Tag Archives: Weekly Update

This Week on Planet Waves + Your April Inner Space Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Did Sunday’s Aries New Moon, ruled by Mars, feel a little ‘different’ to you? Upon further analysis of the retrograde Mars is making through Libra, it is clear that the planet representing maleness is going to go so far backwards into this sign ruled by Venus that it will actually invert itself, emerging on May 19 as the first transgendered planet.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Okay, I’m terrible at April Fool’s Day jokes — luckily, they’re a specialty of Eric’s. What is not a joke, however, is that we have an authentic bonus horoscope for you today — the April Inner Space horoscope — to offer another layer of insights into the astrology of this high-energy month.

In addition, for a truly in-depth, sign-by-sign set of audio readings to prepare yourself for the cardinal grand cross and grand water trine that are shaping this season’s rare astrology,you can pre-order Eric’s Special Report for spring 2014, called Intimacy, Trust & the Cardinal Grand Cross. If you pre-order at the discounted price of $39.95 for all 12 signs (the price will increase to $59.95 after it publishes) we’ll send you your login info as soon as it’s ready. Need more info? Listen to Eric’s special complimentary audio preview of the readings here.

Eric writes, “This astrology is like a dimensional opening that will take you from one space of life to another,” adding, “The charts are brimming with information about how we relate to one another, the ways in which we see ourselves in one another, and in particular, our concept of being a partner.”

Later this evening, on Planet Waves FM, Eric will have an interview with Dr. Roberta Hand Green de Geoffrey, also known as Mistress Jones, who brought in the famous Gargamel Symbols. He also has a special announcement about the United Astrology Conference (UAC).

The Daily Astrology column took Monday off, after an entire weekend of listening to Geoffrey Cornelius in Manhattan (Eric recorded the sessions, so watch for those recordings at a later date). Today’s Daily Astrology considers the widespread dissatisfaction with the Uranus-Pluto square. Where’s the real revolution? Can we skip ahead to the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 2221?

Last but not least, Len Wallick’s column will publish at noon today on the main blog. He details how the Sun’s movement through Aries this week previews the cardinal grand cross by offering greater consciousness of where you may be struggling with your generosity; unexpected epiphanies you might encounter now; and ways to embrace your greatest fears and potentials.

Unlike the recent very un-spring-like weather in the northeastern United States, that’s no joke.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


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This Week at Planet Waves + Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the Sun now in Aries, the overall emphasis of the sky shifts from imaginative visioning to tangible action. That said, there is still much going on in the subtler realm of Pisces this week to tune into. And if you didn’t get to take some time at the equinox last week to write out a few goals for the next three months, the Aries New Moon this Sunday presents another prime seeding moment for the season.

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Pussy willows at the 2012 Aries equinox, Portland, Maine; this spring, they’re still in hiding. Photo by Amanda Painter.

If you have an Aries Sun, rising sign or Moon (or love someone who does), you’ll be excited to know that Eric is recording your birthday reading today — just in time to make the most of this New Moon. You can pre-order the Aries birthday reading for a significant discount now, and we’ll email you the access info as soon as it’s ready. Once it publishes, the price will increase, so do that Aries thing and act now!

The Aries New Moon is also Genevieve Hathaway’s focus in her Moonshine Horoscopes, available today for all 12 Moon signs.

In today’s edition of Planet Waves FM, Eric will cover the Aries New Moon, which is conjunct the asteroid Ophelia. He will also do an astrology lesson on how to read a T-square in a chart.

News items in today’s edition include a look at the chart for the Washington State mudslide that happened Saturday and a brief comment on the ongoing cover-up around Flight 370.

The edition will be published to Planet Waves FM by about 6 pm EDT.

Tonight’s Daily Astrology column considers the conjunction of the asteroid Juno and Uranus in Aries. What might happen to the concept of marriage if everyone were to establish a sense of completeness within themselves first, and then enter into relationships with others?

Looking ahead to the weekend, Mercury’s conjunction with Chiron Saturday also involves the minor planet Borasisi. We’ve described the scenario in Monday’s Daily Astrology column as “shocking us with the truth — but in a ‘gentle’ way”; most likely it’s a truth you already knew, whether you’ve let yourself admit it before now or not.

