Tag Archives: Gemini Horoscope 2012

Gemini 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
You’re starting to see the light about a relationship or partnership situation that’s been a persistent mystery. You’ve figured out this situation in layers. Yet how exactly did you miss the obvious for so long? You’re in a good position to figure that out as well; this is the piece that’s 100% about you rather than being about anyone else. It involves your need for security, which has a way of leading you into situations wherein you don’t exactly end up being so safe. The safe place is not a situation; rather, when you find it, you will discover that it’s your inner orientation. This seems difficult or even impossible for many people to learn, though every factor in your chart is pointing to precisely this fact. Once you understand what projection is, it will be easier to see how your confidence or sense of belonging outside yourself not only distracts you from where that confidence really resides; you also miss opportunities to share with others as a result of making them into something they are not. This is no longer necessary.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

There are many levels of honesty, though they contain one another. The one to monitor now is emotional honesty. This is to say, are you feeling what you feel, and are you admitting to yourself what you feel? I mention this in connection with a particular relationship situation, which is trying to get your attention — though you may not be hearing the bell through the fog. I suggest you listen, and feel. You need the information that is trying to come through to you now. If you find yourself doubting anything, or pretending it does not matter, that’s the time to pay attention. But this is subtle, as you have to notice when you’re not exactly noticing, which is a form of double mindfulness. In the moment you wake up, you will make a discovery about someone that can change the course of your life merely for being willing to notice, and reveal a potential in you that you have long denied — and will be unlikely to let slip away ever again.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

It is often said that the truth hurts, though it’s much better at healing. The issue that often arises, though, is what you do with your fear of hurting someone because you tell them what you really need, feel or want. If you’re in a position where you need to do this, I have a few suggestions. One is remember that ultimately, you don’t need anyone’s permission or understanding. However, the benefit of a consensus is that it protects the integrity of the relationship. Real consensus is reached by a meeting on the level of the underlying values, not just the matter at hand. Also, I suggest you factor in the social conformity piece of the puzzle, which may be a central influence within the situation. The idea of ‘hurt’ may involve the fear of not being accepted. Yet there is a deeper layer: I suggest you be keenly aware of the unresolved pain that others may be carrying, even as you embark on your own commitment to a new level of healing. You don’t have to be a slave to that pain, or fix anyone — just be aware of your environment.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Actively cultivate your vision, both for your own life and for the world. Then hold that vision gently, and take a conscious step every day in the direction of expressing it. To do this, it will be necessary to look beyond what you think of as the potential in your current relationships. Whether you think of that potential as limited or extraordinary, whether your relationships are inspiring or distracting, there is something more that you have access to. At times this thing I’m calling a vision feels so subtle you can barely bring yourself to admit that it exists, much less to accept that you can manifest it. Other times you may engage directly in the controversy and sense of difference that seizes the world. And at yet other times you can feel the actual power contained in your vision, including the subtlety and the controversy. They are all part of the same thing. What I am saying, though, is that to bring this in fully, you need to look beyond the parameters of your current relationship involvements, whether personal or professional, friendly or hostile. Those relationships may, at some point, factor into what you do, and they may provide you with suggestions about what you want or don’t want. To attain your potential, you must be willing to take leadership, and for a while, that may mean accepting being misunderstood, or perceived as a threat to the security that others usually enjoy in your presence.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

I suggest you do an inventory of what you have said and committed to in the recent past. You’re about to experience a surge of what looks like crusading energy — and now is your chance to keep all your promises. Or at least it’s your chance to keep the ones that you want to keep, though I suggest you politely acknowledge the ones you don’t want to keep. The idea is to focus your energy on a few projects rather than many. It would be asking too much of a Gemini to get your ambitions down to one thing. Therefore, do what you must to condense your energy and rid yourself of unnecessary distractions. I suggest you do this as a conscious project. One clue for where to focus may arrive in the form of an unusual creative collaboration.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

You seem to be making a profound decision about yourself, though I suggest that as a metaphor you imagine that you’re putting on a glove. That’s the feeling — it’s a choice, and something that you slip into, contoured to who you are and what you want. It facilitates your dexterity rather than getting in the way. You can apply that image to everything you’re trying to work out in your life right now. The slipping in and the dexterity are emotional rather than physical — though the most physical aspect of the experience involves your use of time, and the way you fit your priorities into time. The conscious use of time is one of the distinguishing factors of maturity and adulthood. Factors in your chart are informing you that the time has come to get a handle on this aspect of your life, which also translates to knowing your priorities and then being in emotional harmony with them. The emphasis is indeed emotional; the hand slipping into the glove is your emotions fitting snugly into your mind.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Are you being driven by a false sense of survivalism? It may be disguised as defending your values, though I suggest you question whether you’re motivated by fear. This may be pushing you (for example) to believe the side of the story that goes against your interests. In any event, you need to be more skeptical of your point of view, at least for a few weeks, and be open to what facts come your way. Give everything and everyone a fair hearing, and allow an opportunity for reconsideration. Your tendency at the moment is to believe what sounds convincing rather than what is true. You may even forget that there’s a difference — and when that happens, usually there is something behind the scenes driving the impulse. This might be wishful thinking. You might be resisting looking within. You might prefer your fantasy over reality. In the end, there is no power in illusions.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

