By Judith Gayle | Political Waves
Some things don’t change quickly, some things do. What seldom changes is humankind’s aversion to pain, to discomfort, which is a real shame since that’s the one short-cut, the single take-no-prisoners corridor through chaos and out the other side of lingering dysfunction. What seldom changes at all is the process by which we assess risk.

In the simplest possible terms, we don’t change quickly because we’d have to think outside of the box, perhaps risking all those things we’d stuffed inside it, and that frightens us enormously. I read today that Lowes Home Improvement will no longer sell bee-killing pesticides known as neonicotinoids — but that won’t start until 2019, as alternatives can be developed. Let’s hope that all the bees don’t die in the next four years, then, along with half our crops. We’re not so good at the kind of in-the-moment improv needed to face reality squarely, obviously, or we’d yank the rip-cord on all things climate change and let the deniers go pound salt.
Although it doesn’t necessarily follow, thinking outside of the box appears to be throwing the box under the bus to those depending on its walls to keep them secure, and scares the bejesus out of the natives. That changes slowly, but it does change. Take the Pope, for instance. This is a man who selected a very tight box for himself and yet he’s managed to push out the walls to such a degree that a lot of traditional Catholics are pissed at him.
Even in South America, where he practiced a very populist form of Jesuit ministry for the poor and disenfranchised, a number of his followers have protested his embrace of markedly non-conservative activity. Francis is a man following his conscience, living as simple a life as he’s allowed and practicing tolerance and inclusion wherever he can. And no one can doubt his courage, going after the Mafia during Easter Week, accepting evolution as a possible form of God-activity, and calling the Koran a book of valid spiritual teaching, Islam a religion of peace earlier this year.
This coming week, at the Summit of the Americas in Panama, Obama will likely meet face-to-face with Raul Castro, seemingly poised on announcing the removal of Cuba from the list of terrorist-sponsoring states, if not lifting sanctions entirely. Perhaps a bit too soon for the conservative public, and still a toss-up as Obama continues to consult his advisers, these measures are in the works as Cuba attends the Summit for the first time since its inception in the early 1990s. And give the devil his due, this project would not be so far along without the urging of Pope Francis, who acted as middleman between the two governments.
It would seem the little man born of Italian immigrants in Buenos Aries, and the half-African half-American kid born in Hawaii, share an ethical core. Which is not to say that Pope Frank is changing the face of the church into a liberal entity. He hasn’t come out for gay marriage, married priests, women priests or birth control, nor will he and keep his job. Despite his personal acceptance of diverse characters, his official position on gay ambassadors, for instance, remains stonewall (despite, or perhaps because of allegations of overt Vatican gay culture).
But his open mind and think-outside-the-box manner have charmed not just non-Catholics in this country but disenchanted Catholics who have left the church behind. He’s a man of the people and his teaching on poverty and justice, along with a fiery rebuke of renegade capitalism, hasn’t won him any fans on the far-right. He’s hardly the darling of the tradition-steeped, deeply incestuous and politicized church, the one that is still at war with the Reformation. His own Bishops are deeply divided, especially in this country.
Within the uneasy alliance with evangelicals, those who counted on backing from the Catholic hierarchy, like Sara Palin, have questioned his bona fides with Gawd Almighty.
Some among his own have complained that he’s less progressive than ‘radical,’ perhaps sent from the Devil as a liberalizing influence to destroy the church. It’s been whispered that he’s an anti-Pope, like the black guy in the Oval Office is an anti-president: neither of them fit to serve. In fact, FOX News calls him the “Barack Obama of the Vatican.” The walls of that long established patriarchal box hold tight, in some quarters.
In discussing the outreach to normalize Cuban relations, Obama told a group of listeners, “Engagement is a more powerful force than isolation. I believe that we can move past some of the old debates that so often define the region, and move forward.” Read between the lines of this situation and you’ll find the Obama Doctrine, as we have learned to recognize it: reach out a hand for a diplomatic partner and see what happens.
This is is the same open hand that Francis is offering, an attempt to define similarities rather than differences. The different world views — with both the President of the United States, and the 266th Catholic Pope — are real enough but the spirit of their conversation asks for respect rather than derision, collaboration and win/win rather than zero sum. Somewhat odd bedfellows, they are both sons, although in different ways, of liberation theology.
