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Aries (March 20-April 19) — Venus retrograde in your sign is encouraging you to see the world from another point of view, such as that of a relationship partner. How often do you have one of those revelations where you suddenly get that you really understand another person’s perspective, or feel the world the way they feel it? Rarely enough that it’s a special occasion when you do. It’s also a reminder that your actual primary relationship is within yourself. Love in any form is inherently introspective: it comes from inside you, and involves your feelings. If you’re not grounded within yourself, intimacy can feel dangerous; and in many ways it is. Venus retrograde is your encouragement to find your inner lover, or what you might call your best friend within. This is different from being narcissistic, self-important or egotistical, so different in fact that it’s the polar opposite. Coming from a self-loving place brings a subtle form of confidence. When you get there, a kind of neediness dissolves and gives way to authentic generosity. You recognize and hold gently the fact that everyone is an individual with their own needs, their own spiritual quest and their own healing process. If you want to cultivate deeper contact, listen to what people close to you have to say. At the moment, it’s more important that you understand them than that they understand you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s time to show others the real you. That means sharing your dreams, your desires, your feelings and your passion. We might pause and ask why you or anyone would hide these things. In the past there seemed to be good reasons: many people have a habit of talking others out of their dreams and desires, or using this knowledge against them. Yet you know there is only so long you can hide in your shell. There’s only so long you can put any energy at all into concealing your own beauty, or being afraid of yourself, or worrying about the judgments of others. These thoughts waste precious creative energy, and they don’t benefit you in any way. It would help if you accept that you’re more transparent to others than you think. It may be for this reason that you avoid being seen or recognized, though you might take the approach of assuming that everyone knows everything about you. There’s absolutely nothing to hide or to conceal. You can, therefore, give yourself much more room to say what you feel and to reveal your inner life. Yes, this seems radical; but does that make sense? It seems to make you vulnerable, but you might ask: vulnerable to what? There is only so far that self-protective efforts can actually protect you. Fear does not prevent danger; but thankfully awareness does. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s necessary to take your relationships seriously, but what exactly does that mean? First, it means having the right people in your life, and making sure that people who don’t belong in your life are not there. Perhaps this sounds harsh, but Saturn in your opposite sign has been encouraging you to use your discernment for at least a year — and to act on what you observe. People who crowd your space, or who box you in to their idea of you, are not helpful. You need room to maneuver, and you need the freedom to make up your mind about who you are; this, your relationship partners must know and respect. Speaking affirmatively, the most significant qualification for anyone being in your life must be that you share similar spiritual goals. Now we’re getting deep: for that to happen, you need to have spiritual goals, as well as to understand them somewhat. Then you would need to select others who also have spiritual goals, and find a meeting space. All sex and intimacy lead to procreation, which means a lot more than making babies: there is an exchange, karma is created, and people become like one another. Therefore, choose carefully whom you relate to. Embrace people you respect and admire. This is a high standard, but no other will work for you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re at a high point in your visibility as a professional and as a contributor to society. People see you, and they are following your example. Therefore, you must live impeccably, as if you’re being followed around by a television crew or as if your calls are being followed by a live audience. There is indeed such a thing as a reputation, and you’re at the point where you can make genuine progress on establishing yours. In this moment, it’s essential that you know your goals. Remember that a true career ambition is both about accomplishing something and becoming someone. So think in terms of both what you do and who you are growing into. Don’t be deceived by the seeming chaos of the world. You are perfectly suited to be the person who both benefits from, and offers something useful in, this wild moment of history. Many, many people are confused about who they are, though you cannot afford that luxury. You have an advantage because you’ve been experimenting longer, you’ve made mistakes you’ve learned from and, most meaningfully, you’re willing to try things you haven’t tried before. You therefore need to persist in your experiment when necessary, and know when to change your plans so you can adapt to your environment and your personal needs. That said, be as consistent as you can be, and write the words “follow through” on your bathroom mirror. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Belief has become the new standard of proof. This is causing chaos in the world, and it will cause chaos in your life: with one exception only. You must believe in yourself, and have faith in yourself. To an extent, this must transcend the known facts. You cannot base your idea of the future on what you’ve accomplished in the past, or where your results have fallen short of your goals. You simply must see beyond your history, while taking with you everything you’ve learned. Then, you can embrace your potential as if it’s real, and keep that thought at the front of your mind. There’s one more step to this process, however, and it’s especially meaningful today. To get anywhere, you need discipline. That means focused effort, sustained over time. You are in the process of manifesting something, of turning an idea into a physical reality. While creation is the whole purpose of the human experiment, it’s not usually so easy. Things go wrong, life is busy, and plans have a way of being set aside. It’s time to go past these common human foibles. The kind of sustained and applied focus that gets things done is the factor that you need to work with the most often and the most consciously. Apply yourself with devotion and without expectations, and then note the results that you get. