Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — This week Mars in your 7th house forms an opposition to Eris, which potentially describes old tensions rearing their head in close relationships. This could refer to arguments you’ve previously had with a partner, or the influence of patterns dating from further back. Either way, it’ll be useful to understand where everyone is coming from, and to focus on a resolution. That means avoiding wreaking your temper for the sake of it, even if you feel sorely aggrieved. Relationships are encounters between two individuals. Respecting that goes a long way. You also need to acknowledge anything you do feel, as opposed to pretending it’s absent. Your emotions are part of you.
— By Amy Elliott

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Vesta’s ongoing retrograde through your sign suggests you may be experiencing some unusual relationships at present. This can include any connection in which the dynamic is different from what is generally expected. For example, a close friendship with a person of an older or younger generation, or one specifically devoted to a common cause. Such interactions can often be informative. Should something like this cross your path, look for the ways in which it teaches you about yourself, and what it reveals. Notice if there seems to be a pattern to these encounters, and what that might be suggesting.
— By Amy Elliott

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As your ruler Mercury continues making its way backward through your 6th house, you may be experiencing a higher than usual incidence of minor frustrations or slip-ups. You may need to muster some extra patience to deal with these annoyances; also, don’t overestimate their significance. The world isn’t perfect and neither need you be. In particular, if snags are getting in the way of progress on a specific project, don’t give up. Hold on — with gritted teeth and aching fingers if you must. The more work you’ve put in up to this point, the more worthwhile persevering will be. A few weeks will likely see you on much firmer ground.
— By Amy Elliott

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There are essentially two things you’ll want to remember this week, as the action continues in your 5th house of art and play. The first is: notice what prevents the flow of your passion and imagination, and avoid it. The other: recognize what, where and who best encourages your creative potential and supports your desires, and spend as much time as you can in those environments. Soak in the love of life, the joyful communion with all things that makes the world so much more beautiful. Then write, paint, draw, dance — however you prefer to express yourself, to bring a glimpse of the divine light into manifestation. Let it all come out; you can deal with editing and fine-tuning later.
— By Amy Elliott

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Moderation is useful in most things, and that includes slowing down the pace of life when you need to. Especially in the West, we tend to do everything as if wanting to break the sound barrier, and we don’t seem to be applying the brakes anytime soon. Stepping back from the bustle from time to time is refreshing and healing. It doesn’t mean you have to refrain from doing anything at all, and it does add to your fuel reserves, so that when you pick up the threads again you will be all the better for taking a break. Not only that, but it sets a good example for others around you to emulate.
— By Amy Elliott

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may have gathered by now that Mercury has some lessons this month regarding the power and responsibility of communication. Words have consequences; we all know this, and yet social media is set up like a game, or a billion personal reality shows. This is encouraging an ever-growing carelessness in the way we interact online, which is also leaking out into the real world. In order to stand your ground against this tendency, you’ll need to choose your words with care, and be meticulously truthful. Getting lost in the fracas is easy, though holding on to your most foundational ethical principles will keep you anchored. — By Amy Elliott

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Maintain a cool head this week when it comes to managing your finances. Pausing on major new purchases is advised pretty much ubiquitously when Mercury is retrograde, though given that it’s happening in your second house of possessions and resources, you might benefit from extra prudence. Be especially wary of impulse buys, which could tempt you at this point in time. Even if you have your eye on something specific, there’s generally no problem with waiting two to three weeks. In that time you could find a better variety at a lower price, anyway. If you’re just looking to feel good, there are plenty of cheap ways of accomplishing that.
— By Amy Elliott

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

You may pre-order your Scorpio Astrology Studio now. Astrology Studio is a different reading from the annual; it’s difficult to say just how it’s different but think about it like two albums by your favorite musician. It’s the same artist, but another concept. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” and with a tarot card reading. Pre-order for best price!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You are gradually becoming liberated from restrictive notions about who you are, and who you can become. Others cannot dictate your identity or character; it is for you alone to decide. And you are complex; were it possible to sum up a whole human being in one sentence, I suspect our brains would be a lot smaller, for one thing; and for another we would not alter nearly so much. Don’t try to force yourself into categories that fit uncomfortably, or strip you of any one of your innate qualities. Who you are today begins with how you feel right now, what you’re doing and what you want; these are the keys to self-discovery.
— By Amy Elliott

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you find yourself confronted with the question of what is real, a useful way to work with that is to ask, “What is real for me, in this moment?” If you consider that idea with some depth, you’ll likely find that it leads to a better understanding of your emotions and why you feel them. This, in turn, will shed light on the macrocosmic world (the one outside of your mind), which after all is constantly exchanging information with the microcosm (within you). Note that some of what you need to know may be appearing through the medium of your dreams, or in sparks of intuition, so pay attention for clues. — By Amy Elliott

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may find yourself stepping back somewhat from your social life just at present, as indicated by Mercury traveling backwards through that territory. It’s important that you know you’re free to do this if you need to. There’s a lot happening, both in the world and in your sign, and occasionally your nerves could well feel overstretched. You might need to recognize in particular where this is happening through social media, and consider withdrawing a little if it helps. Checking in with friends using more old-fashioned methods could actually be a source of relief; try making a phone call or, better still, visiting in person.
— By Amy Elliott

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With the big conjunction of Saturn and Pluto brewing in your 12th house (of all that lies behind the veil), you seem to be diving deeply into some profound philosophical questions. These may appear as a review of your current aspirations and trajectory, though in reality they almost certainly begin at a much more fundamental level. What you do is about who you are. It’s as if you’re peeling back layers gradually until you discover, or rediscover, the essence of you. Those layers may be partly constructed from other people’s impositions and prejudices, which influence most of us rather too much, and which you can freely discard. From now on, you get to decide where you’re going.
— By Amy Elliott

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mercury retrograde has a way of ferreting out hidden information, and during this one something surprising may emerge. This could take the form of a matter that seems to be a foregone conclusion turning out to have a juicy twist. Even if you’re absolutely certain on a particular subject — if the evidence all seems to point one way, for example, or if everyone around you is convinced — leave at least a little room for uncertainty and for new details to transpire. Allow yourself to be curious, and be prepared to question firmly held beliefs, however you arrived at them. We are all learning, every moment of our lives.
— By Amy Elliott

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

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