It’s Friday, the first day of the last month of 2017. The Moon is in its sign of exaltation (Taurus) until tomorrow. Earlier today, Venus left Scorpio to ingress Sagittarius, and Mars (about to wrap up its tenure in Libra) opposed Uranus in Aries. The stage is thus set for an astrologically eventful weekend.
It might be even more appropriate to say the stage has been reset. It is almost as if one act of a longer play has been completed and a new act (with some change of scenery and costumes) has just begun.
This is not to say your place is in the audience. On the contrary, if November has had anything to teach us, we are all inextricably involved in what appears to be a rather captivating (and, above all, improvisational) production.
Assuming you care enough to play your role well, the astrology for the next few days seems to provide some guidelines.
First off, in many contexts, improvisation is something you do when plans don’t work out. In an artistic performance (especially a collaborative one) being extemporaneous is a creative opportunity, combining preparation with awareness.
If you will consider your observations, choices and actions during November to be your preparation for December, awareness should be all you need to be effective and productive into next year. It would be especially helpful if you were conscious of the fact that you have power, and the responsibility that goes with it.
Sometimes, the best use of power is not to use it at all. If you need an example, take it from the great jazz artist John Coltrane. Whether early or late in his career, it was clear that he listened carefully to his fellow musicians, and played so as to both complement and elaborate on what they did. Even greater was his proficiency for knowing when to sit out. Some of Coltrane’s greatest musical moments came when he played nothing at all.
With Mars now having completed its Libra journey from a square aspect to Pluto (in Capricorn) to oppose Uranus, intentional inaction could very well become the best way to distinguish yourself as a participant with the whole of what’s going on above.
This does not mean you should procrastinate. Just as with nearly any form of action, ‘not doing’ with effect is a matter of discernment and timing. Now that we are beginning something akin to another act or musical movement, it would probably be wise to combine restraint with taste worthy of a Venus that is no longer so needy.
Of course, the astrology this weekend is not without its implied challenges. All in all, Full Moons tend to be climactic, even dramatic. Sunday’s Full Moon in Gemini will be close enough to the lunar perigee (the point in the lunar orbit closest to Earth) to both look and feel bigger than it usually does. That’s reason enough to be both prepared and aware.
The same sense holds true for the start of Mercury’s retrograde — also on Sunday. Simply knowing how a slow-moving and pivoting Mercury implies something less than a long, smooth stride through life will be enough to help you watch your step when it is most appropriate during the handful of days just ahead.
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By any standards, 2018 will be a distinctive year astrologically. Get your essential guide to riding the waves of the next 12 months and beyond. Pre-order The Art of Becoming, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric Francis.
Thank you for this beautiful, lyrical and musical piece, dear Len. Hope all is well with you.
Wu Wei 🙂 sometimes the best action… is inaction.
Thanks again, Len <3
missed reading your perspective lately
Thank you Len. I am happy to see you writing agin, best wishes to you.