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By Judith Gayle | Political Waves
Much of the political world has foot-in-mouth disease, and although news of it tends to send our blood pressure up and down like a yo-yo, it’s refreshing to finally hear something besides prepared patter, carefully crafted to befuddle our brains. The occasional blurt acts as counterpoint to canned responses and talking points designed to deflect legitimate questions and muddy the waters. Here are some examples:
The Donald went on talk radio and told anxious Republicans in Wisconsin that their governor, Scott Walker, had seriously wounded the state’s ability to function by refusing to raise taxes. While Donald’s style is one many conservatives admire — authoritarian, ‘the boss’ — that statement told the base more about Donald than about Walker. What was there to discover? Donald isn’t really a Republican.
Bill Clinton faced a group of black protesters to defend his putative 1994 crime bill — the one that has contributed to the incarceration rate ballooning into a bloated for-profit industry — by suggesting that the African-American community not only got what they wanted at the time, but deserved the harsh penalties established as law. Essentially, the Big Dog let his white privilege show and finally drove a stake through his honorary title as first black president, at least with the younger generation. He also confirmed that, much like his wife who is pitching a program of triangulation, moderation, and incremental accomplishment, Bill isn’t really a progressive.
Some blunders are on purpose, and newly crowned ‘establishment’ candidate Cruz made one awhile back. Jimmy Fallon hosted Ted this week, and when asked what he meant by ‘New York values,’ Cruz — responding to Fallon doing a Trump impression — displayed his clever but fairly creepy and off-putting ‘Green Eggs And Ham’ humor by saying “I love New York City. It is the greatest city in the world. When I said New York values, I was merely trying to say I value New York. But I was saying it backwards, the way Yoda would say it.”
Cruz has made little attempt to stump in New York, moving on to states with more potential. And while Donald has kept a low profile as well, expecting the vote to fall to him, New Yorkers will probably note, at least in Ted’s case, that his actions speak louder than words. Or maybe that earlier ‘values’ dig was plenty loud enough to reveal his bias against anything liberal, diverse, or secular. Bernie gave a pointed message to Ted on the Larry Wilmore show that you should see if you missed it. (So THERE, Ted! So THERE!)
Ted is not really any part of the Republican establishment, which clearly despises him but would rather lose the election with Cruz than allow Trump to shatter the party (too late!). Ted is better prepared to paste his radical theocratic absolutes across the Constitution than uphold it, a huckster more interested in the sins of masturbation [sic] than the well-being of the public. It should be noted that while being accepted as the ‘likely,’ not ONE legislator has stepped up to endorse him.
The fact that Mars is set to appear as though it’s moving backwards for a bit, giving us opportunity to re-think, is an important piece of information, but let’s applaud Mars in Sagittarius itself, for providing us a timely level of candor and ‘blurt’ that continues to strip the hubris off the bones of politics. The stumbles in rhetoric are legion, although we’re still figuring out who hears and awakens, and who simply interprets from the established playbook.
There was a major blurt on the campaign trail in New York this week, on the same day that Bernie joined a Verizon picket line, telling protesters that “Verizon is one of the largest, most profitable corporations in this country, but they refuse to sit down and negotiate a fair contract.” He called Verizon “just another major American corporation trying to destroy the lives of working Americans.” That wasn’t the blurt, of course. That was Bernie being Bernie, in old-fashioned, Democratic, pro-labor fashion. He has marched with Verizon workers before, and likely will again. Verizon is infamously hostile to unions, and a major Clinton contributor.
The blurt of note came later, as medical doctor and activist, Dr. Paul Song, spoke at a Sanders rally. Song said:
Secretary Clinton has said Medicare for all will never happen. Well, I agree with Secretary Clinton that Medicare for all will never happen if we have a president who never aspires for something greater than the status quo. Medicare for all will never happen, if we continue to elect corporate democratic whores who are beholden to Big Pharma and the private insurance industry instead of us.
Mainstream media and the Clinton campaign came unglued. Song has since apologized for his choice of wording, if not content. Me? I don’t think he should have apologized for either. When did the word ‘whore’ become unmentionable? Who can argue with ‘bought and paid for’? Are we really going to debate the possibility that democracy isn’t for sale after years of revelations about the Koch Brothers, ALEC, and Citizens United?
