Welcome message from Eric Francis
After a 10-year career as an investigative reporter writing for The Village Voice, Sierra magazine and elsewhere, Eric blazed into astrology with relentless passion and curiosity.
He quickly became a beacon for readers around the world, making his first mark on astrology at the dawn of the Internet.

Photo by Jeff Bisti.
To this new work, he brought with him the discipline, integrity and courage demanded of a reporter whose fraud investigations pursued justice for the corporate crimes of Monsanto and General Electric.
Inspired by the writing of New York Post astrologer Patric Walker, Eric wrote his first horoscope column in April 1995 as an experiment. He faxed it to a local newspaper, which immediately offered to publish it.
He approaches the horoscope column as a journalistic form of astrology — published frequently, and easy to follow. Yet it’s also a platform for ideas about growth and personal development, incorporating what he’s learned from Gestalt therapy, A Course in Miracles and his lifelong spiritual study. Presenting these ideas in accessible language, his writing has engaged larger and wider audiences over time.
Within a year he was writing for Chronogram, then a fledgling regional arts magazine in New York. His devoted, even passionate readership spurred the magazine’s rise to regional prominence. For 18 years running — without missing an issue — the Planet Waves section is still where most of the magazine’s readers turn first.
By 1997, Eric’s horoscope was featured on AOL-UK’s Mystic Gardens, a central online spiritual hub in England. The next year, he covered the astrology of the Bill Clinton impeachment for the website of American astrologer Rob Brezsny. On this assignment, he combined for the first time his astrological and investigative skills into a new genre of writing — a talent for which he’s gained worldwide recognition.
After pursuing additional astrology studies in Germany with minor planet pioneer Robert von Heeren, he was recruited to stand in as a daily horoscope writer for Jonathan Cainer, the leading British astrologer. In that role, he had than three million readers across England, Australia and Europe.

Press credential issued by the European Commission, executive branch of the EU, where Planet Waves is a recognized press agency along with The New York Times and AP.
Eric is the only American astrologer to write for Fleet Street (London’s tabloid press), standing out even in the hotly competitive world of the British horoscope column.
His work has been carried in The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, People.com, Hola.com and the leading British publication Woman. His horoscopes and articles have been translated into Japanese, German, Spanish, Italian and Finnish. He is the first horoscope writer to be elected into the National Union of Journalists of the UK.
Today he is the horoscope writer for the Omega Institute, the premier holistic studies center, where he’s on the faculty. He also writes the horoscopes for Marie Claire, Chronogram, and many regional publications around the country.
In addition to being a prolific horoscope writer, workshop leader, astrology teacher and internationally-respected pioneer of the newly discovered planets, Eric is editor in chief of Planet Waves, the magazine he founded in 1998.
Offering the first paid subscription service in the astrology field, Planet Waves features the work of more than a dozen writers, on astrology, tarot, personal growth and the Planet Waves specialty — the meeting of the personal and the political.
Dear Eric
This may not be the conventional channel to approach you but I wanted to thank you for providing me with a Core Community membership pass to Planet Waves. I received an email from Anatoly to tell me that this had been activated and I thanked him. I feel that I should also thank you.
Planet Waves is indeed a special place. It’s special because it not only takes astrology seriously but also takes life seriously. It is a place of political acuity and may, perhaps, provide the shelter needed by many folks to weather the storms of our current “interesting times.”
Thank you for allowing me to be among the Core Community whose views I respect and admire. It is an honour and a privilege to be allowed access to your website.
With all best wishes for continued success and greater influence.
Geoff Marsh
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