Aries (March 20-April 19) — You must work consciously and carefully with any resistance you may encounter. It will be risky to use force; it could be just as risky to yield to inertia. Therefore, persist gently and with full awareness. You are working through an inner block of some kind, and it would seem to involve what you are and are not willing to say. What do you think the consequences would be, if you were to say exactly what you think? I suggest you start by making peace with those consequences, whether they might come to be or not. Get yourself to a place where you have nothing to lose. From there you can assess the potential benefits of revealing your truth. You might also encounter a level of necessity or urgency in doing so, which could get you beyond any resistance you feel. The benefits would outweigh the risks. But are there really any risks? The greater gamble seems to be silence, which has a way of spreading its consequences. Meanwhile, take one step at a time, and keep asking yourself where you are at that moment.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Consider how good it is to have a home, and a country to live in. We don’t need images of the homeless, or guilt, or fear of loss, to make contact with the benefits of having some grounding. Instead it’s possible simply to appreciate what you have, your stability and the benefits of your physical existence. Of course marketing culture takes this simple appreciation away from us with its constant pushing everyone to want more. From that context, there’s never an appropriate time to appreciate what you have, because when you’re appreciating you’re probably not reaching for your debit card. By all indications you’re living a remarkable life right now. The larger factors are in order and so are many of the smaller details. Any concerns you might have about money can be addressed by two factors — organization and motivation. Thankfully you have access to those assets as well. And from this place, you have options. Many of them would afford you extraordinary creative possibilities. All you would need is faith in yourself.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury stationed direct in your sign on Thursday. This would normally help you clear up any confusion and get yourself moving after a series of delays or distractions. Yet you may still find yourself bogged in doubt and an odd lack of clarity. Other factors in your solar chart suggest that you know exactly what you want, and you know how to get it. You’re willing to override your concerns and uncertainty and make any necessary decisions. The key here is to know your options and to choose consciously. You might take a little more time to put your plan into action; I don’t think this would hurt, and it could certainly help, because over the next week or so additional information will come out in the wash. That data is likely to confirm what you already know. This does make a difference, since confirmation will help you proceed with greater confidence. You seem determined to make the right decision, and having your mind on stable ground will save a load of energy that could be wasted on doubt.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be having a crisis of faith in yourself, though at least you know this much. Events over the next few days will go a long way toward demonstrating that you’re capable of accomplishing any goal you define for yourself. Yet that seems to be included in the question — what exactly do you want to achieve? And is what you want even about achievement, or is it about being in the world in a more harmonious way? That would be my educated guess. Having said that, if you’re going to set goals, focus on the five- to 10-year time range. Many factors in your chart are suggesting that you take a much longer, wider view of your life. This would include what you want to be doing, and where you would be doing it — ideally. Don’t worry about what is possible. Dare to describe your life exactly as you would have it be. Then consider how many of those factors are present now. Some of them are, and others are not. Choose one of those visions for yourself and focus on it for a while.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have the choice to assert yourself in a bold way, or to use the power of attraction. I suggest you emphasize attraction first, and see how that goes. Right now you have enough magnetic power to lift a train off the tracks and get yourself all the way to San Francisco. What would make sense, though, is discerning what you do and don’t want to attract. Have a clear idea of what you want, and what you could skip. But don’t stick to it too rigorously. Leave yourself room to be wrong, in the happy way — such as something or someone comes to you, and you had no idea that you would have so much fun. In fact, in all things, leave yourself some wiggle space. You run the risk of being excessively rigid when the very response called for is flexibility. Stiffness is not good for your creativity and it’s not good for you. This is especially true in anything involving sex. Modern people seem to have the idea that a situation must be absolutely right, or else it’s absolutely wrong. Rarely is that true — especially right now.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Certain issues involving your professional life are about to open up. You may get some long overdue news, or have an opening to make some progress. I suggest that you proceed slowly rather than quickly; gently rather than aggressively. There is still an uncertainty factor that you would be wise to acknowledge, especially where the intentions of others are involved. Those others might be people making decisions for your organization; they might be clients or people of influence who are watching how you handle making decisions. And how would you do that? First, know when you’re guessing and when you’re proceeding with real information. There is a difference between these two conditions, ignored though it is by many. Study the situation carefully. See if you can get information from several different sources, and put together the layers or the pieces for a more complete scenario or image of what is going on. The more you develop this picture the more you’ll realize how helpful it is.