t been here in awhile but I’m oh so happy to read your post. I’m going to take those last two paragraphs to heart over the coming days.
Zoe: Welcome back! Thank you for looking in. May my service here do your kind and gracious heart the justice it deserves.