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — To keep your life manageable, pay attention to finances, to sex and, in particular, to the place where the two meet. This may be the single most complicated place in all of Western society, and you have a lot going on there now. There seem to be a good few people involved, and it would make sense to either focus on the ones who really have some influence, or clear out as many as you can. You simply do not need so many people involved in your business. Simplifying your life would make an excellent start. There’s one necessity that stands tall among all other goals: it’s up to you to make sure that people pay you what they owe you. To do this, either make polite requests, try friendly persuasion, or use insistence. Whichever, you must persist and make sure that you’re given your due. The main factor determining whether this is successful is your own commitment. You seem to be heavily invested in someone else’s affairs, and you must show some spine and demonstrate your independence. Ultimately, if someone balks at their obligation, treat the commitment as being in default, and move on. Nobody owns you, or holds a lease on you; you are not a commodity; and your value is not assessable in dollars and cents. You are your own person, and ideally that’s where true respect begins. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Most relationships are an exercise in seeking oneself in others. As part of that, they can become a hall of mirrors, with people projecting on one another and only a vague sense of who is who, and whose feelings belong to whom. If this seemed to work in the past, it didn’t work very well. You’re now experiencing a rare astrological condition: Venus, the planet associated with your sign, is in your opposite sign Aries. It’s about to go retrograde (March 4 through April 15). This looks like an unusual encounter, experience or confrontation involving another person. Yet you are the main actor. This is an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and to get a rare perspective on who you are. The first thing you’ll need to do is call in the projections you’ve put onto anyone else who seems to be involved. For the true message to come through, you’ll need to see yourself for who you really are, see a partner for who they really are, and be able to discern the difference. This is where most people get lost in relationships most of the time. And if you focus this experience, and go through it with your full attention, you will learn something that prevents this confusion from happening again. Then your relationships will take a giant, welcome step from the imaginary to the real. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be mindful of the work-relationship boundary. Most people feel it’s out of the question to work with a partner. I have a different theory, which is that all relationships need jobs. They need some creative purpose, whether it’s raising children, building houses, hosting parties, making movies or feathering the nest. And in parallel to this, all jobs come with relationships: whether as part of a command structure, or as colleagues, comrades, collaborators or lovers. Often there is overlap among these, and you’re the one who must be mindful of the commitments and the feelings involved. Americans and people in many other cultures spend so much time at work, it’s often the only place they can meet and get to know one another. And each and every one of those people, whether you like them or not, counts for a relationship. Each one deserves your attention, because some measure of your success depends on that partnership being sane and productive. The coming two months will present you with many experiences that shine a light on where love, work, creativity and collaboration intersect. If you notice that you have any especially beautiful or productive relationships, do your best to nourish them. Let everyone emphasize their strongest attributes. Offer your devotion with love, and receive the devotion of others with love. I would propose that where business and friendship are mixed, commitment to work is the first priority. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Walt Whitman, the father of American poetry, wrote, “There was never any more inception than there is now, / Nor any more youth or age than there is now.” Translation: we’re always at the beginning of our lives; we’re as young and as old today as we’ll ever be. In recent years, you’ve been feeling the passage of time. And more lately, you’re starting to feel the benefits of time and of experience, which is a sign of maturity. Something in your astrology is leading you to take a wider perspective, and to see yourself as part of a much larger context than you ever have. Your growth process has brought you close to the inner core of your spirituality, and this is providing you with information about how to use your time wisely. Your current solar chart describes the meeting of your inner child with your inner parent. It’s time to reconcile the two, and to emerge into your life as an independent and autonomous adult. You are done parenting yourself. You don’t need to parent anyone who is not actually your own child, and even that has its limits. This means guiding yourself based on your own values and principles. It means making decisions based on what you know matters to you, rather than the influence others try to have on you. Commitment begins with honoring your promises to yourself. