Virgo 2014

Posted by Eric F Coppolino


Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014, #1029 | By Eric Francis You seem to be in a titanic struggle with your own boundaries. It’s as if some force inside you is trying to break free of every inner constraint you’ve ever lived with, and some outer shell is trying to hold you together, fearing […]

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014, #1029 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be in a titanic struggle with your own boundaries. It’s as if some force inside you is trying to break free of every inner constraint you’ve ever lived with, and some outer shell is trying to hold you together, fearing what might happen if you really let go. This is a head-trip. The thing you’re experiencing is a self-concept; an idea about who you are rather than the actual thing you truly are. These ideas can be powerful. We live in the age of self-identification; the whole “I identify as” trip is running at full throttle, and of course, there is an ocean of difference between self-concept and self. It may be an ocean that you’re trying to protect yourself from, because if you open up, you’re going to set sail on the vast sea of experience. This will indeed reveal that any narrow self-identity cannot withstand the uncontainable truth of who you are. If you’re tempted to cling, and notice that it hurts, then feel — and experience.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014, #1028 | By Eric Francis

If you’re on a sexual purity campaign, don’t be surprised if it backfires. You seem to be trying to contain an abundance of emotional energy and afraid you might lose control. The way to keep some influence over the situation is to be real with yourself, and vent some steam. You could probably do a lot more than that and feel even better. From one point of view, your solar chart reads as if you’re concerned some authority figure is looming over you and going to question why you’re feeling so much all the time, or why you want to do whatever it is that you want to do. You don’t have to explain that any more than a bird has to explain why it flies. And if you do feel as if you must rationalize your existence, otherwise be confronted by authority, this would be the perfect time to ask yourself why, or rather whether, that is even true.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014, #1027 | By Eric Francis

Listen to what your body is saying. Your body will reveal secrets about your past, if you will only listen. I suggest you ease back on sugar, caffeine and anything else that might alter your consciousness, at least over the next few days. This is for the express purpose of tuning into the messages that are profoundly important but also can be easily obscured. The thing you might have to offer in the equation is the willingness to experience some discomfort. You might also need to sort out the content of what is happening in a current relationship until you understand the subtext. And you will need to see beneath any feelings that you may have about your family, particularly your father’s side of the family. All of this will be worth it. It will be a small inconvenience to bear, on the way to making what could be the first of many discoveries that set you solidly on the healing path.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2014, #1026 | By Eric Francis

What does it take to unravel conditioning, guilt and resistance? What does it take to be the person you are every minute of the day, with no pretense? Usually it takes a process. For some people there can be a breakthrough or sudden awakening, and ultimately no matter what the process or lead-in may be there is that moment of choice, of full awakening. Your chart suggests two parallel experiences, as if you’re digging a tunnel from two sides of the river. From one side of the river is a trip through your conditioning, which is resulting in heightened awareness of your environment. You may have some shocking insights as you take this journey, and you may figure out that your perception is mostly the result of past impressions. At times they may seem impossible to escape, but once you see them you’re most of the way there. From the other side of the river, you are determined to express yourself. This is the external side of the journey, where you are setting yourself free to say what you want to say and make what you want to make. No matter how you look at this experience, the ultimate point of arrival is the same thing: not being trapped in the past. To most, this seems like a pipe dream or an absurd notion. To you it’s a necessity.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014, #1025 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be running circles in a small, dark space. There is a vast expanse just outside your door. Yet you have to step outside to see it, to feel and experience it. What you’re really doing is giving yourself a break from a particular mental thought pattern, which is also a change in environment. You can accomplish this most easily with a change in physical space, even if it’s a day trip or a few nights away. One method I use is that I have several work spaces, all equally functional. In weeks when I have 10 projects due, it helps to bounce around from space to space. Café-hopping can do the trick; there are many possibilities. The idea is to actually see and use the relationship between mental space and physical space. The constant change of perspectives will help you keep your ideas fresh and your mind interested in what you’re doing. Right now that is essential.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014, #1024 | By Eric Francis

I would love nothing more than to think the world is becoming more enlightened, but I have my doubts. What I do not doubt is that right now you are gaining insight into yourself. I also know that you’ve earned the knowledge that is coming to you, from you. The past few days in particular have been rich with discoveries about how you think and some about why you think that way. In particular, you may be seeing the power of what you can do when you understand the influence of your emotions on your mental processes, and when you take steps to discern the basic difference between those two orders of reality. Think of it this way: Emotions are something that are more likely to happen to you. Thought is something you fly like a glider. Your mind may be providing the atmospheric conditions that make flight possible, but you are guiding the craft.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014, #1023 | By Eric Francis

