Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 14, 2017

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 14, 2017, #1180 | By Amy Elliott


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Don’t be surprised if the new Saturn-in-Capricorn era commences for you with a burst of creativity and inspiration. It’s possible this may involve an idea already conceived within your depths, which you are now presented with an opportunity to make manifest. This process over the next couple of years is likely significant in terms of your personal development; so trust yourself, and (saving the necessary precautions attending Mercury retrograde) don’t hold back. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“Self-awareness, both of your thoughts and of your conduct, is your most powerful tool to influence your experience of growth into the new forms that you are. This includes reaching deep enough into yourself that you make some contact with the aspect of you that is timeless and changeless.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — After an extended period of self-reflection and internal transformation, it would seem you’re about to embark on a spiritual mission with a more outward focus. You might not feel quite ready for this, or there may be a certain risk that you fear. Yet you’re also gradually becoming aware of how important this opportunity could be, and that this is indeed the season. I suggest that for now you simply go along with the current. You’re made of far sterner stuff than you often give yourself credit for. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“There is a genuine skill in creative mastery that involves standing back from judging what you’ve created. You might listen to what other people say; you might work until what you’re doing feels good; you might take a swashbuckling attitude and not care; you might trust the fact that you always strive to do better (or any of these at the right moment).”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — A sudden alteration in a partnership, or a charged interaction with someone, may precipitate an extended look at the way you respond to certain situations, and how you view yourself and others. You may already be aware of how we sometimes project our own traits onto the people around us. Likewise, we tend to seek solutions in the external world, when the real key lies somewhere within us. Someplace in your life, a mirror is now being held up to you. Take courage and gaze deeply. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“You’re the one who has to negotiate between your potential and what you do with it. This is an active, everyday challenge being a Gemini. The world can seem so much bigger than you are, and in one way it is — but your mind is the thing that encompasses the world, all the world’s people and all your experiences there.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Saturn entering your relationship house may afford this area of your life some added stability. It might not look that way, initially: it’s likely that you’ll first need to alter your perspective in some way, potentially tackling a belief that’s been long-held. As is often said on Planet Waves, relationships really need a job: the connections we share are at their best if everyone involved is growing as a result. You may need to select with care the people with whom you choose to spend time. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“Notice your true feelings for people and make peace with the fact that you feel that way. You may have had a habit of resisting intimacy, and now you have little choice but to yield and open up to allowing others to touch your soul. In this way, you will come to the direct experience of growing into the soul dimension of your life.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Just now you appear to be on the threshold of a rare, precious and powerful creative moment. What makes this so unusual is that, almost as soon as the inspiration comes, you’ll probably have the means to begin making it into something concrete and lasting. Seeing the whole project through will likely require a good deal of hard work and persistence. That should be easy enough for you, as long as you’re patient with yourself and place the emphasis on quality over speed. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“Rather than thinking of yourself as the entity that holds all the planets in orbit, think of yourself as someone who grounds the Sun into the Earth. This is actually what you do in the physical and spiritual sense, and it grants you some relief from the much larger responsibility of providing all the power and all the gravity.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Saturn entering your realm of creativity is likely to help you transform your artistic endeavors and raise your game to another level entirely. Yet just now you’re dealing with a specific challenge — from the remnants of former days — that has recently been haunting you. This almost certainly has to happen before you can proceed to the meat and potatoes, and it has to do with reclaiming your self-confidence sufficiently to be of one mind. Somewhere within you is an understanding of your true capability. Seek it out. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“There comes that time in any growth or improvement project where you have to ease back, have a glass of wine or even smoke a cigarette. Radical, I know. However, you’re at a stage of your life where you must follow your own rules, and to do that, your rules must be practical and workable.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Something about your experience of family life or of your past is probably going to change in a profound way over the next few years, especially in terms of how it usually plays out in the present moment. You’ll likely be throwing off a habit or two that no longer serves you. What eventually replaces it is up to you. You might consider steering in the direction of real self-acceptance. It’s time you embrace who you are with all your desires and dreams, and kick out any imposed shame. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“Rather than being a clear mirror, relationships can often feel like a house of smoke and mirrors. This is especially a concern due to the experience of projection: ascribing to others feelings that are actually your own. Anais Nin is credited with saying, ‘We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.'”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With Saturn in your third house, you seem poised to learn gradually to become more vocal about who you are and what you really desire. This would begin with you: that is, admitting your feelings to yourself; then with a partner, or someone you can trust to hold space for you. Then you might widen the circle. Eventually you will hopefully feel confident enough to display your full self openly, in whatever medium you choose. Be gentle with yourself throughout. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“The self-esteem theme, described by the union of your 1st and 2nd houses, is the claiming back of your natural desire as a birthright. If you are in doubt about what you want, or if you consider it a potential moral affront, it’s difficult to feel good about yourself. For you, taking possession of desire is integral to your respect of yourself.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.

