No More Heads in the Sand

By Carlos Cedillo

Your souls are going to receive the truth.
Broken the spirit of your worship, Oh Itzas.
Forget your perishable god,
Destroy your god.
Of everything there is, He is ruler,
Father and creator of heaven
And all of the earth.
This is the pain in your heart at what is said then, Maya and Itza.
You do not want to hear of another God.
True God speaks to you.
This is His entry into your heart,
The word of my sermon, truly.

— Chilam Balam, Jaguar Prophet, “Counsels of Life and Death”

There is no god more certain of itself than Imperial government. As it was for Rome, and England, the Aztecs, and Spain, the Third Reich, the U.S.S.R, so shall it be for Imperialist America.


We can no longer accept living in a world where those less-than-100%-Light beings dictate how our individual and collective lives are to be lived. As we understand that we are One Consciousness experiencing itself in many billions of different ways, we know all war must end.

As we make it our intention to interact only with beings who are 100% of the Light, those entities who are less than 100% Light begin to fall away from our consciousness. As more and more human beings become aware of their own spiritual light potential, there is no more room in our hearts and minds for those beings who have sought to control and manipulate us into giving them our spiritual life-force energies.

In the Chilam Balam prophecy for the time of 1 Ahau/Sun, (Sept. 23 – Oct. 12, 2014), “…there is an end to the receiving of the money of the Anti-Christ. Anti-Christ does not come. Our Father God does not desire it. … This is the root that is Anti-Christ, truly — Avaricious buying and selling.” It sounds like Wall St. may have met its match this week!

It had to be a beautiful young woman — Carmen Segarra is only 41 years old — to pull off this feat since 1 Ahau is also the Aztec day of Xochiquetzal, the goddess of feminine sex energy!

I had promised to write more about the tsunami at the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan (March 11, 2011, 3 Toj/Water), but I noticed that ever since then, I have written very little during this part of the tzolkin. I pray this week has no major disruptions, as there is enough already happening.

There may be plenty of opportunity for romance this weekend, beginning Thursday, 4 Tzi/Dog, so long as we stay out of mischief Friday, 5 Batz/Monkey; remain humble Saturday, 6 E/Road; and balance ourselves Sunday, 7 Aj/Reed.

Monday Oct. 6, 2014, is 8 Ix/Jaguar, another powerful feminine energy day. Make a ceremony for Mother Nature.

On Tuesday, 9 Tzikin/Eagle correlates with Dec. 15, 1791, the day the Bill of Rights became law. So protect your rights; too many people are trying to trample over them nowadays.

The Full “Blood” Moon happens at just before 6:00 am, Wednesday Oct. 8, 2014. This is 10 Ajmac/Owl on the tzolkin, a perfect day to be on Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg, Texas, but way too early for this hombre. I may make the journey if the right friend comes along.

Much Love and Blessing!
All together relations,

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Carlos is available to help you along your road of spiritual awareness through private Maya tzolkin readings and sacred ceremonies. Contact him at and check out his website, Violet Flame Records.

4 thoughts on “No More Heads in the Sand

  1. Amanda Painter

    i am heartened to read that elizabeth warren is one of the senators calling for an investigation into ms. segarra’s recordings of and allegations about the Fed, having listened to the episode of “this american life” featuring her story. i highly recommend it:

    thanks for making a connection between this story and the Mayan astrology, Carlos!

  2. cosmicjaguar

    If anyone has questions about personal spiritual development, or personal psycholgy and the Maya calendar please ask and I will do my best to write on those topics next week.
    Call in the Angels, their Golden Wings will protect you.

    I can also practice my Angel Reiki skills for your personal Ascension if you allow yourself that pleasure. Via Skype if you like!

    Thanks and blessings,

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