You will remember ‘liberation theology’ as the buzzwords that came along with candidate Obama’s churching history under the tutelage of the Reverend Wright in Chicago, creating a rift between the two (mentored and mentor) that, at last report, remains unhealed. Francis seems to have experienced his own liberation epiphany after very public failure within the ranks of the church, as outlined in this excellent Rolling Stone piece from last year.
Both of these men have more than passing acquaintance with oppression, poverty and diversity. That this philosophy is identified with Marxist thought is enough to land these two world leaders under the ‘pinko’ umbrella that conservatives save for the real troublemakers. Rush Limbaugh considers Pope Frank a “pure Marxist” of course, and the Kenyan a “pure Islamist.” You’ll forgive me, I trust, if I mention that I consider Rush a pure idiot, and someone whose bust does NOT deserve a place in the Missouri statehouse beside the likes of Mark Twain and even feisty old Harry Truman.
The Pope will visit the U.S. later this year, facing covert hostility from within his ranks and the conservative press, but I expect him to be warmly received by the American public. He will address a joint session of Congress, and I have hopes that he will do that of which we’ve seen him capable: speak truth to power. It might move few conservative hearts, but I bet it will move the needle on America’s perception of conservative politics.
The most important realization I can think of, in terms of rehabbing ethical behavior as an American standard, is exposure of the stiff-necked, punishing and self-serving philosophy dished up to the American public as politically-packaged Old Time Religion. The walls of that selective little box need busting down in the worst way.
There is every indication that those walls of stilted regressivism are shakier than the many Republican candidates think, but it’s the walls we’ve got, right? Gotta keep them high until we can replace them with something that keeps us — and all our stuff, and our ability to get it and keep it — safe. Unthinkable to risk more, even if the box is the devil we know and chaos reigns inside.
Or maybe not. Maybe we can speed that up.
I read an article awhile back about Jon Stewart’s brain. Don’t worry, it’s fine — in fact, it’s better than fine, according to a neuroscientist at Mount Sinai Hospital who cited him as an example of someone who thinks outside the box. Tracking brain changes in improvisational rappers and jazz musicians, she suggests that the differences between learned comedy routines and those realized in the moment would also show up on a brain scan as highly creative thinking. She says, of Stewart:
“I recently saw him in person, Jon Stewart. He is just brilliant at being in the moment and putting together separate ideas — he would take things that had occurred earlier in the night and then weave them together with other things that were happening in the moment. And you knew it couldn’t have been prepared in advance.”
“Quick-witted would be the layman way to put it; he’ll be interviewing someone on The Daily Show, and he’s just very quick, very quick at making these unexpected connections. But the term we would use for that is divergent thinking — that is, making novel connections between things that other people don’t put together, and finding the humor in that. You could also think of it as just “thinking outside the box.””
We need to start recognizing what thinking outside the box looks and sounds like. It happens in the moment, it happens when we really LISTEN. It comes bubbling up from our ability to connect dots and keep focus, it’s creative and imaginative. It takes in the whole picture, not just what we want to know but what there IS to know.
This is a necessary skill to acquire, my dears. None of us are pure left or right, male or female, good or bad. We are, each of us, an amalgam of everything we’ve ever done or seen, all we’ve felt and imagined. We all live in boxes of our own making but not all of us are stuck.
Barack Obama is an establishment president, business-friendly and too moderate to impress some on the left, but he seems determined to put a progressive stamp on his last months in office. He’s not a people-person, so much as an academician given to asking questions of everyone in the room, soliciting opinions to get a complete picture. Then, and only then, does he make up his mind. From what I’ve seen, once he does, there’s nothing wimpy about this Leo. He has a reputation for being quick-witted and open to productive ideas and creative solutions. He lives in a very tight box, but he’s been dedicated to projecting outside of its structured restraints to change the face of American power, and it seems to me he’s been amazingly successful for a Kenyan.
Pope Francis is a people-person, more at home with one-on-one conversations than as the formal face of the church. He has suggested that he may retire before his tenure is done, but until he does, he will make the powerful uncomfortable and the victimized welcome in his church. He may not punch his way out of the tight walls he’s chosen for himself, but he’s made enough holes in them already to invite some in who will change the intent of the institution long before the leadership does. Sometimes the smaller picture — washing a prisoner’s feet, kissing the bambini, eschewing the trappings of a Prince of Rome for the garments of a servant — provides an experience of love far superior to notions of divine authority and church dogma.
We all live in some kind of box, some kind of structured system that we’ve accepted as true. Perhaps the walls are less rigid than we think, perhaps the space far more limited than need be. Perhaps a bit of practice at connecting dots, finding commonality and keeping an open heart will grow the space we inhabit to include us all.
