Category Archives: Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope

Planet Waves Monthly for February 2009

Dear Friend and Reader:

MERCURY STATIONS direct in late Capricorn on Feb. 1, the week of Midwinter holiday or Imbolc. I measure the cross-quarters not by the traditional day stated in the almanac but as when the Sun is at 15 degrees of the fixed signs. According to Io Sprite, my astrology software, the Sun arrives at the midpoint of Aquarius at 11:49:48 am EST Tuesday, Feb. 3.

Planet Waves
Spirit of Aquarius. Image from a medieval (15th century) book of astrology.

Mercury’s current retrograde began in early Aquarius, in degree 8 of that sign. The Sabian symbol is “beautifully gowned wax figures on display.” The theme: “The inspiration one may derive from the appearance of Exemplars who present to us the archetypes of a new culture.” One interesting thing about this moment is that we have indeed chosen people to look up to. We have embraced the idea that someone can set a positive example for us.

Mercury (actually, at this very moment) is straddling two richly contrasting signs: Aquarius representing ideas and an expanding vision, Capricorn representing the solid, practical matters of the world. The two are in a constant relationship, bonded by being neighbors and represented by Saturn. Normally we associate progress with Aquarius, but note that many of the greatest revolutionaries and visionaries of the future have a strong Capricorn signature in their chart.

Imbolc marks the midpoint of the winter season (summer in the Southern Hemisphere). The Sun will be halfway between the Capricorn ingress (the solstice) and the Aries ingress (the vernal equinox). In the Catholic tradition this point of the year is called Candlemas, a time when we take stock of how many candles are left, and if there are enough, light one in every window. (If you take part in this tradition, please take care of the curtains.) In marketing culture this is called Groundhog Day, though thankfully nobody is printing up greeting cards yet. This is a natural moment: it’s the tipping point of winter, when the season loses its grip and begins to slip into the next phase.

We are in the midst of an impressive Aquarius alignment, currently involving the Sun, Jupiter, Neptune and minor planets Juno, Nessus and Chiron. The Feb. 9 Full Moon is a penumbral lunar eclipse in Leo with the Aquarius Sun precisely conjunct Chiron, the image of mental clarity, technological precision and resolving something deep within the general realm of ‘father’. This is a precise alignment (in longitude) of four points: Chiron, the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. This follows the Jan. 26 annular (not annual; rather a particular kind of solar eclipse called annular, where the Moon does not fully block out the Sun) eclipse of the Sun in Aquarius and arrives with a gust of change from a fresh direction.

There actually is a spirit of cultural cohesion and shared values in the air of this Air sign, and as we take these next turns in the river’s bend, there is unusual potency in setting the guiding patterns we want to live by — a fact suggested by so much movement at the time of two eclipses. I am figuring out that it’s safe, sane and beautiful to dedicate my existence to loving and art. When I look around I see many people making similar discoveries. This is an inauguration of its own.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which is why you are always the designated driver of motivation: one expected to put the key into the cosmic ignition and start the engine of the universe. I would propose, though, that you shift your orientation from speed to quality — and that you do this partly in response to the feeling that you’re being observed and scrutinized. You are indeed more visible than ever, which is saying a lot. You are choosing to take a leadership role, which is getting the attention of others in leadership roles, whether it’s helpful attention or not. And while it’s clear that you’re trying to make a name for yourself, this needs to be filed under “don’t worry about it.” I suggest that in support of all your goals and honoring the fact that every move you make counts for extra right how, you be your own most thorough critic and most subdued publicist. Do nothing for the sake of appearances and downplay what you do for other reasons. Rather, ensure that your actions are worth the effort and the expense that is going into them. Work out petty rivalries with a compromising attitude. Remember that your greatest resource is the people around you, which is a reminder to share both responsibility and credit for what you take on. If you’re looking honestly, those nearby will deserve both.

Read your 2008 annual for Aries. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Aries
and Aries rising here

Planet Waves

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Now begins a rare kind of journey for you, an extraordinarily conscious journey inward. You possess a passport to realms of awareness that are usually out of your reach. You may also notice that you’re walking through the world in a slightly altered state, as if you’re not 100% here, a fact I suggest you take note of, and do your best to counterbalance by grounding yourself. This word, grounding, is overused and under-explained. I would start with space and time: remembering where you are and who you are with at any given moment. Remember that people cannot read your mind, and if you seek their understanding, it’s your responsibility to explain yourself in language they can understand. Then there is inner grounding. What you encounter over the next few months may seem like more than you can handle psychologically, but in reality you’re going to acquire something you’ve been missing for a long time. You’ve exerted prodigious effort toward your worldly goals, and those are going to progress at their own pace. It’s the inner goal of self-recognition and self-affirmation that are the central focus of your charts right now, and I presume, your life on Earth. In short, you are seeking something that most people will claim is impossible to find; but if you give this process about three months, you may decide you have a different opinion.

Read your 2008 annual for Taurus. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Taurus and Taurus rising here.

Planet Waves

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Mercury has just finished spinning backwards, and it’s taken you on a trip from entertaining some high ideals to dealing with the practical matters of a business or partnership situation. Get ready to renegotiate anything you seem to have agreed to during the past few weeks. If you keep an attitude of looking for the opportunity contained within any sticking point, you’ll be able to accomplish just that. There were moments during the past few weeks when you seemed to arrive at the perfect, mutually beneficial arrangement and you may be wondering where that sense of cooperation went. With Mercury retrograde everything is a work in progress, particularly where human agreements are concerned. This is always true, but things are never quite what they seem under this astrology. I suggest that while you take in the abundant new information that is emerging from recent discoveries and disclosures, that you not drift too far from your original intent, or the spirit of what you agreed to before. Some of the particulars will change. Some of the circumstances are rearranging themselves, and at the moment we are in the middle of eclipses; these, for you, are a reminder to keep a wide perspective. Narrow is not going to work right now, but at the moment, the devil is indeed in the details.

Read your 2008 annual for Gemini. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Gemini and Gemini rising here.

Planet Waves

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
While an eclipse of the Moon later this month is urging you to be careful with your finances, it’s also guiding you directly toward a discovery of some valuable resources that you have likely overlooked. The most important of those resources is something about yourself that you’re forgetting. Here’s the biggest clue that the astrology is offering. You’re dealing with something in yourself that you view as a flaw: a lack of confidence, an overactive generous spirit, forgetting to take care of yourself before you take care of others; this kind of thing. Inside that flaw is a tremendous strength, concealed by a belief. You keep remembering this, then you keep forgetting. This is the time to remember; and you may remember under some odd or unusual circumstance. It may be how you perceive another person’s struggle that clues you into what you’re really trying to figure out in yourself. Indeed, if you take a bold step and imagine that people are acting out your drama for you in an exaggerated form, and if you give yourself any advice that you feel you might want to give to them, you’re going to arrive at the heart of the matter faster than if you had the help of three therapists. But if you’re going to get the assistance of an expert or advisor, I suggest you choose one, who is either older than 50 or far more advanced than their years.

Read your 2008 annual for Cancer. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Cancer
and Cancer rising here

Planet Waves

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
If you’re having an easy time in your relationships right now, don’t thank the planets; thank your own wisdom and maturity. Honor your ability to bear witness to what someone else is going through without having to get directly involved. Pay a moment of heed to the old idea that it’s a wise person who can learn from someone else’s mistakes. The circumstances of your life have their roots so far in the past that you might not remember them. Indeed, we barely remember what happened last week, but I suggest strongly that you pay attention and seek to understand the history of the situation. Most of us drag our old stuff around unconsciously, rarely coming to any authentic awareness of what it adds up to, offers as a gift or cautions about human nature. What you’re witnessing is likely to take some strange twists and turns within a concentrated period of time early in the month; I suggest that you leave your mind open and make no decisions until after a lunar eclipse in your sign then a conjunction to Neptune, all of which are clear after the 11th. Until then, so many distortions are possible that you won’t want to be held to anything you might say, and for that matter, whatever someone else might say. Drive slowly, and look and listen carefully till the mists clear.

