Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, April 14 – April 21

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s important for you not to underestimate the value of this moment in your life. It’s even more vital that you do not underestimate your own importance. There will always be another day, but there will never be another you. Even as important as it is to seize the day, you should never do so at the cost of your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health. Therefore, for the sake of your body, sanity, inspiration and creativity, don’t hesitate to get away for rest and relaxation. This is not about taking a long vacation. It’s about improving the quality of your breaks and downtime. Do more with less, so that any and all of your short getaways are long on rest and re-creation. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If you feel as though something is coming full circle for you, you’re probably right. It’s also probably true that what you are feeling is less a moment and more of a process. Furthermore, the process is not necessarily something you need to go through alone. If you can give yourself at least six weeks to fully experience and integrate what you are going through now, it is likely that you will find yourself at long last on the other side of something that started more than a year ago. You will know if sharing is appropriate should those who were there at the beginning ask to be there with you now. Don’t force anything on anybody else; rather, allow. Think emergence, not emergency, and you will understand. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Some say luck is the residue of preparation. That’s true enough. Even more valid for you is that good fortune can be made to happen based on what you have learned from experience. Specifically, every relationship in your life up to this point is now about to come in handy when it comes to you being as fortunate as possible. You need not believe in anything but yourself. Lucky charms will not be necessary. All that you’ll really need to get what you want is to recall and apply all the lessons that your life’s relationships have taught you about expressing your needs, while also showing others that it’s safe to do the same with you. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s fair to say that you’ve gone beyond growing. One might reasonably say that you are evolving. Hence, if you have not already done so, it’s currently a good time to contemplate the difference between growth and evolution. Once you have resolved the distinction, your next step will be to develop a strategy to stimulate or revive a more fully conscious and intentional personal evolution for yourself. As part of that strategy (and to the extent you are capable of doing so safely and comfortably), go to high places that afford expansive views. Visit the tops of hills or buildings whenever you can, and allow yourself to be inspired by seeing further than before you made your ascent. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will know that it was right to let go when you do not find yourself empty-handed for having done so. Of course, not knowing outcomes until after the act of releasing attachment will entail some risk. Actively engaging with risk will in turn require that you willingly and even eagerly embrace uncertainty. If ever it were (or will be) appropriate to forgo securing sure things in order to make room for possibilities to become real, the next eight months appear to be your prime time for doing just that. If you need a hint regarding what to let go of first, examine all you serve. Sustain any cause of love and compassion, but free yourself from being a slave to mere sentiment. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are not living on the Titanic. Before making any decision to abandon ship, give adjustments a chance to improve how you feel about where you reside. If you live alone, it could be that all you need is a bit more room in your interior space. Try getting rid of anything you don’t really need. That way, if you do ultimately decide that relocation is the best way to feel more at home in your home, you will have less to move. If you dwell with others with whom you feel safe but stale, consider revising your style of communication and negotiation. That way, should you ultimately decide to go your own way, it will be after confirming that you will not be taking problems with you. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Family matters would appear to be an appropriate subject for you to reflect on at this time. Specifically, it would seem that your personal relationship with actual family members or the subject of family in general is ripe for review. If you elect to embark upon such an evaluation, it would probably be best to begin consulting with at least one other person outside of family for the purpose of conducting a thorough self-examination. One possible (and worthy) objective of such a consultation would be to discern any differences between your perceptions of family on the inside and realities on the outside. Don’t be surprised if the ultimate result is a much better relationship with yourself. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The desire to have material things is not intrinsically bad in any way, shape or form. An object of beauty can be an authentic source of joy forever. Furthermore, useful items often serve to make you more effective in what, after all, is a material world. When all is said and done, however, your most precious possessions can reliably be said to be your physical health and peace of mind. For that reason, the extent to which your tangible personal property serves to make and keep you healthy and happy is the extent to which it is truly useful. Remember that, and you will be able to discern clearly between what things you own and what (if any) things in fact own you. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Scratching an itch is rather profound if you think about it. The sensation actually exists in your mind, but is addressed by the action of applying your hands to your body. Sometimes the physical action somehow connects body with mind, resulting in relief. Other times the only result is more irritation, and even damage. Hence, a lesson to apply whenever you feel either a physical or metaphorical itch coming on anytime during the remainder of this current season. If some form of friction serves to solve the problem promptly, take it in as an epiphany. If scratching does not work, however, know when to stop and try something else. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Every step forward has a greater value than usual for you now. Therefore, to the extent that you have a choice, emphasize the quality of what you do over how much you are doing for the time being. By the same token, whenever you are free to do so, prioritize being slow and steady over fast and furious. That way, the chances of a step backward will be minimized and the possibility of your having greater freedom and more options to choose from will be maximized. After all, if you can’t make adequate time and devote the necessary energy to getting things done the right way with your first attempt, where are you going to find the time and energy to do things twice? — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s almost certainly not necessary for you to hide from the wider world. The answer to taking care of both yourself and your place in the human race is most likely to chill out more efficiently and more often. With regards to any collective enterprise or entity especially, delegate (or even simply leave) as much as you can responsibly to others. Allow yourself the chance to be pleasantly surprised by how well groups or communities you identify with can function without imposing your identity upon them. Take heart in how your peers and comrades can be just as helpful and effective in serving you as you are in serving them. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You probably don’t need anybody lighting a fire under you. It appears as though you are doing a pretty darn good job of motivating yourself already. Therefore, rather than getting further wrapped up in being the dynamo you already are, look for ways to both unwind and relax into being more than just determined and driven. Think about where in your life letting up can be just as (or even more) productive as bearing down. Keep restraint on top of your tool bench right next to action, and choose between them with reflection rather than reflex. Your diligence and focus will indeed make a difference for the better in some ways. At least a few matters, however, might be better off left alone. — by Len Wallick.

We will publish Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading for all 12 signs this weekend. Don’t hesitate to join this thrilling video adventure exploring the depths of Mars retrograde and Uranus-Eris. Pre-order the complete reading here for just $37.
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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

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