Tag Archives: Weekly Update

Planet Waves FM: Pleasure, Play and Healing

Dear Friend and Reader:

My monthly sign interpretations for August will be distributed Friday. I wrote the horoscopes last week, working slowly and carefully over four work sessions. My monthly horoscope is an unusually in-depth analysis of your astrology and that of the people close to you. I recommend reading your Sun and rising signs (at the least). You can find your ascendant by visiting Astro.com — though you do need your birth time for that. It’s also helpful to know your Moon sign, particularly given that we have a Moon sign horoscope that publishes monthly.

Planet Waves
The Sri Yantra, which represents the co-mingling of the masculine and feminine divine. This one is from Nepal, c. 1700. Gouache on cloth 20 x 24 in.

Covering the current astrology we have two pieces from Daily Astrology & Adventure — one on the Sun’s ingress into Leo, and another on the Sun’s aspect to asteroid Kassandra.

In today’s short edition I’m here to preview tonight’s Planet Waves FM (the first of a series of programs). For many years I’ve both wondered about the concept of ‘tantric sex’ and also been on the prowl for anyone who really understands the concept in a way they can relate it to others, shorn of jargon and pretense.

So I asked my friend and neighbor Sheri Winston, herself a sex educator and author, if she knew anyone and she recommended Patricia Johnson and Mark Michaels. I wanted not an academic description but rather a discussion with people who were both informed and living their path — and I hit the jackpot.

Tonight, however, I start a special four-part series on sexuality with an interview with Sheri, who introduces the topic of pleasure, play and healing. This is a friendly, informative one-hour conversation that includes how to focus your quest for connection, pleasure and creativity. Look for that tonight on Daily Astrology & Adventure. In the intro I cover the current astrology and make contact with a few recent news events.

Next week, we’ll move on to the somewhat more complex subject of tantra. That word represents a whole cosmology, not just a set of Eastern erotic techniques (that’s called the Kama Sutra). In a 90-minute interview that I will divide between two programs, Patricia and Mark describe in an accessible way the ideas and life-path associated with this difficult-to-describe term. Speaking with them this past Friday afternoon, I felt like I was handed a missing key to my understanding of the world.

One other thing, from the recent past — in case you missed our announcements, I went down to New Orleans in May and covered the United Astrology Conference (UAC), a once-every-four-years conference. While I was there, I did many interviews with some of the brightest astrologers I know, as well as healers and other thinkers. That’s been posted to a permanent archive on Planet Waves, which I think you’ll appreciate.

Thanks to your subscriptions and product purchases, Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption. Use your imagination and consider what it would be like to be pelted by advertisements for 20 minutes out of every hour, then relax and appreciate the uninterrupted calm. Here is an archive of recent programs.

I will see you Friday morning with the monthly horoscope, a look ahead at the astrology of August and a short reading of the chart for the 2012 Olympic games, which begin Friday night.


Moon in a Grand Cross: An Edgy Tuesday

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’m here with a short note about today’s astrology. At the moment the Moon is in Cancer (sensitive, receptive, moody), making many aspects to planets you may be familiar with: the Uranus-Pluto square, which currently includes Mars in Libra. Mars, Uranus and Pluto are now in a very close alignment — and today the Moon is aspecting all of these planets at once.

Planet Waves

This is emotionally edgy astrology. I would not be surprised if even the most level-headed person was feeling out of sorts, reactive, pissed off or sad today.

You can also harness this energy and focus it, though that will require some mental override, just as we’re at the beginning of a Mercury retrograde. It is an option, though it will take clarity and honoring the values that matter to you the most (signified by Mercury in Leo). Borrowing some common sense from A Course in Miracles, remember that what matters matters, and what doesn’t matter does not.

The aspects are peaking now and the sensation associated with them doesn’t start to cool down a bit until later today, though where the emotions are involved, the settling down period can be longer. Here are a couple of other elements in the sequence as it unfolds over the next day or so.

Soon after the Moon passes through the cardinal grand cross, it trines Chiron in Pisces (water sign to water sign). This provides an opening for healing. That might come in the form of figuring out what was really bothering you, making amends, opening up emotionally where you were previously responding by shutting down, or finding yourself in smoother waters. Do your best to pass that forward.

Chiron in Pisces is involved; music will help.