Read your 2008 annual for Leo. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Leo
and Leo rising here

Planet Waves

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Any confrontation can be turned to your advantage: for partnership, for learning and for resolving old conflicts. Those may be outer conflicts but the charts seem to point to resolving an inner struggle of some kind, involving joining your whole being together as one holistic idea. It’s true that someone is approaching or meeting you face-on and seems to be pushing you further than you seem to want to, to change faster than is comfortable or express your full power. You’ve encountered this kind of situation before, perhaps many times before in recent years, and it would be interesting to hear about the sequence of inner responses you’ve had as time has progressed. It would be interesting to hear your process of taking on board the inspiration, agitation or pressure to move forward with long-delayed aspects of your life. You might ask yourself if you invite people to help you along the way; whether you resent their influence; whether you love and crave it; or all of the above. In any event, you appear to be in a situation that is designed to move you forward, and whether sparks are flying, feathers are flying or brilliant ideas are flying is really up to you. The future has not only arrived; it keeps arriving. And there is a power source of some kind offering itself to you.

Read your 2008 annual for Virgo. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Virgo
and Virgo rising here

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
Creative doorways are opening for you, and they are about to open wider still. From the look of your solar chart, it seems like you have a point of entry into your deeper ideas, artistic impulses and sexuality. What you may feel you lack is the impulse to do something about it; to keep control over the direction of events and developments. There may be a love interest on the horizon who is distracting your attention from the creative side of this expression, emphasizing the amorous. This person may be serving as a muse, or as a reflection of who you are. Notably, the situation seems to be changing rapidly: if there is someone in your life who has all or most of your attention, their journey seems poised to go inward, which will guide you to do the same thing. If this is a long-term situation, you will need to keep your faith in the process as you and someone else do some very necessary inner work. If this represents something that has manifested recently, one thing is certain: the events of the next few weeks will set both your life and your creative process in different directions than they might have otherwise, it’s up to you to keep that direction productive, and to allow your mind to be set free in the process; which is another way of saying, trust yourself.

Read your 2008 annual for Libra. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Libra
and libra rising here

Planet Waves

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
This must be an emotionally sensitive time for you, though you may not be noticing it that way. I see many different themes, as if there are numerous guests in your emotional house, and you may just be feeling the subtle pressure of their presence, and of all the activity. Yet I have a hunch that as the next couple of weeks progress, you’re likely to be filled with the determination to do some early spring-cleaning, and get to the roots of all these different situations. I suggest you be extraordinarily cautious if one of them involves a spouse or long-term, live-in partner. I don’t think this person is the problem; to the contrary, I think they are a big part of the solution, or hold certain keys to your own awareness. I am certain (at least looking at your charts) that you are not sure what the real issue is, and as the Sun makes a series of conjunctions, you may decide you have a different theory every day. Make no accusations. Keep them all on the “maybe so” shelf. Most of how you view this situation will depend on two things: whether and how you face your own insecurities; and how you handle a close personal relationship. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Rather than a dialog, have a metalog: let that which is being discussed arise as you discuss it.

Read your 2008 annual for Scorpio. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Scorpioand Scorpio rising here.

Planet Waves

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
You are about to start doing the heavy lifting on a mental puzzle that has confounded you for weeks or months. Believe it or not, the factor you’ve been missing is motivation. Few astrologers would call Sagittarians inherently lazy, though I think that you rely on your dragon-styled luck and your easy access to helpful people and situations a lot more than you admit. When that motivation seizes hold of you, you’ll see what I mean. You have all the other factors in place: a large view of the situation; an introspective sense of what you’re going through psychologically and spiritually, and unusual knowledge of the subject area. Now you need to take full responsibility for being the engine. Cultivate careful, precise mental habits. Know when you are wrestling with a closed mind. Be open to the viewpoints of others, but don’t stop with what’s handed to you: research and develop the idea yourself, and take it to the next level. What you are doing at the moment may only seem to have small returns in the bigger world of which you so dearly want to be part. That is surely poised to happen, though in ways you’re not exactly expecting. But if you want your airplane to fly, then make sure you fasten every rivet yourself. Attend to every detail. Don’t expect things to “happen right.” Do the job right the first time.

Read your 2008 annual for Sagittarius. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising here.

Planet Waves

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
What a difference one month makes. Three or four weeks ago, you were utterly overwhelmed, and wondering how you were going to keep it all together. Today you seem to be collecting the benefits of so much that you went through. Here’s the latest news: tackle the money thing head on. Money is not about luck. It’s not about deserving the stuff. It’s about drive. You have all the right ideas, resources, opportunities and experience. You have something that few others possess in such abundance, which is embracing the willingness to change, immediately and as necessary — something that as a Capricorn I don’t suggest you take for granted. Now you need to apply ambition. Not the ambition of the Hollywood kind, but rather that of a truck going up a mountain in low gear. You need to harness the full power of your psychic engine. The astrology says you want to do this fast; I suggest you be slow, methodical and make sure you’re not missing anything obvious. Be particularly critical of what you believe about the world, and prepare to let go of any notion or idea about existence that does not support you and the people around you. When you start to see the results, this will be easier than you think.

Read your 2008 annual for Capricorn. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Capricorn and Capricorn rising here.

Planet Waves

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
The Sun’s eclipse in your birth sign on Monday will leave you more determined than ever to be a new person, and perhaps more filled with doubts that this is possible. As the Sun is currently in your sign making a series of conjunctions to planets, you may seem like a different person every day, with different motives, goals and a sense of your personality. This is the trap to avoid: you are one person, with one life. That different ‘parts’ of your psyche may come to the forefront at different times does not mean that you are actually different every day; the ego can identify with or model itself after anything it wants to, from Barack Obama to the Victoria’s Secret catalog to Southpark’s Eric Cartman to a lover to your mother to whatever you can see with your eyes. In my view, true growth is reaching the stable level beneath all of that, and aligning your ‘sense of self’ with the steady layer beneath the many changes you’re experiencing. All the fluctuation may be there to grant you a license to be inconsistent; and I do see the spiritual value in that, in terms of letting go of toxic self-control. This is all well and good, as long as you’re a person of your word. Speak truly to everyone, keep your promises and live with your decisions.

Read your 2008 annual for Aquarius. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Aquarius and Aquarius rising here.

Planet Waves

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You’ve figured out by now that any loss has corresponding gain; and moreover that we must make space in our lives for what is due to arrive. Meanwhile, I think you’re finally getting that you can trust your motives. I know you may have reason to doubt the ultimate aims or intentions of your own highly complicated psychology. You feel the incredible diversity of what a human being is capable of, and in your darkest moments you may recognize that “being a good person” in the way the world rigidly defines it is either meaningless or something that you’re not actually interested in: being real counts for more. Keep your spiritual eyes on this condition of universal potential that you feel; this sense that you’re drawing on a database of the whole human race, all its madness, all its brilliance and all of its doubts. When it comes time to act, to make a decision or to invest your resources (emotional or otherwise); that is, when it comes time to be 100% in accord with what is important to you, move with the full confidence of your soul. You do know what is right for you and you know much of what’s required to create the life you want. Certain things may seem way out of reach today; they may seem impossible to manifest, but you know that something else is true.

Read your 2008 annual for Pisces. Order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Pisces
and Pisces rising here


Copyright © 2009 by Planet Waves, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Alt Monthly Horoscope for January 2009


Planet Waves

Aries (March 20-April 19)
The time has come for your career to soar, though I wouldn’t be surprised if you get off to a rough start on vitally important plans. Do not, I repeat, do not allow any setback or shock to your reality to discourage you. The stars are leaning so heavily in your favor that failure verges on impossible — if you remember your goals, and remember your soul.

Read your 2008 annual for Aries. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Aries
and Aries rising here

Planet Waves

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
You’re about to discover how rigid your belief systems are, and how flexible they are, in one go. This may sound like a contradiction, but really it’s about resolving a paradox that is the essence of your personality. The crux is how much hinges on this seemingly small factor of what you think is true. What you believe does not change reality, but it will turn the key one way or the other.

Read your 2008 annual for Taurus. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Taurus
and Taurus rising here

Planet Waves

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Who do you think has power over you? These are the people you need to make friends with, and understand the nature of the relationship. You are probably familiar with the extent to which you stand in the shadow of the expectations your parents had of you, and may still have. The time has come to meet the world on equal terms. This will take enormous courage, but you can’t afford anything less.

Read your 2008 annual for Gemini. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Gemini
and Gemini rising here

Planet Waves

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
What unfolds in an intimate relationship is a matter of the truth coming out. You may not recognize at this point how your reality will bend to accommodate whatever you learn, and the true role that someone has in your life. Things that seem impossible today will be more a matter of practical reality tomorrow. You need to pay attention only to one thing — how people treat you when you need them most.