You may experience flashes of insight into aspects of yourself that are usually difficult to penetrate or even see. However, I suggest you not succumb to the temptation to go mental or spiritual on yourself, and get locked into your mind or concepts. What you are seeing and feeling is calling for a physical response, driven by passion and curiosity. It’s calling for an emotional response, driven by the desire to feel whatever it is you need to feel. There is a deep undercurrent of subverting guilt, propriety, purity and any other form of self-denial or self-repression. I am sure you know all of this. You can feel how deeply you are being called to allow yourself to be, to feel and to call out your own name to existence.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for November, 2014, #1022 By Eric Francis

Your chart strongly suggests that this is the time to practice speaking from your feelings. You have a lot of feelings to speak about, and you could just as easily, indeed more easily, retreat into silence. But that would only reinforce the illusion that you are in this all alone. And silence is a form of attempted control, and provides the conditions necessary for self-deception. The way to stay honest and in truth to remind yourself that you’re free is to share with others what you think and how you feel. You may have many reasons not to. I assure you there are several very good reasons to be bold and live as if your life depends on being true to your word about how you feel, especially when it counts the most.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November, 2014, #1021 | By Eric Francis

Maintain your clarity of mind. There are forces in motion that are way larger than you, and they seem to be in operation in all areas of your life. You are not going to control them, but there are more and less appropriate responses. The more appropriate responses all begin with applied intelligence. Rather than being about how smart you are, this is about what you do with your information and your observations. It’s about what information you use to inform the choices you make, and knowing when you must make those choices. I assure you there will be moments when a decision seems too difficult, without enough time to think about it carefully. That is why you must be aware of your environment, prepare in advance to the extent that you can, and most of all, know yourself. The sensation of time as pressure is something to consider. Rarely will any perceived shortage of time be as urgent as you think. What is vital is that you set a structure for time, and work with a plan at all times. Set a deadline for everything. If you have to make a decision, make an inquiry and determine how much time you reasonably have. What feels like you have an hour may turn out to be two days. What feels like forever may be one week. Clarity of mind translates to time is of the essence.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014, #1020 | By Eric Francis

As usual, the question of the day comes down to whether your love for yourself is conditional or not. There seems to be some new question brewing along these lines, though you may not have given it a name. Indeed you may have called it every other thing. It seems like you have every reason to approve of yourself, what you have to offer and the progress you’ve made — and you have one little gripe, grudge or disagreement with yourself. One danger you face is projecting that inner discord into a relationship. That would seem to take you off the hook, but really it would complicate matters significantly and cloud the simple fact that this all comes down to how you feel about yourself. If you are in some way disapproving, you might want to pause and ask why — and really get to the bottom of things. The chances are it was long ago, far away, and lurking around as if it still matters.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014, #1019 | By Eric Francis

Defiance is not a substitute for personality, nor could you consider it a sign of strong character. It might feel that way, and if it does, you must raise your standards. You are in one of the most emotionally reactive moments in years, a strong comment given how much you’ve been through in that time, and how provoked you’ve so often been. Mindfulness is therefore essential. Once you are in reaction, you cannot impose mindfulness on yourself; by that point it’s possible only to vent (which is not another word for ‘process’). You need to maintain your awareness of your mental and emotional state long before you get there, and I would count resistance, stubbornness or defiance as warning signs that something deeper is going on. In a world where everything and everyone seems to be vying for your attention, it’s not easy to take total responsibility for what you feel, though that would be a helpful intention to set.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014, #1018 | By Eric Francis

Mercury stations retrograde in the angle of your chart associated with written communication — and with gossip. I suggest you stick to writing, at least most of the time, since there is a delay interposed, and you can edit it. Any time you talk about anyone else, you’re right on the verge of what can potentially harm your reputation or that of someone else. Therefore, be careful what you say. If you’re going to say (or publish) anything, make it positive and as short as possible. The deck is stacked in such a way that what you say now will have unexpected influence later on. Therefore, you might want to think strategically, using your power of speech and written communication to lay the seeds of what you want to grow. As the Grateful Dead said, “If you plant ice, you’re gonna harvest wind.” If you plant love, trust and respect, you will harvest the fruits of intimacy.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2014, #1017 | By Eric Francis