If there is anything REAL about what this campaign speaks to in 2016, THAT’S IT! Do we tell the truth about how things are in a nation gone materialistic, corporations gone predatory and capitalism gone rogue? Or do we continue to pretend that the way things are can’t — or won’t — change, but must continue for fear that something much WORSE will come along?
For all the current squabble about the pros and cons of political correctness, the concept of democracy for sale is off the table? Seriously? If that’s off the table, so is everything else that opposes the status quo!
In last night’s debate, Bernie Sanders should have made news with his declaration that Palestinians were people too and deserved safety, jobs, and healthcare, but his position quickly became a purity test about who stands with the sadly besieged Netanyahu administration and who doesn’t.
Clinton made her loyalties obvious — yes, she’s worked side by side with Bebe on so many occasions and will continue to — while Sanders finally made his position clear in no uncertain terms: “There comes a time—there comes a time when if we pursue justice and peace, we are going to have to say that Netanyahu is not right all of the time.”
Esquire published a compilation of their exchange on Israel under this title:
We Saw Bernie Sanders’ Greatest Weakness Last Night
At least, that’s what the Clinton camp is hoping you’ll believe this morning.
Once again, I’m struck by the arrogance of beltway politicians, so sure that the nation hasn’t moved on from considering Israel its 53rd state. As speculative as the meme that Bernie’s socialism makes him too radical to win, the opinions of the American Jewish voter can no longer be taken for granted. Nor can the sensibilities of our younger voters, who have a different view of Middle East issues than older citizens who saw justice in the Jews’ return to their homeland, decades ago.
Tradition is giving way to innovation, and we simply cannot count on ‘what was’ to remain so. That, by the way, is called change, and it sometimes rattles us. It’s also known as progress, and lately considered evolution. Perhaps before this is all over — before the ‘i’ is dotted and the ‘t’ crossed in this amazing shift we’ve inhabited — we will discover it to be the social and political revolution we’ve all been waiting for.
To prepare for the challenges ahead, if you haven’t considered giving yourself the gift of a Core Community Membership, this is the right time, and the upcoming Spring Reading will inspire you to become your very best self.
Open Mouth, Insert Foot. . .my 1st astrology teacher said that was the catch-phrase for Sagittarius. All the signs had one but this one stuck with me. It works best with politicians seeking publicity; who can forget that guy (well I did forget his name!), that would-be Speaker of the House guy who essentially admitted that the Benghazi Committee was created to get Hillary. Best-fit example for all around blurts is Joe Biden who is a Scorpio but has Sagittarius rising!
Perhaps Mars retrograde in Sagittarius will provide more stumbles into the truth, but maybe Saturn can help too, based on his Ingress-into-Sagittarius chart (9/17/15). There was Neptune at 8 Pisces opposite Jupiter at 8 Virgo forming a T-square with the U.S. Uranus at 8 Gemini. All we need now for a grand cross is somebody at 8 Sagittarius stationing retrograde. Oh wait, that’s what Mars is doing on Sunday!
The gods and goddesses do work in mysterious ways to prod-push-pull us toward change-progress-evolution, but they seldom get the credit for it do they? We credit you Ms. Judith for seeing how, when and why the chips fall as they do and making sense of it all.
Regarding the Thursday debate which I wasn’t up to whole-heartedly watching, I did manage to view the re-runs of some of the meatier (meaner) clips and it occurred to me “this is staged!”
Seriously, it flashed across my mind that these two had been on the phone with each other the night before, coming up with attacks on one another they could each make that wouldn’t really hurt but would bring up their audience ratings; like the Pubs had had for their debates in the earlier days. I could swear that Hillary was stifling a grin when Bernie chided her for saying she had “called them out”, referring to the Wall St. bankers, saying “I bet that really scared them” or something like that.
Perhaps I’ve become jaded. The media coverage only wants to focus on the mean-spirited comments or the outright attacks politicians make about other politicians running for the same office. If this was a class on cooking a stew, we would be in that stage of reducing the stock to a gravy-like condition, leaving behind just the flavor of what was – bones and all.
I’ve accepted this process is part and parcel of what we “came here” to participate in, but knowing that doesn’t make it easier to watch. Surely these veteran politicians (other than Jeb and Marco) have hides like a rhinoceros and don’t much suffer the slings and arrows. It is for the audience’s delight these slings and arrows are intended. Surely we can change-progress-evolve beyond this level of what we’ve been reduced to. With Neptune abound in the astrology these days I choose to see it as a farce; something to entertain the masses until the real test comes. If that’s all there is then let’s keep dancing. Years from now when kids ask us what we did in the revolution we can tell them we watched the pot boil.