Read your 2008 annual for Cancer. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Cancer
and Cancer rising here

Planet Waves

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
You are someone who tends to overwork even during easy times, and you may be called upon to serve in a moment when it seems that everyone else is taking time off. I suggest you take the opportunity to apply some management technique. A large part of the situation you’re facing at the moment could be resolved and avoided in the future through reorganizing. Go for a long-term solution now.

Read your 2008 annual for Leo. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Leo
and Leo rising here

Planet Waves

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
To some extent, we had our curiosity and sense of adventure shut down as children. Recovering that lost gift is never easy, but for you it’s now an evolutionary necessity. If you want to grow, you need to play, to dare, and to set free some part of yourself that you think your parents took away from you. It’s still there and alive in you, but now you need to feed and nourish this part of yourself.

Read your 2008 annual for Virgo. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Virgo
and Virgo rising here

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
You need to make your own safety, based on the facts of your life in the present moment rather than your sense of what has happened in the past. By the past, I mean in immediately prior generations, and the very distant past of humanity, which we all drag around. If you value your liberty, remember there is only so invested you can be in ways of life that stopped working fifty or a hundred years ago.

Read your 2008 annual for Libra. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Libra
and libra rising here

Planet Waves

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Confronted with experiences that exceed our previous psychological capacity, we usually stretch, grow and transform ourselves. By now you’ve noticed that your mental focus has intensified and is calling on you to take fast action. What you think makes as much of a difference as what you do; the two are intimately related. How you perceive the situation will influence how you respond, so think before you act.

Read your 2008 annual for Scorpio. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Scorpio
and Scorpio rising here

Planet Waves

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
The whole world is thinking about money these days, revealing an unhealthy obsession that you usually do your best to avoid. There are two reasons for this: you’re an opportunist in the best sense of the word, and a survivor in the best sense of that idea as well. I suggest that you combine the two and design the kind of self-sufficient life you want. Since no man or woman or Sagittarian is an island, cooperation is the key.

Read your 2008 annual for Sagittarius. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising here.

Planet Waves

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
You are figuring out what has been bothering you, and you may be filled with a need to take urgent and immediate action. If you act too soon, you may create a problem for yourself rather than solving one. At the moment, your sense of perspective is distorted, and your need to take command of your life is in overdrive. I strongly suggest you both think and act on behalf of the long run, and avoid doing too much too soon.

Read your 2008 annual for Capricorn. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Capricorn and Capricorn rising here.

Planet Waves

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
It was an Aquarian who said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” This elegant stroke of intuition could be the meditation for a lifetime, particularly your own. Fear is the most destabilizing force on our fragile planet and in our delicate psyches. We tend to be slaves to it rather than giving it a voice. We tend to push it down rather than listen when it speaks. Now is the time to begin a new approach.

Read your 2008 annual for Aquarius. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Aquarius and Aquarius rising here.

Planet Waves

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Long ago you felt a calling. Maybe it was five or 10 or 15 years ago; in some significant way, you responded to those cosmic instructions. You may now be wondering whether you succeeded in doing your job, much less in making a place for yourself in the world. These months will provide you with clear evidence that you’ve indeed put your efforts in the right place, though you will have plenty more confirmation beyond that which you’re about to learn.

Read your 2008 annual for Pisces. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Pisces
and Pisces rising here

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Published by Planet Waves, Inc. | All rights reserved.

Planet Waves Monthly for January 2009

Dear Friend and Reader:

HAVE YOU NOTICED how dense it can be on this planet? The weighty energetic quality comes in several forms: the unwieldy nature of physical reality; the often foggy, sleepy quality of human consciousness; our obsession with the past; our burning need to conform to what others think we should do; and the peculiar way something done twice turns into a habit and anything said twice turns into the truth.

Planet Waves
Figure at rest. India ink in mylar, by Steve Engel.

Then all of a sudden that heavy quality can vanish. Patterns that resisted change for years or decades yield to some mysterious force. Doorways open, opportunities emerge, synchronicity begins to dance and, by no conscious act of will, we can find ourselves living in a different reality.

With all things Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces coming under the microscope in 2009 and well beyond, we are going to see change of a kind that Barack Obama’s campaign writers could not even imagine. Science does not, as yet, acknowledge the realities that the astrological signs represent: the energy patterns in the background of existence that provide the rough blueprints for the world we live in. These patterns can change, but they don’t change easily. Usually, the agents of change are represented by planets. For the foreseeable future, the planets involved are Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto: the very gods of change themselves.

Let’s organize the discussion by sign, taking Capricorn first. Families often try to push us into making the same mistakes they did; or we feel a massive guilt trip come on if we don’t do what we think they expect us to do. Let’s give this a name: ancestral guilt. A famous astrologer once accused me of overblowing the importance of guilt as a spiritual issue because I’m Italian. Then for the next decade I observed my friends and clients and noticed that it’s not just us gumbas (and our Jewish cousins) who have a guilt issue; it is the entire western world. (I’ve never been to Asia, but I bet you a quart of fried rice that it exists there too.) The slightest proposed digression, the least notion of doing things one’s own way, the meekest desire to challenge authority or experience an unauthorized pleasure, often are met with the sting of guilt.

Enter Pluto into Capricorn, long awaited, long revered, and the previous birthplace of the Declaration of Independence. Pluto sometimes manifests as Shiva, sometimes as Dionysus, and sometimes (in modern spiritual terms) as the force of the soul coming through. Either archetype will work in this case, if we are looking for something more powerful than the obsessive power of self-accusation. Persistent thought patterns of the past getting dismantled or, for the bolder and more adventurous, celebrated out of existence with the awareness that we are alive now. The people whose bones we walk around on, rather than a source of reluctance, are generally cheering us on. Our real ancestors — the dead ones — know the mistakes they made, investing so much energy in negativity, fear and trying to hold back the next generation. Pluto in Capricorn is urging us to tap into this ancestral power source. It is the opportunity break down the preconceptions we’ve had installed in our minds and free up some energy.

This transit is coming with considerable fear, from astrologers and prognosticators of many stripes and shades. We’re hearing many predictions of the rise of fascism under this transit; of the crumbling of society; of the worst times ever. What ever happened to the New Age? Down the block from me, two guys are writing a book called The Greatest Depression, predicting that it’s all gonna come crashing down, causing enormous misery and mayhem and then maybe eventually we will have a renaissance. We will, unless we return to being hunter-gatherers.

Notice the sense of punishment encrypted in this thinking, and very little sense of creativity and adventure. The “news,” for its part, is pumping out so much economic pessimism that people are afraid to go out for lunch. We track (or are subjected to) the rise and fall of the stock market as if our lives depended on it, and this is utterly ridiculous. In the horoscopes that follow, and the longer version of Next World Stories, I do my best to offer tools for how to take this transit into your own hands and make something out of it.

Planet Waves
Untitled. India ink on mylar, by Steve Engel.

Next is the conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune in Aquarius, which we’ve lived with for a decade, is about the public going into the kind of haze as if there were Prozac in the water (there is) or as if we were all connected to the Internet Matrix in Red Pill fashion. We live in another reality; we have friends we don’t know, who we recognize by their avatar; we take the BlackBerry or the iPhone to bed (it makes a good alarm clock and toasts our dreams with microwaves, meanwhile).

Chiron, a planet that is about raising awareness and going through a conscious healing process, has been slowly gaining on Neptune the past four years. This has served to wake us up, gradually; awake enough (at least) not to elect Sarah Palin president-to-be. And I would add, awake enough during these past four years to convert a lot of people who would normally be media consumers into Internet contributors (bloggers, YouTube filmmakers and so on) — which is exactly, precisely what we need: active participation, the assertion of individuality and the authentic search for community and common ground.

Chiron and Neptune are very close to a long-anticipated (by me, anyway) conjunction. It only makes a very close near-miss this year (in late May, accurate to one degree) but the process is accelerated and magnified by Jupiter in Aquarius aligning with both Chiron and Neptune. What have we here? A magnificent opportunity to be yourself and find your true peers, which I suggest you get out of digital form and into physical form. Yes, do that very dangerous thing and use the Internet to meet people in real life. Try not to have them be only in Timbuktu. Try for within one-hour travel time, or even walking distance. Let’s turn the world to Burning Man and manifest the Internet on the ground, in physical form. Read your blogs at the local coffee house open mic.