You may be more emotional than you’ve felt in years, wondering just how everything you were sure you had worked out is suddenly reminding you of its existence. While it’s true that some of what you’re feeling is a calling to deeper healing, other experiences are more like reviewing an extremely vivid book of the history of your life. Even though you have made immense progress resolving the past, and doing what my Virgo friend Paloma calls “cleaning the tree” of your family of origin, it’s necessary that you stay close to your roots. This is because your roots are your connection to the Earth, and therefore your connection to your own strength. But as you know, this connection takes you deeper than any ordinary concept of the ground, and shifts your awareness to what you might call the cosmic ground of existence. All of your experiences have served to deepen your ability to feel, and to make contact with what many other people would consider to be entirely extraordinary. Therefore, treat all of your experiences and all of your inner feedback with respect and even a bit of reverence. As this phase of your journey continues, it will grow deeper the more conscious you are. It’s heading very steadily in the direction of a discovery of yourself, about the true nature of the past, and your deepest origins.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014, #1016 | By Eric Francis

Use your power of attraction; use it consciously, though at the moment this is your greatest advantage. If you usually try to maintain a neutral appearance or drop below the radar, I suggest you polarize consciously in the direction of beauty and allow yourself to be more visible than usual. You know that your ongoing self-critique is no longer working for you, if it ever did. This may be a difficult habit to break, however, you’re likely to figure out that it’s more toxic now than ever. In the past you could exist more or less peacefully in a state of not wholly approving of who you are. However, the circumstances of your life and of your evolutionary journey are such that you can no longer do this. Your entire purpose must surround your quest for self-respect, which you then extend into relationship to others, in the spirit of recognizing some aspect of yourself in everyone.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014, #1015 | By Eric Francis

You must be cautious of the self-critical qualities of Virgo for the next few days, lest they undo something that could work out brilliantly for you. If you find you’re taking yourself apart in any way that feels unpleasant or like it’s the return of an old habit, pause and shift the narrative. The problem with self-criticism is that you can pawn it off on yourself as some form of improvement. However, that is rarely true, and when it is true, it will last for about five minutes maximum before you take constructive action or engage in a healing process. But there is something suspect about any self-judgment that comes up for you now, especially if it arrives in the form of needing to be more spiritual, or needing to focus more. The real themes of your chart are keeping an open mind and encouraging forgiveness, of yourself and of others. This is a fine line to walk — keep your eyes and ears open.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 4, #1014 | By Eric Francis

Imagine a world with no concept of ‘other’ or of opposition, a world where you are in harmony with everyone and everything around you. This may be difficult to conjure up on a planet where just about everyone and everything seems to be in some state of competition or conflict with something else, though I invite you to use your imagination. How might that feel? Now consider the possibility that each day that you live is a step that you take on the way to getting to that place of integration. In truth such a state of existence begins within your mind, not as something you impose on yourself but rather as something you observe about yourself. What’s beautiful about the next few days is an opening through which a rather unusual light shines, and you get to see yourself reflected in it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2014, #1013 | By Eric Francis

At this time in your life, some of the most important soul-level work you can do involves sexual healing. This process has been in progress for about six years, since Pluto entered Capricorn, your solar 5th house. Pluto describes what one author famously called “the evolutionary journey of the soul.” Normally the 5th is the place we seek fun and pleasure, though you have Capricorn in this house, which can act as a reservoir of past conditioning. It can store up shame and guilt from past generations. And Pluto is now opening the barriers that contain those fossilized emotions, all in the interest of setting you free. As this happens, it’s essential that you remain aware of what your body is feeling. You may be tempted to take the process to the mental or abstract level. You may be tempted to go to the astral or fantasy level. I suggest you stay grounded, as in bare feet on the ground. It’s essential that you take risks, especially some that you’re the most averse to. More significantly, it’s time to go past the expectations of purity that you think others have of you. Most of these are in your own mind, and they tend to create aversions to both risks and to pleasure. To open pathways to relating, creating and feeling good about yourself, this is where to invest.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, August 22, 2014, #1012 | By Eric Francis