Also remember that the Moon is at the end of its monthly cycle — the New Moon is late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning in most of our readership areas (Thursday at 12:24 am EDT). This suggests that a cycle of experience is coming to a close. Work out your emotions, wrap up your business and get ready to invoke a new vision.

While you’re at it, make sure you get enough food, air, water and human contact. Spend some time at home; we’re talking about the Cancer New Moon here.

See you with a regular edition on Friday morning.

With love,

PS — don’t miss part 2 of my interview with Elisa Novick tonight on Planet Waves FM, available on Daily Astrology & Adventure.

Pholus the Centaur: Small Cause, Big Effect

Dear Friend and Reader:

In prior editions of this column I have mentioned Chiron, a planet orbiting our Sun that was discovered in 1977. Chiron, named for one of the wise (as opposed to rogue) centaurs of Greek mythology, addresses matters of holistic healing and is therefore directly related to homeopathy and all forms of alternative medicine. Around the time of Chiron’s discovery, many people were hearing of these modalities for the first time, and the trend has continued to the present day.

Chiron Files

In 1992 a second small planet was discovered orbiting our Sun and assigned to the centaur class — called Pholus. Named for another of the wise centaurs, Pholus has different properties from Chiron. Its action is quicker. There is often a connection to curiosity as an emotional state related to this planet, which can seem to drive events forward in an unexpected way. And of all the centaurs, Pholus is the one with the most distinct multigenerational effect. Wherever you see it working, get out the family tree to figure out what’s really going on.

Pholus can address issues of intoxicants or toxins, ranging from the ones intentionally hidden in food (high fructose corn syrup) to the ones that sneak in through various side doors (synthetic hormones such as dioxin or mercury, or Prozac showing up in the municipal drinking water).

One of the astrologers to do early work on this point, my friend Robert von Heeren, came up with one of the most brilliant astrological key phrases I’ve ever worked with. He said that Pholus is the small cause with a big effect. For example, Pholus can represent seemingly minor turns of events that set off bigger developments. It represents the catalytic agent (something used in a trace amount, but indispensable to the reaction). Pholus is often involved when circumstances run out of control, like when pressurized reactions breach the containment structure. It’s also making an appearance as a healing agent in the News Corp scandal.

In the medical art of homeopathy, it seems to be the perfect metaphor. One of the criticisms that people have of homeopathy is that “there isn’t any of the actual stuff in the remedy.” Were you to analyze a potency of arnica, you would not be able to find the arnica. What you get in those little white pellets is the energy picture of arnica. Yes, doctors around the world are rolling their eyes in their heads. But speaking of heads, if they bumped theirs on something, we all know that arnica would help ease the pain and speed the healing process.

Planet Waves
Samuel Hahnemann in 1841.

I think of homeopathy as being related to Pholus because it’s the perfect demonstration of the small cause with a big effect. True, that depends on the talent of the practitioner, but one nice thing about homeopathy is that generally the wrong remedy won’t hurt you because it’s not toxic. Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 18th century set out to invent a way to preserve the medicinal qualities of substances but without the negative effects. He was a German doctor who lived from 1775 to 1843.

Then as now, conventional medicine was toxic, and Hahnemann understood this. He considered it so harmful that he quit practicing medicine and supported his family of 11 children as a translator. At the time, he wrote:

My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treat the unknown pathological state of my suffering brethren with these unknown medicines. The thought of becoming in this way a murderer or malefactor towards the life of my fellow human beings was most terrible to me, so terrible and disturbing that I wholly gave up my practice in the first years of my married life and occupied myself solely with chemistry and writing.

Check that out — then as now, doctors were prescribing medicines with toxic effects that they had not studied, which were hurting the patients.

When he was working as a translator Hahnemann became curious about cases of poisoning. He wanted to know the specific symptoms of each case of toxicity he could find. His theory was that the substances that could cause the symptoms could also help resolve them. This was the root of homeopathy — the idea that like cures like. But for that to work safely, he had to invent potentization, which means liberating a substance from its toxic properties through the process of successive dilutions.

The result of this invention was a very small cause with a potentially fantastic effect: healing. When homeopathy works, it doesn’t just resolve the physical issue; the material can be resolved on the emotional and mental levels as well, something that ‘traditional’ medicine can barely conceive of. Yet if a medical theory doesn’t acknowledge the connections, how can it address them?