Last but not least, we have the continuing opposition of Saturn and Uranus, across the Virgo-Pisces axis. Uranus in Pisces is about sparking up the imagination and our sense of what is possible on the material plane. This has been going on for a while, but the more recent, and ongoing, opposition from Saturn in Virgo gives us something to push back against, like a swimmer propelling herself off the pool wall in a race. Yes, it represents a solid object, a kind of obstacle, but it’s also something to work with: actual material with which to construct those Uranus in Pisces visions of what you could be and consequently, what the world could be. The next world: the one we are creating.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis


A note about the January monthly and Next World Stories annual horoscopes.

Planet Waves

The horoscopes that follow are the shorter version of the annual edition — an expanded monthly, complete in itself. It is not a ‘teaser’ and the text below is unique to this edition. Our full annual edition is offered as a separate publication, called Next World Stories. The 12 signs are available individually or in groups. The Next World annual comes with many more features, some of which will be updated all year. There are also four different monthly horoscopes offered with Next World Stories, rather than the one that we offer on the free side of Planet Waves.

Here is some very useful information about pricing. Originally we offered all 12 signs of Next World Stories, and the extra materials, for just $25. The signs (which pertain to both Sun and rising sign) are now $19.95 each, or less if you order more than two of them. However, here is a way you can still get the lower price on the annual: renew your regular subscription early. If you use this product page, you will have the option to order all 12 Next World Stories signs and a three month extension on your subscription to Planet Waves Astrology News. To save us work, make sure your name and email match your current subscription!

This link will also work for gift orders. If you have any questions, please call Chelsea at (877) 453-8265 and we will help you in real time. If you would like to see the product description, check this link. Remember that the combined subscription is at this link — Product 47. It is substantially less to get all 12 signs and the three month extension than it is to get just the 12 signs; and I’m pretty sure you’re going to want to read more than one. We have included a free link to the 2008 annual for your sign (Small World Stories) so you have an idea of the quality of work that is involved in the annual edition: months of research and about eight hours of writing per sign. Thank you for your business.
Eric Francis

Planet Waves

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Ambition, focused and urgent, seems to be the most significant theme of your charts, but you know better. Your calling to succeed is so potent as to be humbling; as to make you wonder whether you can do it at all, and you need to burn that doubt like fuel. This is a special phase of your life, wherein you will orbit closer to your outer destiny than perhaps ever before, and even make direct contact. What you accomplish in the highly eventful early part of the year may indeed open the way for what you create during an extended phase of your life. This being said, try not to judge your achievements or lack thereof; your impulses are likely to be far greater than your ability to actually do all that you want to do; and I strongly suggest that you keep in mind just how long of a process we are talking about with Pluto in Capricorn. My Godmother, an unusually patient specimen of an Aries (born 04/04/1904), was fond of saying that Rome was not built in a day; you might want to use a photo of the Coliseum as your desktop image to remind you of this. I also suggest you remember that, though your push energy is running strong, you are being drawn to something as well. That something involves your human environment, a factor that is rapidly developing though the shape of which you may not yet see. The beauty of this process is that you are, gradually but very steadily, finding out who you are through an ever-clearer reflection developing in those around you. They can see something you cannot; and as you begin to open your eyes, you will become what you have been missing.

Read your 2008 annual for Aries. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Aries
and Aries rising here

Planet Waves

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
For a while, trying to figure out how writing careers work, I read a lot of Wiki pages on authors. I began to see a pattern. Many of them were unknown nobodys until one day they were somebody really special. Before and after, they brushed their teeth and took their coffee with however many sugars. Their cat did not notice the difference (but cats are smart, so you never know). But the recognition came, often after a long, exasperating delay. Why it came when it did was often a matter that could, at least, be identified in their astrology: they had one of the five of six big transits of their lifetime. You now have such a transit developing; in fact, several of them. While you are waiting the relatively short time for this to happen, you have a little time to make up your mind about a few things, such as what is possible. Your job is not to conquer anything or make anything happen or even to get people to notice you. Rather, in my view, it is to adjust your beliefs to the point where you at least concede anything is possible, evidence of which you can find by (for example) looking at the career trajectories of people who are doing some version of what you want to do the most. While you are noticing the at times comical befores and afters, notice the core theme, which is that most of them were doing exactly what they wanted to do the most when this elusive thing known as success transformed their lives. Also notice the pattern of how incredibly insecure many of the most luminous people have been throughout the ages, and perhaps stop using this as an excuse to convince yourself of what is not possible.

Read your 2008 annual for Taurus. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Taurus
and Taurus rising here

Planet Waves

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Did you ever take a sociology class where the professor explained that there are two kinds of power — formal and informal? An example of formal power is the prison warden. Informal power is the bull goose inmate, who really runs the place because people respect and resonate with him. At this point in your life, it’s imperative that you learn the difference between the two, both as someone who is subject to them, and as someone who may wield either. In reality, we respond to informal power, because it’s based on a human factor; how we feel; who we like; how a person talks to us. This works in group settings and also in the most intimate personal relationships. You are in a reorientation process, a phase of your life where you are adapting to a new mental posture and also a new understanding of how and why people respond to you the way they do. If you are running up against old obstacles, now is the time to clear them out, particularly what are called ancestral patterns. You are the heir to a very old set of ideas about marriage, sex and partnerships. Your breezy, open-minded mental approach to the world conceals a much deeper involvement with the ways of the distant past, indeed, a profound notion that there is just one way to do things: the way it’s always been done. It is time for a new way, if for no other reason than the previous ones were not getting you what you need. In short, they left little room for negotiation, and even less space for people, yourself included, to simply be themselves rather than who we are all expected to be. The antiquated, useless ways of history will yield to the present more gently than you may imagine.

Read your 2008 annual for Gemini. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Gemini
and Gemini rising here

Planet Waves

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
We typically live with an annoying, disturbing lack of directness in our relationships, and our attempts at relationships. Whether we fall for the indoctrination or not, most people are taught to lie casually, conceal important aspects of their reality, omit significant experiences of how we feel and to report our personal history selectively. Then, we wonder why we draw so little satisfaction from what we call intimacy. I’ve noticed that one reason for all the smoke and mirrors is that many people you meet feel they lack substance. Heck, you might even feel that way sometimes. When met by a person we perceive to have a little soul fire going on, or a little more vitality than we’re accustomed to, the typical response is to bob and weave, a strategy designed to conceal how empty we feel; how powerless; how needy. Another typical response is to attempt to control the person we perceive as alive and substantial, rather than allowing ourselves to rise to the occasion of life. I could not think of a more profound waste of time, except maybe a war. Many of us live it out (on one side of the equation or the other) every single day. Pluto entering your opposite sign Capricorn indicates a profound change in your relationship patterns, particularly the ones that have gone on so long you thought you would never experience anything different. The thing is this: you cannot use your old response patterns, nor can you walk around with the same expectations of how people are going to approach you. Ideally, you would respond to everyone you meet directly and boldly; and you would have no expectations at all. It may not be possible to forget the past, but it’s that much easier when you have an occasion to remember how alive you feel right now.

Read your 2008 annual for Cancer. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Cancer
and Cancer rising here

Planet Waves

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
The question is not what you think is possible, but rather how you think it will manifest. I suggest you keep two things in mind. The first is the concept of leverage. There was a time before this simple idea existed. You need to make difficult things easier using your existing resources; it’s all a matter of how you arrange them. One of those resources is time. The premium on working with time more efficiently, and with more flexibility, is vital now; you tend to be something of a prisoner of this strange, invisible medium. What you have probably not figured out yet is that it has a way of bending to your will, if you apply your attention. Another vital source of time is other people. As a Leo, you are way too accustomed to going it alone; your tendency to take full responsibility makes you someone who resists delegating responsibilities. However, the dominant theme of your charts for this year and indeed the next two years is how you work with and within groups. It is essential that you step outside your individual consciousness, and your sense that if you don’t do it, nobody else will. Your responsibilities are moving to a higher, more meaningful level. It is true, it can be a real waste of time expecting others to do things they are unwilling or unable to do; and you have little patience for those who do things less effectively than you do. The goal to set is finding people to do things who are better than you are. A second goal is striving for cooperation. Group efforts are cumbersome only to the degree that they lack a conscious desire to coordinate. It is you who must focus that effort, be discerning and work with a clear agenda articulated in a way that makes supporting your ideas irresistible.