Len Wallick looks today at the many aspects Mercury is making from Pisces right now. There is some long-term importance to what you express and how, thanks to the prominence of water in the current astrology. His column publishes on the main Planet Waves blog at noon.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


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This Week on Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’re in the last few days of the Sun in Pisces, which means we’re in the last days before the cosmic clock resets and we begin a new astrological year with Aries. Following whatever tension and (hopefully) resolution you may have experienced with Sunday’s Full Moon, the equinox on Thursday offers a sense of reinvigorated energy and initiative.

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Photo by Chelsea Bottinelli.

After 10 days of ongoing mystery surrounding Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, we could use a shift in the energy. Some real answers would be even better, especially for anyone with loved ones on board that plane. But the Sun’s ingress of Aries at least suggests greater impetus for all of us to channel whatever we’re feeling into tangible actions toward a clear goal.

Eric will be taking off Planet Waves FM today but plans to return Thursday with a Spring Equinox edition.

Also, Eric has several comp or reduced-price spaces for the Geoffrey Cornelius workshop in New York City on March 28-30 available. He will be extending these based on merit and sincerity of interest in the topic. Please write to Eric directly if you would like to take advantage of this. These are not work-study placements but he may need your assistance on small matters while in New York City.

Note as well that the Friday night portion of the workshop has been opened up as a stand-alone for a reduced rate, to accommodate those on a budget. If you’re interested in attending just the Friday night class, please write to Adam Elenbaas.

Mercury enters Pisces today for its second time this year, and Thursday finally leaves its post-retrograde echo phase. Its first major encounter in this new territory will be with Neptune, and we’ve covered this psychic, imaginative and fantasy-rich shift in today’s Daily Astrology column.

Monday’s Daily Astrology column recapped the tension and resolution of the Virgo Full Moon, which was the last major astrological event before the equinox. Layered on top of the psychic tension of the Flight 370 story, this Full Moon has manifested on both mental and emotional channels for many people.

Today at noon we’ll have Len Wallick’s column about the equinox (and beyond). The Sun’s ingress of Aries, combined with Mercury’s conjunction to Neptune, indicates that making measurable observations combined with achievable goals will likely result in the opportunity to take responsibility for your life and steer its direction.

Most immediately, we’re all pointed in the direction of the April 23 cardinal grand cross. Think of Planet Waves as being like your astrological GPS system as you set your coordinates, and we’ll make the most of this leg of the trip together here on planet Earth.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


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This Week on Planet Waves + Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Mercury’s square to Saturn today may be pushing you to make a decision, or maybe you’re trying to figure out how to think for yourself. But as we get deeper into the week a third option may emerge.

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Eric (right) with Daniel Sternstein and Mark Ferraro playing at Eric’s birthday party. Photo by Jeff Bisti.

We’ll still have you covered with blog posts and Eric’s Planet Waves FM broadcast this week as you figure out what this means for you. I want to remind you, however, that this Friday’s issue will be another ‘lighter’ issue as part of Eric’s birthday week, and as he works on some other projects (including another in-depth article for The Mountain Astrologer).

We also have Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine Horoscopes ready for you today. This set interprets the Virgo Full Moon for the 12 Moon signs.

On today’s Planet Waves FM, Eric’s guest will be Geoffrey Cornelius, author of The Moment of Astrology. They will talk about astrology as divination. Geoffrey will be offering a workshop in New York City at the end of the month (co-sponsored by Nightlight Astrology and Planet Waves).

Eric will also go over the charts of the missing 777 airliner that was lost over the Gulf of Thailand on Saturday morning, as well as the problems brewing in the underground nuclear storage facility in New Mexico.

In today’s Daily Astrology column, Eric and have I collaborated to flesh out the Mercury-Saturn square a little more. The Sun is making a couple of aspects that suggest we notice when we have the power to do the right thing. If you have a second chance to get something right, how do you use it?

Monday’s Daily Astrology column introduced the decision-making quality of the Mercury-Saturn square. This aspect also implies the process of encountering challenges to your ideas and opinions in ways that allow you to incorporate them into your own sense of inner authority — one that becomes broad enough to encompass your experience.

At noon Len Wallick’s column will post to the Planet Waves blog. Today he asks you to consider your most heartfelt intentions and decide what you would most like to manifest into reality, making the most of the Sun’s trine to Saturn. As with all of astrology, its potential can only be realized through you.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


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This Week on Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’re fully into the emotionally and intuitively open energy of the Sun’s trip through Pisces — and Eric has just released the 2014 Pisces birthday reading (as well as the 2014 Aquarius reading). If you or a loved one has Pisces or Aquarius Sun or rising, I invite you to access the insights Eric shares in these readings before the spring astrology really gets busy — and while you can still get them for the discounted rate.

