Author Archives: Planet Waves

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for March 18, 2018.


One of the most unusual properties of Virgo is the depth at which you identify with your relationships. You make some of the most valuable discoveries about yourself through investing yourself in others. There are many implications to this. For example, you can hold off on your growth by backing away from intimacy. Conversely, if you become over-invested in a person, you can hand them the keys to your independence. In this respect, you walk a narrow edge, where you must maintain self-awareness at all costs, without becoming self-obsessed. All of this is described in the sign Aries, your 8th solar house. Many planets are now there. The Sun is about to enter, and Chiron — perhaps the most important planet associated with Virgo — arrives in a few weeks. Be kind to yourself, and to the people who hold space for so much of your beautiful self-discovery.

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Rousing Vigor: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 6
The Day of Rousing Vigor | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Opportunities to strengthen your fundamental self-confidence may arise in connection with some influence on the home front. You’re well positioned this year to penetrate through layers of the past and emerge with renewed faith in yourself. Issues around romantic history, or judgments related to self-expression or creative talents, are all up for resolution. You’ve got what it takes to dive in deep and retrieve parts of your soul held captive for long enough. Joy and inspiration are calling you.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Intuitive prompts could come through especially strongly today, as the Pisces Moon vibes with the Scorpio Sun. What’s going on below the surface, behind the mask, between the lines, and under the sea (of emotion and ego)? Who are you in contact with behind the veil? Neptune is also in alignment, bringing an imaginative, empathetic and spiritually tuned quality to the day — both in terms of what you express consciously, and what you’re broadcasting without even realizing it. Same goes for those around you.

Yet Neptune’s presence also means that all may not be as it seems — and difficulties in perceiving this could be exacerbated by Mercury’s retrograde status in Scorpio. All of that water can get pretty slippery and misty — great for art and escapes of various kinds, not so great for anything relying on a clear understanding of concrete facts. If possible gaps in your information could cause a major problem (rather than a minor inconvenience), following through on your due diligence will be essential. Remember that it’s one thing to enjoy some romantic idealism; it’s another thing to forget that your beloveds are just as beautifully, fallibly human as you are.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio monthly for November 26, 2010.


Your mind is a filter through which you perceive the rest of reality. The rest, as in the little that’s left without your mind. You know that expression, ‘Smile and the whole world smiles with you’? It also translates to, ‘Rage and the world rages with you’, and ‘Be alert and aware and the whole world is alert and aware with you’. Now, which of these is happening? You may be experiencing a strange mix. Because Mars is joining Pluto in Capricorn this month, you’re working through a maze of material from your distant past. Any frustrations you’re feeling connect with the embodied emotions of a powerful yet powerless child who could not successfully influence the environment around him/her. The thing to remember now is that you can influence your environment, and that you don’t need to rage, compete, argue or justify yourself. It may take some extra focus to notice the lines between old influences and new ones, and to see that you’re responding to both at the same time. If you’re feeling helpless or defensive, that’s a sign that you’re not recognizing the options that you have to make a difference in your own life. Every factor is guiding you to consider those options. You don’t need to make a lot of changes; one or two bold moves might be enough. The very point where you feel the most hamstrung or frustrated is where to look the most honestly, and in the words of my mentor, Joe Trusso, “Use what you know.”

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Secular Assault

By Jen Sorensen

By Jen Sorensen

You may have instant access to your Scorpio Astrology Studio now. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. We’ll follow up with a tarot card reading.

You can listen right away to the astrology sessions for just $44. Sample 1 | Sample 2


The Day of Actuality: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 5
The Day of Actuality | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

A birthday square between your ancient and modern planetary rulers signals creative friction around desires. This might register as anxiety or anger that bubbles up without apparent cause, but you’re a natural detective and the instinctual realm is your specialty. You can harness tremendous energy this year by following intuitive trails and tracking your dreams. Buried emotions might trigger either confusion or profound insight, depending on your ability to integrate unconscious and conscious input. Psychic exploration can lead to enhanced self-expression and artistry.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Today’s square between Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn should offer a good deal of energy to get a lot done — especially creatively, or to transform some facet of your immediate environment. Yet this energy could also provoke power struggles, or may signal tripping over loose ends you’ve been disregarding. Whatever you encounter and however you feel today, just don’t behave ruthlessly or underhandedly. Even if you seem to get away with it now, chances are it will come back to bite you down the line.

