A being such as yourself can be defined in many ways. There are biological functions such as ingestion, respiration, excretion and reproduction. It could also be said that every living thing makes some sort of effort. If there were one word to express the motivation for every effort and the objective of every biological function, it might be “needs.”
Every life form has needs, and the means to get them met. The more self-aware a living being is, the better it can anticipate, prioritize and act towards that end. As a social being who lives in community, you have a specialized ability express your needs in abstract ways.
Astrology also has its specialized components, but not every astrologer refers to them. Admittedly, you can do a lot with just the luminaries — the Sun and Moon as they move through the signs and houses. The planets of ancient astrological traditions (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) can also be employed along with the Sun and Moon to plausibly interpret a great deal of your everyday experience.
In addition, relatively modern sign co-rulers revealed by use of the telescope (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are useful for placing your life in what you might call a broader context.
Sometimes, however, a broad context is not enough to deal with life’s complexity. Specificity is also important. Take language as an example. The larger the vocabulary, the more specific and clear a linguistic expression can be. If you see fit to call astrology a form of language, then the same principle must certainly apply. That’s where the so-called “minor” objects of astrology come in.
Among the hundreds of thousands of minor planets in our solar system, a very large number move in the main belt of asteroids located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Among the asteroids in that belt is the third one discovered there, named after the highest-ranking goddess of ancient Roman mythology: Juno.
Just as with all objects discovered by telescope, it’s probably best not to put too much stock in the mythology behind Juno’s name. Better for Juno to prove its own place in the language of astrology, and in your life. Interestingly, just such a “proving moment” (as Eric calls it) is coming up next week. Specifically, that moment will come with the New Moon, which will take place in the eighth degree of Sagittarius on Tuesday, just after 7:18 am EST (12:18:09 UTC).
A New Moon takes place roughly once a month when the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of the same sign for what astrologers call a conjunction. All conjunctions represent at least three things.
First, a conjunction is an example of one cycle completing and a new one starting. Next, the two objects participating in a conjunction are thought to at least temporarily merge their identifying energies. Finally, with two objects in such close astrological quarters, it’s difficult to see all of the specific complexities that their new cycle will eventually reveal.
It’s relatively rare for a third object to occupy precisely the same degree of the conjoined luminaries at the time of a New Moon. Tuesday will be just such an occasion. Juno will be that third object, sharing the same degree of Sagittarius with the Sun and Moon, and providing you with a proving moment to call your own.
To derive your personal proof on Tuesday, there will be just a few things to keep in mind in addition to the three most probable meanings of a conjunction. It would be useful to think of the Sun as concisely as famed astrologer Robert Hand does, namely symbolizing “day, light and consciousness.” Then, consider the Moon as representing a complementary principle: that which is just below the level of waking conscious awareness — such as feelings, intuitions and the dreams that come with sleep.
You might also allow yourself to draw upon Eric’s cogent perception of Juno’s place in astrology as having to do with both the needs that distinguish all living things, and the relatively higher function of expressing them clearly. Last but not least, let the final and truest proof of Juno’s pudding be the objective observations, subjective thoughts, choices and actions that constitute your unique experience of the world.
Even though there is a New Moon roughly once a month, no two New Moons are the same. Each conjunction of the luminaries takes place in a different context, providing a unique perspective of your place in both the continuum of life on Earth and as part the cyclical system we call solar. Assuming you participate with conscious awareness, the Sagittarius New Moon on Tuesday should allow you to come away with a larger vocabulary for better understanding your own needs, and better making them known.
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