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Sunday at 11:53 pm EST (Monday at 04:53 UTC) the Moon reaches an opposition to the Sun, which is the Cancer Full Moon. Every Full Moon has something in common with every other — and every one is unique. This is similar to The First Law of Cats: They are all the same, and they are all different.

Central aspect pattern of tonight’s Full Moon in Cancer. The lines connect the Moon, the Sun, the lunar nodes, Uranus, Pluto and the brightest asteroid, Vesta.
This Full Moon is in Cancer, the sign of the Moon’s rulership. This typically happens once per year; very rarely, there are two Cancer Full Moons in a row, though not this year.
That grants dignity to this Moon, and an emotional quality that might be described as passion, drive or instinct.
With the Moon closely trine Chiron and in a wide trine to Neptune in Pisces, this effect can rise to the level of intuition, which may come through dreams, one’s emotional body or ‘just knowing’.
If you get that kind of information, I suggest you act on whatever you want to address after the aspect has passed, not before. The Full Moon typically comes with pressure to speak or act. But you want to make that choice under your own steam, and make sure that you’ve accounted for any emotional distortions.
Remember that the Full Moon on its own has a quality of releasing deadlocks. That, you want to let the celestial bodies do. In any event, the momentum of the moment is likely to come with a “whatever happens, happens” feeling. Still, I always recommend a conscious approach to existence, and using astrology to help with that end.
The distinction of tonight’s Full Moon is that the Moon and Sun meet these points called the lunar nodes at a right angle. Even trained astrologers have difficulty understanding the lunar nodes, so I will offer as simple a concept as possible. In essence, it’s the picture of finding your balance — or of tipping the balance of your life in a way favorable to you.

Chart for the Cancer Full Moon, this time showing where the planets are placed, around that grand cross. Uranus and Pluto are below and to the right. The lunar nodes are along the horizontal axis. The Moon is high in the sky — at the top of the chart.
First, they are associated with exact meetings of the Moon and Sun, called eclipses. Eclipses are personal and global transition points. They happen when there is a New Moon or Full Moon conjunct one of the nodes. Tonight’s Full Moon is square the nodes — it meets them at a right angle, and the aspect is exact to a small fraction of a degree.
The effect is also magnified because the Moon is conjunct the ascendant of the oldest astrology chart, the Thema Mundi or hypothetical chart for the world. That chart has 15 degrees Cancer rising, the exact position of this Full Moon.
The Cancer Full Moon marks the midpoint between eclipses in a vivid way. Because of that we have an eclipse-like event, though it’s more likely to feel like a gentle tipping point than shooting the rapids (the usual sensation of an eclipse).
What’s emerging around now will offer preparation for the eclipses of March, which are an impressive pair. More on that as the time draws a bit nearer. Just keep some notes on what’s happening now, because they’re going to come in handy in about three months and possibly sooner.
One last distinction of this Full Moon. The Sun is conjunct Pluto and square Uranus; the Moon is opposite Pluto and square Uranus. Said another way, this Full Moon is an expression of the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012-era aspect, the one that is in many ways reflecting or defining our moment of history. When nearby planets like the Moon and the Sun align with distant, potentially abstract planets like Uranus and Pluto, suddenly the whole thing becomes real; it’s possible to actually feel and notice the moment we’re in. Events like this grant a sense of immediate, vivid perspective.
You can USE THIS QUALITY to connect with your purpose, your vision and your sense of direction. Events may point or guide you to what you want or need to be doing now — if you’re paying attention. Zoning out, staying in the trance, drifting along and hoping for something better are always options. Now there is another option that is tangible, real and accessible — something you can choose now, and go with for as long as you want.
Just keep some notes on what’s happening now, because they’re going to come in handy in about three months and possibly sooner. And, Events may point or guide you to what you want or need to be doing now — if you’re paying attention. Thanks for the head’s up Eric.
Also, wasn’t sure where to mention, but ERIS has an anniversary tomorrow, 10 years.
Here’s a link to Eric’s article:
Eris anniv – very good call, Lyd. Thank you!!
Eric I’m Virgo with Cancer rising at 14:08 Cancer. Cancer readings have been the most energetic for me the last couple of years and though I have no planets in Cancer – being that my ascendant is 14′ I have come to note that The grand square was almost exact there in all cardinal signs also the Pluto Uranus square has been close to 14 every hit, as well as the fact that Pluto hovers over my descendent for many months – the Star Sirius is at 13:8 or so – then there was the United States chart connection – And now this – Thema Mundi chart with the world ascendant figured at 15′ Cancer.