Oh gosh, Ms. be, credit where it’s due! We weren’t/aren’t that passive. We can tell them that we — you, me and millions of others like us — screamed our heads off, shook our neighbor awake as civilly as possible, argued for the Higher Road and kept our powder dry. We came to plant the seeds, and this — right now — is what tending the sprouts looks like!
This movement has legs and won’t disappear overnight, as many have predicted. Those that insist it’s just a flash in the pan have something to protect in its NOT gaining strength, but that’s wishful thinking. The Trumpeteers want to crash the Federal government, the Berners want to fix it, and while their goals and solutions differ greatly, the outliers are the LARGEST constituency out there, never mind what MSM wants us to think. It isn’t the Top Down political stuff that’s going to change everything, it’s the Bottom Up (that seldom gets any coverage,) and that’s coming along nicely.
From a 5D point of view, coming together for a harmonious future feels far off during this purge period, vomiting up all the dark crap of a by-gone era, but dragging all that unhealed junk behind us keeps us in fear and angst. The more crap comes up, the faster the changes can proceed. Because of — and in spite of — that, we need to keep our hearts open and courageous, trusting the IS to take us where we need to go.
Basking in the Grand Cross energy you pointed to, be, I took real satisfaction in the discussion of the Stephanopoulos round-table today — they were candid and, I thought, accurate in their assessment of where we are now. A surprising blast of reality. That was a welcome anomaly — I hope there’s more coming! An educated electorate would be a real tipping point!
Thanks for all you contribute, kiddo.
Miss Judith you have such a way with words! Sorry I missed that round-table this morning but glad to hear the brave hearts were ready to defy the same old status-quo Sunday observations. It’s the Mars thing poking the U.S. Uranus I betcha. (Also Mercury trine Pluto)
It often does seem that chasing ratings trumps (funny how that word just isn’t as useful/meaningful anymore…) journalism. Going for the spectacle often misses the substance even when there might BE substance, which is clearly not always. Yes, & a lot of the campaign talk feels awfully scripted.
As for foot-in-mouth, I expect my own Sagittarian nature has done it a few times, though with Saturn retro rising in Cancer & Mercury retro in Sagittarius, I learned early on, or perhaps instinctively, to be more circumspect. I’ve observed that Gemini can sometimes put its two pairs of feet in mouth, possibly because it tends to grasp a lot of ideas, but sometimes without much reflection or depth. Plus there’s the “of two minds” thing, which may explain some of their flip-flops.
Watching the electoral process in bits & pieces from here in the Great White North (yes, still snow where I live!), I can understand some of the consternation & frustration felt by so many Americans who can envision a better future than the one being offered by the party establishments. The more I watch & listen to Bernie Sanders, the more I see him as perhaps a Johnny Appleseed of the paradigm shift the world so desperately needs. I hope we’re seeing a beginning taking root.
Oh dear — Sagittarius blurting R Us, Bette! Oh, but so informative, as in holding ones feet to the fire and getting a clear sense of consequences. It’s also true of Gemini but on a less enthusiastic scale — Virgo and Pisces get a share too as Mutables, the salesmen of the Universe! Thing about Sag is, they shake off the petty stuff pretty quickly, depending on other signs and aspects.
This rhetoric DOES sound practiced — scripted — but that’s the ‘grain of salt’ issue with stump speeches and even debates; they’re crafted, memorized, and — whether genuine opinion or clever manipulation — we hear the same thing recited over and over because the candidates are still trying to pry open the lid on Independent voters, win them over.
Bernie’s coming from so far behind (nobody knew him or thought he was a real candidate) to face off against Clinton so powerfully is due to the values he speaks to and the clear intent that power is of and for the good of the people, not the party or the individual. When folks actually get to HEAR about that, they instinctively know it’s superior to what we’ve come to now. Johnny Appleseed and more, I think.
Snow yet, eh? I’ve got a house full of seedlings and baby plants ready to go outside and was planning on getting them out this weekend, but seems like a months-worth of rain is due in the next three days and I don’t want them swamped.
The growing season is morphing — and I had to laugh when Huffy posted a big lede-line this week about how scientists think perhaps the POLES ARE SHIFTING because of climate change. Like … OLD NEWS, anyone?? Edgar Cayce put that on the table almost a hundred years ago, and they say Lightworkers are just silly New Age’rs. Right!