Read your 2008 annual for Leo. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Leo
and Leo rising here

Planet Waves

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
You are now under the influence of astrology that will entice you to do things you’ve never done before; to take risks that are completely alien to your usual cautious, rule-regulated frame of reference; and most of all, to let go of the hangups that have, in essence, become your personal religion. It is a religion based almost entirely on the precedents of what you think of as the past. Astrologers learn that for most of humanity, “the past is the present,” because we carry it around with us, often unconsciously, until it becomes so heavy that we finally have to lay it down. This, after wondering why we were so enamored of it in the first place: a question you need to ask yourself every day. This is particularly true in your relationships. Even if you live some form of serial monogamy, leaving behind one situation and picking up the next, what you have accumulated is an energy field full of what we could call esoteric karma. It’s the feeling of not being able to locate, much less find yourself, in the present. It’s also the feeling of your vitality being inaccessible. So far as I can see, this is all a kind of ruse for avoiding actual passion. It’s necessary to surrender to being driven by passion. From the outside, it looks like a person seizing their destiny, doing what they love, making bold choices. In reality, one must be totally submissive to the creative process if it’s to mean anything at all. One literally gives oneself over; you give yourself; you let go. You know this, on some level, and you also know that it clashes mightily with your obsession with control. Think of how many opportunities you have lost because of your love affair with control. Consider how little it has given you. Think of what else you love, and how much you want it.

Read your 2008 annual for Virgo. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Virgo
and Virgo rising here

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
Our world has been living through a long, painful addiction to security for the past decade. This doesn’t seem to be getting any better as so-called economic “news” dominates our mental bandwidth. Security includes an obsession with privacy in a world where every word we write or picture that we send (for example, in an email) is archived and duplicated many times around the world, accessible to anyone who wants it badly enough — as if they do. We are conditioned to live like the world is going to end tomorrow (without the fun you would expect, were that really true). I suggest you teach yourself to live as if you’re being born today. You are someone with a native gift for survival, but this has grown extremely old. What’s difficult to see is how the survival trip, yours and so many others, are born of something more properly classified as emotional than environmental. Safe or unsafe is a feeling; consider all the moments when you were perfectly safe but felt horribly threatened. Remember the times you were loved but felt abandoned. And how about all those episodes when you thought your door was unlocked. You are being called to let go of some profound insecurity, which in truth has nothing to do with you personally, except for the fact that you inherited it. And you are being beckoned to broader horizons as a creative person, as a thinker, as a social visionary. That implies its own kind of risk, but I assure you that it’s got nothing to do with the world’s prevailing paranoia. If you want the rewards, you need to teach yourself about safety. You need to remember that to give up isolation, you need to take the risks of contact. To be free, it is necessary to give up being trapped.

Read your 2008 annual for Libra. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Libra
and libra rising here

Planet Waves

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
In recent years, groups and communities of various kinds have played such a diversity of roles in your life, you may not know what to think. I see them showing up as islands of hope and idealism, as blatantly deceptive, as points of crisis, as things that are designed to make you feel secure but really have the opposite effect…and about 12 more permutations on reality. A crucial one has been to focus your process of actually finding and making peace with your identity, in particular, with how different you are. You may finally be noticing matters gradually improving: that is, you are, at least, getting the hint of a clue about the nature of this odd karma around collective energy. In some ways it seems you are searching for the family you never had; families are often a substitute for the tribe or village we never had, and (at least in the United States) could not until recent years hope to reconstruct. Society is changing fast, and it is doing so partly by necessity and partly as a consequence of humans realizing that life is not a long ride alone in an SUV. The turning point this year involves putting group or tribal energy to work for you. For too long, you have made one sacrifice after another, hoping to build, create or establish some sense of a world around you. There is only so far that an individual can go, doing this on their own. Beyond a certain point, the collective you are working to connect, create or awaken must come into its own, and there is very little that one person can do except be a focus of awareness and stay out of the way. That — and look for the benefits that are available, and promise yourself that you’ll enjoy them.

Read your 2008 annual for Scorpio. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Scorpio
and Scorpio rising here

Planet Waves

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
You have been driving yourself so hard for so long, I don’t think you’ve even measured the astonishing distance you’ve crossed. For now, you’ve come just exactly far enough. Ambition, success, expansion, staking territory — you can pause all these things and let nature take its course. The time has arrived for a phase of soul searching wherein you don’t assume you already know the answers, and where you set aside what you want to be the answers. The question is less about what you value and more about why you value life at all. You excel at masking profound self-doubt with an aura of success or ambition. I think you will find that there is more power in not knowing than there is in knowing, or in feigning certainty: even about the smaller things. I suggest you hold your interior space open and not content yourself with making plans that do not relate to any circumstance that is not immediately summoning you. Hold it open, empty and wide, and guard it for a time, recognizing that a space of inner liberty is a spiritual gift that is not to be squandered. As the practical mystic Alan Watts wrote more than half a century ago, “There is no formula for generating the authentic warmth of love. It cannot be copied. You cannot talk yourself into it or rouse it by straining at the emotions or by dedicating yourself solemnly to the service of mankind. Everyone has love, but it can only come out when he is convinced of the impossibility and the frustration of trying to love himself. This conviction will not come through condemnations, through hating oneself, through calling self-love bad names in the universe. It comes only in the awareness that one has no self to love.” Mr. Watts may or may not be right, but it’s surely worth considering.

Read your 2008 annual for Sagittarius. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising here.

Planet Waves

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Do you need all the emotional barricades that you think protect you? What exactly do they protect you from? This is the question that is so infrequently asked. A Course in Miracles goes so far to suggest that we question why we have locks on our doors. It doesn’t advise removing the locks, but rather asking specifically against whom they exist; and why we think they protect us. Barricades, locks and bolts are all forms of boundaries. So too is psychological armor; and secrecy; and this thing so casually called compartmentalization. Pluto has made its way into your sign. While every astrologer on the planet debates or ponders the meaning of this on a global scale, let’s consider how this is going to clear the way to making you a more accessible person. The transit of Pluto in your sign represents a complete shift in your worldview and your perception of yourself (Capricorn Moon and rising included). Something is being dismantled, a something that was, in a sense, installed into you from birth, or rather long before birth: it came along with your DNA and what some call a karmic inheritance. It is this same something that is coming under a process of enforced change for many people around you, though for few of them so directly as it is affecting you. Look around and you’ll notice the same thing, taking more abstract forms. The beauty of the moment is that you are being compelled to question every assumption you’ve ever had about yourself. You will see how these assumptions push you out of reach of the people who love you and more importantly, who you love. They form a latticework of denial of your most basic truth. As has been written before, you don’t need to seek the truth — only that which obscures it.

Read your 2008 annual for Capricorn. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Capricorn and Capricorn rising here.

Planet Waves

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
An identity crisis is a beautiful thing, if you notice. It’s too bad they are mandated out of existence by our peers, parents and advertising, all of whom are so certain of who we are and who we must not be. I suggest you commit to keeping yours going for as long as you can. I know it’s exhausting at times, and if you’re sincere about finding out who you are, you cannot play the game of being disappointed that you got laid off from a job you hate. Being an Aquarian, you might think that the usual tension that exists between you, the world and its ridiculous pronouncements about life would be enough to keep the mystery going. Remember that Aquarius is a fixed sign and its energy strives to crystallize in a pattern. This is the individualist/conformist thing you struggle with so much of the time; the wish to be normal and the desire to smash normal like crystal with a bat. Your current process is gentler, though it doesn’t always feel that way. There are many factors conspiring not only to dissolve the known patterns, but also the ones you cannot see. This is the world of the unconscious; the world of dreams; those secret psychic closets wherein our most guarded secrets reside, including the ones we keep from ourselves. Are they coming out in your dreams lately? And speaking of dreams, in the other sense of the word, do you feel like some of those are evaporating, or crumbling? Let them go: old ones, the dead ones, the tired ones. Set free the part of you that knows no bounds: nothing else can rightfully be called dreams. If you have to dream them alone, so be it. If they call on you to summon your courage, let it out. If you have no words, say it some other way: till you get it yourself.

Read your 2008 annual for Aquarius. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Aquarius and Aquarius rising here.