It turns out that Samuel Hahnemann has Chiron conjunct Pholus in his natal chart. This is a conjunction so rare that it only happens once every 110 years. This is in the sign Capricorn — one of the most dense and grounded signs there is (energetically speaking). It’s about the structure and nature of matter. It’s as if Hahnemann was tapping into the nature of matter itself in inventing his new branch of medicine. Capricorn is also about tradition. With Chiron and Pholus in this sign, you can be sure that he felt a calling to both honor tradition (like cures like is a very old concept) but that also he was in a position to directly alter the tradition of medicine.

This he did, and for that we who value homeopathic remedies are eternally grateful.

Yours lovingly,

Eric Francis

PS — Here is a link to an old article of mine — Astrology as Homeopathy. Think of homeopathy as astrology projected onto the physical world, rather than the celestial spheres. They are similar systems working in parallel, and studying one can open your mind to how the other one works.

Gemini New Moon — and the Solstice Cluster

Note to Readers: The July monthly horoscope will be distributed Friday morning, after the Sun has ingressed the sign Cancer. If you would like to review your June horoscope, here is the link. — efc

Dear Friend and Reader:

In yesterday’s edition of Daily Astrology, I explained the background on the past 11 years of stressful astrology — a long series of aspects involving Saturn, which have felt like one test after the next, without our ever finding out our grade. If you want to know a bit about what you’ve been through since 2001, that post may give you a clue.

Planet Waves
The fixed star Betelgeuse, associated with fame, success and ‘rare engines of war’. I guess that could mean success in war — for the winner.

Today is the second Gemini New Moon within 30 days. The first happened with the Sun in the first degree of Gemini — that was an annular (not annual) solar eclipse. It’s unusual to have two New Moon events in the same sign the same year, though it’s possible when the first one happens on the first or second day the Sun is in the sign.

Today we have a New Moon at the very end of Gemini, in something I’ve come to describe as the Atlantis degree — 28+ Gemini, properly known as the 29th degree of Gemini. As I mentioned, this degree is like the eye of a needle through which you can thread the charts for the Sept. 11 incident, the Boxing Day earthquake of 2004, WikiLeaks, the Fukushima nuclear meltdown and a number of other world horoscopes. I’ve been watching the horoscopes of news and historic events for a while and I would rate this in the top three strangest things I’ve ever seen. I’ve long pondered what it’s about — and I’ve done some digging. I cover the territory in this subscriber series article from 2011 — though here are some additional thoughts.

This time of year when we face toward the Sun in the direction of Gemini, we have our back to the Galactic Center (which is located directly across the sky in late Sagittarius). I believe the Galactic Center, the core of our little (300 billion star) spiral island in space, serves as a homing signal; it pulls us into the galaxy, toward our spiritual home. When we face away from the core, we’re looking out into the vast — and understandably frightening — expanse of intergalactic space. That can have a lonely feel. Some evening this time of year, get a feeling for how comforting the night sky is when we face away from the Sun and into the center of the milky cosmic clouds of our galaxy. That is the direction of home.

When we face late Gemini, we’re also facing in the precise direction of the fixed star Betelgeuse (a star within our own galaxy, located about 1,800 light years from our Sun). Bernadette Brady describes Betelgeuse as having an influence that can bring “unbridled success without complications.”

The question is, success for what, or for whom? That works both ways — successful happy ventures, and successful disasters. Brady, one of the fixed star masters of our day, also describes Betelgeuse as “everlasting fame.” William Lilly, the 17th century maestro, says the star represents “rare engines of war” — not a bad description of the Sept. 11 incident.

Planet Waves
The location of Betelgeuse, a reddish star near the famous Belt of Orion. Photo: Wikipedia.

So, with these options, I am going to put my chips on unbridled success without complications — though I am concerned about how this New Moon activates so many charts that have wrought so much trouble for so many. I think we can use it as a release point; as a thing we can go beyond.

Speaking of going beyond, today is the day that Mars leaves the degrees where it was retrograde much of the winter — it reaches the end of its second ‘shadow phase’ today at 4:18 pm EDT.

The New Moon is followed Wednesday by the Cancer ingress of the Sun, or the northern summer solstice (southern winter solstice). This is by definition an Aries Point event, as the Sun is square one of the tropics and thus in aspect to the spot where the zodiac begins. This zone of the zodiac (involving early Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) is like an intersection of private life and public life, something true not just in theory but also apparent in the study of many charts.

