Aries (March 20-April 19) — What is your ideal concept of a group? And if those people got together, where would it be? Most group activities have shifted to the Internet. Your chart describes you planning some kind of collective activity, designed with a specific purpose (rather than only recreational). I suggest you plan on the small side. And keep it original, and a bit secluded. You might think of this as a gathering of people who speak the same language, which might be the common ground of science, literature, art or technology. Imagine if you had the opportunity to fully express and explore some unusual idea with people who clearly understood it. Think of it as a sacred space for that particular interest, no matter how odd or unusual, with the result being a moment of freedom to consider and share your ideas. Try it out, and keep it real (in three-dimensional space rather than online).

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus in Pisces is working its way toward a conjunction with Chiron, the planet of healing and awareness. The combination of these three factors looks spectacular, as if you get to reveal or express yourself in some unusual way. The feeling described by this aspect is bold and vulnerable, yet because it’s in Pisces, it has a public quality, extending outward. It would be ideal for some kind of musical or theatrical performance, art exhibition or coming-out party. Even if you’ve got nothing special planned, at least two factors will follow you around. One is that you will have some more-potent-than-average impact or influence on the people around you. The other is that you get some out-of-the-ordinary confirmation of your talent, such as getting a glimpse of what it feels like to truly be recognized. With that in mind, turn it up and shine out.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is gradually slowing to a halt in Aquarius, and Mercury retrograde will end on Feb. 11. Normally this would arrive with some turbulence, and you might have to do some rearranging of your agenda next week. However, this event looks more like an opportunity to focus one specific long-range plan. The idea is not to plot out your whole life, but rather to proceed with a specific focus. The way this looks, there is one particular intention that you’ve had, and which has resisted coming to fruition, or been hung up on some issue you don’t understand. If you recognize this description, the thing that the situation is awaiting is your commitment. When you make up your mind and devote yourself fully, you will experience greater faith in your plans. And you may have the feeling that providence, or some power greater than yourself, responds to you in kind. Keep that dialog going.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Even if you’re not the spiritual type (which you probably are), I suggest you send some energy in that direction. Use whatever tools or resources you have. Consider ways that meditation or contact with your higher power have brought some result in the past. Tune into the feeling that was involved; for you, the unseen realm has a specific sensation or tone that confirms you’re on that wavelength. This is likely to feel exceptionally positive, loving and potentially erotic. Yet that last attribute can have the odd sensation of sexual one way you look at it, but not exactly sexual the other way you look at it. There are indeed two distinct facets to this, and you’re free to choose either one at any time. The only thing you’d need to do is be aware that the other one exists concurrently. There’s an important metaphysical formula here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel like you need more of something, or more space, or more time. What you’re likely to find is space opening up within you. Yet to notice that, you would need to focus your attention inward. Think of this as opening up a sanctuary in your mind. That becomes the space where you are the host of external reality. Imagine it’s a room where you invite the people you know and the events you perceive. As you do this, an exchange may open up; something that seemed impossible manifests for you to experience. The more consciously you hold open your inner space, the more you will open up the potential for exchange with others. As for time, take it slowly right now. Part of the sensation of time going quickly is the tendency of modern humans to rush. Cooperation will help; many hands do indeed make light work.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Though yours is a mutable sign, subject to frequent changes, you need to guard against rigid emotions. These are most likely to arrive in the form of being self-judgmental. You might respond to that as digging in and claiming your right to say no — which is indeed your cosmic privilege. You might want to claim, at the same time, your right to say yes, and to say maybe. I suggest you guide your choices in a way that keeps your options open rather than narrows them down. The way to do this is to recognize when you’re judging yourself and consciously choose to let that go. The thing about judgment is that it’s connected to guilt, and guilt is the feeling of being convicted without a trial. If you are fair to yourself, you will see your options. If you forgive yourself you will be able to breathe, and choose among them.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be feeling a strong pull in your own direction, which is to say, away from relationships. Yet there is something in one particular connection that keeps you coming back, despite the tension you may be feeling there; despite the tendency of this relationship to shake you up. The direction to go is neither toward nor away — it’s in a third direction, which is a space of healing. Healing is likely to feel submissive and pleasurable, as if you’re releasing yourself to a process of some kind. This may feel like being carried, or transported. You may have the sensation of journeying deep into yourself to retrieve something that you may have lost contact with at some point earlier in your life. When you find it, you will discover a familiar blend of the sensual and the mystical, which is your true home.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It will be easy to lead or follow a partner into some rich creative and erotic territory. You may notice that one of you has the capability of going into a state of mind or of feelings that the other does not have such ready access to — but which can be found through the miracle of partnering. This will also work in solo situations, as your inner male and inner female energies have rarely been so wide-open and full spectrum. Allow your imagination to go free. Think of these experiences as experiments, as art projects, as adventures. Let yourself be led out of your typical patterns of sexuality and relationships into something that is unfamiliar and feels daring. What you do will reach close to the core of who you are and influence every other aspect of your life.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be noticing that the more emotional side of your nature has been coming out lately, and it’s about to reach another peak. To my eyes this looks like an introspective creative space opening up within you. This is the part of the process of art or music that’s the most internal, prior to the actual expression. You are in the alchemical dimension where your inner movements and revelations give rise to what you might let out. Honor the inner mystery of creation as it begins on the level of feeling and emotion. Notice the rich spectrum of memories and experiences that might give rise to. Then allow that profoundly personal process to move you into formulating some new idea or form of expression. Keep this close to yourself for now. You do not need to share it, nor are you under any obligation to. Yet it remains yours to share, to offer, and to experience yourself.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There may not be words for what you’re feeling, though you would benefit from finding ways to express it. One contradiction might be that your experience is too deep for words, or too beautiful, or too distant from them. That is the time to find the words, which you may be searching for. You may have the feeling that words will diminish the depth of what you’re feeling or reduce the beauty, or pain, or passion, to an object form. That is a superstition I suggest you challenge. There is something unusual that you seem ready to express, to relate and to communicate about. It’s not new, however — it’s something you’ve been thinking about, feeling and experiencing for years, and which has recently come into a new degree of focus. If you are searching for or struggling with words, I have a suggestion — pictures will help.
Aquarius Birthday Reading Available for Instant Access
Dear Aquarius:
Your 2015 Aquarius birthday reading is ready! Hot off the presses and finalized right in the Leo Full Moon zone, you can listen to a free preview here.
Your birthday reading covers new material, making it the ideal companion to your Cosmophilia annual reading. And don’t worry: beginning your solar year with Mercury retrograde in your sign does not mean you’re doomed to move through the year backwards. But what exactly does it mean?