There’s no predicting the way a partnership matter will turn out in the end, though one thing is clear. It will take some focus to sort out the truth. As well, you will have to use scrupulous honesty to sort out your own involvement, and to assess the accuracy of your perceptions. Until you do that — and it may take weeks, rather than hours or days — I suggest that you refrain from saying or doing anything that might complicate the situation. Now is the time to pull back and observe, and most of all, observe yourself. You may believe that others are presenting you with an uneven playing field or a moving goal post. Yet it seems to be you who must focus your real objectives, desires and needs, and be realistic about whether your current circumstances can provide you with anything that might fulfill them. For a while, I suggest you consider anything you might say about someone else to be true for you. That will have the gradual effect of ensuring that you will say less, and that when you do, you will speak carefully, clearly and with a true measure of objectivity.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

Maintaining one’s independence is challenging in relationships, especially in a world where we seem to have two options — taken and not taken. Taken often involves signing a 100-page contract, and not taken can come with the sense of being a non-person. You’re finally seeing the futility of this, yet there doesn’t seem to be an easy way out of the paradox. It would be a cruel world where intimacy came only at the expense of a hostage situation, though for too many people this is what happens nearly all the time. You seem intent on going beyond this limited reality, or what could less politely be described as an emotional trap where your own needs and desires are used as bait. If you’re seeking your freedom without the corresponding sacrifice of closeness, make sure you notice those moments when freedom seems like a dangerous, unstable state of existence. Those are your best indication that the door is actually coming unlocked. Usually, an overwhelming sense of responsibility and the daunting prospect of failure, contribute to the sense that the fewer options one has, the better. Lately, however, you’ve become aware of a fact that verges on metaphysical: you are a distinct entity in the universe, responsible for the course of your own existence. You may be feeling it as a struggle for survival, and I assure you that your quest is precisely that. Don’t let anyone convince you of what is not true, but more to the point, don’t convince yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

It’s essential to know what you want from your relationship experiences, and what you want to offer. The emphasis is now on exchange. It’s also on taking certain factors seriously that you have neglected before: particularly the essential element of sexual healing that is such a strong theme in your relationships. It’s usually easy to pretend this one doesn’t exist — though not with Saturn in Scorpio pushing this to the point of immediate necessity, particularly since the Sun is about to arrive on Monday. It’s time to note certain facts of existence, and begin making decisions about how to approach them. Until then, I suggest you take advantage of a rare aspect which will help you find people in your environment with whom you’re in affinity. This will work on nearly any subject, though you have an opportunity to put it to use to make contact with others on this singularly avoided topic — the necessity for sexual healing. This theme will extend into your circle of friends as well as your family. If you’re feeling inhibition, get over yourself, and do what you know it’s time to do.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You seem to be struggling to understand someone else’s point of view, in light of recent unexplainable decisions they have made which have impacted your life. I think you already know where they’re coming from, and what you’re really trying to do is make sense of what appear to be contradictions between what they’re saying and how they’re treating you. This is not a situation you have to obsess over, and you could do yourself a favor by taking what you’ve learned to heart and moving on. Sooner or later, however, you’ll have to deal with your own difficulty trusting. There are days when it seems that every time you take a chance, you face some unexpected consequences. You would be surprised how much of this situation could be addressed by initiating a personal policy of direct communication. Make clear statements, ask when you have a question, and take account of what you learn. You’re acting as if you have secrets to keep, or as if your own motives are under a veil of some kind, when this is hardly the case.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Your survival instincts are pretty sharp right now, but don’t outsmart yourself. You would be premature to determine that someone is acting in bad faith, but on point to admit your doubts and seek out more information, as needed. It takes a wise person to know when they don’t know, and I suggest you cultivate this skill and the easy willingness to do just that. This is particularly true when it comes to assessing the motives of others, particularly now. You’re usually pretty good at this one, though at the moment it’s as if there is a cross in communication, a mistaken impression or a blind spot. This makes it especially hazardous to presume intent right now. Listen to what people are saying to you; I mean listen to their words and consider the context and inferences. Take everyone at face value until you have a reason not to (and one potential reason would be aggression). If you don’t understand something, ask, and if you need additional details or if you require someone’s help unraveling their thought process, ask for that.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