Then on Sunday, June 24, we have the first of the long-anticipated Uranus-Pluto squares. This is what I’ve been calling the 2012 aspect. There will be seven of these between Sunday and early 2015, so this is really the beginning of an astrological era that’s been warming up for at least two years; that’s how Uranus-Pluto aspects work. They take so long to develop (this one has its roots in a conjunction of the same two planets in 1965-66) that they are once-in-a-lifetime events. And they always arrive with turns of history, usually in liberationist style.

On Monday, June 25, Jupiter and Neptune form their one and only square for this cycle; Jupiter is in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces. This is a slippery aspect, suggesting that one not be too idealistic — realism is the key. Investigate something until you know the truth of the matter. Misunderstandings can happen with the best intentions, so maintain a posture of gentle, persistent, non-accusatory inquiry till you figure out what’s really going on.

Next, Venus stations direct in early Gemini, after a six-week retrograde. That happens Wednesday, June 27. So will end the third inner planet retrograde of the year. As this happens, the Sun in Cancer moves into an exact square to Uranus in Aries and an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, which will activate the still-exact Uranus-Pluto square. Notably, this is within hours of the first quarter Moon, which is to say that the Moon and the Sun pass through the Uranus-Pluto square within about 48 hours of one another, just as Venus stations direct.

This all leads up to the Capricorn Full Moon on July 3, which happens the same day that Mars ingresses Libra and jumps onto the cardinal cross, into the mix of Uranus and Pluto.

Now, if you think all of this is a lot, you’re right — it is. These events are closely concentrated, and happening one after the next. But we’ve already been through a lot; and there is some good news amidst the concentrated sequence of events. Venus and Mars are making moves associated with direct motion, which will release energy and help unravel complications. We can also be grateful that the eclipses are behind us.

Uranus square Pluto has been building up for decades like a thunderstorm that many of us wish would just finally happen — it’s been a long time coming, and this aspect is going to torture some people with dark agendas (or who are parked on a low density level) while it spurs on those who are seeking liberation. There may be some tension (as described by the aspect I talked about yesterday — Saturn opposite Eris, and the Jupiter-Neptune square), but at least we will get to play a good game. If you have to kick some ass, or tell it like it is, be a good sport.

All in all, I think the moral of the story is KNOW YOUR FACTS. Capital letters in italics. This is cautionary information from Jupiter square Neptune. Take things one step at a time. Allow things to develop, and guide your life gently. Remember — this is all part of one process. There’s one story arc involved, and that would be the path of your life. Remember too that what happens over the next few weeks is an extension of the events that commenced with the solar eclipse on the first day of Gemini.

Recalling a line from the Patric Walker horoscope, the stars in their courses may guide us, but it is we who must row the boat.

With love,

Eric Francis

Invoking the Goddess of Curiosity

Dear Friend and Reader:

My old therapist Joe once said if he were to hang a sign over his counseling room door, it would say, “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.” If I were to hang one it would say, “Curiosity will set you free.” One of the most certain ways to grow — indeed, the essential ingredient — is to be curious about yourself.

Planet Waves
One of many ‘dick sticks’ made by sculptor Dan Zeigler of Flint, MI. This one is being used as a paperweight to hold open Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and the Tibetan, Djwal Khul.

Gemini is nothing if not curious. It’s a whole sign dedicated to the interplay of polar forces, of opposites, of little kids who are motivated by nothing but their quest for experience. Cue: Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, page 391 of the paperback edition. “In Gemini, Venus reveals the desire for the pairs of opposites for each other for this is the underlying theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process — the interplay of opposites.”

Today at 10:33 am EDT, Venus stations retrograde in Gemini. For the next 43 days, Venus will take us on an introspective journey into many of the opposites and inner polarities that we contain, many of them emotional and psychological. Venus is one of the guardians of the sexual realm, and in Gemini, the dance of opposites will have an extended opportunity to explore within those polarities, which are being livened up by the attractive quality of Venus.

For this experience, remember to take your curiosity and use it like one of those awesome overpowered Maglites as you investigate who you are and what you’re made of. Curiosity needs to be balanced by compassion, and Venus will help provide that element. What you get with Venus in an air sign (associated with yang energy) is a quality of assertiveness that’s not usually present when Venus is in a water or earth sign. Curiosity is one form that assertiveness might take. Another could be the desire to communicate about things you don’t usually talk about.