Eric covers this question along with other key facets of your life in this reading — making it the perfect gift for yourself or your favorite person with an Aquarius Sun or Aquarius rising.
This reading has been recorded in stereo-quality audio, downloadable for multiple listens, and also comes with access to last year’s reading so you can check Eric’s accuracy and review your year. As with other recent readings, you’ll be invited to participate in a live call-in program where you can ask Eric questions about the astrology for Aquarius in greater depth.
You can order your birthday reading now for just $24.95. That’s a savings of $15 off the published price – note that we will be raising that price soon now that the reading has been released. You won’t get this depth of well-crafted astrology for this price anywhere else on the Internet. Just listen to this free preview to get a taste.
Thanks, as always, for supporting Planet Waves. We wish you all the best and are glad to be serving you in 2015!
Yours & truly

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mercury is slowing to a station in your sign this week. It’s been retrograde since late January, and the whole process has been in Aquarius. Here’s how I would tell the story, based on the chart: You’ve been in search of something you may have forgotten or abandoned. That something is a way you used to relate to yourself, and it was a beautiful thing; well, not a thing, but a space where you could relate to yourself in a certain way. For example, it might have been the state of mind wherein you used to keep a journal. The journal was important, but the devotion to doing so, the ritual, the honoring of the inner space, was the real gift. It may have been a yoga practice, or a spiritual practice, or even reading. It is something done in a designated space, which served as a personal ashram. It looks more mental or intellectual than it does physical, though it could be either or both. You are very close to that space right now; you are right at the door or you may be standing inside.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — These have been a bold few weeks for you. You are experiencing what it means to have Chiron and Neptune in your sign. Though these are long-term transits, and somewhat well developed by now, they are being lit up by the presence of Venus and Mars. This whole constellation of planets has been offering you a look at your actual potential, and the opportunity to feel what it’s like to be yourself in full-spectrum form. Mercury, for its part, is slowing to a station in a sensitive corner of your chart, which is adding a depth of inner vision unusual even for you. Here is how I would sum things up: You are learning to engage the physical with the spiritual. You are bringing what is normally etheric or astral into some solid form, and you are doing so in a way that’s revealing of what is possible: the beauty of translating your inner world into tangible form. The beauty of real.