We’re in the midst of one of the most full-on Pisces alignments so far this century. Planets are rapidly gathering in the last sign of the zodiac, the one that people don’t necessarily recognize is their favorite.

Fractal with Teal Waves, by Dev Moore
Whatever you may think of Pisces people, the subjects of Pisces include music, movies, romance, fantasies, your favorite beverages, photography and your favorite art. What’s not to love?
For the next few weeks, everyone is an honorary Pisces, especially with the Sun close to the Pisces-related planet Neptune right now. This is opening up what you might call the ‘psychic field’ and we’re all being invited to tune into the sixth sense, to notice beauty and to feel some of the comfort of being in a body.
Indulge in the pleasures of your choice. Use your imagination; it’s longing for your attention. Take some time away from the grind, even if it’s just a few hours. Pisces energy tends to put people in a good mood, and the world is a little softer.
The currents in the direction of the ocean of the zodiac are growing stronger. Soon Mercury will enter Pisces, and then the Moon, and there will be a total eclipse of the Sun. The eclipse won’t be visible in North America, though it will have its effect on the energetic level.
Here’s my reading: Trade things that are not true for ones that are. Give up some form of deception, in exchange for some form of revelation. Look at the inner reality of things and make your decision based on how you really feel, rather than what’s expected of you.
This week’s horoscopes are unbelievable, dear Eric, thinking in particular of my own (which reflects exactly where I am right now, and gives the most amazing advice), my Libra friend, and my Virgo sister. I talked to my sister about all these (Virgo) issues only last Friday – and have just sent her your horoscope. Thank you so very much.
Who doesn’t love a Pisces for Pete’s sake?!
My parents are both Pisceans. This gave the sign rather a challenging air for me, until recently, when I got to know a different sort 🙂
Lately, with 7 confirmed tornadoes here in Virginia, and Pisces on my Ninth House cusp; I’ve been thinking of how my intercepted Moon in Sagittarius, between the Great Attractor and The Galactic Center can also influence my Twelfth House Jupiter in Cancer (Mutual Reception). Yes, its true, I’m a Pisces too.
Amy, it’s interesting that you too struggled to understand your parents’ sign. My parents were Taurus & Capricorn, with earth sign moons, & I (Sagittarius) have nothing in earth signs. I felt like an alien – & they never could understand me, either. I believe we all chose those challenges, but it wasn’t easy for any of us.
As for Pisces – My best male friend for over 20 years was Pisces (came into my life as a lover, stayed as my friend) with Sun, Moon, Mercury & Venus all in Pisces. So utterly charming! All that gentle water had to have been really tough for a male growing up in the 50’s/60’s. He was an alcoholic, but managed to be an exemplary employee. He loved art, poetry & music, & used to lament that he wanted to hear “the sound of the Universe” – but those of us who knew him well believed he was already surrounded by all of that but believed he had to find something more tangible.
Eighteen years after his death, I still miss him. A beautiful soul who I hope I shall meet again in some other time & place. Today would have been his 78th birthday.
Yes, Barbara, who doesn’t love a Pisces?!