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By Judith Gayle | Political Waves
Doesn’t it seem as though we’re finally deciding who we’re going to be when we grow up — or at least as we face some of the most difficult and far-reaching existential challenges of our species? I heard two pundits arguing this morning. One, a Trump supporter, said, “Oh, calm down, this isn’t the end of the world,” to which the other replied, “It might be.” Now there’s a progressive dog whistle if I’ve ever heard one.

There is a sense that this moment, this election process, these decisions we’re making, are for all the marbles. That comes on the heels of all the twists and turns we’ve witnessed these last weeks, months, years. It’s been a lot to take in, a lot to pull through our intellect and into our intuition, and now — as we enter this equinox, sandwiched between potent eclipses — we’re being asked to move on that information under a powerful Aries stimulus.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is like a baby just born and howling: it isn’t easily ignored. It’s in constant motion, pursuing its desires, riding the headwinds of its passions and establishing itself as the initial impulse of the universe. Its enthusiasm sweeps everything along with it. If we needed a fire lit under our bum to get us up and moving, Aries comes with a BIC and a grin, so consider this a warning: if you’re still just sitting there, undecided, you’re likely to get scorched.
This has been another of those weeks when we’ve been hit with so much incoming information, it’s a chore to untangle implications, but it’s worth a try. It’s a dangerous form of denial to think that what these political figures do has little or no impact on our lives (and I think it’s high time we had a lot more impact on theirs).
Having lost the nomination in his home state on Tuesday, “Little Marco” Rubio has exited the race, in fact has abandoned politics altogether. He tells us that after his senatorial tenure is up, he will become a private citizen, and gladly. Surprised? I am. I figured we’d be dealing with him decades down the line.
And now, despite Trump promising riots if he’s denied the nod by any so-called ‘rules,’ establishment Pubs have come together to do anything they can to stop him, including holding their noses to embrace Ted Cruz. Once again, focusing on the horror that is Donald keeps us from recognizing the horror that is Ted.
I’m seriously distressed that someone like Ted Cruz (who is more to the far-right on the political scale than Trump has ever been) should fall heir to establishment approval, no matter the goad. The implications are frightening. Should Trump lose, he will pout for a while, then shrug and go on to make more deals and more money and more outrageous statements, but what will his disappointed followers do, now that race/class violence has received blanket approval? We will be forced to deal with overt racism, one way or another.
Keeping his pledge, Obama nominated a SCOTUS candidate, throwing Republican legislators into a frenzy of ideological panic and obstruction, which pundits tell us is unprecedented. While no shock, it also comes with an unprecedented amount of truthfulness: the conservatives have no intention of giving up hope for the continuance of a conservative court and they’re not afraid to say so. That court has been their ace in the hole, the object of their plan to establish a minimalist government and Federalist nation, for decades.
They will snub Obama’s candidate unless Hillary wins, when they will happily vet the nominee for fear she would propose someone farther to the left. Essentially, this proposed candidate is, historically and by current opinion, acceptable to the Pubs except that he comes with Dem bona fides, nominated by the black guy and set to take the place of a justice so beloved of the archaic right that public outcry might throw Nancy Reagan out of her resting place next to her husband in order to give Nino her spot in the continually radiating warmth of St. Ronnie’s bones..
Much as only a Republican can be a ‘real American,’ only a Republican-approved originalist of ‘great intellect,’ like his/her (ha!) predecessor can take the place of Antonin Scalia. The Pub obstruction in this matter — along with Mitch McConnell’s lame-ass explanation for it — is as blatantly unconstitutional as anything they’ve accused Obama of for years now, and that’s plenty.
It seems to me that the actual split in this nation — like the in-fighting of Shias and Sunnis in the Middle East — resides within the interpretation of the Constitution. This has been an Achilles Heel since our nation’s inception, i.e., those who did not want a unified government as opposed to those who did, briefly united by the need to get the king’s knee off their necks. Or, as Franklin put it, “A republic, if we can keep it.”