Many times I’ve observed that Venus is the planet that grants intelligence. Mercury can bestow wit, it moves information, it has ideas — but true intelligence, emotionally grounded and supported by authentic values, I believe is often described by Venus. In Gemini, Venus will be in a Mercury-ruled sign, doing something that Mercury does a lot of — being retrograde. So we will have all the tools we need to conduct an adventurous inner investigation, which will be safe as long as you remember curiosity and compassion.

You may not have words for the things you discover. Twins have an interesting property — when left alone and unattended by adults, they will develop speech unique to them. This is called an ideoglossia or sometimes cryptophasia. Think of this as a language that manifests between two people that cannot be understood by anyone else. Occasionally, ideoglossia manifests within a single individual — a language between you and yourself.

You don’t need a lot of people to understand you; you understanding you is a good start and even one other person will make a difference. The contact will likely be synchronous or seemingly coincidental. As you move through your inner spaces, notice who seems to understand you intuitively. Let your curiosity guide you!

Planet Waves
Venus stations retrograde on May 15, 2012. Chart is set for Kingston. Notice the grand air trine — Venus in Gemini (blue, left side with a 24 next to it), Saturn in Libra (yellow, bottom of chart, with at 24 next to it) and Nessus in Aquarius (very light blue, right side of chart with a 26 next to it). Eris (red, very top of chart, with at 22 next to it) turns this into a kite pattern — it’s the exit point from the cycle indicated by the grand trine. If you get stuck in your head, the bold escape from that is to take action, but you might not be able to predict the results.

Here are couple of facts from the chart for Venus stationing retrograde.

♥ Venus is opposite the Galactic Core (three degrees away) when it stations retrograde. It’s been close to this degree for a few days. I think of this point as being directly in line with the messages emanating from the heart of our galaxy; imagine this as a homing signal that is viscerally spiritual.

♥ The Moon is in Pisces, square Venus. Moon square Venus can have an emotionally needy feeling, and the Pisces Moon is the astrological definition of emotive. If you handle your sense of need with compassion and curiosity, it can be a dependable way to translate your feelings into the realm of desire. Desire feels more voluntary and gentler than need.

♥ Venus is stationing retrograde exactly trine Saturn in Libra. Venus is the ruler of Libra and Saturn is exalted in Libra. This trine suggests that there will be actual flow of emotions, though on the level of air signs — easier to move through and to describe in language. I suggest being careful about over-talking. If you’re going to overdo anything with language, make it writing, so that this way you have something to show for it.

♥ Venus is trine Nessus, the bad boy of the centaurs who is most often associated with shadowy sexual material. Nessus and Saturn are also in a trine, so this is a grand air trine. That has the hint of caution about going in circles (one way that grand trines can manifest — a feeling of being caught in a loop). To find your way out, indulge in the divine chaos or focus on a specific subject or theme.

♥ Mars is about to oppose Chiron. That aspect is exact on Thursday, but it’s going at full strength right now. This is the spirit of the healing-spiritual ‘warrior’ (if there can be such a thing). Think of it as a brave heart and the ability to focus your intentions on the greatest good for all concerned.

One last thing I would note is that because Venus is in a Mercury-ruled sign, we may have something of a Mercury retrograde kind of effect for the next few weeks. Be mindful if communication seems to get slippery — pause for a review, or switch modes (for example, change from email to telephone to get a better grip). I suggest backing off on the outbound cash flow if you can; avoid making investments in anything other than something you actually need. (I am watching with one eye to see how the Facebook IPO turns out, but that’s another topic entirely.)

For today: all hail the goddess of curiosity.


Eric Francis

I cover Venus retrograde in Spring Checkpoint 2012.

2008: A Moment to Remember


Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

In today’s edition, let’s take a look back at the past four seasons, which seem to have whipped by like time-lapse photography. This was a year that Pluto changed signs: we will not forget it. We will remember for any number of reasons, personal and cultural. It was the year of the banking collapse, and of Barack Obama getting elected; it was the last year of the Bush administration. Yet when you take an interior view of life, you get a different perspective: the relationships that changed, or which began or ended; how our kids were doing, and those close by; what we’ve been learning and how we’ve been growing.