Self-critique is not the answer to everything, nor is endless mental rationalization. You are entitled to feel how you feel. It’s neither right nor wrong. If you don’t like how you feel, you have two choices — one is to understand the cause and do something about it; another is to change your mind. You can do the second without doing the first, though I would say that’s unlikely. In the end, you will just have to change your mind. The problem with the analysis of cause is that it can be biased, and in this scenario, the bias is likely to be against you. The thing to remember is that you were not born in a vacuum. You entered the world through multiple strands of DNA, into one or more pre-existing family situations, and with your own personal karma. While it’s true that things were done to you, in order to get to the next level, you will have to go beyond blame. Accountability is another thing, and that requires documentation, multiple viewpoints and a balanced analysis. Mostly it involves owning what is yours, and letting go of what is not yours.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, August 14, 2014, #1011 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be straining with the need to express yourself in some way, though for whatever reason you cannot bring yourself to do it. I think you know exactly what you want to say, and you may even be ready to commit to your point of view. But something seems to be stopping you. What you’re likely to be feeling is a blockage that’s been there for a while, but now it’s being matched by a new depth of intensity and urgency, most of which is emotional. What you are yearning for is expression on the level of visceral need rather than on the level of intellect. Remember that when you make the choice to express yourself — it’s not necessary to prove anything, or to be right, or even to be precise. It’s only necessary to ‘go there’ — to go where you want and need to go, and to get your feelings out and onto paper as best you can. The temptation to analyze, dissect and disprove may be strong. Be stronger.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, August 7, 2014, #1010 | By Eric Francis

Are you searching for The One? For the ideal counterpart or reflection of yourself who would complete your life that everyone would approve of, which would lead to perfect happiness? Oh good! I didn’t think so. But you may be feeling some social pressure to fulfill that script. You may be seeing many other people around you play out this particular drama, and you certainly know the perils. I would mention that many seemingly lesser aspects of the game amount to the same thing — the search for the one boyfriend or girlfriend instead of a friend or lover, to give one example. I believe and have observed that people can find unusual compatibility, though the search for The One is much different from this. Your relationship life is potentially far more colorful and more fun than anybody’s prewritten script, anything that your friends would recognize, anything that your friends would approve of.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 31, 2014, #1009 | By Eric Francis

Use your imagination — for everything. It is a powerful resource and it’s especially rich right now. Your tendency at the moment might be to think in ways that are more narrow, more connected to what has gone wrong in the past, or to consider your options with a hyper-vigilant sense of responsibility. I suggest you go in the opposite direction — wide open, considering the possibilities, no matter how risky or dangerous they may seem. Think way outside your normal sense of scale. If you consider a long trip 100 miles, multiply that to 1,000 miles. If you are considering renting an apartment, consider a house and imagine what you might do with the extra space. Apply this to your whole life — what you do, what you want to create, and most of all, who you are. You are much bigger than you think.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2014, #1008 | By Eric Francis

You may be wondering why relationships have to be so challenging. You may even be wondering if they need to be that way. I think that mostly this involves the various rules and definitions we put around connecting with others, which includes various regulations around sex. There’s also a kind of seeming ‘unconsciousness’ hanging like a fog over the whole region of life where people connect emotionally and sexually. It is this slumber from which humanity needs to awaken. Mixed in with the fog are all kinds of moralism, judgment, expectations and unresolved baggage from the past, and from past generations. By this measure, waking up is not especially appealing, as these are the things to which one usually awakens. On a good day there is also love, passion and desire, and though these would rightfully be the incentive to connect, they’re not exactly in style right now. They involve something real, and tactile, and where there is the risk of not being in control all the time. And if there is one thing our society is addicted to at this moment, it’s control. Where does this leave you? I would say it leaves you free to evaluate what you want, which I think is going to take some honesty and a risk. You might also evaluate what you are wholly willing to offer — which will definitely take some honesty and a risk.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 17, 2014, #1007 | By Eric Francis

Notice who you meet or even randomly encounter over the next few days, and treat everyone with fully conscious respect. Eliminate any standoffish attitude you might have, burn off any fog that might sometimes surround you, and focus on who you are speaking with. Treat everyone with care and compassion, and lean in with an ear for how you might help. Go out of your way to treat everyone the same way, which means with the utmost attentiveness. It is an unfortunate habit of current society to take an uppity approach with people based on the flimsiest excuse, with no excuse or out of habit. It seems too much to ask for people to present themselves to the world with even a modicum of humility, as if to do so is to lower oneself in some way. This is a profound misunderstanding, and it’s one that you don’t want and cannot afford right now.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 10, 2014, #1006 | By Eric Francis

