By Sarah Taylor
Once again, this week’s reading has a tie-in with last week’s three cards, given the similarity of cards in the two spreads, albeit in a slightly different order.
Last week, from left to right:
1) Court (Prince of Disks)
2) Major Arcana (The Magus)
3) Ace (Wands).
This week, from left to right:
1) Major Arcana (The Moon)
2) Court (Princess of Swords)
3) Ace (Swords).

The Moon, Princess of Swords, Ace of Swords from The Röhrig Tarot deck, created by Carl-W. Röhrig. Click on the image for a larger version.
The difference is in the order of the major and court cards, which this week suggests a shift away from the influence of The Moon — as opposed to a shift into the influence of The Magus last week. This is emphasized by the Princess’s (Page in the Rider-Waite Smith deck) body-language, turned as she is towards the Ace of Swords, her right arm closing off a chapter that has been marked by the Moon’s Piscean qualities: watery, and associated with the collective unconscious — a deep-water place where all is connected, which our surface-water, conscious minds can sense but are not able to look at directly.
And what have we all been connected by recently but the Full Moon in Pisces, which happened on Aug. 29, a little over a week ago.
Something that you may not have been able to identify directly — or fully, anyway — moved you into and through a period where you were probably thinking, “What gives?!” Up was indecipherable from down; things may have felt decidedly weird. Shadows loomed, distorted. You were thrust into the potential for introspection — even if you weren’t quite sure just what you were supposed to be inspecting in there.
A word and a phrase from The Moon stand out: “Illusions,” and “End of Karma.”
This metaphorical hall of mirrors, full of its own grotesqueries, served to sever something that had run its course. Dues were paid; time to move on. In that moment of dues paid, you liberated yourself. It might not have felt quite so clean and decisive. It has quite possibly been a process of stilted, back-and-forth fraying of ropes and bending open of chains — frequently frustrating, leaving you wondering whether you were making much progress at all. Leaving you wondering just what the hell you were being freed from, anyway.
But here you are, the Princess of Swords. You’ve come through and there is a new aspect to your experience. You’ve achieved something, even if you can’t quite yet believe it’s happened. Yep. That’s you. You’ve demonstrated your chops and earned your stripes.
Own it, baby.
You’re not going to get mystified by that one again — your eye-woven headdress will make sure of that. You may step towards it, you may step into it. You won’t stay there for long. It will no longer be tolerable, and you’ll be inclined to speak out, strike out, refuse to take that shit anymore.
That take-no-prisoners clarity is the gift that’s offered to you today. It’s all yours. Reach up and grasp it. Can you feel its beautiful, balanced heft in your hands? The sword of insight that is the Ace has been forged in this particular instance just for you. It stands in front of you, and in its presence the clouds part, the road clears, and the horizon beckons. Something new and better-suited to you lies up ahead.
Astrology/Elemental correspondences: The Moon (Pisces), Princess of Swords (the earthy aspect of air), Ace of Wands (the pure, limitless potential of air)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.
Just so spot on, dear Sarah! Thank you!
You’re welcome, Lizzy – I’m glad it is 🙂
absolutely amazing
so so grateful this has happened
The sword of insight comes at such a price does it not? But it is also part of the heftiness yet richness of an awakened life. Thank you for the readings of the Tarot, always beautifully expressed and relevant to the music playing in my life (to borrow from Dr. Sachs). I
IN my case, I can only say that it’s interesting how you think you may know what the messages mean, because you want them to mean certain things…but, when you swirl and turn and then fall to your knees to kiss the ground (and may even be kicked while you are downed there -the past few weeks of readings had some of these indications-) and then re-examine your own interpretations of what you had hoped the meanings/messages were, yet also knowing that you journeyed a different path, albeit for the right reasons, (yet not aligned with your previously “desired” explanations), you can also say, “it’s okay.” At some point I awakened and chose a different response to similar situations, I changed (and perhaps this is when the karma began to shift. I don’t know, but hope it is the case, either way, I know that I have a new experience and response to draw from, so it is likely true.
“it’s interesting how you think you may know what the messages mean, because you want them to mean certain things…but, when you swirl and turn and then fall to your knees to kiss the ground (and may even be kicked while you are downed there -the past few weeks of readings had some of these indications-) and then re-examine your own interpretations of what you had hoped the meanings/messages were, yet also knowing that you journeyed a different path, albeit for the right reasons, (yet not aligned with your previously “desired” explanations), you can also say, “it’s okay.””
This has been personally true for me too, Pisces Sun. I find tarot and astrology equally adept at making peace with what has already happened as they are at pointing out what is currently happening, or yet to happen.
Thank you Sarah…wonderful and useful as always, this post particularly hits the spot for me today.
I’m very happy it has, beleclaire!
Timely reminder !
Thank you, Amela 🙂
This metaphorical hall of mirrors, full of its own grotesqueries, served to sever something that had run its course. Dues were paid; time to move on. In that moment of dues paid, you liberated yourself. It might not have felt quite so clean and decisive. It has quite possibly been a process of stilted, back-and-forth fraying of ropes and bending open of chains — frequently frustrating, leaving you wondering whether you were making much progress at all. Leaving you wondering just what the hell you were being freed from, anyway.
But here you are, the Princess of Swords. You’ve come through and there is a new aspect to your experience. You’ve achieved something, even if you can’t quite yet believe it’s happened. Yep. That’s you. You’ve demonstrated your chops and earned your stripes.
I just cant tell you Sarah how meaningful this reading is for me. It aligns with what I already knew in my gut or intuitive guidance, and for which I have forced my consciousness to adapt. Your reading validates my inner debate and ego is now sitting back – resolved to fight another day!!!
Time to rest up a little, Cowboyiam 🙂
Thank you too, Elizabeth 🙂
“And what have we all been connected by recently but the Full Moon in Pisces” — and we’ve also all been connected by Venus stationing direct in Leo very early yesterday morning. That’s actually what came to my mind as I read, rather than the Full Moon — not only because it’s a more recent/immediate event, but also because of that Princess in the middle of the spread.
She has been introspective, like the Moon, for six long weeks. She has now turned away from that introspection, and will take what she has learned, hold the insights close to hear heart, and is now turning toward the expression of the potential they hold.
From insight to expression, via the earthiness of the Princess — the feminine incarnate; though tangible embodiment in some way (kind of sounds very Virgo, does it not?).
A big “Yes!” to this, Amanda.
I hadn’t thought of likening the Princess of Swords to the qualities of Virgo until now, and now I’m thinking, “Why not?!” 🙂
Lovely comment, Amanda. Thank you!
Maybe my head will hold this clear space for a while longer this round. Thanks for the reading Sarah.
You’re welcome!