Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini weekly for December 5, 2003.

It’s not so easy conceiving of other dimensions outside the ones we normally experience, but the Internet provides a very excellent example. Some people can get there. Some cannot. It’s not that some people lack the ability to see the screen and type on the keyboard; obviously they could. Once reached, another dimension is entered, an entire universe of customs, laws, ideas, many private languages (code, which excludes whole classes of code-illiterates). So there are different levels once one is inside that space. And the more imagination you have, the better it is, the further you can go, the more interesting choices you can make. Just like your life right now.
In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…