Nonetheless, hedging for much of a year to replace a significant American Justice IS unconstitutional obstruction and Robert Reich has a little clip explaining the situation and asking for your advocacy, thanks to MoveOn which has given him a platform for his series of highly educational cartoon YouTubes. Go here to watch, and pass it around.
Obama’s nominee, Mr. Garland, while a fine man and worthy judge, is not nearly liberal enough for either Bernie or me, and the nomination was my first concern when I heard that Scalia, like Elvis, had left the building. In such a divisive political season, there is no way to escape further rancor on this front. Many on the left counseled Obama to pick a true liberal since the chance of confirmation was moot.
Instead, and not surprising to Obama watchers, our pragmatic Prez selected a moderate, and one who has very little track record on cases important to the left — those kinds of cases are often settled in the lower court — but we can’t welcome this judge with cheers and fireworks until we have some notion of how he sees Citizens United or Roe vs. Wade. The left has its bias, as well, and it might be a long time before we know much of anything. McConnell has refused to meet with Judge Garland, period.
In other news, Super Tuesday votes solidified the position of the presidential front-runners, which pundits tell us changes everything. Trump swept the votes as did Hillary. It seems all but impossible for Bernie to get the necessary delegates to win the nomination now, but his supporters remain enthusiastic, his message larger than his political aspirations and, as he’s financed by contributions alone, he is being encouraged to continue his march across the primary map.
I’m proud of my state for splitting the Sanders/Clinton vote so closely that it took two days to sort out, especially since the Dem Governor, along with Senator Claire McCaskill, who had already pledged her Super Delegate vote to Clinton, had issued statements saying that Sanders didn’t share “Missouri values.” Out of some 650,000+ votes, Hillary won Missouri by just a little over 1,500. With the vote so close to the bone, a recount is indicated but Bernie said ” … he would not request a recount of the state’s results because it would not be likely to affect the number of delegates awarded to the two candidates. “I would prefer to save the taxpayers of Missouri some money….”
Gotta give it to him, Bernie walks his talk and his message hits the heart. It’s a real tragedy that Trump gets billions of dollars worth of free ‘news’ coverage to spread his hate-speak, while Bernie’s message of reconstruction and remediation goes begging. His speech on Tuesday night was NOT covered by cable news as they were waiting for Trump to show up — not running a Trump response, mind you, but WAITING for one. This kind of easy dismissal is going to get even worse now, as Sanders is pressured by the establishment to bow out and get behind the presumptive, even though she appears somewhat wobbly in the general election against what will be, one way or another, a ruthless opponent.
Sanders, on the other hand, continues to grow his base. His answer to the anger issues driving Trump’s popularity is informed and intelligent, rather than bluster and bite. As a TruthOut op/ed put it:
However, what Sanders has tapped into is more than just anger. People have gravitated toward him not just because they are righteously angry at the way things are, but also because they see in him an earnest and lifelong passion for justice. They perceive in his campaign something that has been lost and needs to be recovered — an authentic (rather than opportunistic) sense that an ethical orientation in politics grounded on fairness, democracy, and the common good is not something that just “happens,” but something for which we must collectively fight.
Sanders’ recent political campaign is just another chapter in a book that he has been writing over the course of 50 years — a book that gives life to something that has been stomped on by the neoliberal agenda, but has deep roots in the psyche of most Americans: compassion and care for the other.
There it is: the description of the movement Sanders has headed, whether he gathers the necessary delegates for the presidency or not. While Trump justifies the violence that has become his trademark by insisting that his supporters are passionate about their love of America (white, male America, of course), it’s Sanders who has given us a clear sense of “We, not me,” and compassion for those who have little or no power in the political system. Mrs. Clinton, in an obvious attempt to appeal to both Sanders progressives and black churches in Memphis, speaks now for “love and kindness” as well. If that’s the new Dem position, we win no matter who takes the most votes.
