Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 11.18.15

Paris's Place de la République today.  The first person I met was a young man, about 24 years old, who lost his girlfriend and two friends at the Bataclan attack.  Then, this morning he was on the suburban RER train going through St. Denis when the shooting was happening.  He stayed calm while others reacted in panic and tears.  He told me he's not afraid to die, but wants to have a peaceful mind when it happens.  He came to Place de la Republique to be around, and comfort, others.

Paris’s Place de la République today. The first person I met was a young man, about 24 years old, who lost his girlfriend and two friends at the Bataclan attack. Then, this morning he was on the suburban RER train going through St. Denis when the shooting was happening. He stayed calm while others reacted in panic and tears. He told me he’s not afraid to die, but wants to have a peaceful mind when it happens. He came to Place de la Republique to be around, and comfort, others.

Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website DanielleVoirin.com, or her alt website, DaniVoirin.com.

5 thoughts on “Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 11.18.15

  1. Amanda Painter

    The young man you met sounds remarkable, Dani. I wish him the peace he speaks of (and seems to possess). Thank you for inviting us into your world in this way.

  2. Pisces Sun

    I agree with Amanda P. Dani, thank you for sharing your personal experience and that of those around you as you continue to live through the grieving and grapple with the current situation. I lived in DC during the 9/11 and sniper attacks, I know first hand how hard it is to go back into any sort of routine. Life has changed for you and your city. Hopeful that peace and normalcy may come back to Paris as quick as possible.

  3. Love

    Hi planet waves cast and crew,

    FYI I changed my Log in name from Eris 67 to Love.
    After finding out she is a goddess of discord and strife
    I thought it best to change it to something more reflective of
    My life!

    Peace and love,

    Patricia Louise Mettler

  4. marie hawthorne

    Though lightning strikes the ground
    clouds cannot secret the Sun
    but for a while.
    Though bones ring
    echoing lost futures and past bankruptcies
    eagle-hunters seek nourishment
    with renewed alacrity.

    Soaring-eagles, eagle-sensors,
    seers of perfection.

    Bitter is the tonic, sweet the honey
    exuded from the sacred earth,
    fermented in the ancient hearth.

    Look. See.
    Sea. Sky.
    River. Sea. Ocean.
    Sea. Earth. Sky.
    Ease. Balance.
    Calm. Grace.

    Sun. Moon.
    Light. Dark.
    See. Feel.
    Calm rivers.

    See river’s sky.
    See sea’s sky.
    See ocean’s sky.
    See oceans’s shore.
    Green mountain.
    Grace. Calm.

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