One role that Jupiter plays within our solar system is to absorb stray asteroids and comets, and as a result there are fewer that might strike the Earth. Currently Jupiter is in your sign — and there’s boundless energy coming at you from your opposite sign, Sagittarius. You’re subject to these incoming influences, which will arrive in a diversity of forms, and what they have in common is high energy. Some will be obvious and bold; others will be subtle, and change you in ways that you would never have predicted. As for the obvious, this may come in a diversity of offers to play, to engage with different beliefs and to wage a social crusade or two. As for the less obvious: pay attention when others are inviting or enticing you to compromise your ethics or to rearrange your moral structure. Such may come in the form of “well, now that I’ve had you do this [against your ethics], you may as well do this [even more against your ethics].” Remember that you become like the people you have sex with (this is based on a direct transfer of energy), so if you’re wondering why you’re becoming the way you are, pay attention to who you’re waking up with. The thing to remember is that for the next two months, you’re going to be deeply susceptible to influences that come from outside yourself. The key to managing this is choosing which of these influences to accept, and which to reject — at the first possible opportunity.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Your sign is associated with the health of the lungs, though I would take the story a little lower on the totem pole — your pelvis and any function associated with it: for example, your reproductive health. We live in an era when this topic has become a political bonfire, but it’s distinctly personal. It relates to how you feel about your body; what you do with and how you take care of your body; and what you tell your children. Now is the time to take care of all necessities related to reproductive health, as well as sex education. Start with educating yourself, going deep enough that you get answers to all of your pending questions. Then, make the information easy enough to understand so that you can relate it to your partner(s) and any young people who need to know.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

In order to understand the nature of a problem, you will need to take a chance. That may mean considering possibilities that seem risky, or point to potentials that you don’t want to consider. When it comes to understanding psychological and emotional dynamics, many people will avoid an idea because they don’t like what it implies. I suggest you treat anything like this that you encounter as opportunities, and even as low-hanging fruit. Meanwhile, I suggest you ditch the notion of a ‘happy childhood’, if such a thing influences you. Childhood is extremely complicated, we tend to forget most of it, and in truth, it’s never easy. Embrace the complexity of what you went through, and the contradictions involved, and recognize the fact that there are parts of you that are still aching from some of what happened. You’re also very likely to be carrying the pain of your parents, and at the moment, what your mother passed along to you is high on the agenda to be looked at, understood and resolved. Said another way: you are ready.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

Get ready for the pace of your life to pick up — and for an adventure that will take you through next week. This may translate to a wild ride, though in order to keep some control over your affairs, I suggest you stay a step ahead of yourself. Nearly anything or anyone that you’ll encounter is already in place, pretty much where you expected it to be. If you think things through, you’ll be able to eliminate most of the elements of surprise. That will leave you clear to consider your responses. I suggest that you err on the side of saying less rather than more; and that you take fewer chances with what you say and do. That’s going to be the challenging point, as you may be inclined to take bigger risks than are appropriate, given the challenges associated with the situation. I suggest you proceed slowly, taking one step at a time — and responding rather than reacting.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

You may be wondering what you have to give up in order to make someone happy, though I would ask whether any such arrangement can succeed at making anyone happy. I suggest you also do a little self-investigation and see where this is coming from. Everything has an origin, and this particular thought form is not an exception. One way to consider what you’re experiencing is an investigation of your relationship to authority. Any sense that something must be so, that is, the idea that anything is compulsory or will be enforced, relates to how you perceive authority. On this topic, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion coming through, seemingly from outside sources. If that’s true, I strongly suggest that you focus on your own needs, feelings and creative fire. Temporarily subtract everyone else and their agenda (or what you think their agenda is) from the picture, and see what you’re left to work with.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