Passion whispers “This feels good to me, I want it.” Compassion, the higher octave of passion, whispers, “This is good for us, this heals us.” The obvious choice is for some level of mutual concern for one another, but we’re still deciding if that’s worth our active participation or our passive approval, our disdain over matters too chaotic to invest in, or our intent to stand with one another to remedy what ails us all.
In this active eclipse window, we’re urged to make our choice, and make it wisely. Perhaps some of us will remember the secret: that we are spirit in a human shell, sharing a mortal experience with one another, and more powerful than we know. In a world filled with “Gods, godding,” whichever experience we decide for, we will have.
Judith, as always, you manage to observe in a manner that ultimately lifts us up. I look forward to reading your weekly summaries from up here in a tiny village in Nova Scotia.
Your title this week struck a thought of my own during this past month. The ‘waters of march’; the ‘eclipse ship’ cycle of the last 19yrs; Madeleine Albright became the first female Secretary of State 19 years ago. The women in this role, imo, have not exhibited anything close to compassion for human life. Quote upon quote of dismissing the death of babies, youth, entire tribes, as simply a consequence of wanting the world to wake up to the American version of democracy….how is that acceptable. Perhaps we need to send some Light into that old Harry S Truman building in Washington.
Donald Trump. So much to say! I’m providing a link to an article in the Guardian, by Thomas Carr Frank. He listened to hundreds of Trump’s speeches (painful, yes?) over the last while and came to a surprising conclusion which is really fascinating and what main stream media does not cover…well, for obvious reasons.
Bernie; so consistent, so focused, never faltering from his life’s vision…Judith, don’t you just wish, or imagine, Bernie pulling a ‘Matthew Santos?’
A bright week to you….
Thanks for that link. Interesting. Of course, it is yet another Trump lie as you presume:
“Trump the Hypocrite: Investing Overseas Fine For Him”
I never watched West Wing, apparently Santos is said to be modeled after Senator Obama*–his character rising above the din and taking the nomination/election. *(In this case, Sanders)
Aword, thanks for the link…interesting times, testing one’s metal so to speak.
Yes, the Matt Santos character was based on Senator Obama. I referred to ‘Pulling a Santos’ in that he made a choice to stand for the People. Was rather magical, in a goose-bumpy way! If you feel inclined, YouTube has this 4min video:
The best to you on this Equinox weekend.
Oh my. That was a rush (now I see why West Wing was so popular).
Sure would be nice to see that in real life. Maybe we’re getting a glimpse.
I like that Jude. . “like a baby just born and howling”. It would be a sorry mess if it wasn’t howling wouldn’t it? Dead on arrival? I am thrilled at the sense of speed Aries brings – finally! I’m ready for some real movement. Do you really think Trump would go back to just making money if he lost the GOP nomination? You know a lot more about politics than I do but I would be surprised if he didn’t become a 3rd party candidate, or can he even do that legally?
As for the President’s SCOTUS nomination, I guess that period I thought would be when he would do it (after his birthday and after the conventions) might instead be when his nominee gets approved. With a solar return chart (birthday chart) Jupiter conjunct his natal Mars (22+ Virgo) as well as the U.S. Sibly Neptune, and solar return Mercury conjunct his natal Pluto, and solar return Venus conjunct his natal North Node, and solar return Mars sextile his natal Jupiter. . not to mention his solar return Neptune conjunct the U.S. PROGRESSED Sun. . . there must be a pony in here somewhere! I’m willing to cut him some slack on his choice though. He doesn’t need to please the voters anymore and getting a 3rd justice approved (even if late) would look good on his resume.
In fact, I have a hunch that McConnell’s foot dragging will benefit the Democrats/liberals in the end. No logical reason, but remember that degree that all three outer planets had in common when they entered their present signs? It was 11+ Aquarius and that’s where McConnell’s Mercury is, 11+ Aquarius.