Planet Waves

Pluto changing signs represents a turning point for all of us: looked at one way, a contraction; looked at another way, the grounding of a vision that we have for ourselves. By grounding, I mean the process of making real; of taking idealistic visions and turning them into organized realities. I don’t suggest you let the supposed bad economic news get under your skin. And if you find yourself in a position where you need to “survive” (which is condition normal on the planet, though some days are definitely better than others), figure out how to do it in a more meaningful way.


Planet Waves

Between now and 2012, three outer planets change signs (Neptune, Uranus and Chiron, close on the heels of Pluto). Saturn and Uranus make four more oppositions to one another, the next being Feb 5. at 5:55 am EST. In the midst of this, Saturn moves into Libra, squaring Pluto (next autumn). Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune make a very compelling conjunction in Aquarius, a process that works out over two years (with a big peak in May). Many of these developments have an influence on the Aries Point, meaning the news will be big, and it will be personal. But as interesting and strange as this will be, the real excitement does not start till June 2012, when Uranus squares Pluto and the revolution begins. I’m up to my cerebral cortex in all of this astrology as I prepare your extended length horoscope in Next World Stories.


Planet Waves

Astrology’s job is to look forward. For a moment, let’s look back. Rachel picked out her favorite pieces from 2008, which are below. Without making more work for Anatoly (who does our web design) here are a few of my personal favorites from 2008. One thing I did was devote a lot of energy to Eris, the planet that was classified and named in 2006. One article is below; here is another: Calling Home the Castaway Woman. This covers several of the more controversial feminine archetypes that are swept to the side of our society, including Lilith.


Planet Waves

Speaking of ladies on the edge, I did yet another astrological tribute to my sex mentor, the High Priestess, Dr. Betty Dodson. It’s a really cool demonstration of how to take apart an astrology chart as well. There is a lot of good stuff here about the asteroids and Chiron.


On the subject of Chiron and Centaur astrology, here’s a piece called Crossing the Borders and Boundaries of Time. And apropos of astrology as process work, here is one called In Canada, They Call it Therapy. Following up this theme, I paid a visit back to the channeled classic The Starseed Transmissions, with a piece called A Psychological Process.


Planet Waves

Last but definitely not least among my favorites for 2008, there was the Emotoscope — my  parody on a Sun-sign horoscope, based on emoticons. The rest, as you will read below, is history.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

PS, if you’re not a subscriber and you think this is a really cool way to cover astrology, you may sign up for Planet Waves Astrology News by visiting this link. We don’t depend on advertising — we depend on you, using another kind of business model than you’re used to. If you are a subscriber, thank you. Please feel free to send this edition to whomever you like. You can send this link.


Taurus: What is the Question?

Planet Waves
Planet Waves reader Deb Silverman of San Francisco dreamed for years of being an acupuncturist, and with much work achieved her goal.

I went through a phase early in my astrology career when I got into conversations with young tarot card readers. Maybe there were just two or three such conversations, but they seem to stand out as a distinct phase of gaining an understanding of life. Anyway, one of them would say to me, “I don’t feel right about charging for my work. It’s not right to charge people to help them.”

One day I parsed the logic and replied: “Well, do you think it’s better to charge to hurt them?”

This pretty much obviated the issue. In truth, however, it usually works out that it’s easier, more efficient and more profitable to hurt people rather than to help them. A quick scan of the history of industrialization — including PCBs, asbestos, cigarettes and the Ford Pinto — establish this pretty quickly.


Eris Notebook: Dancing with Discord

Planet Waves
Eris. Illustration: www.ravendusk.com.

How do you decipher the effect of a newly discovered planet? One way is you look at when a planet in question made a conjunction to another planet, and study the events of that era. This has an odd way of making things transparent.

I like to use Chiron for this kind of experiment because it tends to bring things into awareness. Chiron is not exactly neutral or inert, but it can faithfully raise awareness of whatever it is making contact with; it can reveal the essential strength or crisis of the other planet in question. This is one reason why I recommend that astrologers check several past Chiron transits before they attempt to read an astrological chart.

Between 1971 and 1972, Chiron in Aries made a series of conjunctions to Eris, so we have a phase of time we can use to test the theory of Eris’s effects. The conjunctions were exact May 30, 1971, Sept. 8, 1971 and March 19, 1972.