One last comment, today, something I’d like to share. I don’t know about you, but I’m rarely surprised by much. I can almost always find a place in my extensive system of mental file-folders to tuck information and occurrences. But this week, something changed. I’ve had two dreams now, one after another, that are 3D paradigm-breakers.
Last evening, when my son mentioned that he’d had weird dreams the night before, I told him I’d had a disturbing one. I don’t have nightmares, not since I was a kid with repeaters that disappeared when I finally recognized them as incarnational, but occasionally I’ll have one that leaves me disquieted upon waking. I had one night before last, leaving me with questions about reality. I just didn’t know where to put it.
Then, last night, there it was again — a different set of circumstances resulting in exactly the same ah-ha! moment — surprising me, and asking me to push past the walls of old thinking and realize how multi-dimensional I am, you are, we are. The thought is not new, nor is even a multi-dimensional experience, but the uniqueness of this realization is so different that I can’t quite yet describe it. All I can say is that we’re bigger than we think. We’re braver, too.
We’re changing because we have to. Others have done some of our heavy lifting for us, made it possible to follow. Some of the most gentle and reasonable of the voices urging us forward have already proven that compassion and cooperation lift us faster and higher than unnamed fears can frighten us into downward spiral.
We have the option of continuing to be frightened and helpless, defensive and hostile, or changing the way we fit into this little box of ours. The walls are falling. Push a little, see what happens.
You are too funny Judith! “For a Kenyan” indeed. And no, we’re not so good at that in the-moment stuff are we? As for (#1), our beloved bees and all things climate related, especially water, I’m hoping Hillary (with her natal north node being transited by lady-of-the-deep-blue-sea Sedna) will lead us courageously to that threshold. I assume it will be from her position in the White House (after all, her natal Pallas at 27+ Aquarius is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon, symbol of the People).
As for (#2), the commonality we see between Pope Francis and Pres. Obama, I’m betting that the Pope’s Black Moon Lilith conjunct Obama’s Neptune in Scorpio means they have had former lives working together for the same cause. As for (#3), the Pope’s speaking truth to power, I wouldn’t miss that speech for the World. Me thinks it can happen too – his speaking truth to power – because his natal Pluto at 28+ Cancer is opposed to the U.S. Sibly chart’s Pluto at 27+ Capricorn. Cuba’s chart (5/20/1902) also has Saturn at 27+ Capricorn, which speaks to the motivational reasons for re-establishing ties between the two countries.
Thanks for word that Jon Stewart’s brain is just fine and quite capable of thinking outside of the box Miss Jude. As a Sagittarian like you, Jon’s future will insure his adoring fans will see his face before the cameras again and again. One thought I toy with is some kind of Fourth of July special with Brian Williams whose Chiron is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon in Aquarius. Brian’s Sun in Taurus is opposite Jon’s Neptune in Scorpio (while Jon’s Chiron trines Brian’s Neptune!) which also trines the U.S. Sibly Sun in Cancer (which Brian’s Mars conjuncts).
With Jon’s natal Saturn at 6+ Aquarius conjunct the U.S. Sibly’s south node and Pholus, I can visualize a spoof on the subject of television news/U.S. politics/inappropriate remarks . . . think of Pholus’ small cause, big effect Mode of Operation, along with Brian’s Neptune in Scorpio square the U.S. Pholus-conjunct-south node!!! This could happen around the U.S. birthday in 2016 when the solar return chart will feature a New Moon (both Sun and Moon conjunct the U.S. Sun) and transiting Uranus in-between his conjunctions (one in forward direction the other in retro direction) to the U.S. Chiron. What a healing event that could be for everyone!
No doubt your dreams are pushing you further in your own healing techniques Jude and probably many of your readers can relate to the experience you report today. I can only say that I’m ever so grateful for your service and hope you (as well as Jon Stewart) will be open to the public for many years to come. Seriously!
Jude: Like you, i have had some (euphemistically speaking) interesting dreams as of late. Thank you for giving me some perspective with which interpret them – a perspective which makes sense, (and, i must sheepishly admit) which had not occurred to me prior to to reading this piece today. My words cannot express the gratitude i feel for how your words have helped me to see what i could not see before. Thank you so very much for showing me the way to connect those dots you refer to. Your timing is amazingly good. Your pitch is astoundingly perfect. i’m in humbled awe.