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The Pisces reading is still available at the pre-order price of $19.95. Use this link to get access or call us at (206) 567-4455.

In this week’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM, Eric looks at the situation developing between Russia and Ukraine. We’ve been researching this copiously, and have a source near Kiev and someone who personally knew Viadimir Putin. While Eric explains the chart for this, he also answers several reader questions about the relationship of houses and signs and how that works in a chart.

In the latest edition of Dan and Eric’s Music Appreciation Hour, they groove on The Grateful Dead. The program is structured around the four major eras in the band’s history, defined by the long-term keyboard players — Pigpen, Keith, Brent and Vince — and includes some tracks from off the beaten path.

Today’s Daily Astrology column considers this year’s conjunction of the Sun and centaur object Chiron in Pisces, which is also square the Great Attractor (a deep-space point in Sagittarius). You might be noting some energy or awareness gathering around any doubts you carry about your creativity, or a sense of polarization around the prospect of ‘stepping out’ in some way.

Saturn stationing retrograde in Scorpio and Jupiter stationing direct in Cancer were the subject of Monday’s Daily Astrology column. Like the expansion and compression of your heart keeping your lifeblood flowing, we need both the expansion of Jupiter and the stabilization of Saturn to keep life dynamic and get anything done.

At noon on the Planet Waves blog we’ll have Len Wallick’s column on Venus ingressing Aquarius, and its message to be true to yourself.
And if you had hoped to read Sarah Taylor’s tarot column Sunday, we’ll be posting that later this afternoon (it will return to its regular schedule this weekend).

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. For those who are concerned about the situation at the New Mexico underground nuclear waste dump, we are tracking that story as best we can from a diversity of sources. You can read an updated version of our newest article here. As we develop the piece, we will focus more on the astrology, which describes how serious the situation is.


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This Week on Planet Waves +Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

If your week has gotten off to a slightly glitchy or confusing start, you’re not alone. At the end of this week, both Mercury and Mars change their apparent direction; right now, it’s as if the sky’s gears are clanging together as we move toward the time to shift.

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The Coxing on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, NY. Photo by Eric.

But take heart — the Pisces New Moon is in the mix. Have some contingency plans and view any surprises as opportunities, and you could find yourself someplace really interesting.

Eric covers the station direct of Mercury and Mars stationing retrograde, plus the Pisces New Moon in this week’s Planet Waves FM. All of these things happen within about 24 hours, so it’s an unusual sequence of events — get ready for some changes, a reshuffling of your priorities and making some unusual progress. He also talks about Jupiter square Uranus, which is one piece of the 2014 grand cross that will be exact on April 24 — what is likely to come with American Spring. (Speaking of revolution, we’ve posted a piece about the situation in Ukraine and its astrology.)

Sunday, Eric and his co-host Dan Sternstein paid tribute to the music of Mozart in the best edition of Music Appreciation Hour yet. You can hear Mozart’s first piece, composed at age five, performed by a cat. And you’ll hear samples of the great composer’s work throughout his career.

Amidst all the potentially confusing or disruptive astrology this week, the Moon is also waning toward its new phase on Saturday. Genevieve Hathaway has interpreted the Pisces New Moon for all 12 signs in this week’s Moonshine Horoscopes.

Monday’s Daily Astrology column considered the ways in which the potentially disruptive energy from Mercury and Mars can actually open unexpected doors. You can use the square between Jupiter and Uranus to step through those doors into something new and alive.

Part of what prevents many people from liberating themselves into their own lives is guilt — whether stemming from parental expectations and limitations, religion or other social institutions. Today Venus (still in Capricorn) makes a trio of aspects asking for our attention in this realm. We’ve covered it in the Daily Astrology column.

Len Wallick looks at the four major-planet changes of direction in the works and suggests that as the cosmic deck gets shuffled, you keep one eye on the bigger picture. You can read his post at noon on the Planet Waves blog.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

PS — In case you missed it Friday, here is a link to a workshop being cosponsored by Planet Waves, featuring Geoffrey Cornelius, author of The Moment of Astrology.