You’re on the verge of a professional breakthrough, though you may not feel that way. You also may not recognize it when it happens. Indeed, you may have the sensation that you’re making far too little progress rather than taking a step forward, so I suggest you be extra vigilant about what you experience. I’ll give you three examples of how this might manifest; if none of them are specifically accurate, consider them metaphors. One is that your sense of weakness or lack of confidence manifests in an unexpected way. This might involve making emotional contact with someone you thought you had to impress. Another expression could be how revealing a vulnerability resonates with people you work with and deepens your relationship, opening up a sense of mutual respect. One other possibility is how being present for your own feelings, and unusually honest with yourself, stokes your confidence and allows you to do something you thought was unlikely or even impossible. To sum up, make friends with what you think of as your weaknesses, because they contain some of your greatest potentials.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Your emotional perspective, the filter by which you experience and interpret situations, changes like a photographer changing lenses — often. This makes for an interesting way to live for you, keeping your mind and emotions engaged, but at the same time it can be challenging for partners to understand how you will respond today since it may differ wildly from yesterday. Motivations for slipping from one emotional state to another may feel obvious to you, but those around you struggle to see your reasoning, a fact you may not notice. Helping partners understand you better will lead to deeper emotional intimacy in your relationships. Step one is to understand yourself before sharing your intricacies with someone else. I propose an exercise: sit down and talk into an audio recorder expressing your different emotional viewpoints and states. Play the recording back and take notes on the overlaps and points of contact between the seemingly different perspectives expressed. The commonalities will indicate some of your deepest needs; aiding you in verbalizing to a partner why you react certain ways in situations and what you are looking for from them. An already strong partnership will grow deeper from these efforts on your part. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Mercury has finally stationed direct. I experienced it like the lid being lifted off a boiling pot; the drop in pressure and temperature was palpable. I trust that the transition has given you the opportunity to take notice of some basic facts that you may have been denying. You will now have the ability over the next three weeks to revisit your observations, and reconsider some of your decisions, as Mercury will make several aspects for the third (and last) time of this cycle. You may not reverse yourself, though one way to know if you’re paying attention is that you start to see things differently. Your perspective is different from what it was even two or three months ago, and as Mercury makes aspects to Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, if you’re really looking, the world around you will look and feel different. This is because you are making deeper contact with yourself. Be especially mindful, however, if you find yourself trying to convince yourself of anything.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

As a Gemini, it’s difficult for you to get your life, or your mind, onto solid ground — and the current astrology is throwing one curve after another. However, the place where you can anchor yourself is with your words. This is always true for one born under your sign, however, now that language is being reduced to either biased spin or two-sentence chirps, I can not say this more emphatically. For the next week, Mercury will be slowing to a station, holding a long, exact aspect to Neptune. This rare event is a personal message to gather your thoughts and your creative vision, and to focus your mind — in writing. I don’t care how little time you think you have. Stop several times a day and write in your journal, and/or your blog, and/or develop a short-term plan of action (preferably all of the above — and if you don’t have some way to express your ideas to the community, now is the time to create one). You will feel better, your mind will relax and you will orient yourself on a new flow of income.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

Once again you’re getting a sense of the value of words. Yet I think you may need to increase your perception of that value, equating it with your entire reputation. Promises, spoken commitments, inquiries and statements of fidelity — in many ways your life hangs in the balance on these things. You are indeed judged by your ability to tell the whole truth, and to both speak and write with a measure of objectivity. This all might mean less were you not a Gemini, whose main form of focusing power and transacting life force comes through what you speak and write. That we live in a society where it’s considered normal to lie, not just in advertising and political speech, but also casually in conversations with nearly anyone, emphasizes the point. This is not your karma. Yours, rather, is to embody the truth that you’re as good as your word, and that your word is gold.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

You seem to be brooding over something when, by all rights, your life should be going pretty well. The central issue seems to be a struggle over something that’s shaken your confidence in yourself. I would ask, however, whether it was your actual confidence that was shaken — or your false confidence. I know that it’s not typical to think, Wow, that sequence of events really took a toll on my false confidence, but if you ask me, that’s the basic scenario. One aspect of this is doubting how smart you are, or how useful your knowledge really is. You would go a long way through clarifying those questions. You will go further by developing and deepening your mind. By this I mean reading and writing. Modern society’s concept of intellectual nutrition is the equivalent of high fructose corn syrup. This isn’t good for anyone, but you in particular need more — and you need it now. You need to read, you need to write, and I suggest you do so daily: not about yourself, but about the worldly subjects that interest you the most. Then, you’ll figure out how smart you really are.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

It’s time you recognize the value of your words. Indeed, I suggest you consider that what you say and how you say it are your most precious assets. If you were to keep that firmly in mind, you might say less, and you would ensure that any promise you make is something you’re fully prepared to honor. While Mercury is retrograde for the next few weeks, I suggest you consider any commitments you have that you haven’t come through on yet, and make a plan for what to do about them. You can renegotiate rather than renege; the most vital thing is that you have a clear understanding with whomever you have an arrangement, or with anyone to whom you’ve made a promise. If you go through your life systematically and settle your affairs with people, you will proceed differently when making commitments in the future. And remember — everything you say is a kind of promise.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

