For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun’s arc of travel is currently getting higher and higher in the sky. This phenomenon translates as longer and longer days above the equator. Below the equator, it’s the other way around. Regardless of where you are, however, the Sun’s tour of Taurus is winding up.
Depending on who you are, the Sun in the final five degrees of Taurus can mean different things. No doubt, some of you could stand to see a lot more of what comes with the symbolic Sun of astrology expressing its corollary to waking consciousness through the field of fixed earth.
It is also understandable if you are feeling a bit fatigued with patterns of awareness that have characterized the last 25 days or so. After all, it is not wrong to desire a change of external scenery for its own sake. Therefore, as you move through the remainder of this week, keep in mind that your own point of view on the world at large will very possibly be at greater variance than usual with that of others.
Interestingly, the final days of solar Taurus will also be characterized by astrological indications implying a change of internal scenery. First, of course, is the waning Moon. By leaving Capricorn behind to enter Aquarius today, the Moon is inviting you to appreciate how much a collective perspective can vary from any given personal circumstance.
Then there are the only two planets that move between the Earth and Sun: Mercury and Venus. Earlier today (or overnight, depending on your time zone) Mercury returned to Taurus a second time.
The first ingress of Mercury into Taurus this year took place way back on the last day of March. Then a subsequent retrograde ultimately returned Mercury to Aries on April 20 (interestingly, just as solar Taurus was beginning). Mercury resumed direct motion on May 3, but has taken this long to ingress Taurus yet a second time.
Even with a change of sign, however, it would be fair to say that Mercury (and its predominantly intellectual correspondence) is not quite out of the proverbial woods. The same is true of Venus. As of today, both Mercury and Venus are still confined within the narrow zodiac corridors where their respective retrogrades recently took place. To the extent that both planets correlate with your inner life, you might say that they are both in a state of having “been there, done that.”
When you hear somebody recite the phrase “been there, done that,” they may be expressing either empathy or indifference. In both cases, however, there is an implicit sense of both recognition and resignation that closes the door on a true and individuated sense of compassion.
Fortunately, the confinements of both Mercury and Venus are about to end. On Thursday, Venus will pass the point where its 2017 retrograde started, and will enter new zodiac territory for the first time since the end of January. Then, just hours after the Sun enters Gemini this weekend, Mercury will accomplish its own figurative jailbreak and begin moving over new ground for the first time since the end of March. The timing could not be better.
By next week, every object inside of Earth’s orbit will have been emblematically refreshed. With such an occasion comes the possibility that your own doors of perception will be cleaned. With that potential will emerge the prospect of your own refreshment in turn — both inside and out.
Of course, and as usual, it will take some participation from you to manifest the sky’s potential. It will not be difficult to put yourself in harmony with what looks to be a clean slate developing up above. In fact, the protocol will be quite simple.
First, make an effort to be fully aware of your thoughts before expressing them. Then, every time you are tempted to either write or say “been there, done that,” take just a moment before you do. Look within to find other words befitting a new day, unbound from all that is best left behind. If you can bring yourself to do just that much, meaningful refreshment will almost surely follow.
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You may pre-order all 12 signs of INVOLUTION here. What we’re living through today is not written about in any book. We’re its pioneers in consciousness. For us, in our time, the revolution must be within. INVOLUTION will be your guide.
” Look within to find other words befitting a new day, unbound from all that is best left behind. If you can bring yourself to do just that much, meaningful refreshment will almost surely follow.” Wonderful advice, great piece. Thank you, dear Len.