Many things occurred during that era, but for sure it was the watershed of modern feminism. Feminism is not just about women’s rights. It is about deconstructing the known order of the world, which tends to largely be based on gender roles. When you suspend or even question gender roles, you basically get a form of chaos. It’s impossible to see the extent to which people cling to those roles until you take them away for a moment or two.


The Country of Our Dreams

Planet Waves
American flag in a field of milo, Kansas, autumn 1998. Photo by Eric Francis.

In honor of an issue on July 4, I thought I would take a look at the chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Independence Day is considered by most people to be the birthday of our country — the moment when the 13 colonies joined together against the King of England and declared themselves free and independent states.

Have you ever read the thing? It’s short, it’s very sweet and it sets an example for the world. The Declaration is the document from our history that sets the goal of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for our nation. It states in part, “When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.”

Gee whiz. We need this thing today. Has it expired? It continues, “Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.”


Bucky Fuller: This Is The Future

Planet Waves
Buckminster Fuller developed and refined the geodesic dome during the summers of 1948 and 1949, when he worked at Black Mountain College in North Carolina. Image from BMC.

Earlier this week I was writing Daily Astrology & Adventure, describing the helpless feeling that I think most of us have when we’re considering how serious the world situation is. Some names came to mind of people who were not scared or paralyzed, but rather who viewed the future as an opportunity to do things better.

One man who saw what was coming and was unfazed by the looming crisis of too-rapid growth, dwindling resources and overcrowding was Buckminster Fuller. I linked to his Wiki page, and for the next couple of days, I mentioned his name around my neighborhood. I could only find one or two people who had even heard of him — and neither knew who he was or what he contributed.

Imagine if a scientist from late in the 21st century dropped in on our lives today, and could see our current ecological and economic problems clearly, with the wisdom and sense of perspective of the future. Imagine that he knew the solutions as if they had already been worked out, and had withstood the test of time. That was Bucky Fuller.


The Ultimate Opportunity to Get Unstuck

Planet Waves
Illustration by Danielle Voirin.

Lately I have been hearing a lot of the word stuck. This feels positively strange to say, but there seems to be a trend of admitting you’re not going anywhere in life, or like you feel like you’re not going anywhere. Every other email I get from a reader is about how stuck they feel. I guess all these years of voting Republican and having lattes for lunch are finally starting to catch up with us.

This is not the ever-popular “Bugger off, I’m proud to be stuck” energy; it is not the eminently distinguished “Who, me? Stuck?” posture, either. This is, “Wow, I’m like really stuck. I want to be an artist, but the only thing I’ve used a pencil for in the past six years is to scratch inside my ear. I’ve had these paints in my closet since 1998, and the lids are stuck. Even the gas cap on my Ford Explorer is stuck. I hate my job and my bed feels like fly paper.”

Eclipses, which are coming soon, tend to move stuck energy, stuck people and stuck things. That is to say, they move it (that is, us) whether we like it or not, and it’s actually possible to have a lot of fun during this time of acceleration and adventure.


The Atlantis Factor

Planet Waves
Professor Peter Higgs. Photograph © Peter Tuffy, The University of Edinburgh.

The other night exploring the astrology of the Large Hadron Collider — a particle smasher that scientists will use to study the formation of the universe — I joked that the lead scientist, Prof. Peter Higgs, namesake of the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle, was a holdover from Atlantis. It went well with the story of a multibillion dollar machine supposedly designed to have some kind of spiritual outcome and a chart that looked a little like a runaway train.

I am careful what I joke about; there’s this odd spell that follows me around, under which my jokes come true. Then looking at his face for a while, as he peered out from beneath his dashing green hardhat, I started to recognize him. You know that odd feeling of having met someone before, but it wasn’t any time in the past few thousand years?


The Chart that Sold the World

Planet Waves
President Bush addresses the nation, calling for widespread panic. Details in The Onion.

I just want to make sure we’ve all tuned into the underlying reality of what people like Bush are saying when they glibly inform us that “this sucker could go down,” meaning the economy. Which he actually said a couple of weeks ago, in a cabinet meeting. He means you may not be able to buy groceries or pay rent despite working 40 or 60 or however many hours a week.

Here is what he didn’t say but clearly meant, as quoted in The Onion’s recent article, Bush Calls for Panic: “My fellow Americans, the time for running aimlessly through the streets while shrieking and waving our arms above our heads is now. I understand that many of you are worried about your economic future and our situation overseas, and you have every right to be. Yet there is only one thing we as a nation can do in times like these: give up all hope and devolve into a lawless, post-apocalyptic, every-man-for-himself society.”