You’re at a peak of sexual power right now — which may be granting you some unusual charisma in every other area of your life. Your chart suggests you can have any fun you want, including access to people you might never have imagined possible. There’s just one caveat: impeccability with your words, and how they express your feelings. It’s not enough ‘to be honest’. What you want is to be precise. Your charts are so potent right now that you run the risk of not caring what other people might feel, how they might respond to you, or whether you will have exactly the influence you want. Yet if you honor the need for that precision, you will avoid most or all of the negative effects that can arrive when sexual energy is exchanged, or political power is used. Your longterm reputation is at stake, which is not a caution against having some serious fun; rather, it’s about making sure that fun is beneficial to everyone.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Jupiter is now in your sign for the next year — and that suggests some bold adventures are coming your way. The key idea to work with is different. If you have a choice between options for what to do, try the unfamiliar one. If you want to read, try an author you’ve never experienced. Stretch the bounds of your mind, approaching problems from new points of view. You have a lot to learn from older people who are not your parents; they have different information, a different agenda and no power over you except for what feels authentic and persuasive. Yet the thing to remember is that all roads lead to a spiritual question. That question involves the nature of your existence and the extent to which it’s possible for others to dictate who you are. You no longer need that kind of influence, correct?

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

You can now receive the benefits of something that you’ve been in possession of for a while. It may not be a thing, however — it more resembles a value that you hold close to your heart, a promise you’ve made to yourself or an idea about existence, which you’ve now decided to take seriously. You have every reason to be positive about whatever you’re committing to, or embracing your commitment to. It’s true that you have not fully let go of certain old tendencies, and you’re being reminded of certain qualities you possess that involve your ties to your parents. However, the center of gravity is leaning in your direction, and the faith that you possess is the thing that will get you past any of your doubts or perceived weaknesses. Therefore, you’re correct: this is the time to make all the progress you can, which by the way is more than you think.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

Some of the year’s most significant astrological events take place in your birth sign, the latest of which is Jupiter arriving earlier in the week. The Roman incarnation of the chief Olympian god, Jupiter is a complex influence, but I can say a few things. One is that this will provoke you to be more creative, to go deeper and to reach further with your mind than you have in a long time. You need to expand your sense of who you are, and Jupiter is here to help you with that. By that I mean this is the year you realize you are more encompassing, with more influence, and in some ways the center of your community. At the same time Jupiter will seem to magnify some of your issues, which you can count as a helpful influence because you need to see them in order to set yourself free from them. Remember that, because every other force in the cosmos seems to be offering you something similar: the gift of resolution.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

How much do you want to be influenced by someone else? Keep that question in mind; once you imbibe any influence at all, the effect could be a total and unexpected transformation. If you’re encountering someone you perceive as famous, you might want to consider your relationship to their notoriety. Does it serve as an example? Is it useful? Are you starstruck? Or are you able to set it aside entirely and meet them on mutual ground? That would be the best possible scenario, though this may require you to project yourself into the future a bit, and to imagine the person you’re striving to become. No role model is ever 100% what we want to be, and other factors indicate that you’re feeling more deeply than usual about your own goals and values. The most useful modeling you can do right now involves adapting learning methods that help you focus on what is most important to you.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

No doubt you’ve noticed that the pace of your life has picked up considerably since the eclipse in your birth sign that happened nearly two weeks ago. Events as they are developing will only concentrate the flow of experience, even to the point of putting you into a kind of time-warp. Tuesday’s Venus transit of the Sun happens in your sign, which is another way of saying it has personal meaning for you unlike for anyone else. It may even be occurring within a few days of your birthday, though in any event, what develops in these very days will influence your life for many years to come. There’s something here about recognizing yourself in your whole, undivided state, at one with yourself and your desires. There’s also an eclipse of the Moon in your opposite sign Sagittarius a day before the Venus event, which suggests that you have the ability to see past your attachments to others in a realistic way. This will allow you the freedom to take on the challenges of living in a way that is unencumbered by the past — or which, at least, keeps the past in perspective as something that has already happened. Many, many exciting and unusual things are to come — all of them supported by the cosmic gift of self-awareness.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

The Sun enters your sign on Sunday with some real fanfare — a solar eclipse on the very first day it’s there. This is hinting at a year of rapid advancement and many changes. While it’s too early to make specific plans, you can help by getting clear with yourself what you want. Once you know that, you will have a basis for making every other decision. Remember your desires don’t have to be ‘finalized’ in any way — you just need to be aware that you want some things and you don’t want some others. Other factors indicate that any secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself are about to come out in the wash. Those could include what you really want, versus what you thought you wanted; how you really feel, versus how you thought you felt; and ideas that might have occurred to you but that didn’t get a second thought. Self-knowledge is your best friend right now. Collect what you learn over the next few days — it will soon come in handy.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

