If you’re a regular reader of Planet Waves, chances are you know your Mercury retrograde pretty well. You know that it happens roughly three times per year, and that it usually entails taking extra care over a variety of matters; mostly to do with finance, communication and technology. Mercury retrogrades are often easily navigable by following those steps, although each of these phases has a unique signature — and can still be quite frustrating.

I just couldn’t resist this reference: 1988 cult classic, They Live — a movie about hidden messages and unraveling the truth.
Mercury will station retrograde on Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 9:04 am EDT (13:04 UTC), in the very last degree of Virgo.
In other words, it stations on the Aries Point (the very next degree of the zodiac begins Libra, and activity in the first degrees of all cardinal signs counts as Aries Point activity). Yet another unusual quality: Mercury will station retrograde just two days prior to a total solar eclipse.
What that would seem to translate to is this: pay attention. Listen, record and remember — and, of course, don’t forget to make backups. Notice the subtext of words and actions, and where matters in your personal life correspond to the wider field. I’d advise that you keep an eye on said wider field as much as you can stomach without spontaneously combusting: not easy in the midst of election season, but quite possibly worth it in terms of the patterns or themes that might reveal themselves.
It’s likely the events of this week could lead to big changes, in the sense of the future being virtually unrecognizable from the past. You have the ability to steer this transformative energy in the direction of your choice. That’s an opportunity to watch for once Mercury is back on track; right now, you have the chance to ensure your choices are as clear and informed as they can be.

Eric has completed the 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. We strongly recommend you get all 12 signs. If you prefer, choose your individual signs here. Photo by European Southern Observatory.
“Listen, record and remember.” …a funny phrase to re-read after I just spontaneously recalled part of my dream from this morning in an email. It was a very, very odd dream — not the kind where I instantly say, “Oh, yes, clearly that has meaning.”
It felt more like, “Oh, yes, Mercury is scrambling the airwaves!”
If that dream corresponds to the “wider field,” this will be quite an interesting three weeks…!