Be well and stay warm, dearheart …
I like that Bette. . Bernie as Johnny Appleseed. I also agree with your Gemini observation. Thanks for your comments here today.
Thursday’s was the first political debate of the season I’ve sat through to the bitter end, because I have a hard time watching people — essentially pitching their bona fides in a job interview for the leadership of the nation, if not much of the world — insult my intelligence. I don’t mean to insult theirs if they’re working at the top of their game — some are and we can assess that by going to our gut with what we’re hearing.
Kasich, for instance — Bob Reich calls him the only rational candidate on the Right — believes every word he says, even the unacceptable culture stuff, and there are conservatives out there keeping their fingers crossed that he remains an option in the coming, fractured, convention.
We’ve got to trust our gut on these things. MSM is no help — is, in fact, a hindrance.
There’s a CNN pundit, Gloria Borger, that works my every nerve. Everyone thinks she’s All That, so they turn to her for the informed intellectual opinion. She gets on the topic track and she’s making sense and then, just before she pulls into the ‘rational’ station, she leaps off into space and says something incredibly dense … and I just HOWL with frustration because she was SOOO CLOSE to saying something worthwhile … yet becomes just another Talking Head that does NOT inform the people or illuminate the issue (or shake up the corporate media that pays her.)
And here’s another illustration of media power — a don’t miss YouTube that gets a bit rowdy but nails CNN on its Bernie stonewall, as well as its blackout of a pretty impressive protest at their front door for same. I saw NO mention of this anywhere. I suspect other news agencies took a look at their own record and decided it ‘wasn’t a story.’ (Me’thinks this source is worthy of a bookmark, by the way.)
As for the Brooklyn debate — although the meme is that any mention of Hillary’s voice is sexist — I guess you’ve gotta count me a member of the He-Man Woman Haters Club, ‘cuz Mrs. Clinton’s voice is like nails on a blackboard to me, especially at the end of any proclamation when she gets a little louder, a little harsher, and goes for the zap (a Scorpio thing, I suspect.)
She did it Thursday night when she had the last word, and then added a zinger at Bernie (who had no opportunity to respond). I note that she regularly does this when she wants to avoid further questioning on a topic. You know, change the subject. (Squirrel! for Dug the Dog)
Some of my problem may be Clinton fatigue. I’m so familiar with Hillary’s style and verbage, I can mark the moment her inflection changes, intuit when her amperage is due to soar. I I know when she’s stopped speaking extemporaneously and has inserted a canned answer, I know when she’s getting ready to pounce.
And especially since she has so much to defend, I suppose, she spends entirely too much time telling us the wonderful things she accomplished in her long career. She needs to hire somebody to do that for her (NOT BIG BILL! Yikes!)
(I can promise you that if she gets the nod, we’re going to hear the details of EVERY ‘bad’ thing she ever did plus a lot that’s been made up in Paranoia Land. The Right is disdainful of Obama but I don’t think he’s as personally repugnant to them as is the IDEA of him hateful in their philosophy — but Hillary? OMG, how they hate her! She doesn’t deserve that level of projection, no matter how much I dislike her politics, but we may get to see it all displayed in the coming months. Good thing she’s a tough cookie!)
Sadly it isn’t just the candidates chattering like parrots — it’s all the politico’s. An illustration: today Debbie Wasserman-Schultz [pfffft!] was on Meet The Press and one of her responses was familiar to me, word for word — I’d heard it just the day before on this YouTube about how the Dem party has a big enough tent to welcome in Wall Street and Big Oil donors (which is only true if you’re an establishment supporter, haven’t been victimized by neo-liberal financial policies in the last decade and have a stake in sustaining the status quo.)
That’s another of those reasons people don’t think politicians are square shooters: their responses feel like something you read on a party-affiliation poster. The majority of them AREN’T square shooters, which is why, according to polls, Bernie is THE most popular politician in the race today and the likeliest to beat all comers … and why Trump’s people are prepared to create mayhem in Ohio if he isn’t nominated.
Say what you will — they’re both authentic, speak to the concerns of the people, aren’t bought off and so far, the most damning thing I can find about Bernie’s past is his fathering a child out of wedlock in the 60s (with little fuss about it, apparently.)
Keep the faith, dearhearts and remember — you came to SHINE!
Amen to all the above, esp. Hillary’s voice./be
Ditto to the shrillness, the only upside is that she’ll bring back Nehru tunics…