Any suggestions?
I really reacted to the word “trance” in your last paragraph. I’ve felt a bit trance-like lately, in a different sort of way than your meaning. I’m hyper focused on my breath and the energy around and in my body. The presence of deadlocks and dealing with them feels connected to this.
While doing pranayama this morning, which is the breathing part of yoga, the instructor described the four parts of the breath in a way I hadn’t heard before. There’s the inhale, the pause above the inhale, the exhale, and the pause after the exhale. She described it like being on a swing. The inhale is when you move forward, the pause is that moment when you feel suspended in air at the top of the swing’s extension, the exhale is when you come back and the next pause is that moment when you’ve reached the back edge and you fell yourself subtly gathering everything to move forward again.
Since then I’ve felt, in a way, like I’m flying through the air every time I focus on my breath.
This is an interesting full moon for me: it’s on my ascendant (within two degrees), while the sun visits Pluto similarly conjunct my descendant. Meantime, the transiting nodal axis touches my 11th house cusp & my 5th.
It has been quieter emotionally than I’d have anticipated, though I have a feeling of some perhaps hectic movement approaching. Matters where I have been biding time, awaiting further information, may require I act. I hope I shall find I am ready.
Besides a bout of extremely cold weather, not uncommon on a full moon where I live, one observation I’ve made is that my cats have been doing full-moon-hyper like crazy. If people are behaving similarly, then maybe this IS a good time to be hibernating, awaiting more temperate weather (in all senses).
cowboyiam, I find Cancer readings usually resonate more for me than Sagg, my sun sign. I’m not sure what Pluto’s long spell of hanging about my descendant will bring, but I’ve noticed I seem to see relationships differently – both my own & those of people close to me. Expect that will evolve over time. Hadn’t thought about Sirius – it is a lovely star.
Thanks for the comment Bette. I have had a very turbulent experience this last year and I wonder often where it is leading. As I have come to see the connection I have with the current astrology I am more awake in my drama – but still I wonder.
I sense a self that must express, who cannot hold back, but expects rejection. I see who I truly am but feel such pressure to deny. It appears that regardless the consequences I am becoming a completely honest being who speaks the truth, as best I can, but still yet, expects rejection.
I feel like I am doing the dance that took place inside when I was three or four years old. Back then I lost myself. Now I feel that I am being given another chance to simply be ME, but it is obvious that something about me is very abrasive to the collective. I hope the universe provides the drive for what seems to be a suicide mission. I know now where I am heading.
We are here in this passion play but oblivious to that truth. No one wants to know the beautiful truth. How to be a massager of that beautiful truth without activating the ancient trauma that all are so blind to? Difficult.
Thanks Shelly. I really liked the breathing explanation, but when I tried it the exercise took me the opposite direction? I closed my eyes, inhaled and got the distinct feeling of moving back and up; pausing at the highest point before exhaling forward into the breeze. What might that say about how one person experiences movement verses another? I’ve been “deadlocked” too…
Interesting, Anael52. I just tried it with your experience in mind and I felt it the way you described!
cowboyiam, it’s been my experience as a Cancer rising person & as an astrologer, that water rising people are often extremely sensitive, & often we have been hurt as youngsters, carrying that memory & that fear of repeated experience forward in life. Many of us really pick up on (& may absorb, if not vigilant) the energy of others, as well.
I firmly believe that so long as we have breath, we have the chance to become more & more who we are. We are works-in-progress, & I believe we need to applaud our efforts, even if (& especially if) no one else does. Even if we’re feeling all mucky from trudging through a patch of swamp, so to speak, we are still beautiful!
Cowboy and Bette, this discussion of Cancer rising reminds me of something from my own experience. I am Virgo rising with a Cancer Sun and have basically spent a great deal of my life covering up/denying that sensitive Cancer stuff because it can just feel like no one gets me, like I’m out of touch with “reality”, like my way of emotionally experiencing everything is a personality flaw.
A few years ago, I made this really conscious effort to feel my feelings no matter what they were, and own them. I’m still working on it, but I’ve made a lot of progress.
What I’m saying is maybe having the sensitivity on the surface has the advantage of it not getting hidden from yourself by yourself when you don’t want to deal with it.
And, yes, you are beautiful.
Thanks, Shelley – my experiences & responses over the years are reflected in much of what you say. I agree that “having the sensitivity on the surface”, while sometimes painful, does have advantages – every time I’ve tried to hide it & act from that inauthentic place, it’s been a disaster. So I wouldn’t change it even if I could, & I’ve learned to let criticism roll on by – usually.