The sky is warming up to a series of rare, amazing and most of all beautiful events in your sign, and your opposite sign Sagittarius. Have you felt the vibrations approaching, and the pace of events accelerating? I suggest you not worry if certain elements of your life seem unstable, uncertain or on the brink of some unexpected change. That said, you may just be feeling the approaching astrology as a sense of adventure. My suggestion as we approach these events is that you hang loose. I suggest you remain as flexible as possible, and surround yourself with people who make flexibility a way of life. There’s no way you can really plan for what’s coming, and in times like that your superior skill of human adaptability is your best asset. Keep looking at things — as in people, events and most of all, yourself — from as many viewpoints as you can. Move forward using curiosity like the bright headlight on a train, and know that nothing can stop you now.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Loyalty is only worthwhile to a point. The thing to ask yourself is, in being loyal to someone else, are you betraying yourself? This could be about anyone, though your charts suggest that the situation involves an authority figure, or a parental figure, of some kind. Consider this question carefully, because it illustrates a distinction that’s often blurred or even obscured entirely in the global crisis of self-esteem. I suggest you question the matter of authority, to begin with. If someone has this distinction, how did they get it? Did you grant them any power, did they take it, or was it in the fine print of the relationship agreement? It’s not too late to get out your magnifying glass and read the text carefully. And you’re right on time to make sure that even when you encounter or engage with someone who seems to be more powerful, or in a high station in life, you maintain your position as a fully-fledged human being — but only if you say so.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Gaseous elements cannot be touched, felt or examined without special equipment. But if that gas is brought into solid form, you can hold the material in your hand. This is happening to a number of ideas that have been just beyond the reach of your awareness. Like the process of centrifuge, this material is getting stirred up so fast that the critical pieces of information are able to crystallize into solid form. What is taking shape are ideas surrounding your calling in life and others’ roles in the development of that process. Your life is your own, though others are available to help you. For you, any discussion of an idea involves more than one concept or perspective; your mind works best by seeing things from multiple points of view at the same time. I suggest you work with this multiplicity of your highest goals and achievements and not see them as mutually exclusive. Not only can they co-exist in your life at the same time — they support one another. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

Over the next few days, you may get the feeling that you understand your fears better than you ever did. These may arrive in waves of psychological insights that shed light on certain factors from the past. When this process is flowing, you’ll be able to make connections to certain elements of your experience and your behavior patterns in this era of your life. Looking at your solar chart, I would propose a few questions. To what extent are you carrying around someone else’s sense of loss, disappointment or grief? Can you see how this has shaped your life? Your life is about what you have to offer. The more you offer what you have, the more you will discover what you possess. One of the few ways to feel safe is to experiment with the feeling and see what happens. I know this may seem like doing things backwards; you might think that one acts safe when one feels safe. Feeling secure is a matter of experience.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

I’m looking at your chart thinking: this has to be an interesting time for sex, or at least your ideas about sex, and discovering what you want. That’s something you’re fortunate to have available, and I suggest you use it to your maximum advantage. Yes, there is an uncomfortable edge, as if you’re having to stretch in a direction you’re not totally sure about: in particular, how it feels to respond to the erotic power of someone else. There may be an element of simultaneous attraction-repulsion. If you’re experiencing that, look no further than yourself for understanding. Your responses are all about you, no matter who else may be involved. Any sensation of approach-avoid can indicate the presence of hidden guilt. You may be worried about what ‘someone else’ would think if they knew what you wanted, or were experiencing with such pleasure. Go past that and see what’s on the other side.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You may have all the pieces of your plan in order, yet may be lacking the confidence to make your first moves. You have time to collect the various elements of what will constitute solid emotional ground, just remember — even when you have them all, you may not feel like you’re standing on concrete. What you’re seeking is motivation, and you’ll get there more efficiently if you figure out why you’re hesitating. It’s not because your plan is bad or poorly thought out. Rather, you seem to have an attachment to something in the past, and this is acting like a snag. You’ll know this is true if you’re involved in what feel like endless emotional details. This kind of obsessive thinking can eat most of your energy and all of your gumption. Make sure you understand what happened in the past, and take the steps to resolve it if necessary. Those events have nothing to do with what you’re developing now.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

You may not know why you’re feeling uneasy, though that doesn’t mean there’s a good reason for it. Still, you have little to lose by being just a little extra cautious over the next week or so. Apply that to all the usual modes of honoring the precautionary principle. If you notice a smoke detector has a low battery, put in a new one. Regard the low-energy nightlight as one of the great electrical inventions ever. Rest when you’re overtired, especially if you’re driving or doing anything potentially hazardous. These are just good habits to be in, but there’s something else offering benefit, which is being mindful of your environment. I suggest you do this as a zen-type exercise. Notice everything. Clean or put back into place everything you touch. Patch leaks and tighten up anything loose. Finish up any projects that you left for a later date. Do this for its own sake, though I assure you, you will learn more in this process than you ever learned from a book.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

