We’re in the midst of some serious Scorpio astrology, marked by the intensification for many people of their erotic energy, the allure of secrets (and perhaps telling them), and a specific type of creative, transformative power that asks us for surrender. And so it seemed fitting to feature today the XConfessions website for your exploration and discussion.

Erika Lust
XConfessions is one of several projects by Barcelona-based filmmaker Erika Lust. Registered users can submit (anonymously) their hottest secret fantasies or true sexual escapades from real life. Ms. Lust then chooses two of the confessions per month as her inspiration, and creates a 10-minute short film from each.
The film and the original confession get posted together; you can watch a trailer if you’re not registered — although all it takes is an email address to sign up for free, and anonymously, to see two films (and confess, if you feel so moved).
Ms. Lust explains on XConfessions that she was “Tired of the stereotypical porno-glam and porno-cheap imagery flooding the Internet,” and is looking to create “the most sophisticated and innovative crowd-sourced erotic cinema ever seen.”
Born as Erika Hallqvist in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1977, Ms. Lust is an independent filmmaker with a degree in political science with a focus on feminism. She has directed four award-winning erotic films in addition to the XConfessions shorts; her written works include Good Porn: a Woman’s Guide and The Erotic Bible to Europe.
She pledges “to create new waves in adult cinema, to show all of the passion, intimacy, love and lust in sex: where the feminine viewpoint is vital, the aesthetic is a pleasure to all of the senses and those seeking an alternative to porn can find a home.”
Scorpio is, after all, a feminine sign. The transformation of erotic filmmaking seems to be in promising hands.