Planet Waves

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You have discovered that, looked at one way, your life is a series of negotiated agreements. If these agreements are living commitments among living entities, they will change and grow over time, to the benefit of everyone involved. Looked at another way, your life is a commitment to yourself, which (because you are alive) is something that changes every day. Uranus is in your birth sign now, and it’s reaching a peak as it makes a series of oppositions to Saturn in your relationship house. This setup is about you refusing to compromise on the most basic realities of your nature. I trust you’re seeing how much pressure you and the rest of us are under to give up the wild parts of who we are, the passionate ones, the daring and the creative, the truly organic. Consider the idea that your persistence about who you are ultimately helps everyone with whom you exchange energy. This face may be obscured by your cloud of Piscesan guilt that rolls in from the sea every now and then, though if it’s true that everyone gains, then you have nothing at all to regret, deny or feel remorse over: and this can be a tricky lesson to master. Meanwhile, noticing the prevailing state of the world has given you something to push back against, to refine your inner vision and most of all, to strengthen your determination and soulful quality. Step by step, you have maneuvered into a position where the only option is revolution. You know this, but more than this being about knowledge, your existence has become dominated by a will to exist, even in the face of those who so often seem too terrified to dare. You know who I am talking about, and you also know that you’re no longer on this journey alone. Indeed, look around and you will see that you have gathered some mighty companions. Listen and you will hear this is how they feel about you.

Read your 2008 annual for Pisces. Pre-order your Next World Stores 2009 annual for Pisces
and Pisces rising here

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Published by Planet Waves, Inc. | All rights reserved.

Alternative Monthly Horoscope for December 2008

Sagittarius is considered the sign of the Hunter and the sign of the Centaur. The hunter is someone who pursues a goal single-mindedly; the Centaur blends the animal and mental aspects of human nature.

Planet Waves
Sagittarius and the Central Milky Way. Credit and Copyright: Dave Palmer.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
After such an odd spell of relationship confusion, you can now return to pursuing your most meaningful goals. You’re about to feel the power of Pluto’s recent arrival in Capricorn, which is likely to arrive with the sense that you’re invincible. Little can stop you — if you remember your ethics, maintain focus on your feelings and never forget this is a world based on people and not on power.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
From the look of your chart, I would reckon that some kind of spiritual earthquake is happening, pushing you to awaken to your belief either in some supernatural power or your own higher power. It’s about time. Remember that just because you believe something does not make it right, including right for you. I suggest you go beyond belief and find that deep place of faith in yourself and in the world. When you do, you will see what was missing.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
You seem to be drawing people to you like a high fashion model strolling through an all-boy’s teen summer camp. At this point, you could attract just about anything you want; pay close attention to what is coming toward you and whether you need it. This includes checking carefully before incurring obligations, and in particular before incurring debt. Make wise choices now and you will get intelligent results later.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You will soon agree: you’ve never seen anything like this in your relationship life, ever. Given so many choices, so much activity and the feeling that anything is possible, you need to choose who you want on a simple basis: whose sensitivity matches your own? You will surely discover those with passion, drive, ambition and shrewdness. These people may have a role in your life. The one who has a role in your heart will reveal one thing, mainly: their inner beauty.

Planet Waves
Sculpture by Jim Dine, Dercordova Museum in Lincoln, Mass. Photo by Sara Egan.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
This month is likely to develop into the busiest and highest intensity time in your career ever, and for some time in the future. Be prepared for managing your holidays around a substantial work schedule, and for there to be no shortage of family obligations. How exactly are you going to do this? With help, of course. The one great failing of Leo is being too proud to ask for the assistance of others. Even if that is true, take it when it’s offered.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
You seem poised for a creative explosion, and like most people going through such an amazing experience, you’re likely to want to do it all, and all at once. That is obviously not possible, and if you want to enjoy the energy, you need to focus. But on what basis? I suggest you try something that is relatively new, that you feel very strongly about and that feels just a little difficult or dangerous. Something, or someone.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
Your charts look like you are either about to have the biggest holiday bash since New Year’s Eve 1999, or like you’re going to renovate your home in one week. The renovations can probably wait, and so can any plans to relocate. For now, I suggest you throw your doors open and make welcome the people you care about the most — even a crazy mix of your extended friends and family, all in one place.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You are often cast as a person of deep sentiments and unusual passions. You are also a person of ideas, and that quality is about to take over your personality for the foreseeable future. It starts with a big splash over the next few weeks, where you seem to develop an obsession with solving a particular problem. You have the right idea. The trick will be keeping your credibility; or rather, building it.

Planet Waves
Polish family on Portmarnock beach. Photo by Sean Hayes.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
For someone who cares so little about money, you sure have a knack for managing the stuff. And for that matter, for pulling it toward you. Get used to an emphasis on cash, and set aside any notion that you are too spiritual or that your hands are too clean to handle it. You are too spiritual to be a gross materialist, but not to be someone clever at accumulating and organizing significant resources.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
It would seem that for years, you’ve been waiting and wanting to become someone, and that you become this person all at once between now and the end of the year. The results will be stunning, though they will only be pleasant if you are committed to a level of bold, daring authenticity. I would quote the poet Bob Dylan, who said, “If you try to be anyone other than yourself, you will fail.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
You may come under a spell of what feels like inordinate psychological pressure the next few weeks, which may not come as welcome news given all the pressure you’ve already been under. These feelings and developments all serve as a reminder that the one thing you need is to express yourself. Not think or feel on behalf of someone else; not living from a sense of obligation that has its roots in your parents and their worldview; but rather, you, yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Few people in the world right now can sincerely look forward to unusual financial gains from their profession, but you are one of them. A long-term process of establishing your reputation appears ready to pay back your investment, not in spades but in hearts and diamonds. Money is power and you need to manage yours carefully, but what is developing appears to be not only substantial, but poised to grow.

Copyright © 2008 by Planet Waves, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Planet Waves Monthly – December 2008

Dear Friend and Reader:

PLUTO IS in its final moments in Sagittarius until Dec. 18, 2241, when it returns to the sign of the centaur. Apropos of a major Pluto transit, the ingress to Capricorn is being attended by much drama and many truly unusual developments. And apropos of a change in historical eras, we are in a moment between two presidencies; two vastly different times of life. Many people have pondered the meaning of the 2012 era without necessarily believing that the whole thing — whatever it is — is real. You are about to find out, but your perception is a filter. Everything you witness, you interpret. I suggest you observe that process in motion.

Planet Waves
Interbeing. By Alex Grey.

December’s pivotal moment, and indeed that of 2008, arrives at the end of December, between Christmas and New Year, when Mars makes a conjunction to Pluto, newly arrived in Capricorn. Pluto’s journey across the Galactic Core and ingress into Capricorn have been in progress for well over two years. We’ve had a chance to get our spiritual bearings; to make some decisions about right and wrong, and how we want to fit into the world we see around us. Sagittarius is a brilliant teacher of ethics, even if certain people under its influence act is if they have never heard of the concept.

The Capricorn journey, which lasts through 2024, will come with a return to practical matters. We will be compelled to validate our choices by a measure of what is true rather than what we want to be true. We will have a chance to reform our horribly outmoded “traditions” and institutions, recycling the pieces into something useful; something that feeds us and not just the pharmaceutical giants.

This is likely to be true in both the long-run and our immediate moment. Pluto transits are often attended by a dramatic event; and Mars entering Capricorn points the way. That conjunction coincides by about a day with the Capricorn New Moon on Dec. 27, conjunct Mars, Pluto and square this odd thing called the Aries Point. All of this adds up to developments certainly both in public life (i.e., the news) and invariably for us as individuals — and an encounter where the two intersect.

These will not necessarily be the most relaxing holidays, but we live in highly unusual times, and we have to get into a new groove of awareness. The world is on the brink of the most significant changes we have seen in our lifetimes. Though time always seems to be accelerating, we have lived for a long, long time with the sense that we are on the road to nowhere. Now we are approaching the first of several key destinations, where the scent in the air is indescribable, and where the light falls upon the Earth differently than we’ve ever seen. Tune into your senses; they will reveal most of what you need to know. Tune into your heart: it will reveal what you already know.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis


Correction. In Friday’s edition, we misidentified a piece of artwork that is really by Alex Grey. Alex is a painter who depicts both the physical and nonphysical dimensions of the world. He illustrates everything from the skeletal-muscular system to the energy lines in one’s aura and how they intersect with the people near us. He is a practitioner of Tantra in the Tibetan tradition, which like all forms of Buddhism explores and celebrates the cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth. Alex’s 55th birthday is coming up Nov. 29. He has a Sagittarius Sun and a Virgo Moon, with a good bit of Scorpio (Venus and Mercury). He once personally gave me his birth time; I cannot find it. These images are available in magnificent books. You can visit his homepage here.