Mercury is retrograde through April 4, and the few days surrounding that date may come with some turbulence, particularly in leadership situations or your professional life. Two suggestions may help you navigate these waters. Don’t push; rather, turn gently, and feel the movement of the currents around you. Second, insist on total honesty with yourself, and settle for no less from the people around you. In the spirit of ‘not pushing’, you may simply need to disregard the views of anyone who you discover lying. Or you may need to gently call them out. If the situation involves someone in a position of authority, be clear, be direct in a gentle way, and note how the perception of your authority or responsibility is influenced by your actions, though without that as a specific goal. Summing up in two words: Listen carefully.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale

“People are strange, when you’re a stranger. Faces look ugly when you’re alone,” sang the Doors. People are strange indeed and although your world is expanding now there is a part of you that doesn’t entirely trust a situation that seems to be taking more than it is giving. An unexpected development calls for deeper confidence on your part, to move boldly forward even when another part of you is retreating. Current developments will work in your favor if you use them consciously rather than taking events passively. There is more freedom here for you than any sacrifices you fear you might have to make. You may have your doubts about a friendship or situation that touches a little too close to home, but this is no reason for you to feel alone or afraid of what is unfolding. As crazy as people may act, take them at face-value and let your sincerity and best skills lead you, as you grant others the trust, acceptance and freedom they need to be themselves. Expectations are a disappointment waiting to happen. The opposite action would be to have faith in people and see what they do when given the chance. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

You cannot control how people perceive you, so you might not want to put too much energy into pretending that you can. You can have a lot more fun being yourself with no particular attempt at spin or image control, and noticing how other people respond. Push the bounds of what’s considered appropriate. Say what you don’t usually dare to say, and go one layer deeper. You may find yourself in unusual company, as in among people you don’t usually hang out with, and also entirely different kinds of people than you’re accustomed to. The truth is you’re a lot more like them than you may think. You are one of the slightly odd, eccentric, creative critters that people look up to because they have that extra edge of freedom. What your charts are suggesting is that now is the time to embody that in a bold way. There is indeed freedom in not caring what people think, but at the same time learning something from how they respond.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Now is the time to be a politician, and I mean that in the best sense of the word: someone who can work any situation for maximum benefit, who can work the crowd and who is in control of their image. I suggest you boldly advertise what you think is your best idea, and give those discussions time to propagate. Gradually certain specific goals you have will gain popularity, and those will in turn fit a larger pattern that will follow the scheme of bigger plans. If you’re working with others, don’t delegate the part of your plan that involves public contact. You’re the one for that; you’re the one with the charm and the charisma. In particular you have the gift of being able to engage anyone in any conversation, which has a way of building trust. More to the point, you’re the one with the idea. Even if someone tries to persuade you to have second thoughts or give equal weight to alternatives, trust where you’re going. The so-called alternatives will make handy places from which to adapt improvements and enhancements to your far-superior plan.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

You can safely let the tensions of the week go. It seems like people around you were feeling a bit revved up and expressive at the same time, and their reactions may have left you feeling some shade of insecure. Or rather, they may have affirmed certain pre-existing insecurities you’ve been experiencing, which in turn date back to old material. It’s strange when something someone says in the middle of your adult workday relates to some feeling you had when you were five years old, but it happens. There’s a significant relationship between what you have experienced in the past and what you’re experiencing today, though it’s here for a reason — so you can work it out and get yourself free from any snags that have persistently held you back. I will give you one clue from your chart — you don’t need to be popular to be successful. But you don’t need to be unpopular either. It would help immensely if you feel good in your skin.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

This is a magnificent moment to both shine and do so in a way that is actually unique, meaning unique to you alone. You have no obligation to conform to anyone — you never did, but the temptation is always present. I don’t suggest you be different for its own sake, but rather that you have a license to celebrate and pursue your dreams while honoring your integrity as an individual. This shows up many ways, but most vividly in your freedom to have your own viewpoint of a situation, which may differ from every single person you know — and especially in pursuing a quirky, unusual and rather daring dream that you’ve been keeping to yourself for a while. The beauty of the moment is that you are already the person you wish you could be; now all you have to do is get out of your own way.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

