Tag Archives: earth signs

The Day of Relativity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 14
The Day of Relativity | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Act on your ambitions; the months ahead are an excellent time to make progress. You may well feel sufficiently driven to power your efforts without any further motivation, such that you might need to check in with yourself occasionally and make sure you’re not pushing ahead at the expense of your wellbeing. Your plans are likely to work best if you’re at your most happy and healthy. If you can muster your powers, you’ll be close to unstoppable.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Work that is a combination of physical and intellectual appears favored today, thanks to Mars and Saturn in a nice earth-sign trine across Taurus and Capricorn. You may even find you’re able to be more diligent than usual with physical tasks, though mind the details; and if you’re currently dealing with a difficult situation, you may feel a greater ability to cope with it. Yet today’s star aspect is a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Pisces — marking the astrological midpoint of the current retrograde. If you absolutely must conduct important business during a retrograde of Mercury, and cannot wait, today is traditionally said to be the best day for it.

Between Mercury’s retrograde status and the fact that it’s moving into contact with Jupiter, there’s a real possibility for sloppiness with the particulars of any given situation to creep in. Measure twice and cut once, however you apply that metaphor. Sun-Mercury conjunctions tend to indicate heightened self-involvement — and can make it a little harder to see yourself as others do. Can you use that direction of focus to review or untangle some facet of your past spiritual growth? With today’s first quarter Moon also square Jupiter, you have some leverage to work with.
— By Amanda Painter