Barack Obama and the Sword of Damocles

Planet Waves
In Richard Westall’s Sword of Damocles, 1812, the boys of Cicero’s anecdote have been changed to maidens for a neoclassical patron, Thomas Hope. Still, the infamous sword hangs over him as the king watches. Image from Wikimedia Commons.

A couple of weeks ago, someone introduced me to Gerald Celente, the internationally renowned trends analyst. Celente has an office around the corner from my studio in uptown Kingston, NY. “His job [is] to see the future and understand how the issues and events of today will determine the trends of tomorrow,” according to his bio on Coast to Coast AM, the former Art Bell Show.

I’ve known of his work for years, but somehow managed not to meet him till that day. I seized the moment and asked him if he would do a quick interview, and he told me to come by in 15 minutes. I bought a quart of currant juice from Ray the Bee Guy to bring as a gift, packed my camera and digital recorder and walked to Celente’s office. He works out of a magnificent old market building with bay windows, hardwood floors and dozens of thriving plants.

We started with a discussion of the horrid state of the American government and economy. He expressed his extreme distaste with both major presidential candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, saying he wouldn’t trust either of them to “lead him across the street, much less lead the country.” But, he said, Obama supporters are the biggest hypocrites of all.

Why would that be? Obama has stated his position in favor of escalating the war in Afghanistan and bombing Pakistan if the government doesn’t cooperate with the war on terrorism. Obama supports “clean coal technology” and the use of nuclear power. I also know he claims to be in favor of the death penalty. Celente asked me which of these issues I agree with, and I said none of them. And he asked me why I would possibly support Barack Obama for president. Backed into a corner, I struggled for an answer.

“I know what you’re going to say,” he said. Celente’s job is to make predictions; he happened to be right this time. “You’re thinking, he’s saying this stuff to get elected.”

“Right,” I said.

“So you’re saying you’re hoping he’s lying.”


Abandon Hope. Start the Revolution.

Planet Waves
Cormorant Island Penguins, Antarctica, 1988. Things have not got better for these guys in 20 years. Photo by George Mobley.

I forgot to mention that the local Republicans moved in downstairs from my erotic art studio. All summer long it was supposed to become a sports bar, but thankfully that didn’t quite work out. About a week later, the space was rented to a bunch of people running for county office on the Republican ticket, so it became the de facto McCain/Palin headquarters for my region.

In honor of this fact, I moved my favorite nude art piece out to the display space in the front of my lobby. Now, a Belgian model named Iris greets me and my neighbors every day as we come and go from work. We all get to share in the the glory of the Goddess, beauty of nature and the majesty of the First Amendment.

That is the good news. When people ask me what I think is going to happen on Tuesday, I tell them to prepare for a fight. I get a long face from everyone. I know, we just want this to be over; politics is exhausting, it’s not really fun (even though it’s currently more gripping than the World Series), and many of us doubt whether it’s even meaningful. Most people I know are crossing their fingers and hoping it’s all going to be okay.

Personally, I think hope is a thinly veiled form of fear. Any rational assessment of our national and global situation confirms that we do indeed have a few worrisome items on the agenda (the ice caps melting, the Supreme Court slipping toward a solid conservative majority, and so on). And, as the energy heats up and certain elements of the past begin to crumble away, we have a lot of potential to create the next world.


The History of the World, And of You

Planet Waves
Seattle Protests: The police were guarding the freeway – earlier, a group of anarchists had closed down a busy highway.

We owe ourselves a retrospective of the Pluto in Sagittarius era on a cultural level, and this is planned for Next World Stories. It has all gone by so much, so fast, and seemingly without lasting meaning. Everything that has occurred in the outer life of the culture seemed profoundly important in its moment, but so much seemed to come to nothing.

Yet underneath all that movement was a process that, much in the style of Pluto, has often remained unconscious. Remember that Pluto the god wears a helmet that renders him invisible to mortals. To me this process represented a spiritualizing process; an actual experience of mass-scale individual ensoulment, working deep beneath all the “isms” that have driven us nuts the past 12 to 14 years. Seeing and understanding the Pluto process is particularly meaningful for you, who are trying to understand the mysterious growth process unfolding underneath what you think of as your life.


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