This is a fascinating time of year during a vital period in human history. All over the world people of divergent perspective are paradoxically converging to observe (and even celebrate) what we have in common. Unsurprisingly, astrology has something to say about it.
In the U.S. voters on both sides of a sharply divided electorate are beginning to come together in concurrent and similar civil rituals (called either primaries or caucuses), to select their respective champions for the quadrennial presidential contest later this year.
All over the world (but especially in the U.S.), fans of two American football teams contesting for the Super Bowl Championship will soon be coming together to cheer for their favorites — either in the stadium where the game is played, or in front of countless televisions in public places or private homes.
Also all over the world (but especially in the Far East) millions are preparing to convene with family and friends on the occasion of a new year, even if there is divergence as regards to the exact date when the Year of the Fire Monkey begins.
The Eastern Asian new year you are probably most familiar with has to do with the Moon. In the lunar new year tradition, the turnover takes place during the second New Moon following the Capricorn solstice (winter in the Northern Hemisphere, summer in the Southern Hemisphere). This year, that Aquarius New Moon will take place on Feb. 8 just before 9:39 am EST (14:38:52 UTC).
There is, however, a divergent tradition in East Asian culture that marks the new year by the position of the Sun. In his book The 12 Chinese Animals, Chinese astrology master Zhongxian Wu asserts that the new year “refers to the moment when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 315 degrees. It usually occurs on February 4 or 5 each year in the Gregorian (western civil) calendar.”
Interestingly, 315 degrees of celestial longitude corresponds to the precise middle degree of Aquarius in western astrology. It is one of the four ‘cross quarter’ days marking the midpoint of a season. In this particular case, it is halfway between the Capricorn solstice and the Aries equinox (spring in the Northern Hemisphere, autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). This year, the Sun will reach that point at the stroke of 4:46 am EST (09:46:00 UTC) on Feb. 4.
Just as in the Far East, there is divergence in the western world regarding when to celebrate the cross-quarter and what it means. For those inclined to participate in secular pop culture, there is Groundhog Day (today), when a fuzzy beast and people in funny clothing converge to augur how the current season will play out — based on whether or not the Sun is casting a shadow.
For those of a Christian persuasion, there is Candlemas (also today), which, in another example of divergence, variously commemorates a rite of passage for Jesus, or for his mother, or the conclusion of Epiphany. For many, the end of Epiphany season also represents the beginning of Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) or Carnival, allowing Christians a chance to get their freak on before getting serious again on Ash Wednesday.
For those who prefer to observe the Earth-oriented traditions that Christianity conveniently co-opted, this particular cross quarter point is called Imbloc (or Brigid’s Day).
Imbolc roughly translates to “in the belly” (thought to refer to the concurrent pregnancy of ewes), containing etymological references to milk and cleansing as well. You also might also think of yourself as in the belly of what is often experienced as a long and trying season.
Regardless of how you choose to observe either the Sun at the mid-point of Aquarius on Thursday or the Aquarius New Moon on Monday, the astrology of those occasions indicates that your individual choice is more likely to bring you together with others, in spite of any differences you have with them. That’s because of where the original ruling planet of Aquarius (Saturn — the arbiter of form, shape and structure) is now placed.
Saturn is currently moving very slowly as it approaches its retrograde station next month. As a result, where Saturn was yesterday is where it is today, and where it will be on Thursday — and even Monday: at 14+ Sagittarius, conjoined with the Great Attractor to the degree.
The Great Attractor is an intense gravitational source in deep space, far away from our galaxy. We don’t know what it is, but we know what it does. It is a polarizing object. Even as it is pulling uncounted galaxies (including ours), it’s also retreating in the opposite direction at apparently the same pace. Think of a celebrity (like the late Greta Garbo) who makes a living as a public figure, yet paradoxically wants to be left alone, and you get the idea.

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Thus, having the traditional ruler of Aquarius (the sign of groups, particularly groups of choice) not only conjoined, but hanging out at what may be the singly most polarized point on the zodiac indicates not only a convergence, and not just a divergence, but somehow both at the same time. As a bonus, the next week or so implicitly provides you with a special opportunity to shape your life and the lives of countless others by the choices you make during this season of February festivities.
If it appears as though it’s going to play out that way for you, it would be in your best interest if you remember to play nice. For if there is one thing that all the holidays and events going on over the next week or so have in common, it’s that they all represent an initiation or threshold that will long resonate, based on how those participating contribute to the quality of the time.
The Super Bowl winners will long be remembered, and the losers quickly forgotten. The winners of the early primaries and caucuses in the U.S. will be more likely to attract both political contributions and undecided voters than those who finish behind.
And as any Chinese astrologer will tell you, the new year is an auspicious time only if you make good decisions and endeavor to do the right thing by others. By the same token, every version of how the western cultural tradition observes this time of year (as symbolized by the motion picture Groundhog Day) emphasizes how your choices shape your character, and your character (not astrology) in turn shapes your destiny.
So cross this threshold mindfully. Don’t let paradox confuse you. Rather, do your best; and (most of all) do the right thing and honor the cause of love no matter who you find yourself thrown together with.
Offered In Service
Anyone else have a brutally Mercury retrograde-like first half of the day? Holy SNAFUs, Batman. I do think this shadow phase is more difficult that the actual retrograde was for me. At least the Rx held some fascinating insights. Today was just messy on all fronts.