Planet WavesGet instant access when you order your Sagittarius Birthday Reading by Eric.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As we’ve all experienced, when you open a pressurized container, the gas or liquid inside rushes to come out. It’s an apt metaphor for a decidedly common human trait: cause a person to feel trapped in some way, or forbidden to do a specific thing, and the desire to break the bonds becomes a powerful drive. Saturn finally leaving your sign Tuesday night is likely to feel like a momentous release. You’ll want some time to play in the open air before getting down to business: namely, being yourself with bells on. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“The overwhelming message of this series of South Node eclipses is that you must get beyond your own past, and find the present. Finding the present means sorting out your emotional reality to the point where you understand what happened, and what it means — and use it as a source of strength rather than of weakness.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Capricorn Birthdays 2018
How Will You Harness Saturn?

“I continue to believe that setting goals and boundaries combined with recognizing my limits, because I thought about how I could harness Saturn, has made this the most transformative time of my life. I felt a ton of Yes energy in your words, thank you!”

— Jennifer N.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Do you tend to think of Saturn as representing the parent who stands in your way and says “No”? You can avoid that disempowering feeling by making friends with Saturn. That is, by taking on the role of authority and responsibility in your own life so that you can enjoy the benefits, growth and even freedom Saturn can grant.

If you’re someone with a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon, you have this opportunity on your doorstep: Saturn enters Capricorn on Dec. 19. Eric will be covering the opportunities, challenges and essential mission of Saturn in your sign for the next three years or so in your 2018 Capricorn Birthday Reading.

Planet WavesBut that’s not all: Chiron moving into Aries and Uranus moving into your fellow earth sign Taurus will also bring important shifts to your inner landscape and to the world around you. Yet those are only the major planetary sign changes that are happening soon; Eric also homes in on the subtler astrology you’ll be navigating in the coming year.

“Your passion, deep care and love always shine through; and you have the gift of all great teachers, of making one feel that one is being personally addressed, respected and taken care of.”

— Liz Glanville

All of this is offered in a pro-quality audio-recording bundle: two segments of astrology (approximately 30 minutes each), and then a tarot reading for your year that will be ready a little later. When you pre-order your Capricorn reading, you secure the lowest price we offer: only $33 for the entire three-part reading. This price increases as we near publication, and then it increases again when it’s ready.

You get some of the clearest, most nuanced and jargon-free personal astrology available on the internet. Eric crafts these readings with the best of his life-coaching, cheerleading and problem-solving skills; the sensitivity of his therapy training; his uncanny knack to help you see challenges from a more empowering perspective; and with the kind of everyday, practical inspiration you can use immediately.

How will you harness Saturn to make the coming year one of your most dynamic to date?

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. The 2018 Capricorn Birthday Reading is distinctly different from the Capricorn written reading available in the upcoming Art of Becoming annual project. It covers your key astrology in a different format and emphasis, capitalizing on Eric’s more intuitive, improvisational skills. The Birthday Reading also makes a fantastic gift for a loved one!



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Chances are you already have a pretty clear understanding of how far you’ve come in the past few years, though that might have been hard to see while in the midst. Now you’re finally emerging into a new phase of existence. I don’t really need to suggest that you keep in mind what you’ve learned, because you know the lessons are too important to forget. I will only say: don’t be afraid to express the person you have become. The world needs the example of your wisdom and integrity. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“If you’re worried about your reputation, this is merely another way of assigning power over yourself to others. You cannot control what anyone thinks, and no matter how pure, sinister, friendly, loving, raunchy, talented or slothy you might be, people will think what they want. What they might think is not your business.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Having hosted Pluto in your 12th house for several years, you can be confident that Saturn is not likely to make a huge commotion when it arrives. Instead, it will probably lend some structure to what may at times have felt like a somewhat chaotic and bewildering journey. You may well feel more in control of your developmental path, which is great as long as you’re willing to carry on with the development. If you slam on the brakes, you’re liable to skid. Remember that the key is honesty, and doing what’s right. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“It looks to me like you need to call an end to a certain line of conduct or thinking that has been in your family for a while. The opportunity you have is based on the fact that you can actually see this issue for what it is. It’s normally difficult to discern, and it’s been masked or veiled recently by its prevalence in society. Once you have it in your sights, address it on the spot.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For some time now you’ve been grappling with the question of how your actions are received in your community, especially if you’re holding yourself to the high standards you seem to maintain so effortlessly. You know that, really, the point is to continue being the best you can be, regardless of how people apparently respond. That said, you might now discover that you have, in fact, started a ripple. As it spreads outwards, it will likely gain strength and speed; and then one day, you suddenly notice the tidal wave. — By Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

“You mean a great deal to the people close to you, and though they may not say anything about it, they certainly know it. If it ever seems that people benefit from you more than you benefit from them, rejoice in that fact. You need less than they do; you are more complete in yourself than most people around you; and anyway, that self-completion is the major theme of your astrology.”

— From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life — which you can read here. Eric’s beginning work on the 2018 annual edition — you may pre-order that here.


Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.

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