One of the things that makes 2016 special are two Full Moons in Sagittarius. The first such opposition of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) took place on May 21. The Sun was less than 31 hours into Gemini at the time, and the Moon less than three hours into Sagittarius on the other side of the sky and the zodiac.
The second Sagittarius Full Moon of 2016 will take place on June 20. The luminaries will oppose from the very last degree of the same two signs they occupied back on May 21. The Sun will still be in Gemini. The Moon will have returned to Sagittarius after moving all the way around the zodiac and then some.
Less than 12 hours after the Sagittarius Full Moon of June 20, the Sun will move from Gemini to Cancer, marking a solstice and initiating a new season. As you have no doubt already seen, the period between the two Sagittarius Full Moons of 2016 is shaping up to be a rather distinctive time.
So far, that distinction goes beyond this period simply being the last four weeks of our current season. The time that has elapsed since the Full Moon of May 21 has been chock-full of events you just don’t see every day.
That particular distinction applies to the astrology, for sure. Since the New Moon at the midpoint of Gemini this weekend also represents the midpoint between Sagittarius Full Moons, it would implicitly be a good time to count the ways.
You don’t see Mercury station direct every day. That happened on May 22 for the second of three times this year. You don’t see Venus enter Gemini every day, either. That will happen only about once a year, and took place on May 24. An exterior (or ‘superior’) conjunction from the Sun to Venus is also a more-or-less annual event; that will also take place this weekend, as Venus moves to be exactly on the other side of the Sun in relation to Earth.
On May 24 (or May 25, depending on where you live), Venus opposed Mars for the first time in about two years. On May 27, Mars changed signs in retrograde motion for the first time since the last day of 2007; at that time, it retreated from Cancer and back into Gemini. Additionally, you would have to go back to May of 1937 for the prior occasion when retrograde Mars returned to Scorpio from Sagittarius, such as was the case one week ago today.
What’s more, the last time Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune were in anything near the mutable T-square they are now exhibiting was 1936. That’s when Neptune was in Virgo (instead of Pisces, where it is now), Saturn was in Pisces (instead of Sagittarius, as it is now) and Jupiter was in Sagittarius (instead of Virgo, where it is now).
Last, but certainly not least, the immediately previous occurrence of Uranus and Eris occupying the same degree of the same sign (to form a conjunction) was in 1928.
Yet, all of the seldom-seen astrological events just noted (and more) have already taken place, or will soon take place, in between the two Sagittarius Full Moons of 2016.
It is a similar situation with the world at large. Since the first Full Moon in Sagittarius last month, it has been one day of world news after another distinguished by what one does not often, if ever, see. If you think on it, there have probably also been some exceptional events in your life since May 21. You are implicitly being given a means to orient yourself as regards to both the sky above and the world below.
All you need to do is think back to May 21 or so and isolate at least one person, place or situation that represents something out of the ordinary for your life thus far. Think ‘horse of a different color’ but don’t confine yourself to horses or colors. Then again, it could be you who represents such an exceptional personage for somebody else. Or you might have been thrust into an unfamiliar role, or seen the same thing happen to somebody you know.
Whatever has taken (or will take) you from routine to revelation, don’t dismiss it. Rather, seize on your own seldom-seen experiences, the more personal the better. Examine them. In what you do not see every day will be something of a connection for you. It will be where your life is interfacing with the astrology and the world at this time.
Once you do figure out what it is in your own personal, everyday experience that has impressed you as not everyday at all, reflect on how you did (or will do) with it. Remember how you account (or will account) for it. Note how you have explained (or will explain) it.
It is not only in what has recently happened (or will soon happen) to you that you will find important information. Indeed, the most vital thing for you to observe and work with right now would be what you do with what you don’t see every day. Above all, don’t be discouraged if your first response to the rarely seen does not represent you at your best. For it is implicitly those who learn the most (not those who do the best) during this period between Sagittarius Full Moons who will enter the next season with the most valuable and useful keys to the future.
Offered In Service

Curious about what the epic Uranus-Eris conjunction means for you? Intrigued by the dance of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces? In our exciting new class with Eric Francis, The Astrology of Now, your questions will receive thoughtful and insightful answers — and you’ll have lots of fun in the process. You may sign up here.
Hey, Len!
So many things have changed that I hardly know where to begin … but I note with such intense joy that this new moon is happening exactly on the only thing happening in my 4th house — Vesta, opp Pallas at exact degree Sagg. Feels like a true accounting for all the blessings is due. Thank you for your brilliant/shining perspective. I count that as one of my blessings, to be sure.
Mary Mack
Thank you, Mary. To have the transiting Gemini New Moon’s conjunction with the Sun (and Venus) so precisely conjoined your natal Vesta and opposing your natal Pallas seems like a goddess-fest of some sort to me. May you (and the goddess in you) be blessed by the occasion. May some of those blessings “rub off” for the rest of us.
This is “a time” to be sure, Len. My Gemini daughter left us a year ago (on the full moon). This new moon is that anniversary and, of course, the center point between this year’s two full moons.
(I am hoping this year, for a breakthrough–or several breakthroughs related to the circumstances.)
In the past two weeks the only thing that “changed” was that I did not receive a scholarship to a conference I was hoping to attend this summer (it is an event that for me is strongly tied to my daughter and I was well placed for the scholarship). Life does seem to be what I see every day, day after day–but this is a fallacy, isn’t it? Nonetheless, onward and forward, no matter how the treadmill seems to keep me in place, and as always, doing my best to be a better listener for what the Universe has to say.
Thank you, Len.
Astrology is amazing, isn’t it? This new moon is almost precisely upon the moment she was found last year (in a location that makes it fortunate she was discovered at all). Sorry to prolong that thread, but the revelation about the timing of the new moon is fascinating.
aWord: Speaking of a goddess., there are none that i know of who have sustained an expression of the divine feminine while going through as much as you have. i sincerely wish i could comfort you with a hug. Please accept my poor words instead, sent with the hope that you will find the comfort, closure and understanding you justly and courageously seek. You are loved and supported here at Planet Waves, and we want you to stay with us so we will know from the source what the Universe has to say. If it were in my power to give a scholarship, it would be a privilege to bestow it upon you.