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This Week on Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

You may notice that the sky begins feeling a little softer today, and hopefully that comes as a relief to you as the Sun enters empathic, creative, populist Pisces this afternoon. You’ll still want to keep your awareness sharp, however, since we have about a week and a half left of Mercury’s retrograde. Eric will have more to say about Pisces in Friday’s edition, which will include your extended monthly forecasts.

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Kulusuk, Greenland; photo by Chelsea Bottinelli.

Today’s big news is that Eric will be releasing the Capricorn birthday reading later this afternoon — and the Aquarius birthday reading will be coming soon. Note that you can still pre-order both of these readings for the discounted price; once they publish, the price will increase.

Eric has worked hard to create birthday readings that go beyond what you encountered in The Mars Effect if you have a Capricorn or Aquarius Sun or rising sign. Astrology is multi-layered and multi-faceted; these birthday readings are completely different from the annual, giving Eric — and you — an opportunity to go deep.

In this week’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM, Eric talks about Pisces, and responds to the reader question, “What is a Pluto transit?” which also means answering the question, “What is a transit?” This will be a fun, practical edition — which will be posted in the late afternoon, after the Capricorn birthday reading is published.

Eric and his music mentor Dan Sternstein have also posted another edition of their Music Appreciation Hour. This week’s topic is the blues, which they take back to one of its pioneers, Robert Johnson, and then invite Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page into the conversation.

Today’s Daily Astrology column takes a look at retrograde Mercury’s square to Saturn in Scorpio (exact Wednesday; in effect now). This aspect can feel a little ‘parental’, but it offers an opportunity to ‘get serious’ on some issues that matter and step into your own authority.

The Sun’s movement from the last degree of Aquarius to the first degree of Pisces was the focus of Monday’s Daily Astrology column. While the empathy of Neptune (and Pisces) can encounter challenges in our society, we’re lucky to be experiencing Chiron in Pisces at the same time, focusing our attention on the path back to our faith in ourselves.

In fact, transiting Chiron played a key role in actress Ellen Page’s decision to come out of the closet this weekend. We’ve taken a look at Ellen’s astrology on the Planet Waves blog.

Len Wallick covers the Sun’s move into solar Pisces today, noting that if we’re willing to stretch a little, some good breaks may come our way. His column posts to the Planet Waves blog at noon.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

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Today is The Day We Fight Back

Dear Friend and Reader:

You are reading your Planet Waves subscription on the Internet — the only place we can deliver our original content, commercial free, directly to you. But as you’ve no doubt heard, the Internet is subject to an ongoing invasion by those who would read your mail and index your phone calls, and who would prefer if all content was pre-certified by Comcast and Monsanto.

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Today there is a worldwide day of action designed to resist this, focused on online privacy. It’s called The Day We Fight Back. It’s part protest and partly a way of commemorating the contribution of Aaron Swartz, a programmer and Internet activist who was falsely charged with federal crimes and, as a result, took his own life early last year.

In today’s edition of Planet Waves FM (now ready) Eric looks at the astrology of this event, and at the natal chart of Aaron Swartz. He also covers the Leo Full Moon that takes place Friday.

We’ve also introduced another program on Planet Waves FM, called Dan and Eric’s Music Appreciation Hour. Don’t be deceived by the understated program title; it’s a lively program wherein Eric and Dan listen to music, consider what it says and how it’s made, and take interesting digressions into the many topics that music can spawn. The program goes up Sunday evenings. This is their third edition.

Genevieve Hathaway has interpreted the Leo Full Moon for all 12 Moon signs in this week’s Moonshine Horoscopes.

Today’s Daily Astrology column takes a closer look at Sun square Saturn, exact today and still functional in the Full Moon chart. You can get a lot of deep work done in a safe container and you have that option today, though you might find yourself having to navigate emotional sensitivity to do so.

Eric got the week started in Monday’s Daily Astrology post, settling us down from the recent Mercury storm as we gear up for the Full Moon. Every cause has an effect — something worth remembering as you make your decisions this week.

In Len Wallick’s column today, he considers retrograde Mercury’s imminent return to Aquarius tomorrow into Thursday, and the opportunity we have to transcend our limits. That will post to the Planet Waves blog at noon.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you have not yet purchased access to the Mars Effect readings, individual signs are $29.95 (with discounts for multiple signs). One excited customer recently told us, “I stayed up LATE last night to listen to my reading. Very spot on, juicy and compelling!!” You also have another chance to purchase the 2014 All-Access Pass, which grants you access to all signs of The Mars Effect, plus all birthday readings for a year and much, much more.


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