Aries (March 20-April 19) — One way or another, you are making yourself into something more than you thought you could be only two years ago. The question is whether you are fully and consciously aware of what appears to be a successful personal transition in progress. Your day-to-day decision process has evidently been sound enough to get you this far, but is your ascent more than the accumulating sum of your hard work and a lot of good choices? In a way it does not matter if you can see how far you have come. As is often said: don’t mess with success. But at least give yourself credit where credit is due and be proud of who and what you are. — by Len Wallick.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s a good year to be a Taurus. Celebrate your existence, and not just on your birthday. Extend your appreciation of being here now for as long as you feel it to be appropriate. The only thing you might want to be careful about is excess. When you raise a glass to toast, make it pure water more often than not. This does not mean you need to deny yourself the good things in life. Simply realize that there are enough good things available for you to enjoy so that you can sample a bit of each without going overboard with any. After all, variety is the spice of life. More to the point, no palatable diet ever consisted of only spices. — by Len Wallick.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have every reason to cultivate optimism at this time just as you would care for a garden in its early stages. While flower and fruit may not be evident now, they will be delivered with time and a surprisingly small amount of effort on your part. The key is to be both patient and consistent in all your daily efforts to support any current endeavor that has the potential to support and nourish you in return. Do not allow pessimism to take root. Yes, it is important to be realistic. Most important, however, is a belief in your own ability to be and do what is needed to ultimately enjoy an abundant harvest. — by Len Wallick.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Look to form or be part of a team effort or two, and you will probably enjoy more than just successful results. If circumstances indicate that you should be the one organizing or managing a collective endeavor, remember that the best teams are made of very different individuals who each make a unique contribution to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, as a leader, encourage both diversity and motivation. If your calling at this time is to be more follower than leader, work to do more than just your part, by supporting the morale and relieving the burdens of those whose direction you serve. — by Len Wallick.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you want to be understood, first seek to understand. Even though you may not receive credit for being compassionate, you know in your lion’s heart that one of your many strengths is to feel empathy and show support for those you like and love. The only challenge is that it is now evidently time for you to demonstrate the same qualities of heart towards those who have not previously inspired you to be sympathetic. There is a reason for this, and it has to do with what some call enlightened self-interest. The degree of success you enjoy henceforth will be proportional to the extent you are able to walk in another’s shoes. — by Len Wallick.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Time is on your side. As good as days past may have been for you, there is substantial reason to believe that even better days are yet to come. To do your part to make sure those evidently impending days are the best they can be, don’t simply wait for things to come to pass. Take an active role. For example, even if you see no need to do so at this time, update your resume and keep a presentable copy where you can find it quickly. That way, if an unexpected opportunity comes knocking, you can answer the door promptly and adroitly. Act as though the life of your dreams is looking for you, and you will do the finding. — by Len Wallick.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — So far as you are able to do so, it would be worth your while to invest in your community. Your contributions need not be extravagant, monetary or even tangible. What will count most is the quality of what you give and the degree to which your devotions serve to develop bonds with your neighbors. For that reason, offer your services through existing cooperative efforts, at least at first. What’s more, part of what looks to be your personal environment of endeavor at this time implies that you should be something more than just an agent of change and service. Also, be open to being changed, so long as it is for the better. — by Len Wallick.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Odds are a lot of people wish they had at least one of your qualities. Therefore, be present to the good fortune of being you by not taking what you have for granted. Think of yourself as a well, which once dug still needs to be maintained. Be mindful of all the things you should (or shouldn’t) do to assure that you do not run dry, break down or somehow become bitter. This is about more than attending to your own good, because (whether you can see it or not) all that is good about you makes an important contribution towards maintaining an extended community. That community is defined and inspired by your very existence. — by Len Wallick.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Worry not. There is no indication that your future will be anything less than your present. Indeed, if anything, there is a promise (even the inevitability) of more. Whatever appears to be a prospect of loss at this time is in all probability the prelude to actual gain. Whatever looks for all the world like an onset of limitations is likely just part of a process leading to personal development and expansion. It’s almost as if you are young and growing again. Even though you may feel trepidation and uncertainty about what’s ahead, the probable fact is that you and your life are about to open and bloom like a flower. — by Len Wallick.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s okay to have exactly the life you want to have. There is, however, no need to be distraught if you run into some detours on the way. This does not mean that you need to suppress your emotions or compromise your feelings. It does mean you owe it to yourself to be joyful and elated about your prospects. If there is anything your life has taught you up to this point, it is that you can feel confident and believe in yourself. Just look at how far you have come. Just think about all the people who respect what you have done. Therefore, respect yourself and enjoy the journey, even if the road is not always smooth or straight. — by Len Wallick.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When you are at home, feel it. Enjoy the comforts of your abode, no matter how humble. Revel in the simple miracle of your pillow, or favorite chair. Take in your table, and everything on it, with a sense of awe and wonder regarding how it all came to you. The same sense of appreciation will go a long way when in the company of friends, or family. Listen to that unique voice and all that it says beyond words. Look into those living, incomparable eyes and search for the soul that is there to be seen through them. Let gratitude be your guide. Let it take you from the prosaic into the profundity that fills even your most mundane moments, and freedom will be yours. — by Len Wallick.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Behave as though you are the proud owner of the world, and what you want from the world will be more likely to come your way. When you are with somebody else, show off that tree and those clouds as if you have made them yourself. In a very real way, you do possess and have created all you see, taste, smell, hear and feel. Just as real is the fact that at least some others would absolutely love it if you shared those possessions with them. All you have to do to manifest those realities is to be alert for those moments when somebody asks about your day, and be ready to give them a small but tasty piece of it. Sooner or later what you receive in return will be precisely what you were looking for. — by Len Wallick.

Very uplifting, Len. Thank you.