Responding to your observation — I’m pretty new to astrology and thus fairly ignorant (if interested) about it, and so when Mercury “stationed” last Monday, and breathed a sigh of relief that the retrograde effect would subside. Instead, everything in my tech universe went massively awry! Weird happenings while I was attempting to teach classes – supporting equipment failed in unusual ways – systems not functioning. Communications patchy. I decided in my own head that maybe Mercury retrograde is not actually a “thing” because I seemed to experience it only AFTER its purported end. But hearing what you say above, and what Eric commented on — a post-retrograde intensification of its effects — makes me think maybe something to it…
Not so much messy as exhausted and maybe a little depressed, sister in hospital and youngest son just moved out and away, trying to get to the next level with work and girlfriend. Naturally I am worried on both fronts. Little behind at work myself, hope things start to calm down a bit soon.
Hi Len, I forgot it was Tuesday, well now Wednesday, so finally got to read your offering on this month’s observations and events. We humans do like our traditions and I remember my sister-in-law confided to me once that life (for her) was the reaching of a holiday, say a birthday, and then when that was accomplished, beginning preparations for the next observed date. That does sound very Saturn-like doesn’t it? It made me think of that sort of view of life somewhat like a swinging bridge made of rope to keep you relatively (safely) confined and with boards to walk on that support you over whatever; a creek perhaps.
Having just watched a program on the life of President Garfield and his assassination, I was reminded of just how tough life was 135 years ago and for women especially, my sister-in-law’s (hopefully exaggerated) marking of Time – by hanging onto the ropes between holidays – would have been commonplace back then. Even now, these holidays, religious or sports or political events provide opportunities to bring us together and give relief to the daily grind. A sharing thing; a marking of Time. In this part of the world, February can be a tough period as you suggest because of the weather, although that’s not so predictable anymore.
For many of us these old traditions are nostalgic but have lost much of their ritual meanings because we can get around and connect with one another so effortlessly on a daily basis now. I’m glad you keep us aware of their meanings Len because to lose contact with our common past has undertones of alienation. I think it is one of the reasons people are drawn to astrology because it lends itself to being shared with others; something we all have in common, although I’m not thrilled with the idea of being inside a ewe’s belly.
However, the conjunction of transiting Saturn to the Great Attractor is provocative in several ways. What if traditions (Saturn) are leading us to an irresistible (GA) revelation of something that connects us to our past in a most untraditional way? Saturn is (more or less) now square transiting Neptune who fogs up traditions, and not to far into the future Saturn will finally trine transiting Uranus who will lead us to explore new commonalities, and finally, in 2020 Saturn will start a new cycle with transiting Pluto. What that could do for old traditions and rituals is almost beyond imagination, but the need for coming together in group participation will always be necessary and rewarding wouldn’t you say?
Very interesting your piece, Len.
I am hanging out with the Catholics lately, everyday going to mass, etc. Never saw that coming, but it is a lovely refuge and I am beyond happy for the warmth, the safety and the solemnity that the Basilica exudes. Suffice to say this Basilica is in sharp contrast to the environment where I spent the rest of the day.
There was a homily recently in which the priest explained that the church is a place to come when family fails and, indeed, this is very true for me. Long story short, I am what might be described as “shunned” by my people. I learn from tests I’ve been after for years now that it was a heart attack I experience in the past; this is what caused my debility. Whoa. Lots to integrate from this past retrograde! But I suspect this is a great opportunity to choose a soul-level family … moving beyond the groups that we formed before we became conscious humans.
It is a new day.
Mary, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and experience here. I must say you seem the wiser from your difficulties and wondered if you had a prominent natal Chiron. “..a great opportunity to chose a soul-level family. . moving beyond the groups that we formed before we became conscious humans” is very perceptive of you. Many of us have moved away from the confines of the native “tribe” we were born into, or it fell away from us for various reasons. It is painful at the time as you acknowledge, but in hindsight it can be seen as liberating for the soul. I wish you well and am glad you have a comfort source you can retreat to on a daily basis.
Dear Be,
I always check your posts to get your take on the day’s posts … and feel esp gratified to have you offer your wisdom to me. Truly, Be. I am happy to hear from you and appreciate your voice on this.
Not sure my natal Chiron is prominent , but it is in the 12th house and early Aquarius, so indeed this might fit the bill as you state. I am a little stunned myself that I’ve taken so long to come to this notion, as I wanted so much to mend fences and remain in surrender mode in order to make my way with the family of origin. I feel enormously blessed to get to this place, letting go of the need to give/receive the family’s love and affection, and opening up to my real soul-felt kin.
Thank you, again, for helping me solidify/celebrate this momentous occasion … sister? 🙂
ps: failed to mention that my natal chiron is unaspected, in a chart full of squares and trines, etc. … I always thought that in order to be prominent there had to be some significant personal planet in aspect. Maybe not? I’m open to your thoughts/wisdom.
Although I much prefer the ewe’s belly to that of the whale….
14 Sagg and Saturn backing up — I knew he’d be grinding back and forth before finally hitting natal Saturn at 24 degrees some time in the not-too-far-off future. Plenty of time to restructure, reconsider and “cross the threshold mindfully”.
Thanks, Len.