This morning sees two events of interest happening almost simultaneously. First, at 4:23 am EST (09:22:54 UTC), Mars enters Pisces. Then, 93 minutes later, Mercury stations retrograde in mid-Capricorn. Mercury will be retrograde until Jan. 8.
These are two seemingly separate events related by this unusual synchronicity. What they have in common is the theme of honesty.
Mercury changing directions can bring a revelation or discovery. This often happens amidst some confusion, and it can bring a moment of clarity. This process will likely continue through the retrograde, as Mercury enters Sagittarius on Jan. 4, and then stations direct a few days later. With Mercury retrograde, it’s helpful to take it slow, or at least to pace yourself. Focus on getting the facts right, here in our world that’s being variously described as “post-factual” and “post-truth.”
Mars in Pisces accentuates the theme of emotional honesty, suggesting you avoid denial and be real with yourself. There is some caution in that Mars enters Pisces and immediately makes a conjunction to centaur Nessus. The comment here is to be conscious about the theme of victimization. Nessus in Pisces is a long transit and we will have many opportunities to revisit this theme, though it’s a big one in society right now.
Mars is the planet of desire. Desire is natural, yet it’s not treated that way. We live in a time when we believe that sex must have a victim. Mars conjunct Nessus may bring up the feelings and other emotional residue of past events of your life. The thing about emotional and body-memory is that it can seem like whatever you’re remembering is happening now.
If this is happening, you would be well-served to let people know what you’re experiencing. Be careful not to project onto them or blame them. Stay with your feelings. Your first job is to stop whatever happened to you from being passed forward. Your second job is to take an active role in your own healing.

Yousaf Chaman and Jenni Lester and son, Nouraiz, next to the sign in their front yard in Lancaster, PA; it says, “No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor,” in Spanish, English and Arabic. Link to a printable version of the sign here. Photo by Richard Hertzler.
Generically, be mindful of your boundaries. Know what feelings are yours and what belong to someone else.
Both of these transits signify a moment of inward reflection. This goes against the grain of modern civilization, in which running oneself into the ground is virtually the law. The natural ebb and flow of human tides, of business and restfulness, have been all but forgotten. We expect to be like machines, never stopping (except that machines do break down, of course).
It could be argued that this is precisely what causes the very mishaps we associate with Mercury retrograde. So too is our increasing dependence on robotic devices which surround us and infuse our minds — the very thing that’s making us like machines.
What if regular pauses were actually built in to our lives? What if we had time to stop and rest, to ponder, to process? What if we made room for the full spectrum of human feeling? I imagine the result would be a massive improvement in our potential, if not our manifestations. Human society could become more intelligent, more caring, more thoughtful.
Start with yourself. Lay back a little during this holiday season. Spend unfettered, truly relaxed moments with those you love dearly. Keep your empathy in sensitive mode. Allow yourself really to slow down, as far as you need to.
haha –it’s not officially Mercury Retrograde until I’ve left the house without my keys.
I hereby proclaim it now officially Mercury Retrograde.
Sorry to put a spanner in the works, but my brain turned to mush on Saturday. 😉
How did you get back in?
Hidden keys are a godsend. Or a landlord-send, as the case may be.
I just got around to watching Madonna’s acceptance speech for Billboard’s “Woman of the Year” award. Well worth listening to, and somehow feels vaguely fitting to post here:
Agreed, brilliant moment.