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — How much time do you spend thinking about your family of origin? And what do you think about? Next, how much time do you spend on your self-development? And for the real question: can you share all facets of your personal growth with your family? Do they know the nuances or even the broad strokes of how you live and grow, of your spiritual, emotional, relational and sexual quest? Where do you hold back? And what if you were to share everything with them? Your response to this question will reveal much about your inner relationship. Those ‘withholds’ — the things you don’t want certain people to know — are part of an inner reality that you’re experiencing through other people. There is actually something to be said for having no secrets, particularly on those things that are absolutely central to your existence. You would not be concerned that anyone would think you’re weird or inappropriate if you did not have any reservations of your own. Where you have those reservations are likely to be places you’re holding back from yourself, or not fully comfortable with who you are. Whatever you may choose to share with others, recognize that full acceptance of yourself means having no secrets from others, nor veiling your motives, or your desires. This is not nearly as radical as it may seem. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Most humans resist learning as if their lives depended on doing so. You must embrace learning as if your life depends on doing so. This is because the opportunities you have in this very moment are unlike any other, by which I mean once-in-a-lifetime potential for gaining knowledge that feeds your spiritual development. As a prerequisite of this, you must cultivate your flexibility. Mostly I mean mental flexibility (though physical flexibility is equally important), and learning how to stretch your mind so that you can encompass new ideas. You might begin with how little you know, rather than the usual Aquarian approach of how much you know. When you acquire real knowledge, it changes you. You become a different person as you adapt to what you’ve learned, and change your life to accommodate what you previously did not know. This is no small feat, particularly for contemporary people, who already think they’re the smartest people who ever walked the planet. Bring your humility to this equation. Bring your willingness to be shown what is true. Fritz Perls, the father of Gestalt therapy, once said that learning is the discovery that something is possible. If you take that as your guiding principle this month and this year, you will make many such discoveries: about yourself, about existence and about the place where the two meet. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Pisces Birthdays 2017:
Catch the Eclipse Wave, Emerge Into Yourself
Dear Friend and Reader:With a partial solar eclipse and New Moon in Pisces this weekend, this is an especially potent time for anyone with strong placements in the sign of the fish. Eric has written quite a bit lately about the healing potential of this eclipse and the days leading up to it — and your upcoming 2017 Pisces Birthday Reading will be an essential guide for what develops next in your life.
“I am so grateful for you, Eric Francis…you have no idea. I wish I could meet you face-to-face, especially now, with all the crazy in the U.S. I love to imagine that you ‘know’ me already, in some ‘kindred spirit’ sort of way. And, yet, I also imagine that everyone who reads your work feels the same way.
“I am excited to acknowledge that the emerging you speak of so heavily, is happening. While frightening, I am beyond excited to reveal my Truth to those I love and those I have yet to meet. I am a healer, whatever that means. I will find my way to serve, to work for God, as you put it. Finally. I appreciate the love you put into these bigger projects and all your writings. Thank you, emphatically, for sharing your gifts with all of us. I am inspired by you to be true to myself. Namaste.”
— Kathleen Judd, Pisces
Your reading will include two audio segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each), plus a tarot reading (either audio or video) and extended written description of your sign. You may download the audio portions and listen as many times as you like as the year progresses.
If you’re have a Pisces Sun or ascendant (or would like to give a gift to someone who does), you can pre-order the 2017 Pisces Birthday Reading for the discounted pre-order price of $19.97.
So much potential is available to you every minute of every day. Yet with so much distraction and cultural chaos, it’s essential to have someone help you clarify what matters most — and what you can do about it. In every audio birthday reading, Eric draws a clear connection between your present moment and environment, and long-term patterns that stretch into the past and into the future — and which influence your options.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. Your audio Pisces Birthday Reading is completely different from your written reading in the 2017 annual edition. Eric will record the Birthday Reading with the Sun in Pisces, giving a detailed, in-the-moment take on the most important parts of your astrology as they begin to unfold.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your sense of self-worth is the only thing you need to concern yourself with. That’s because it’s the one thing that determines how you experience life, and by which you set your expectations. It’s easy to slough this off onto others: that is, to decide that how others feel about you (or how you think they feel about you) sets the limits on your potential. And in this one place you must wage a revolution. That means taking possession of yourself, your capabilities, your talents and, most of all, your precious time. As you do this, you will begin to find your confidence like you never have before. Count yourself into any game you want to play. Push your limits, and bring the very best of your talents to all that you do. Self-esteem is not such a great mystery once you stop sending yourself the messages that support it. Taking leadership within your own life is the order of the day. You will know you’re doing this when you take control of your schedule and the flow of your energy. You will have confirmation when you’re no longer seeking the approval of people in positions of power or authority. There’s something about your charts that describes you as divinely guided. Trust the information you’re receiving, and make your decisions from that informed and aware place. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.