Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for February 18, 2005.

Few people can go through Chiron traveling through their sign without some kind of crisis — often a crisis of identity. You’re so accustomed to handling large volumes of raw energy that Chiron may prove to be a stabilizing influence on you providing you with the insight and perception to see just what it is about yourself that you need to change. You are being blessed with the ability to actually be anyone you want to be; in recent years you’ve learned more about camouflage than you have about creating or expressing yourself. You will soon find that you have nothing to hide which will put a lot of energy and light back into your life.
My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.