Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, Aug 27, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer weekly for April 30, 2010.


The continuing momentum of this week’s Scorpio Full Moon is likely to have you feeling confident and thirsty for life. You know there are real possibilities, and you know that you have the option to sink your lips and teeth into some of life’s must nourishing fruit. One possible hitch is worrying what other people will think about you — other people as in your circle of friends, your acquaintances or your social set. If your solar chart is any indication, you seem to be grappling with the question of, “What if my deepest truths were known to everyone?” And I would ask you in earnest: What if your deepest truths were known to everyone? Play out that scenario as fiction. Choose one or two of those truths and imagine that they are sent to your whole address book. What would be some potential scenarios? How would you feel?

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

In These Times graphic

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