That degree is a universal synchronicity key I believe. Anyone with something going on in their natal chart at that degree plays a part, no matter how small or large, in moving the evolution process along. A Neptune-flavored Mercury, and a Uranus-flavored Venus and a Pluto flavored Nessus and North Node are behind each natal 11+ Aquarius placement in all the charts in the world (for the next few years anyway), consciously or unconsciously will take part. I’d bet my bippy on it.
Sabian Symbol for 11+ Aquarius (= 12 Aquarius) in Dane Rudhyar’s book An Astrological Mandala:
I really like the title you gave this essay Jude, there has to be passion in compassion, I’m sure it isn’t just a coincidence. Bernie Sanders is symbolic of more than just a desire for being an all-powerful U.S. President. Those with the eyes to see it know his aim is higher than that. His natal North Node (path forward) is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Neptune (compassion) and now the upcoming lunar eclipse is conjunct his natal Juno (partner fighting for equal respect and power) which is conjunct his natal Mercury. The lunar eclipse is at the U.S. MC too. There’s just gotta be a pony in there somewhere.
I do wish I played Chess, Jude. Obama made a sure move when he appointed Garland. (Not “sure” as in will be confirmed. Just a “confident move” in terms of the game).
Seems to me the economic (trade) factor is one more Hitler corollary re: Trump.
Loved the Santos reference, Lyd. Didn’t miss an episode of West Wing, and when it was over I Netflix-binged on the whole series. That was during the Bush years, I was putting out two or three posts a day (blowing up my adrenals!) and when I think back on it, that one hour a week probably did much to keep me sane. Yes — I’d love to see Bernie do that, but I get the feeling no establishment leadership would ask him to “play ball” at this point. Honestly, he seems like the only one out there making sense.
And — although I’ve hardly given up on him as a candidate — it’s his message that must continue to grow and expand. A Sanders presidency would REALLY bring those issues up into view but it’s highly doubtful that he (or she, for all of that) could get past the obstruction that’s calcified in Congress. This is a movement to change hearts and minds, to bring people together and address their needs in a meaningful way, and recreate government as functional and dependable. It isn’t going to happen in a season — and we MUST continue to build on the foundation being laid!
How to bring the populists — Trumpeters and Sandinistas — together, that’s the question. Their populism is driven by mutual victimization of predatory capitalism and, although the elitist right won’t have any of it, that’s the excess we must curb if we’re to come to balance. My concern with the protests have been that we’ve largely forgotten the civility of Dr. King, and the dignity. The young ones don’t have a vision of the alchemical properties inherent in non-violent protest; not to say that the left has provoked the violence aimed at them, but that just BEING there is provocative at this point.
Here’s a read on non-violent response to these right-wing and white supremacist folks, who seem determined to bust bones — it recommends empathy, shared issues and peaceful tactics to defuse the Trump strategy to incite violence. But if Donald doesn’t have someone to scream “YOU’RE FIRED!” at, how can he get the ratings he needs? Let’s take a clue that he doubles down on his repugnant racism purposely, in order to make SURE he’ll have protesters to punch. (The art of the deal? You betcha!) Calculated to draw gasps — and viewers.
Thanks for stopping by, Lyd — if Donald wins, perhaps I’ll be camping out on your doorstep and we can visit. Come by again, and a bright week back’atcha.
Speaking of Bush, it seems to me that Dubby and Donald have a lot in common. They both posture as ‘every man’ when in fact they’re elitists, born and bred; they both see running the USA as a business model with profit first, public good last; both speak from the gut, mindlessly, without having the capacity to structure a sentence and both project a level of confidence unearned and unwarranted.
Clearly, we’ve been down this road before, looking for the guy that knows how to fix everything and talks the most trash because that’s what the Great Unwashed do, yelling at the TV screen — embracing this low-level rage is the equivalent of joining the ranks … having a beer with Dubby, like that would EVER happen in Bushworld … and being on the ‘winning’ side. And while this is clearly about white males, looking to point fingers and take their frustrations out on somebody — the female and ethnic votes goes elsewhere — the racial quotient is our systemic, unhealed and still oozing wound may give the uninformed a target, but the financial issues are the ones driving the right-wing populist crisis; on the left, as well.
