Tag Archives: Weekly Update

Your Moonshine Horoscopes for the Leo New Moon

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today we have your Moonshine horoscopes for the Leo New Moon, which is later this evening. They were written by Genevieve Hathaway.

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Sunflower about to open; photo by Amanda Painter.

Also tonight, Eric will be offering two broadcasts of Planet Waves FM, which should post by 8 pm EDT (or earlier).

In one, Diva Carla interviews Eric Francis about the New Moon, as well as ideas related to the New Moon and Vesta square Psyche. This interview was broadcast live on Monday, and we’d love to hear your feedback and questions if you were listening. The second PW FM contains additional information about the Mohonk Preserve story.

Eric introduced readers to the themes of service versus sacrifice that the New Moon’s conjunction to asteroid Vesta brings into the equation in Monday’s Daily Astrology post on the blog.

In today’s Daily Astrology, we’ve delved a little deeper beneath the surface of this Leo New Moon, which is square the asteroid Psyche in Scorpio. If you’ve ever worried that you’re too ‘messed up’ or ‘wounded’ to heal — especially sexually — this New Moon could be an enlightening point along your journey. Often when the Moon is dark it becomes easier to see one’s own inner light.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

This Week on Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

One week from tonight is the Leo New Moon. That chart is heavy on the fire and water, with clusters of planets in Leo and Cancer, and it has a strong message about ‘service’. Eric will be discussing the Leo New Moon in his Planet Waves FM broadcast, which usually posts by 8 pm EDT Tuesday nights.

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Beetle on young corn. Photo by Amanda Painter.

He’ll also be introducing this Friday’s feature article, the result of a three-year investigation involving one purported conservation group’s efforts to steal part of the Grandmother Land (if you’ve been a PW member for a while, you’ve seen Eric’s photos of this beautiful area).

And finally, in another twist on ‘service’, Eric will be talking about the discussion surrounding three sex-scandalized politicians — Anthony Weiner (NYC), Elliot Spitzer (NYC) and Bob Filner (San Diego).

If you’ve been seeing mention on the Internet about a “Star of David” configuration (also being referred to as a “grand sextile,” among other terms) and have wondered what Eric’s take on it might be, check out Monday’s Daily Astrology post. “If nothing else,” writes Eric, “it represents a moment of stability (the grand sextile), and some tension (the Sun’s various aspects) and some opportunity to weave together the pattern of your life in a conscious way.”

In today’s Daily Astrology, we’ve developed one leg of the grand sextile configuration in tandem with another piece of the sky. There seems to be a question regarding how the idea of ‘cosmic love’ may be a factor in re-patterning your life right now.

Finally, in Len Wallick’s column today, he addresses the give and take of the current Venus-Mars configuration. That will post to the Planet Waves blog at about noon EDT.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Mercury Direct: Notice What You’re Learning, Use It

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week on Planet Waves we have a special exclusive audio broadcast of the talk Eric gave over the weekend at the first-ever Queer Astrology Conference. Titled “Holistic Sexuality,” you can listen to it on its own Planet Waves FM page here. The talk is about an hour and 40 minutes long, and Eric delivered it to the conference via Skype, while sitting in his Kingston, New York, studio.

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Peaks Island portal, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Eric will be taking tonight off from a regular Planet Waves FM broadcast. If you want to listen to more from Eric, be sure to check out the right-hand margin on the Planet Waves FM home page. There he has hand-selected some of his favorite interviews with people such as Chiron specialist Melanie Reinhart and healer Elisa Novick.

On the blog, we have today’s Daily Astrology column. Having just gotten through Mercury’s station direct on Saturday and yesterday’s Aquarius Full Moon, this week looks a little quieter astrologically.

That said, the sky is never boring — and the newly Leo Sun is making a square to 1992 QB1, planet little-used by other astrologers that’s about crossing thresholds into new phases of experience. That square is happening in the context of Mercury’s tides moving in direct motion in Cancer. You’ll want to be aware of what’s floating to the surface of consciousness, and Mercury’s trine to Chiron says, ‘use what you learn’.

Finally, in Len Wallick’s column today, he asks you to investigate exactly how your life has changed since the spring eclipses. With the Sun now in Leo, we’re about halfway to the autumn eclipse season. That will post to the Planet Waves blog at about noon EDT.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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Mars in Cancer — and Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today we have your Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon, written by Genevieve Hathaway. That Full Moon will be a week from today, on July 22.

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Coffee Pond, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Later this evening, Eric will post his latest broadcast of Planet Waves FM by 8 pm EDT. In tonight’s program, he’ll be covering Mercury’s station direct on July 20, plus the astrology for the verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Eric began his discussion of this event and the astrology in Monday’s Daily Astrology column on the Planet Waves blog, noting its relationship to Mars in Cancer:

“I think that Mars in Cancer describes the anger and frustration issue. Many people feel unsafe and powerless to do anything about it. There is an incredible well of rage in the United States, for many reasons, many of which have an economic dimension. There is far more racial animosity than the media typically admits.”

In Len Wallick’s column for today, he considers Uranus stationing retrograde on Wednesday, and the recurrence of things in threes related to that event. That article will post at about noon EDT.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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Manifesting Lilith, and Mercury conjunct the Sun

Dear Friend and Reader:

Lilith is a topic that’s finally getting some attention from astrologers and spiritual teachers. This week’s Planet Waves FM includes an interview with San Francisco-based astrologer Chani Nicholas on the Lilith archetype as it manifests in the lives of men and women. The discussion is about going beyond biblical models of gender identity and reaching something more elemental to who we are.

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Lilith by John Collier; held in the Atkinson Art Gallery, Southport, England.