Gotta hand it to 88-year old Fidel, rumors of his death (again and again over the years) were greatly exaggerated. He surfaced for the first time in a year, speaking to a group of visitors from Venezuela, evidently robust and quick to mention their threat from ‘imperial greed’ (that would be us.)
News of his appearance earlier in the week was saved to run concurrent with Raul and Barack informally shaking hands in Panama yesterday. The ‘legit’ hand-shake will come today, when the two re-establish diplomacy.
You need to produce that special with Jon and Brian, Miss be — the word is that Brian won’t/can’t make a comeback … which seems just absurd to me. Karl Rove still works at FOX, Dick Cheney is still given a national platform to spew bile and even Nixon’s puppet-master Henry Kissinger is celebrated as an elder statesman, while a guy like Brian Williams is DONE, put a fork in him? BS! A meme somebody is making profit on, or it wouldn’t be out there. Sad but true, and the reason nobody trusts anybody … but on the other hand, with everyone so busy criticizing everyone and everything, it takes a real effort to identify the parts that we CAN trust without having to crash through a wall of cynicism.
I made an effort to be less wordy (catch that, Linda?) this week, although I had a good deal of material put together on the policing situation in the Carolina’s that left a man dead because running while black is a shooting offense — and that made my Kenyan notations a little darker than usual, be … but glad you found the irony/humor. I get so very weary with the pretense that the Prez’s race isn’t at the heart of hatred of him from the Right, much as sexism is going to be the heart of its disdain as Hillary steps up (not that any Lefty is considered less than mentally deficient.)
Speaking to that, I trust her on women’s issues — and delighted to hear her Sedna may make her environmentally dependable — but not so much on military or money market issues. But then, as I keep repeating over and over, these are ESTABLISHMENT politicians we’re tracking here, and the reality of this nation, bizarrely, seems a constant surprise to everyone. Let’s face it, Christ couldn’t get elected Pope these days and Lincoln would never make it through the primaries!
[this next cross-posted on the Matt Bors link]
Seems to me the US surrendered any bit of ‘moral certitude’ on non-aggression in August of ’45 when we took it upon ourselves to slaughter with nuclear power. We slowly replaced that gaping hole in character with profit-margin of and for the military-industrial complex. We’re reaping the whirlwind.
Now we don’t notice the wars because the wars don’t notice us. The military is just one more commodity, bought and paid for. Want to throw a monkey wrench into that whole process? Reinstitute the draft. The politics would suddenly get very very personal and we’d see how just how important this everlasting WOT is to the public. The Millennials might even find a reason to activate politically, if conscripted.
And it might be reasonable to pay attention to the fact that every unstable nation on the planet is a giant swap meet designed to trade American ordnance and weaponry, the kind we leave behind and the kind we sell to perspective buyers, while here at home, we don’t have the political will to keep the shooters out of our own kindergartens. For those happier not to look, it would be overwhelming to think about the death of those “over there” when we still can’t seem to deal with the cause of those “right here.”
We hope for, and celebrate, the promise of America, but its reality doesn’t just need a face-lift, it needs a heart transplant. If we want this to look differently, we have to push harder … as Elizabeth Warren told Bill Maher last night … as a unified movement, dedicated to the end of plutocracy and the good of the people. Nothing else is gonna get it done.
Here’s a piece by Marty Kaplan talking about how far we’ve come on the “ethical” causes — and where we hit the money wall. Wherever we hit that wall, progress shuts down. We need to be prepared for that as we face this election season. The public leans left but the Big Bucks lean right, and haven’t had this much power since the turn of the last century.
Thanks for stopping by, be — you always add wisdom and detail to the topic and make me smile.
And Len, dear, glad I could provide some synchronicity to help you sort out your dreamscape. When I was doing the Edgar Cayce “Search For God” groups way-back-when, we were charged with keeping a dream diary. Cayce considered that important because he said everything that ever happens to us is “previewed” in dream-time. He also advised that we make our own dictionary of dream-meanings; they were, he said, individual to each of us. Very powerful stuff!
Your every word is treasured Jude. Any that wind up on the cutting floor please email to me. Someday you and Len should produce a piece on those dreams of yours; edited of course.
p.s. Brian would do well in the field of comedy news, now that he’s tried the straight news. He’ll be back.
LOL! Yes, I caught that, Jude. As I often do, I’m reading comments prior to post; comments (and your responses) from folk like Be and Len (thank you B&L) often give me clues to the reading.