Here’s Samantha Bee interviewing a bunch of Trumpeteers — it’s both revealing and confounding, as illustrated by the conversation with the gay, black, obviously educated supporter.
For some of Trumps followers, the notion that the business model will be more successful than a political one resonates; others — like the guy linked below, taking out his rage by peeing in the Rice Krispies — simply see themselves as victims of a system calculated to squeeze them dry, and … because it’s true … their response is to explode in defiance.
As for the SCOTUS pick, I will admit jumping out of my seat today when Mitch was asked if the Pubs would accept Garland during the ACTUAL lame-duck period should Hillary win, for fear she would pick someone more liberal. Turtle-man snorted and said he couldn’t image a more liberal pick [!!!!! OMG!!!] and then went on to say … as usual … nothing substantive except that his congress has been about the people’s business for months now, getting things done.
Not even the Trumpeteers believe that bullshit. He’s like a dolly with a pull-string and recorded message that nobody wants to cuddle with anymore!
Speaking of bullshit, since I only get CNN, PBS and FOX cable channels, I can’t confirm this but has anyone noticed that CNN is behaving more like FOX now? Everybody is talking over one another, the more radical right-wing pundits are being courted and the platform seems calculated to shotgun chaos just to keep the rubes coming back for more. CNN keeps devolving. It’s disappointing.
You’re politically astute, be, so you may be right about Donald skipping out on his contract with the Pubs to run as a Third Party candidate, and with his ego, he might be willing to go up against the establishment, pitting red against red and shredding what’s left of the party (although he has no loyalty to them, especially if they attempt to thwart him.) In the heat of the moment, it could happen, as Kasich seems intent to hang in and be the savior/spoiler. We’ll see. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a contested convention — I’m sure the TV networks are drooling over the possibilities.
It’s also been awhile since we treated one another respectfully, so I’m not holding my breath on what comes after. I know this for sure — if it IS Trump up against Hillary, the conversation is going to get a lot rougher and a lot more distasteful. Trump has no boundaries in pursuit of a ‘deal,’ and that means pulling out all the stops. It will be painful to watch, embarrassing to all but the trolls, but it will also be the kind of addictive crap we’ve already seen, and a train wreck we can’t look away from.
Here’s Rolling Stone on what happens if he loses:
Playing chess, aWord, is the key to successful political gamesmanship (I always accused George W. of playing checkers.) That’s the Machiavellian way. And although the left-brained consider it a science, the right-brained are equally as successful with the artistic, spatial and creative aspects — all things you’re good at, by the way. I DO hope Garland is more than a pawn, though. Did you see that emotional acceptance speech, bless his heart? Here’s a pretty good read from the Beast about the Dem strategy surrounding this poor SCOTUS candidate. He may, in fact, end up as tattered as a piñata. Let’s visualize better for him. Lefty firebrand he ain’t, but he deserves better than the Pubs are planning.
With the Southern states behind him, Bernie is set to do better than he has prior, and there’s another Tuesday at hand. It’s quite a ride, isn’t it? And be, I’m just as sure as you are that there’s a pony lurking somewhere. It’s just all too harmonically discombobulated not to be ‘on purpose.’
Keep the faith, dearhearts, and Happy Equinox, Spring (& spring break) and Palm Sunday to all.
Hmmm, you think G.W. could handle playing checkers? Maybe crokinole?
At least one gets to aim & shoot something, sort-of.
As an observer up here next door, I continue to watch the spectacle unfold, continue to feel my heart warmed & spirits lifted by Bernie’s message & effort. This campaign of his may just be the beginning of something that really can change everything. For all of us, I hope so
I agree that a Trump/Clinton contest could become quite awful indeed..
Thank-you for the links – I’m off to explore them. Just wanted to check in, & yes, I too believe there’s a pony in there.
Happy Equinox/Spring/Eclipse to all.