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your star quality is shining right now, and I suggest you step out from behind the curtain. Get out where people can see you, hear you and feel you. Keep the emphasis on feeling. Notice how many people spend so much of their lives in a bubble; notice how you’ve done the same thing. I understand that your astrology may seem to pose a paradox — that of being visible when you may not want to be seen. Or liking attention and being made uncomfortable by it at the same time. If your usual tendency is to step back, stay quiet or remain off to the side, this would be the time to try a different approach. Remember that you have no special obligations or responsibilities for being noticed. Acknowledging the attraction others may feel for you is not giving them permission to do anything, nor are you committing to be anything. You remain free; you remain the one making choices in your own life. It’s just that now, you’re very likely to have better options than usual.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have every opportunity to accomplish great things in the professional aspects of your life — that is, your chosen mission. Your chart describes recognition, but also tangible accomplishments that advance your cause and that of whoever you’re working with. But you seem to be hesitating, as if you’re not sure you’re doing the right thing. Some other option is nagging you. I would not be surprised if you feel creatively blocked in some way. I would suggest an ethic that has served many successful people well: whatever you’re doing, excel in that thing. Whatever you’re doing, learn as much as you can in the process, and relate it to everything else you’re doing. You need to access your creativity not just to do your work but also to do it in an unusually enterprising way — and to keep it interesting. Not every task or project is ‘exactly what you want to be doing for the rest of your life’, though I would propose that nothing really qualifies for that. Therefore, focus on quality in all things, in each moment.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Someone may reveal something to you that they’ve been keeping hidden for a while, and that they may have never intended to tell you about. Be calm about this. You might potentially experience it as an affront; nobody likes to be lied to. While this may not be an overt deception it would surely qualify as a withhold, or lie by omission. See if you can guide the conversation to the level where you understand this person’s motives. They are likely to be driven by desire, though of a kind that they don’t feel entirely comfortable with. There is some conflict, though there’s also a particular quality that this conflict has, which is a kind of split in their personality. Everyone experiences this from time to time. Handle this with compassion. Whomever you’re engaging with on this topic is more vulnerable than they may seem, and any aggression is likely to be a cover for the feeling of weakness. Therefore, do what you can to add strength to the equation, which could come in the form of your tolerance, acceptance, stability and sanity. If you offer these things, it will be good for everyone.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If financial questions seem to be interfering with a work-related project, or a health-related one, then be clever and find a way to get it done. Money is difficult to overrate as a vital resource, but it would be incorrect to say that it’s the only one. Your own creativity and intelligence are much more valuable, and without them money is useless anyway. Therefore, focus on using your mind, which also means working with your connections. It looks like there are some super resourceful people in your environment, people who would be willing to help, if only you would get out of your own way and be clear about what you want. That clarity might be the very thing that’s troubling you. You seem to be absolutely certain about something, and then you doubt yourself at the same time. Can both be true? Probably not. There is a third option, which may involve a fairly typical scenario around the time of Mercury stationing direct: there is missing information, and when you have that information, you will have a much better idea what to do.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You will have a lot more fun with sex if you remember that all sex begins with you and comes back to you — that it’s your experience. True, it’s an experience you share, though first you must claim it as your own. As part of that, a long overdue conversation looks like its time has arrived. The astrology here involves Mercury changing directions (which happened earlier Thursday). The chart for that event describes two things. One is that information, ideas and a real exchange are likely to come out in layers. Try to set aside the idea that everything is going to be resolved instantly, or that your desires will be met instantly. The two processes will develop together. I suggest you work closely with any uncertainty you may be experiencing, and count it as a resource. The unknown is a source of energy, of power and of strength, if you can work with it patiently.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ve been carrying some tension and it’s been throwing you off balance. There are many factors involved; some of them are short-term and others are long-term. Over the next few days you may get some insight into the source of this tension and what you can do about it. If you feel a need to figure things out, do your best to set it aside. What you’re experiencing is emotional and physical rather than mental. Searching for an answer or for some logic to your situation may throw you off the scent, and it may be frustrating. Therefore, stick to what you feel, and stick to your experience of being in a body. You are involved in a long-term healing process, by which I mean something that covers a period of years. This involves Chiron and Nessus moving through your sign — two centaur planets associated with deep transformation and self-awareness. At the moment, both of them are being aspected by inner planets Mercury and Mars. So you’re getting an immediate look at what you’re working out over a rather extended phase of time. Take it easy, and take it easy on yourself.