Aries (March 20-April 19)
Leadership, when attained, often arrives with what seems like a test. It may be designed by the cosmos as such; it may be that there is an ‘equal and opposite reaction’ taking place somewhere, and this is the result. What seems like a crisis (from a dense level of perception) is also accessible as a reorganization and opportunity (from a more expanded perspective). Change brings change. This comes in many forms, and it now appears to be arriving in particularly large measures. To me, the astrology suggests that whatever may be developing, you not lose sight of your objectives, your intentions and what are commonly called goals: the big ones; the dearly held ones. Look at any situation and ask how you can use it as an opening. It is true that you are encountering forces beyond your control and are suddenly playing in another league. It’s true that the practical matters you are encountering have little to do with the visions you were holding out for yourself so recently, and for so long. This is a crucial point as anything comes to fruition; once you get to the place where practical concerns dominate, keep sight of your vision, your meaning, your truth — no matter what anyone else says or does.

Planet Waves
Net of Being. Painting by Alex Grey.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
There seems to come a point in everyone’s spiritual development when they get a handle on a deeper truth, and then have to make it known to the world. A new dimension of reality is making itself accessible to you, and it may be overwhelming. It’s shaking up all your reality boxes, and drawing you into new possibilities like falling into a vortex. I have a lot of Taurus friends — most of them agree, they need the action, they need the shift in energy and the reshuffling of reality. Things have been too much the same for way too long, despite many opportunities to make progress. The pull you are now experiencing transcends anything familiar; it’s more powerful than anything close to what you’ve known in the past. I suggest, however, that to the extent you consider this a spiritual event, you be modest about it. A new version of the truth is making itself known to you. Yet it’s not concepts that count now, but rather, it is the results of your actions, and how your beliefs transpose directly into choices. You may feel like you’re deluding yourself in terms of what you feel like you can accomplish, even with help. Remember, miracles speak louder than words.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Your primary responsibility to yourself is to avoid power struggles. That may not sound very creative. Yet given both recent and imminent developments in your solar chart, it’s a key skill you need to master. You have come through a long phase wherein you learned, by one method, to meet people you perceived as powerful face-on; you learned that your ideas are as good as their ideas. That one belief has saved you incalculable grief and it is basically still true. However, you are in a new country with new laws and new metaphysics. You need to think strategically; you need to pre-empt any situation wherein you may be compromised or challenged, long in advance. What is different now is that certain people in your life are themselves coming from a different level; they wield the power of structure and establishment, more or less justly. In any transaction where you feel like the weaker party, look at the contract; look at the by-laws; consciously examine any agreements that you have. Everyone has to play by the rules; therefore, know the guidelines, and enter any situation having already complied with the basics. There will be times when it’s appropriate to go directly to the human level, to seek assistance or acknowledgement; just know when you’re doing it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You have long sought more direct contact in your encounters with others. You have wanted relationships that did something other than dance around the point. Soon, you may be wondering how direct is too direct. Meanwhile, it’s crucial that you get accustomed to a new way of life; that you adapt to a new metaphysics of the human dance. Any encounter that matters will require you to make some change to the structure of your beliefs about relationships and about yourself. Most people don’t recognize how rigid these ideas are, those contained within themselves and within society. You are about to discover how rigid you thought your ideas were, and how flexible they can be. The rules as they exist are generally designed to make sure that nothing (meaning, nobody) new or out of the ordinary gets in. This, in turn, is designed to sustain a model of ‘self’ that counts a living, breathing, pulsing human life as a fixed or static entity, rather than ever-changing and in continuous motion. If you are in an established partnership, you’ll need to become truly honest with yourself about the extent to which this whole setup is true for you. The time has arrived for new concepts that account for change and still preserve some sense of loyalty and commitment; remembering that honesty trumps everything — when we don’t let fear do it first.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
You are not somebody with commitment issues; rather, you intuitively understand that your presence means something. Nobody has to tell you that. Yet too often you try to demonstrate this simple fact. I suggest you make up your mind that you have nothing to prove. Once you do that, you will feel your thrust come on, born mainly of trusting yourself. You will feel the profound influence that you wield, particularly in those areas of life where people feel the most helpless: work, their health and dealing with bureaucracy. You understand something about simple wellbeing, mainly because you’ve had to work so hard to feel that the world is here to support you. For the next year or so — and for sure, during the next few months — expect some kind of grand reorganization to dominate your awareness. Recognize that change is happening, and is happening around you. There are corresponding changes within your psyche; there are old ideas that you’re dragging around that are simply no longer helpful and are begging to be revised, reconsidered or removed entirely. It is not easy being born under a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) these days. It is like a giant cosmic wedge is being driven into the world, threatening every known structure or establishment, even down to its very existence. You are one of the people on the design team for the new reality. You must be dauntless and flexible, in equal measure.

Planet Waves
Namaste. By Alex Grey.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
It’s time to get the ship out of relationship. Typically, we drag around an iron hull full of garbage when we relate to others: expectations, supposed needs, unstated desires, issues with language, stereotypes and countless things that need to be melted into something useful. For you, these issues do nothing but suppress your ability to be spontaneous; to be creative; simply put, to have fun. If you feel like you have sexual hang-ups of any variety, you need to look no further than this theme to find out what they are about. It is true, as you have so often divined, that this story is old; it goes back a long way; and those with a strong Virgo signature in their charts were often the kids who were forced to be adults before they had a chance to be young. At the time, this was held as a virtue; the adults appeared to respect you because you were so ‘grown up’, but you were unwittingly deprived of many opportunities to be young when you really were young. As an adult, one common manifestation is taking an excessively serious, at times even formal, approach to relating to others. Folks are folks, no matter how much money they make, no matter how hot their ass is, no matter how famous they are, and no matter how much they remind you of someone from your past. At a certain point you must crawl from the wreckage of history and into the adventure of the day.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
Where do you live, and why do you live there? Do you feel safe and nourished? Can you, in particular, stretch into any moments of feeling perfect safety based on where you are on the planet? I suggest you monitor this theme carefully for the next month or two. Play a mindfulness game with yourself. Start with your emotions; notice when you feel safe in the psychic sense. Who inspires this feeling, rather than something else? Next, do you feel safe within the passage of time? Do you feel safer thinking about the past, the present or the future? Do you cling to tradition, ignore it, or consciously work to evolve it? Next: your environment. Do you feel safe walking down your own street? Do you feel safe in your home? In your room? Last query: What did your family teach you about trust? I suggest you go over all the angles here: are men dangerous or supportive? Are women honest and fair, or are they some shade of manipulative? Are people trying to steal from you, or help you? Do they keep their commitments or break them? These queries are going to provide you with a lot of data. Coupled with the transits you are exploring this month, your environment will too. You may decide you need to make some adjustments. If so, then soon is the time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Many teach basically the same thing: we walk around the world trapped in a maze of our own thoughts and ideas, all of them from the past. The yoga path calls them samskara, or “latent past impressions.” A Course in Miracles has the lesson, “I see only the past,” which reveals basically the same thing. Anyone who has experimented with altered states of mind has probably, at least once, encountered that feeling of our fingertips and our thoughts sticking to everything we perceive. Even the sanitized Christian notion of forgiveness implies that we are hung up on what has happened before, and it’s from this that we must release to be free. If you are wondering what is going on right now, the theme is about liberating yourself from the maze of old ideas and realities. You experimented with this earlier in the year, with some success. Now this mission is back, with a vengeance: but don’t take revenge on what you have done and what has happened to you; gently disentangle yourself. Let go of beliefs that were fully supported by yesterday’s data and facts, and which (if you look carefully) are not supported at all today. Don’t worry about what’s coming; that space will fill up like a new iPod. So quickly in fact that you must exercise discernment about what new programs, files and recordings you want on your system — consciously, one at a time.