An extraordinary New Moon in the angle of your chart associated with career and reputation is setting you on a journey of discovering your dream mission in life. You may feel like a goal you have is rather elusive. But rather than set your sights on success, go deeper to investigate what feels good to you in your soul. If you chase your 15 minutes of fame, you will likely get it, but then be disappointed. Clarify your ambitions and consciously let go of illusions of success or superficial, shallow ambitions, ideals of glamor or maintaining some kind of public image. Then you can sharpen a vision and focus your energy on a goal that truly has substance beyond what is currently apparent. This is also something that can have a greater real impact than you imagine, and this New Moon is bringing you a sense of this. You have benevolent support for your most soulful ambitions, and even from partners who may seem distant or too far to reach. But ultimately you are the captain of your ship and only you can decide what is worth your energy. You may have had your fair share of disappointment and what you consider to be “failure.” But these have all been a process of learning, and you don’t need to let your past stand in the way of who you are becoming. As long as you are anchored in self-awareness you can chart your course and navigate your way toward the success you’ve dreamed of. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Your current focus on your professional life is about to intensify — and you’re about to see whether your hard work has finally yielded any actual results. I have two suggestions. One is that you not only act and dress the part of success, but stand fully in the character of success. This is not merely about changing your affect; it’s about an internal shift where you orient on your goals. That said, there is a certain element of stagecraft that will come into play over the next week or so, where appearances will count for more than they usually do. You will be in a spotlight of some kind, and it’s essential that you work with this factor. It will count in both your visual appearance, the way you present yourself in spoken words and in writing, and most significantly the vibe that you put forward. Certain aspects indicate that you might be inclined to bend the truth or present two sides of a story; this is not the time to play any games at all with your integrity. Be clear and make sure there are at least two people close to you with whom you can reality check.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

As you’ve figured out by now, most spirituality has nothing to do with spirit and most religion has nothing to do with anything Divine. The substitute or the excuse is not the reality, though there are many who would — and do — confuse the matters. You cannot afford to be confused, though at the moment it could happen easily. The most likely entry point for misunderstanding is going to be false belief, so I suggest you subject what you hear and what others try to persuade you to an extra high level of verification. This would count for anything that you find is emotionally disturbing or where you get the sensation that you’re shutting down because you’ve encountered some information. That shutdown sensation may be precisely the clue you need to know that something is simply wrong. But doing nothing about it is not a useful option. At the very least, a clear decision is called for.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Neptune now joins Chiron on the angle of your solar chart associated with achievement and reputation. For most people this would be challenging, because Neptune is difficult to grasp. But you’ve always had Pisces on this angle, and Neptune and Pisces are good friends. Chiron is currently on this angle as well, and Neptune and Chiron function well; you can think of Neptune as the paint and the idea, and Chiron as the discipline and refined talent that will help you express what you want. There is a catch, however. Some of the most amazing energy is focused in an aspect of life that you may not normally feel so ambitious about. Perhaps it occurs to you that you may create something special or leave your mark on the world, but in truth, do you? Now you have two compelling, longterm influences in this house. To accomplish anything, you will need to work diligently over a number of years. You will need to respect your own ideas. Most of all, you must be the very example of ethics.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

The issue of whether you feel safe on the planet is the essence of the forthcoming Mars retrograde for you. In our time of history, when it’s impossible to feel too threatened and when there’s no such thing as a long enough password, and when (as The Onion put it recently) 98% of Americans are afraid of 98% of Americans, feeling safe is an act of faith. Fortunately, that’s the very door that’s opening for you right now. Ultimately, all the reasons you can give yourself for not thinking you have enough, or contemplating all that could go wrong if you take action, or all the seemingly external pressure you’re under, add up to very little. You will end up trusting your situation because you don’t have any other choice. Now, if you can work backwards from there, you will see that you have more reasons to trust what is actually true than to trust your anxiety, which only misleads you.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

Powerful changes are taking place beyond your control, particularly in a financial situation or sexual relationship you fear you cannot live without. Confront any fears you may have honestly and investigate your values surrounding sex, marriage, money and commitment. You can then consciously uproot those that prevent you from going deeper within a commitment and exploring the beautiful opportunities beckoning on the horizon. Our world can be harsh, but as long as you play fair and are conscious of your own motivations, you don’t need to fear being taken advantage of or losing anything or anyone precious to you. If you are feeling a sense of loss right now, trust this is creating space for something rather heavenly to enter that can enrich your life, lifting your spirits and heart. Financially as well as emotionally you’re on solid ground. Loosen your grip and you can be liberated to discover just how blessed, loved and safe you truly are.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

At the moment, you seem to be at the mercy of what a partner is going through — and you probably think you have little influence over the outcome. The more appropriate thing to be wondering about is whether you want any influence, and if you did, what exactly it would be. The situation seems more clearly designed as something you will have to adapt to, which is another way of saying you’re dealing with a force much larger than yourself. What you experience may seem on one level like you’ve reached a turning point in a relationship, but what’s really happening is that you’ve arrived at a point of no return in your own life — and the relationship is just a reflection of that. Remember the Serenity Prayer, and remember that the most important part of that is ‘the wisdom to know the difference’ — and I would add: then you have to use that information well.