A man snaps a selfie in front of artist Anish Kapoor’s “Dirty Corner” sculpture, currently being installed in the gardens at the Chateau de Versailles. Kapoor is Versaille’s invited artist this year, and his exhibition will run from June 9th to November 1st, which gives it time to be in the background of thousands of selfies.
Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website DanielleVoirin.com, or her alt website, DaniVoirin.com.
This photo reminds me of:
…and in the spirit of merc conj sun… 😉
Oh Hugging, that’s awesome 🙂 nostalgia moment…hehe
Best laugh of the weekend so far, HS. Many thanks.