Planet Waves
Alex Grey painting. Photo by Mazev courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
Your astrology gives you an interesting relationship between the old and the new. Your outer image is clearly that of one who pushes forward. Your inner truth is about someone who is deeply invested in the ways things have always been done. Maintaining this tension feels like serving two masters. For a long time you have tried to push into the future — that of your ideas, words and community — without being able to do very much about the values that have kept you trapped in a bubble of the past. We can’t change the past, but we can change our interpretation of it. Part of how we do that is by looking deeper. Part of how we do this is by looking at what matters most to us in the present, and making our investment here and now. You are likely to make a discovery this month, one you’ve been working up to for a while, which has you pouring your energy and resources into something that has great meaning now. You will recognize it because it has lasting value from antiquity, and it’s subject to the kinds of re-visioning that you do so well and with such feeling. In other words, the activity or idea most vital to you now also makes room for a future that you cannot see. Like many of us, you will have to move some debris out of the way to make room for what is coming, but as you are no doubt feeling, that effort is well worth your energy and time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
There are those times when one’s life changes (and I mean really changes) in the course of a month, and this may well be one of them. Sometimes that change involves outer events and others when progress is precipitated by an inner shift that comes ‘out of nowhere’. I don’t mean an epiphany but rather a complete reorientation of your perspective, which makes it impossible to see or experience the world like you did in the past. We may wonder why these moments don’t come sooner, or how we can induce them when we feel we need them. Some say the changes happen when it’s time; astrology suggests that we live in two worlds at once, and when certain transits occur (another way of saying ‘it’s time’) a bridge is built between these worlds — and this is what is happening now. There are facts about yourself that it’s been easier to deny. Now it’s easier to make friends with them, and to admit their reality and their impact. Once you do that, you realize you are someone different than you thought you were. You don’t become different; rather, you recognize that you changed a long time ago, and your awareness is finally catching up with that progress. That is the shape and size of things now; but I am understating the case by about tenfold so as not to frighten the faint of heart; not you, of course.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
You are the last person who would want to exist in a state of isolation from the world — and in some respects this seems to be happening to you. Yet in truth you are at the beginning of a process of inner confrontation that will free you from specifically what has kept you trapped in your own world, away from contact with the very people you crave. In a fairly simple statement, if you divide yourself, you cannot make contact with others; or if you do, it will happen in a fragmented way. Your journey now is about dismantling inner psychic structures and partitions that have literally divided you from yourself. Many factors have influenced this pattern, over a very long period of time: most surely before your parents were born. You may wonder how it’s possible to be influenced by events so far in the past. Here is an analogy that will make it clear how strange this situation is. Obviously, your parents were taught by their parents and they were taught by their parents, and so on. Most people would deny that the transfer of information is so direct; after all, most of us can’t even name all of our great-grandparents (try it and see). Yet their words, feelings, ideas and experiences are conveyed by communication and by our DNA. These are the influences you need to identify. These are the very influences you are confronting right now: invisible, but not invincible.

Planet Waves

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Some years before she died the morning of Oct. 31, 2008, Rockie Gardiner (beloved author of the Rockie Horoscope) penned one of the most touching things I’ve ever read by an astrology writer. Forget about eavesdropping or skimming my email; it felt like she was reading from my Akashic records. I must paraphrase, but it went something like this. The distances you are crossing lately have been so vast, there is really no way to see or feel how much progress you’ve been making. It all just seems like one endless stretch across the abyss. In the long and fleeting years since that appeared in print, you have continued to move across space and time, guided by some kind of homing sense. Now, a series of developments this month and in early January indicate a kind of arrival. Surely you feel this: the sense of the ship of your soul drawing a little closer to dry land; the excitement of a plane making its initial descent into a country you’ve read about and wanted to visit all your life. You are still a traveler — you always will be, on the level of your soul. As a Pisces, you are indeed visiting a strange land. But you are here to grow, and you are certainly accomplishing that. You have lived the wisdom that life is not about the destination but rather about the journey, which makes getting there all the more poignant; all the more meaningful.

[For online editions, here is something I dedicate to Rockie, by Laurie Anderson.]


Copyright © 2008 by Planet Waves, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Alternative Monthly Horoscope for November 2008

Scorpio really has three symbols — the scorpion, the eagle and the fish. Which one do you want to represent you? This is a mystical way of saying that you have a choice of who you are, and that choice counts for more than you may imagine.

Planet Waves
Scorpius from the Uranographia of Johann Bode. Part of the scorpion’s body is overlapped by the foot of Ophiuchus, the supposed 13th sign of the zodiac.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You may not understand the energy source behind so much change in your life, though you need to stay fully awake in order to count it as progress. You run the risk of becoming overly invested in a relationship situation that could distract you from far more meaningful endeavors. If that relationship involves business, it’s vital that you take the advice of others under consideration without letting it dictate your choices. This is easier said than done.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
You seem to be involved in a confrontation or an unusually passionate direct encounter of some kind, and the chances are it’s going to change how you see and feel about yourself. Well, you may take credit for the change yourself; after all, you made the decisions involved. Yet you need to look at what is happening around you and what is happening to you and be sure you at least draw the associations between these seemingly unrelated circumstances.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Make a clear decision about whether you want someone as your lover, or stand aside. It would help if you were realistic about whether this person wants you. He or she seems to be self-absorbed, which is not usually a green light. The deeper question is whether sex is a necessary prerequisite to the relationship that you want. Generally, people get sexually involved way too soon, long before they have processed their prior relationship. You don’t have to do this.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You have some powerful support right now, and some deep ideas about which you’re passionate. The thing to remember is that there is more to life than projects, no matter how driven you feel. Put some of your energy into people, or into someone in particular, and you will have plenty of inspiration and drive for the creative work that you want to do. If you keep your life in balance, it will be some of the best you’ve ever created. And you will not be doing it alone.

Planet Waves
Scorpio is intense. No two ways about it. They radiate charisma and magnetism even when they’re not trying. Famous Scorpio Condoleezza Rice (Nov. 14, 1954) recently said that she’s looking forward to “getting back to shopping”.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
Is there some work that you’re leaving unfinished or neglected? You seem to be pouring your love and devotion into your home life, and this is giving you a deep sense of security and pleasure. Yet you also have a calling, a mission or a role to play in the larger world. You may underestimate its importance or balk on the grounds that it’s not feeding you the way it should be. Yet are you really feeding it? You will surely get the results that you invest.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
You may not like the seemingly inevitable shakeup or disruption of your slow, steady process, but it’s time to get some fire under your feet. You love to do things in a thoughtful and methodical way. Others seem bent on demonstrating that there is another way to do things: with gusto and little sense of the consequences. You have taken every conceivable precaution. Now all you need to do is let go.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
You may want to examine your ambition and determine whether it’s being driven forward by loneliness. If that is the case, I suggest you put your energy into human contact rather than gunning for cash or a sense of achievement. Alternately, you have an option that may prove even more fruitful: dive deep into yourself and learn something that in truth you can only learn right now. The beauty of this moment is its introspective quality.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Planets are lining up in your birth sign, and each one is bringing you new opportunities to express yourself. It would be great if life bent to your will this easily all the time, but of course you would not notice the brilliant moments like the one you have right now. And the truth of the matter is, it’s not a good idea to take any of this for granted. Keep a conservative edge and make sure you apply common sense at every opportunity you have to deny it. There will be many.

Planet Waves
Antares (a Scorpii / Alpha Scorpii) is a red supergiant and the brightest star in Scorpio. It is one of the four brightest stars near the ecliptic.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
Pay attention to your motives. You seem obsessed by someone or something, and usually that is justification to do whatever you want to whomever you want. This is a situation calling for ethics, because for one thing the karmic stakes are high. You are also more vulnerable to emotional longing and unmitigated lust than usual, and these are usually not the best states of mind for making decisions. When in doubt, wait a week. If still in doubt, wait another. Even if you’re certain, you owe yourself a good session of self-questioning.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
You have a wide opening for an unusual success, but it’s not going to last that long. This is not the time to say that you’ll get to it next year. You have tortured yourself over whether this decision is right or wrong, and a few times you’ve come close to taking the leap. Remember what you’ve learned from these previous attempts. Admit you’ll never be 100% certain of success in advance, nor are there any guarantees. Once you make peace with that, what to do will be obvious.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
You have so many different influences working on you, I suggest you reduce your inputs down to the most trusted sources of information and that you take your time before making any major decisions. For most of November you will be under the influence of aspects that can backfire as easily as they can spur you forward. The most vital thing you can do is be committed to honesty with yourself. Of all the skills available to the human race, this one seems to be the least accessible. You need to put it first.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
The planets are pushing you to be more focused on your long-term goals — and to give you the feeling that failure is impossible. It may be, but there are things you can do that put it closer within reach and an even longer list of things that can set you back. You can’t count any gain as solid until it’s been tested two or three times. The thing to remember as you go through the unusual events of this month is that you have the upper hand. You’ve taken more time to prepare, you have come further and your ideas are consistently good — if you remember to use them.


Copyright © 2008 by Planet Waves, Inc. All Rights Reserved.