It’s a perfect follow-up to yesterday’s New Moon in Cancer, which was conjunct the asteroid Atlantis — as fitting a symbol of our times as you’ll find.

If you were busy with holiday travel or other activities over the weekend, today would be a great time to review the horoscopes Eric wrote for this week, since the New Moon is still unfolding.

You can also check in on your resonance to this New Moon with Eric’s installment of the Daily Astrology column from Monday, in which he writes, “This is a ‘get real’ moment. It’s not just about getting real vis-a-vis the global situation we face, but also getting real with ourselves and the people close to us.”

In today’s Daily Astrology, we’ve covered retrograde Mercury’s conjunction to the Sun in Cancer — which is today, and which is making an interesting aspect to the minor planet Juno. This configuration is adding up to a “what gives?” moment regarding how your relationships exist in the context of the people that surround them.

Given the astrological context today, you won’t want to miss Eric’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM later this evening, usually posting by 8 pm EDT.

It sounds like a perfect beginning to this week.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Cancer, be sure to check out Eric’s birthday reading for Cancer. Focused on the incredible activity in your sign this year — and more — it also makes a perfect gift for your favorite Cancer loved one. You can hear an audio preview here.


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Your Moonshine Horoscopes — and the U.S. Birth Chart

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today we have Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine Horoscopes for you here. In this set she has interpreted the Cancer New Moon, which is on Monday, July 8.

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Freedom is the Freedom to Love. Gift from Eric to Dominick Vanacore; the flags are outside Dominick’s Cafe. Photo by Eric.

Later this evening Eric will post this week’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM. Tonight’s installment features his take on the Supreme Court’s rulings on same-sex marriage last week. Plus, in honor of Independence Day, he’ll take an in-depth look at the Sibly chart — one of the most often used natal charts for the U.S.

In today’s Daily Astrology post on the Planet Waves blog we have a post about Jupiter stirring up some emotional shadow material in Cancer, with the Sun’s presence in the Uranus-Pluto square as the backdrop. And in yesterday’s Daily Astrology, Eric gave an overview of this week’s sky. Be sure also to check out Len Wallick’s column, which posts to the blog at about noon EDT today. He has a curious tale to tell about the echoing Mercury retrogrades of 2013, 1967 and 1776 — the birth year of the U.S.

Publishing schedule reminder: we will be publishing Eric’s weekly horoscopes this Friday, but there will be no feature article or news briefs, so that the editorial team can enjoy the 4th of July holiday on Thursday. We’ll be back with a full issue on Friday, July 12.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

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This Week on Planet Waves FM: the NSA Leak — and Trying to Understand the Overwhelming

Dear Friend and Reader:

In this week’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM, Eric will be exploring some of the spiritual questions and the ‘meta’ level of last week’s revelation that the National Security Administration has been collecting the phone call records of millions of U.S. citizens, as well as emails and records of Internet use by those in other countries.

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Last week the NSA was revealed to be wire-tapping all messages coming from the Milky Way galaxy. Ok, not really — but is that next?

Eric will also take a look at the chart of Edward Snowden in this broadcast. Snowden is the 29-year-old former CIA employee who has publicly claimed responsibility for leaking this monumental information to the public.

Planet Waves FM will also cover the growing stellium of planets in Cancer and the upcoming Mercury retrograde in that sign (Mercury entered its ‘echo’ phase on Sunday). The program generally posts by 8 pm Tuesdays, often earlier.

For other perspectives on the energy you may be feeling, try Monday’s Daily Astrology post, in which Eric touches on the sense of ‘walking on the edge’ that can come with a Sun-Pholus opposition, as well as the “invitation to empathy and service” being extended by the planets in Cancer.

Also on Monday, we published an article asking how you deal with the pressure symbolized by the Sun’s aspects to Pholus and Eris; chances are you have more options than you think, and some of them are actually productive.

In today’s Daily Astrology, the Jupiter-Galactic Center prompts the question, “What do you do with something so big you can’t understand it?” Many people don’t bother trying; is that how we’ve gotten where we are now?

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

Note to our customers: $19.95 is the pre-order price. Once the reading publishes, the price will increase to $29.95.


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Gemini New Moon Moonshine Horoscopes — and This Week on Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine horoscopes here for you today. In these she has interpreted Saturday’s Gemini New Moon for each of the 12 signs.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Eric will get even deeper into this weekend’s New Moon in his broadcast of Planet Waves FM later this evening. That usually posts at about 8 pm EDT (often sooner). He will also cover the planets entering Cancer and the grand water trine — along with matters of conscience and war on the topic of Bradley Manning.

As the current lunar cycle winds down, a succession of planets has begun to leave Gemini and enter Cancer. This is energizing a conversation involving planets in all three water signs — called a ‘grand trine’. Eric introduced the main theme of this configuration in Monday’s Daily Astrology post. He writes there:

“These placements indicate that we will all be taken into deeper water. If that’s uncomfortable I suggest looking within for what might be the root of that sensation. Somehow, though, I have a notion that many people have been experimenting with going deeper or exploring in there. Having planets in water signs on this kind of scale is like a deepening capacity for empathy, reflected in the cosmic signs.”

Today’s Daily Astrology considers how we can use the background of this deepening empathy and emotional sensitivity to navigate a potential sticking point: the need to verify whether we’re being honest with ourselves. If you’re caught arguing with yourself, are you sure your inner conflict is about what you think it is?

Lastly, are you a Gemini? Do you love one? Customers who have already listened to Eric’s 2013 Gemini Birthday Reading say they are “amazed at the accuracy” and that it’s “a focused and objective portrait” of what they are living through. The reading comprises two sections of astrology plus a tarot reading, and comes with bonus materials — all of it suitable for those with Gemini Sun, Moon or rising sign.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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