During most of the day, you may feel yourself somewhat at odds with group endeavors, as the Moon continues to move through Aquarius, which is square the Scorpio Sun. A little after 6:00 pm Eastern, the Moon will slide into fellow water sign Pisces, signaling greater inner (and hopefully outer) harmony. Immersion in the arts, entertainment, or quieter pursuits (anything from meditation to sex, no matter how loud you tend to be in bed) could feel especially good. If you have not had a chance to tune in to subtler realms or to honor deceased loved ones in this time when the veil is thin, the next couple nights appear especially suitable for that.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio weekly for December 31, 2009.


If you don’t know whether you’re coming or going, you might want to decide — or consciously give yourself a few weeks to decide. There are certain professional matters on which you have some time to spare; however, certain deeply personal matters require more immediate focus and attention. It looks like you’re prioritizing one issue while a close partner or love interest is prioritizing another. I suggest you focus on what is important to that person first, then decide whether it’s important to you. At least then you will have that out of the way and be able to focus on your own situation without anything ‘external’ hanging over your head. The clearer you stay with others, the more they will be available when you actually need their emotional support or the clarity of their mind — and you will.

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of the Provocateur: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 4
The Day of the Provocateur | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Most of creation is invisible — outer manifestation only occurs after immense activity behind the scenes. By the time a seed breaks ground, for example, its hardest work is done. Some of your most profound achievements over the coming year may likewise be internal. You’ve much to gain from honestly examining how emotional imprints from the past, perhaps involving your family or relationships, impact your freedom to be yourself. You’re both courageous enough to open those doors and ready to take more creative agency over your own life.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Today’s first quarter Moon is a signal to begin moving deliberately (or slowly) into gear with a new project, or with the next stage of a process. Mercury is settling out of its storm phase and into its three-week retrograde through Scorpio. So rather than approaching anything from the zippy perspective of, “gotta get it done!” and multitasking, try maneuvering with as much focus, precision and patience as possible. Get things in place from the bottom-up.

Even though the Sun in Scorpio can be secretive, the square from the Aquarius Moon suggests you may need to work with a group to move things forward. Remember, you can include others in the process and still keep certain opinions to yourself. If that creates too much tension within you, see about making your comments to others as impersonal as possible. Correct small problems as soon as they arise. A Mars-Pluto square in the works emphasizes the need to use your energy constructively, and to beware power struggles — especially with authority figures and groups. Keep everything above-board in such situations.

The asteroid Juno, newly in Libra, makes a square to Pholus in Capricorn today. If you need to bring a relationship of any kind into better balance, small moves are going to count for a lot — meaning, you don’t need to push. In fact, the more frustrated you are at things not being ‘equal’, or the more competitive a situation has become, the more you may need to temper your urges. By all means, take initiative — gently. Then, see how the other person responds. You may find that your modest words and action plus any gestures of theirs in kind are more than enough to smooth things out.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Nov. 4, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for December 19, 2016.


Dream big to get big. Why size? Does size matter? Yes, for a Sagittarian it does. Or perhaps better said, your ideas need to find their correct proportion and their correct scale. And that is likely to mean scaling up. You may feel limited by issues around financing your ideas, though that is a matter of planning. It’s a matter of communication and of outreach. Meanwhile, there are many small steps you can take that utilize resources you already have, in the way of people, community and physical needs. One problem with the current world philosophy is the belief that everything can be solved with money. However, cash is useless without ideas about what to do with it, and it’s more often wasted than not. Think efficiently. Use what you have well. Get one or two intelligent people involved. Then figure out what you actually need, and you’ll get ideas how to fund the project.

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…