By Sarah Taylor
What’s on the mind of the Prince of Cups as he closes his eyes and faces into the cosmos of possibility? Not that it’s hard to take a guess — but perhaps the other cards speak to something more complex than first appearances.
“Desire,” “Wishes,” “Longing,” “The possibilities of transformation.”

Prince of Cups, Queen of Disks, Three of Cups from the Röhrig Tarot deck, created by Carl-W. Röhrig. Click on the image for a larger version.
It is this last phrase on the card that hints at that complexity. Yes, the Prince has sex on his mind — a melding of bodies, breasts, genitals, and long, feathered hair. However, that long, feathered hair becomes almost butterfly-wing-like over his brows as he contemplates his erotic potential. He is, after all, a Prince; not a Princess, who is just starting out, but a contender for the throne of the Knight.
How does he make that leap from contender to ruler? How does he own who he is, assume full responsibility for his role as an agent of transformation, and step into being someone who doesn’t just dream about desire, but whose life is offered in service to desire and to living that out as wholly, autonomously, and purposefully as possible?
The key lies in the central card, the Queen of Disks. Earth to the Prince’s water, feminine to his masculine, fully-fledged (the butterfly wings are formed, whole), the Queen of Disks also cuts a sensual figure, but in this case she is bound to nature while he is suspended in space. She is the grounding, feminine principle that, through her presence — looking straight at us as she does — sees what he cannot see, knows what he does not yet know.
One of the first things I noticed was that the Prince is turning away from the Queen. What can this mean? It signifies that they are not so much in direct (eye-to-eye) relationship as they are in psychic relationship. The breast that touches the Queen’s left cheek is also present next to the Prince. There is a bond here that is suggestive of, even if it isn’t only limited to, an inner relationship — a coniunctio, or marriage between two aspects of oneself.
But is it the Prince who is growing into the world of the Queen? Or is the Queen now realising her inner Prince? And does it really matter? I think not. Because what is important is not who comes first, but what happens when they come together (in a manner of speaking).
Abundance. The Three of Cups:
“Overflowing interchange of love,” “exceptional valuable feelings, which can be –”
Which can be what? The writing flows beyond the edge of the card. Don’t you love a good mystery?
What is clear from the final card is that there is a third element that that forms part of this marriage based on an “overflowing interchange of love”: a cup that stands at the head of the waterfall, unpatterned, a little different, and yet part of a cohesive whole. What does that mean? Perhaps this is part of the mystery: that third presence, or ingredient, that is necessary for the complete fruition of what this reading holds.
The Three of Cups is very much a feminine card, the cascade over two rocky outcrops reminiscent of a woman’s thighs parting to reveal her watery depths. Two come together and a third is formed. This is alchemy; this is conception; it is community. Or, it is the potential for alchemy and conception (whether creative, physical or both) and community. Right now, what forms from this vessel is that mystery alluded to in the phrase that currently sits unfinished.
Bringing these two aspects together, what are you feeling? And where are you being guided — by your heart, by your desire, by your groundedness which connects you to life? What is emerging from their union? What can be brought forth? I look at this reading, and I want to start fanning myself, quite frankly. Not so much because it’s hot-hot-hot, but because it is full, present, and charged with longing and knowing.
Why not slip into those waters, grounded in the certainty that you are held — and that it is you doing the holding?
See — or better, feel — where they take you.
Astrology/Elemental correspondences: Prince of Cups (the airy aspect of water), Queen of Disks (the watery aspect of earth), Three of Cups (Mercury in Cancer)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.
Sarah, your readings make me want to cuss like a plumber (in awe and admiration) they are so tuned in to the vibration of the moment.
I second, and third, and fourth DivaCarla’s statement. I am also beside myself with longing for that deck!
Thank you, Sarah!
Indeed – thanks once again, Sarah, for your invaluable insights.
