Revealing — Venus Enters Sagittarius

Venus enters tropical Sagittarius at 2:03 pm EST (19:03 UT) on Sunday to begin what promises to be a revealing tour of mutable fire that lasts until Dec. 10. Venus traverses Sagittarius once a year, so it’s not a big deal all by itself. This year, however, the transit has auspicious implications.


There will be no attempt at prediction here. Divination is not the highest, best use of astrology. Rather, astrology reveals itself best as a tool for awareness. The most important awareness astrology can provide is a revelation that you are not alone, but rather part of something really grand: our solar system.

Additionally, astrology indicates that your part is important — that you are important. Your presence here makes a difference. What’s more, the sort of difference you make is for you to choose. Astrology, therefore, helps you choose with awareness.

The options and choices probably about to be revealed for you as Venus moves through Sagittarius this year are implicitly propitious on several levels. The first being the difference between how Venus expresses itself through Scorpio (where it is winding up more than three weeks of intense focus that began with a concurrent solar eclipse), versus Sagittarius.

Venus in Scorpio suggests going deep within yourself to feel and appreciate your values, a good thing to do. While Venus is not particularly dignified nor debilitated in Sagittarius, it is inherently more buoyant in comparison to what astrologers call its “detriment” in Scorpio, which is defined by the fact that Scorpio opposes Taurus. Taurus is one of two signs (along with Libra) where Venus is the ruler.

Amanda eloquently hinted at as much in her blog earlier today where she wrote “It really comes down to empathy, or being willing to see things from another’s point of view, to avoid abusing power. Come Sunday, Venus will help with that as it leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius.”

Yet, the shift from a deep dive within to a more buoyant empathy informed by taking others into account is part of every more-or-less annual ingress of Venus to Sagittarius. This year, astrology indicates there is a sense of even more to be revealed as a result.

The sense is how a deeper consciousness of your own values can reveal something of your wider value to others. It’s about understanding that you are valuable beyond price, and how behaving as if you are (because you are) can make a huge difference in both the quality of your life and outcomes for the rest of world.

The astrology behind the quality of Venus in mutable fire this year involves a great quantity of aspects, from the very first day. Those aspects continue through the entire transit of Sagittarius, where Jupiter is the ruler.

But this is where awareness comes in. Both Venus and Jupiter inherently offer choices between quantity and quality. In nearly every case, choosing quantity reveals excess. Whereas choosing quality offers discernment.

So, just as with predictions, the complex set of aspects Venus will make on Sunday and for the three-plus weeks to follow will not be enumerated here today. Rather, you are encouraged here to hold a bigger picture in your heart and a greater vision in your mind going into the weekend.

Begin with Amanda’s adroit and cogent perception of how these next few days are about generosity and empathy, and let the options and choices you face next week reveal themselves if you will but follow her advice. Suffice to say you are being given options and choices in the near future to be more important than even those you consider most exalted.

Indeed, if Venus in Sagittarius this particular time around means anything, it’s that the most conventionally powerful people and entities in the world are steadily losing power. Furthermore, through some sort of conservation, that power is not simply evaporating. Instead, it’s being conferred upon you.

Hence, while this has not been an easy year to live through, we need your will to live. We need you to be living consciously. We need you at your best. Up for it? Please begin to reveal your own highest potential by simply saying yes.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

13 thoughts on “Revealing — Venus Enters Sagittarius

  1. Barbara Koehler

    You, Len are valuable beyond price, no matter where Venus is. Your observation that “the most conventionally powerful people and entities in the world are steadily losing power” gives us something to focus on besides the personal aches and pains, losses and dissatisfactions. It would seem then that when Venus reaches Sagittarius and absorbs some of that Jupiterian philosophy, the Big Picture will come into focus.

    On another site (Starlightnews) I was being chided for seeing any redeeming qualities in Mitch McConnell’s chart, to which I responded that it wasn’t MM himself, but his non-fixed Sun in Pisces and his universally charged 11+ Aquarius Mercury where I saw promise. After a week of grieving the loss that the Democrats suffered in this mid-term election, I remembered the advice of channelers to stay detached from the alarming events going on around us. As I worked on this, slowly a greater understanding of the “why” of suffering started to emerge. Not easy, but backing off in order to see the greater plan the Universe has devised frees up energy invested in grief, anger or disappointment. That can be impossible to do immediately when engulfed in Scorpio energy.

    However, over time, it can be done and I believe that Venus’ entry into Sagittarius is the succor that prepares us for Saturn (ruler of time) to follow Venus (and then the Sun and Mercury) into Sagittarius. So, yes-yes-yes! We, I, you must will ourselves to live beyond tragedy, disappointment, loss of vision. Get over it!

  2. Lizzy

    Thank you so much for this, dear Len. Pure gold. and this ,,,,”The sense is how a deeper consciousness of your own values can reveal something of your wider value to others. It’s about understanding that you are valuable beyond price, and how behaving as if you are (because you are) can make a huge difference in both the quality of your life and outcomes for the rest of world.” Yes, working from the inside out.

  3. Lainie

    Len, I appreciate your insights so much. I’m a Scorpio with Venus in Sag and this has been a rough year. Your final paragraph gives me strength. Thanks for the beautiful writing.

  4. Len Wallick Post author

    Ms. Moreno: You are most welcome.

    Barbara: Nobody has more priceless insights into and informed interpretations of this astrology than you do. Once again, what you have worked through within (as Venus in Scorpio would have it) is amazingly and profoundly applicable to my life and (i’m quite sure) many others. What you describe of “…a greater understanding of the `why’ of suffering…” is as though from a divine (and perhaps Chiron-inspired) revelation. May you know and receive the comfort and assurance you continually provide for us. As for the “Mitch” chart, your points are well taken, but the chart itself does not have the best Rodden rating as i understand it. Have you tried your hand to rectify?

    Lizzy: You are very welcome.

    Lainie: Thank you. It is extremely gratifying to know that my service served to strengthen you. May you grow stronger with each day of the Venusian tenure of Sagittarius.

  5. Barbara Koehler

    You’re right Len, MM plays his cards close to his vest, so nobody knows the time of his birth, but likely we have the date correct, though nothing’s certain that’s for sure. As for suffering, something we all have experienced, it is a Neptunian tool that breaks the hold which the ego has on one’s consciousness, allowing awareness (a tool of astrology) of one’s vulnerability. Without that “break” we run the risk of thinking we are invincible. Nobody is invincible; we all need others to be whole. Goddess bless the humbling element of Pisces and the resurrecting effect of Scorpio.

  6. Len Wallick Post author

    Tug, Jude, Amy and Casey: Thank you all for your kind words.

    Barbara: Thank you additionally for the resonating additional facet of Neptune – the “break” (as you put it) is rather palpable at the moment from this perch.

  7. Nicolas Salinas

    I see you were already very Saggy Len when you say at the beginning that it’s not such a big deal, typical Sagittarius saying in my opinion 🙂
    Thank you and wish you the best!

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