I stopped trying to analyze or even remember dreams several years back, Len They had a habit of being so vivid that it was taking up too much waking energy to “manage” their memory. For the past 6 months however (estimate) until just recently, however, I had no memory of my dreams at all. Total black-out, then unrefreshed waking. I suspect something to do with that corrupt appendix…especially noting that “normal” vivid dreamtime is now returning. Cayce probably had something there, one of my concerns has always been trying to sort out what is a literal “preview” from that which is figurative as both have proven true. I suppose the first step in sorting that out is paying attention to dreams again…
Jude, I hadn’t thought the way it hit me this minute about the irony (dated to days of slavery) of Obama’s “half-African, half-American” DNA. Hm. Well and there was a movement at the time of abolition to “mate” white women with black men, wasn’t there? So that the race divide would be solved efficiently; everyone being mulatto. No doubt the official “race” of America should be “mutt” anyway. Agree with Be — your “amazingly successful for a Kenyan” is one of your best lines ever. Still rolling.
Be; I recommend that you start posting the event (that you are vicariously producing) on social media as though it were a real event—then watch what happens…..(it will no longer be just a dream I would bet)
Len, yes, as you predicted, Venus trine Venus is strong today; I’m thus far not getting those papers written and the due dates are getting closer, everything else seems to be oh so much more important. Best I get at it…:)
Thanks, Jude!
BTW Be, that’s my Moon/Eris conjunction at 8AR talking (you know; me, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and our Moon/Eris’s) with a little Uranus transit thrown in for good measure.
I say, “tweet it and it will be so” ! (new technology’s version of “built it and they will come”, yes?)
pps – Brian might even show up this July as transiting Saturn retrograde conjuncts Brian’s Jupiter at 28+ Scorpio (which squares his Chiron that conjuncts the U.S. Moon) Venus transiting at 27-28 Leo will be T-square to his Chiron and Jupiter (+ transiting Saturn) Sounds like a transition for him, but if he can get through this one he will be fine I believe.
Judith, what are incarnational dreams, please and thank you.
An incarnational dream is a memory, Mandy, not from this lifetime. In a normal dream, you are the dreamer and events unfurl in front of you as part of your dreamscape. In the dreams I’m referencing, you, the dreamer, are not your waking self but another “self” — different race, age, whatever — with which you are completely comfortable. You know the place, the players, the situation, you know the back-story and you are instantly immersed in the emotion. These are ‘different’ than normal dream-adventures — they have a completely unique feel.
For me, these were early dreams that played in a loop into my early adolescence, when I began to make sense of them; noticing resonance to time periods and foreign places, having knowledge of things I hadn’t learned about prior, etc.
The memory dreams are extremely intense. For instance, fifty years later, I can describe every detail of the Highland cottage I shared with my family, how the dust danced in the light streaming through the slats in the door, how still as a mouse I had to be, hiding, when the soldiers came. I attribute lifelong lung weakness to “holding my breath” then, brought into this lifetime and solidified by a series of virus’s that scared my lungs; to a government ‘experiment’ in the Bay Area in the early 50s in how wind carried biologicals; and to my fifth-house Uranus in Gemini: all in a package.
Probably too much information, Mandy, but there you have it. Much like real-time challenges, these kinds of dreams begin to fade as we get a handle on what they’re bringing up for examination. From my experience, they provide a larger look at what we’re pulling in to deal with this time around.
Just a note on incarnational dreams – I’ve not had any in recent years, but 30+ years ago, I had them from time to time, & as you noted Judith, they can be so very vivid & detailed. In one, just a short vignette that occurred a couple of times, I was fatally stabbed in the back, against the right side of my spine. Interestingly, some years later my family doctor noted that I had what he called a “bone spur” along my spine that was, yes, in that spot.
I’ve never been able to tolerate wearing anything snug around my neck, not a turtleneck sweater, not a scarf or choker necklace. In exploring that, I had a flash of a forgotten dream of being strangled from behind by a man who threw a scarf or rope over my head.
Not all my past-life dreams involved my death, but the two with apparent manifestations in this life did, which I’ve always found interesting.
Thank you, ladies. I also can’t stand anything around my neck and relate it to being hanged, plus great anxiety if I am standing at a cliff edge with someone behind me as I’m convinced they will shove me over it.
BTW, I try to use this cliff scene as a metaphor in my life now. If it’s going to happen, I just spread my wings. It’s preferable that I launch myself, though sometimes the extra nudge is required.
“Fear is just excitement without the breath.” Fritz Perls