So the Queen of Disks is represented (very suitably) as a Corn Goddess, matching beautifully with the Lord of Abundance (I really love the art on that card, btw). So the Prince looks a little isolated there. Of course, his Airy nature is likely to provide some conflict with his Watery half; and it might be that his eyes are closed because he is attempting to turn away from what he nevertheless sees quite clearly.
Division from ourselves is painful and can lead to a feeling of loneliness; we have to accept the warmth and light and beauty of our own bodies, our own desires. This is something that, for me, carries tremendous difficulty. I hate my body, and have dissociation issues. The Goddess’ direct gaze holds a challenge. To bask in the abundance and healing she offers means to risk opening our eyes and meeting hers.
“What is clear from the final card is that there is a third element that that forms part of this marriage based on an “overflowing interchange of love”: a cup that stands at the head of the waterfall, unpatterned, a little different, and yet part of a cohesive whole. What does that mean? Perhaps this is part of the mystery: that third presence, or ingredient, that is necessary for the complete fruition of what this reading holds.”
This paragraph called to mind immediately a visualization/spatial exercise elisa novick had my partner and me do once in a counseling/healing session. if i recall correctly, she asked the two of us (who had been standing facing each other in a representation of how our relationship had been a little hermetic, or over-focused on each other) to sense what it would mean/feel like to allow spirit/source/god/universe into the relationship with us. as the two of us shifted to stand side by side, eyes closed, it felt as though a great waterfall of energy/light/love was flowing from above us down between us and ahead of us, and around us.
the sensation and image was very very helpful after some rather explosive, emotionally tense experiences. there was (and continues to be) much more to the spiritual work i am (we are) doing. but reading this tarot column, i feel like i’m reading a confirmation that we’re allowing that space for spirit to join us, hold us, and carry us forward.
the “overflowing interchange of love” offered by god/the universe/source does not require two people in relationship in order to issue forth; it just requires that each of us simply hold space in ourselves to receive it, i think. once we allow ourselves to receive it, we can hold space for others to, as well. such abundance…
Amazing reading. Thank you
Could it be that the subconscious (Prince of cups) in alignment with and known by the conscious (Queen of Disks) brings forth the spiritual abundance (3 of cups)? Is it not just another expression of our movement towards inner peace, inner knowing, self acceptance, love of self, and therefore, all that is?
We have fought the world – and the world always won – Then we saw that it was our self we fought but self always won. Now we see that there is nothing to fight – consequently – the world offers its abundant blessing for our birthed wisdom.
Maybe that’s a stretch but it feels real good – doesn’t it! LOL Thanks for these readings Sarah, they have helped me through a many hard time this year. I like the direction me is moving.
Thanks for sharing that lovely experience and insight Amanda P!
DivaCarla — Why thank you! And I’m all for a heartfelt, full-bodied cuss every now and then!
Amanda M — If you can handle the card names being in either Spanish or German, you can buy the Röhrig at the going rate for a deck of this size. It’s when you look for the English version that you come across prices that range from the sublime to the ridiculous, because, as far as I know, there was only one print run in the late 90s.
Amy — “Of course, his Airy nature is likely to provide some conflict with his Watery half; and it might be that his eyes are closed because he is attempting to turn away from what he nevertheless sees quite clearly.” I think this interpretation holds weight, and it’s worth considering in light of his turning away, and the potential conflict of air vs. water — mind vs. heart.
I used to be at a place of hating my body and dissociating from it, and it has been through a combination of therapy and pioneering bodywork practices that I’ve come to love it more and more, which has also been a process of loving all of myself more and more.
Amanda P — “the “overflowing interchange of love” offered by god/the universe/source does not require two people in relationship in order to issue forth; it just requires that each of us simply hold space in ourselves to receive it, i think.” Yes, yes, yes. And thank you for sharing your experience.
P. Sophia — You’re welcome!
Cowboyiam — I love that stretch! And I feel and see the truth of your interpretation of the interplay of subconscious and conscious knowing and what they bring forth.