
At the Women’s March on Washington, Jan. 21

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The crowd gathered on the Washington Mall at about noon, as seen from the Capitol Building.

Pussy Hats

The PussyHat project was VERY successful! If you didn’t hear about it, check out for more information.

Read My Lips

One of many extremely creative signs seen during the March.


A shot of some scaffolding on the Mall that was commandeered by marchers.

2 thoughts on “At the Women’s March on Washington, Jan. 21

  1. Cynthia

    The 20,000 strong Sister March in Phoenix was a sight to see in this traditionally conservative border state, which saw SB 1070 and Sheriff Joe. Creative slogans, civil and cordial conversations, an upbeat mood, and the ever-present pussy hats offered a strong feeling of solidarity and the birth pulse of activism. This bird rose from the ashes!

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