Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17-24, 2016

Posted by Amy Elliott


In the process of reinventing yourself, don’t be surprised or concerned if you’re more reflective than usual. You are simply putting in the requisite thought and concentration. One thing I would suggest is that you keep in mind your remarkable intuitive abilities. That is to say, don’t try to be too logical. Your unconscious mind currently has a hotline to the Akashic librarians.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — While creative art involves a good deal more work than Hollywood filmmakers (for example) would have us believe, imagination is also fueled and restocked by occasional play. Shaking loose a bit can be remarkably advantageous to the production of eureka moments. You know this really. You also know that it’s important to have some quiet time, regardless of one’s natural level of gregariousness. All these things are like the oil that smoothes the machine and helps to keep it maintained. Try to keep some balance in your schedule. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s possible you’re feeling that certain of your relationships need freshening up or altering in some way; or perhaps the change is already happening, and you’re adjusting your ideas. Take all the time you feel is required. You may well have some concept of a preferred outcome; chances are, this is both sound and possible. If this involves breaking away from early programming, so much the better. Also, sincere devotion is a beautiful thing, provided that you maintain the integrity of your being and principles. Don’t lose sight of your needs. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re on the way to taking some positive and useful steps toward a career that really suits you. You’re almost ready to make the move; just now, you seem to be at the point of deciding what to carry with you and what to leave behind. Your famous mercurial nature aside, it seems there is some particular habit or issue of which you are unwilling to let go. It may help to consider tackling this now as an important learning experience that will assist you toward a kindlier future. Employ that quick brain of yours and persevere until you have the solution. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is a pretty significant moment for you in terms of shaping your personal identity. You’ve probably put a lot of work into the development, and while this is likely to continue in the near future, you are starting to see the results. If you feel you need a breather, go right ahead. You know what you need to do in order to keep up the momentum. Also, someone significant could lend a useful hand just now, in the sense of additional perspective. Provided you remain in the driving seat, feel free to take them into your confidence. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It would seem you have a considerable opportunity to pursue pleasures, probably with someone you love. These enjoyments are likely to have a purpose — however, this does not compel you to take them so uber-seriously that you lose the actual fun. Rather, consider the fun as the foremost goal. Let it bring you naturally into a state of relaxation, or peace of mind. Your journey toward further enlightenment, though certainly a part of all this, can be seen more as the context or background than a requirement to be fulfilled consciously. You’ve got this. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you are feeling somewhat buffeted by recent events, you may be tempted to retreat into yourself, and to shut out the less kind aspects of reality. Try to resist if you can. You’ve made considerable progress developing your self-esteem and solidifying your identity; although at times you may be prone to forget just how far you’ve come, a conscious effort to keep your journey in mind should help. The person you are becoming is fertile with imaginative energy. Keep growing. You don’t necessarily need lots of impetus; just persistence. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If your relationship world has experienced some upheaval, this week you might just begin to be on familiar ground once more. You seem to feel increasingly comfortable in your skin. You can exercise your natural gregariousness, and enjoy mixing with fellow humans, and still never waver in those values you hold most sacred. Recognizing all this about yourself provides the ammunition you need to reach the new heights for which you are aiming. Self-doubt is an illusion, and you easily have the power to prevent it from impeding your progress. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In the process of reinventing yourself, don’t be surprised or concerned if you’re more reflective than usual. You are simply putting in the requisite thought and concentration. One thing I would suggest is that you keep in mind your remarkable intuitive abilities. That is to say, don’t try to be too logical. Your unconscious mind currently has a hotline to the Akashic librarians. Even in performing works of art, you’ll probably turn up some insight or other. I’d advise you to keep records, no matter how odd the ideas might seem. You never know when you could use them. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Dear Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising: Did you know that your two audio astrology segments are ready, and your tarot reading will be forthcoming shortly (At which point the price will increase again)? You can get instant access to the 2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading here.


2016-17 Sagittarius Birthday Reading
Somewhere Deeply True

“Saturn in your sign describes a contained process of cultivating self-awareness, by which I mean you reckoning with who you actually are. Yet this has real manifestations. There is a necessary process of transition implied. It’s quite literally a transit that will take you from one phase of your life to another.”

— Eric Francis in the 2016 Vision Quest essay for Sagittarius

Dear Reader with Sagittarius Sun, Moon or Rising:

Where are you in that process of life transition that Eric described in the quote above? Have you even had a chance to slow down to assess what has changed since the beginning of this fascinating, chaotic year?

Planet Waves

Saturn is now right in the middle of your sign, making this an excellent time to check your progress, get your bearings and fine-tune the vision you are working toward. Your forthcoming 2016-17 Sagittarius Birthday Reading is just the tool to help you do that.

Made up of two audio astrology segments of at least 30 minutes each, plus a tarot reading using the vibrant Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, this reading can now be pre-ordered for the significantly discounted price of $19.97.

Note that the price will increase in stages between now and when the final section (the tarot reading) is published. The earlier you pre-order, the better the deal. Our regular customers know it’s worth it:

“You know that moment when a therapist (or anyone, really) says something so true, so deep, so core, so intuitive, and also so empathetic that it lands right in your heart and your eyes fill with tears before you even have let the words fully sink in, because it’s so true and has entered and landed somewhere deeply true, beyond your mind, beyond ideas? It’s like that.”

— Robyn, a Sagittarius

Yes, your 2016-17 Birthday Reading is sure to be like that in one way or another, and we look forward to hearing you describe how.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — I’m not sure what it’s like to be you just now, but I’d imagine it’s as if you’re doing a Tarot reading and keep pulling out the Major Arcana cards — that is, the big ones, with the sweeping themes. You may well be in a state of continuous surprise at just how many universes now seem to have you at the center. This is not a drill. Rest assured, however, that you have fully earned the place you hold. It doesn’t mean you get to rule by diktat — something you’d most likely be furiously uncomfortable with anyway — but it could certainly be fun. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What’s that little idea you seem to have brewing in your thoughts? It might take a bit of reaching if it’s hiding in the depths; but once you’ve figured out its nature, I advise you to share it openly. Do not by any means allow a tendency to retreat into your inner space to take over. Don’t let self-doubt or fear get the better of you. What you have in mind is simply too important to remain hidden in the mists. By all means start with people you trust. Just don’t let slip this chance to make your mark on the world, and to contribute to its improvement. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your career path is being bolstered by a fresh perspective, or by an outright change. You can assist this process by bringing to bear your inventiveness and inquisitiveness, both of which seem to be blessed with extra inspiration just now. Reaching your planned destination may appear tough in places, but approach each problem like a mystery that’s just waiting to be solved, one step at a time, and you’ll likely get through nicely. One more thing: in pursuing your goals, don’t forget to employ that sense of fairness for which you are rightly reputed. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You need to banish any idea that the tranquility or the loving interactions you long for are somehow out of reach for you. If that trope is hanging around, it’s likely due to some early imposition by someone who should have known better. Really, you know well enough that when you receive kindness or affection you can trust its authenticity. You probably have far more well-wishers than you’re aware of. Be open to that idea; be utterly sincere and candid in your treatment of others; and continue to practice your unique brand of boundless goodwill. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

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