It’s been a long, a long time coming, but I know a change is gonna’ come
— Sam Cooke
For as far back as anthropology and archeology have been able to retrieve information so far, astrology has always shown up as a fully developed system. There are no surviving records of astrology in its early, pre-development stages (assuming there were any).
Yet, there are also no surviving records of most human history. We have been around much longer than writing or other forms of material record keeping.
Even so, it is very likely that some rudimentary form of astrology must have been necessary long before writing, or even agriculture. That’s because watching the sky helps us to anticipate when change is gonna’ come.
Even when our ancestors lived in small bands, roaming around hunting and foraging, it would have been vital to know of impending changes ahead of time. It goes without saying that preparing for seasonal changes can be crucial for survival. It is also probable that the patterns and cycles in the sky were long ago correlated with the movement of migratory animals, the ripening of fruits and the availability of other necessities.
Hence, astronomy and astrology (which until recently in human history were essentially the same thing) has always been of practical use. It helps to know when a change is coming so you can move with it, either literally or figuratively.
Yet human beings are more than practical. We are creative. We make stories. Those stories also serve a purpose. They preserve and contain important information in a way that can be remembered and passed on.
That’s how astrology came to include story, and how those stories are still useful. Among the stories were those about the planets. The planets were invested with personalities that had meaning with regard to their respective cycles. Those personalities were conferred with divine status since, after all, they lived in the sky.
The skies were then divided into metaphorical houses (or signs) in which those personalities could live. Some houses were considered to be like home for specific planets. Other houses were places to visit and be a guest. The comings and goings of celestial objects were evidently observed and correlated with the comings an goings here on Earth. In that way, it is reasonable to speculate that our ancestors knew when to come and go so as to enhance their chances for survival.
So it is that the planets that have always been visible to the unaided eye came to be associated with myth. That mythology, in turn, contains the essence of long observation, codified and formalized — possibly even in our DNA. Part of being an astrologer means retrieving that information and applying it to the present, so that you will know when change can be expected to come and, to some degree, how to move with it.
One of the big representations of change for astrologers is when planets change signs. Tonight at about 11:15 pm EST (04:14:57 UTC Saturday) Venus will move into Scorpio.
Without getting too technical on you, Scorpio was considered by the ancients to be one of the two celestial residences (or signs) where Mars lived (the other being Aries). Hence, Venus is about to be a guest of Mars for abut 25 days. The appropriate moves for you to make in response are indicated by the mythology.
In ancient mythology Venus and Mars had what gossip columnists now like to call “a history.” They were attracted to each other. That’s how Venus and Mars are now considered complementary by astrologers.

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The attractions between Venus and Mars played out in various and sundry ways depending on the context, which among other things the signs provide.
One of the more salacious episodes in ancient mythology gives an account of Venus sleeping with Mars occasionally so that the soporific effects following a coital encounter would calm Mars down and keep the god of war from causing destruction in the world.
Of course, the ancients knew that unless they moved to emulate what Venus was doing, the efforts of Venus would not manifest on Earth. The same applies to you now.
You don’t have to be an astrologer or familiar with myth to see that there is a lot of destruction being wrought by war and the downside of Mars-like behavior in the world right now. You also don’t need too much imagination to figure out the upside of Venus coming to be a guest in the sign where Mars rules (much as you rule in your own home).
But unless you make like Venus and offer some form of love, Venus will pass through Scorpio with no effect here on Earth. In other words, if any change indicated by the skies is going to take place, you have to do your part as a member of the solar system.
If there is anything to astrology, it’s now time for you to move and in some way (not necessarily sexual) offer your love over the next month or so. Specifically, you should offer love as a complement to aggression, and as an appropriate response to the ways of violence we have all surely had enough of by now. One way or the other, you know a change has got to come. Perhaps you can do something to help make that change contribute to enhance our own survival.
Offered In Service
Thank-you, Len, for the background story as well as inspiration for applying Venus qualities/energies while she transits Scorpio. Having natal Venus in Scorpio in my 5th, & her only major aspect being a trine to Saturn, I find her an intense, very private, often somber, but creative presence. In transit, she will also soon cross my moon & square my Leo Mars & Pluto, before my Venus return. Should be some energy with that!
I was thumbing through an old Evangeline Adams astrology book, & my goodness! We who have Venus in Scorpio sound like a sorry lot, doomed to decadence & jealousies & self-inflicted misery! No, I don’t take that to heart – at all – recognizing hat some of the old sources, despite good intentions, are less than inspiring.
“…in some way offer your love…” – yes, there are so many small ways in the course of a day when we can do that. It can indeed help ease the rampant fear & anger so many carry. Thank-you for the reminder.
Hey Len, you make it easy to envision those shaggy ancestors of ours checking out the moving stars (planets). If I think about it, no roads being repaved or new buildings would have been going up in the neighborhood, even if there was a neighborhood. They would be looking to the ground for fresh tracks and looking to the sky for guidance. I believe it IS in our DNA by now. Venus luxury would have been a big furry bear blanket on a chilly winter night and a stash of winter berries to munch on.
As for the Venus effect on Mars, I think she’s been more than hospitable to him while they both have been moving through her sign Libra. Perhaps too much togetherness (3 conjunctions between them this year?) has pushed the Mars envelope. Or maybe Eris in Mars’ sign Aries is behind all the disruption. But I get your point. Be nice. Frankly, I’m thinking Venus needs a break about now and while she’s moving into his sign he still holes up in her sign and that could benefit us all. Change is good.
You know Len, your column today made me consider that we are more than likely the only species (ok. all the forms of what has become what we are today) that watches or tracks the stars for signs (of change and otherwise). No doubt the movement/s of the planets are long imprinted in our DNA even if we don’t remember too much too well mostly.
Change may come (because we make choices), but our attachment and even interdependence on the heavenly bodies might just not change oh so much. And so brings me back around to your story about venus and mars; in our DNA, but for us to choose what to make of it.
I’m with you, Bette and Be; it’s worthwhile choosing Love and Being Nice over most all else.
Len- thanks for giving a shout-out to our Ancestors. We’ve been watching the Stars since before we dropped down out of the trees, the history and stories go way back.