Planet Waves Boutique

Welcome to Planet Waves. Our memberships, readings and classes are designed to give you the ability to inform and empower yourself, and to find healing and help where you need it most. Please feel free to browse, research samples and enjoy our open content. If you have any questions, you may reach us by email at We are always happy to help.
With love from the Planet Waves staff.

Featured | In These Times by Eric Francis — 2019 Autumn Reading
IN THESE TIMES is my 2019 reading in the “midyear” series (now called the autumn reading). Organized by sign, it consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for the results that you want to get.
One of those results is feeling deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, I will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.
You may order this reading here, or choose your individual signs here. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass and Galaxy Pass.

Planet Waves

Note: If you’re a Backstage or Galaxy Pass holder, this reading is included with your membership. If you would like to make a token contribution toward the project, you may use this form. This is not a purchase — it’s a donation. Thank you for your generosity.

Latest Birthday Readings for Your Sign
Superb, relevant, thorough astrology for the price of a restaurant meal
Virgo 2019-20 Astrology Studio

Libra 2019-20 Astrology Studio

Scorpio 2019-20 Astrology Studio

This is the best Virgo reading I’ve heard on Planet Waves, in that it gives Virgo the agency it deserves. As a Virgo rising I could list so many ways this reading applies to my circumstances, but I’ll save that for my journal. — Cheryl Corson (on Intelligence)
I’m a Libra, and must say that your words are simply spot on and seem to capture the deepening flavour of my life over the last month or so. What I’ve been through and still going through, is exactly what you’ve managed to capture so concisely. — Priya
Spot on, very interesting – the actual events have been much more positive from a higher mind perspective. The themes running and timeline very accurate. Loved the Tarot too… Thank you so much — K.K.

Seasonal 12-Sign Readings by Eric Francis
INTELLIGENCE: 2019-2020 Annual Edition
Call the Astrologer: 2019 Spring Reading
As we go deeper into this most unusual, challenging and potentially troubling phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. How can we tap into our ability to find creative solutions to problems? How can we envision, design and create a better future than the one we seem to be heading for? The answer is intelligence. This binge-worthy set of half-hour video readings covers all the Sun, Moon and rising signs using Eric’s friendly, easy-to-follow and actually relevant approach to astrology. Chiron in Aries features prominently, as do Uranus in Taurus and other current transits. Eric patiently explains the effects these transits might have, and then describes them as opportunities for growth.

Astrology and More — Classes with Eric Francis
I have recently become more inspired to pursue and study astrology more seriously. When I saw Eric would be teaching a class on retrogrades, I knew that he would more than likely be the best source for this knowledge. [And he was!!] Thank you Eric for continuing to have these classes! They are wonderful. — Stacey Katz

You can now order any of Eric’s classes, past or present, using the links below — either as bundles or by themselves. Find out more about our new 2019 classes here.

All classes include a full recording of the session, a thorough and informative resources page, and an opportunity to continue the discussion once the class is over.

Brand New Classes for 2019 | Get the bundle here



Classes Archive



Planet Waves Memberships
I’m proud (yet humbled too, if that makes sense) to be a member of the Planet Waves community. You can not pay enough anywhere for the quality — and quantity! — of astrological journalism found at Planet Waves. I devour everything; because of it the world and my own universe makes more sense. I’ve been a student of astrology for more than four decades, yet every day I learn something new and important on PW. — Lesley Doetsch Phillips
Our standard membership is the Core Community Membership. This gets you the Monday Morning Horoscope, Planet Waves FM and the Thursday full edition by email; plus unlimited access to the website and archives. Sign up for one year or six months, or on a monthly recurring basis.
The Backstage Pass gets you everything under the Core Community Membership, plus all 12 birthday readings and the Spring and Midyear reports, and discounts on everything else. Backstage Pass and above gets priority on personal consultations with Eric. You can sign up for one year, or on a quarterly or monthly recurring basis.
New! Sign up for our higher tier Backstage Pass, which includes all of the above plus a Chart Keys reading for half price. One year | Quarterly | Monthly
Finally, we have the Galaxy Pass. This is our VIP membership for serious investors; a special package that gets you unlimited access to all Planet Waves readings and archived classes, plus $150 consulting credit and privileged, personal contact with Eric and the team. You can sign up for one year, or on a quarterly or monthly recurring basis.

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