In all matters professional, keep your strategy in mind. You are likely to have your goal in mind, and there is a chance you will put your goal above everything, which will not get you any closer to that goal. Part of your strategy must involve an extreme helping of diplomacy. You must present the right demeanor or posture to the appropriate person, and be aware at all times to whom you are speaking. Your solar chart cautions that you could be perceived as authoritarian or driven by jealousy — which are unlikely to be true (however, I suggest you do a careful check-in with yourself on these matters, since it is possible). I suggest you strive for consistency with people, which is a sign of maturity and your respect for them. And be cautious at the least thought that others do not care about you, or don’t respect you. That is a trap, and it’s unlikely to be true.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 3, 2014, #1005 | By Eric Francis

Mercury, the planet associated with your sign, has returned to direct motion in the angle of your chart associated with your professional activities and reputation. You may discover that a long series of developments that made no sense, or that seemed to work to your disadvantage, have put you in a position of distinct advantage. You need to think in a clear strategy. Your plan cannot merely be about how to achieve your goals. That would be easy enough. Rather, you need to achieve your goals and make sure that you don’t do any damage; that you work with others and build relationships for the future; that you learn and know what you are learning. What you’re experiencing is on one level a political exercise. It’s about fostering mutual cooperation. The person who brings this idea into the equation is the one who is helping pioneer a future where we go beyond winners and losers, and where the game is about everyone coming out ahead.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2014, #1004 | By Eric Francis

You’ve said many times that you want people around you who are more sensitive and whose feelings are closer to the surface. Yet how do you respond when you actually encounter them? I suggest you observe yourself carefully over the next few weeks and see what you notice. You have a few choices for what to do. One is to go into paralysis mode — to freeze up, to put on a facade, to go passive. Another is to push them away. Neither of these is likely to be what you want, but they’re fairly typical responses to those who in some way ‘threaten’ us by being willing to feel. Another is to engage with them directly, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you. In this context, uncomfortable equates to vulnerable. I am describing one of the core crises of our culture, one that is largely being driven by our relationship to technology. In the world as it is, it’s easy to avoid just about anything, it’s easy to have the feeling of control (for example, by ignoring someone’s communications) and therefore easy to weave yourself into a state of isolation. In this sense, obsession with text messages is not so different from obsession with porn. One of the prices you pay to get out of this is allowing authentic contact to happen when you have the opportunity, which always happens today, not tomorrow.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 19, 2014, #1003 | By Eric Francis

Inch by inch you are treading in the direction of some unusual success. This could take many forms, but the most beautiful form it will take is accountability. Grab that stuff with both hands till you’ve fully embraced the idea that you are entirely and gloriously responsible for your own life. Celebrate the power of decision, even if it’s between corn-syrup Coke or Mexican Coke with actual sugar. Choose consciously everything you do, whether you think it’s good for you or not. Practice being the master of your destiny — for several days on end. Get into the feeling. Remind yourself when you wake up every morning, no matter how you may feel. Remember especially when you wake up on the morning of the 22nd.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 12, 2014, #1002 | By Eric Francis

Success works in strange ways. Be open to unusual events that work to your advantage, even things others would prefer to avoid. That might include anything from your own insecurities to a flight being diverted and ending up in a city you didn’t plan to be in. You might not get along with someone and notice how that helps you out. You might meet your boss’s boss’s boss one day and discover that you hit it off. Without veering an inch toward superstition, you can consider everything you see and hear to be a potential message from the goddesses and gods, however you may think of them — preferably as your close allies and mentors. In that case you can welcome any sources of inbound information, and you can trust your perception and what you say about what you notice. The more candid you are, the more you will see who is really on your wavelength.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 6, 2014, #1001 | By Eric Francis

In all matters requiring leadership or your relationship to authority figures, you’ll need to proceed gently, seeking clarity at every turn. I suggest however that this be emotional clarity, which is to say, tap into where people are coming from on the level of feeling first, make contact with that and then figure out where they are coming from intellectually. This order of flow is from the easier mode to the more complex one, though connecting on the emotional level will make everything easier to see. You may feel a strong temptation to do otherwise, especially since others may be expressing an argumentative tone or quibbling over facts that don’t seem to matter much; that is exactly what I suggest you not get lost in. I also suggest you sidestep any direct use of power and not give any specific instructions until you have more information than you have today. The nice thing is you can afford to be empathic, and to honor people for who they are, even if they don’t necessarily notice you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 30, 2014, #1000 | By Eric Francis

If you have to solve the same problem repeatedly, you’re not really solving it. If you figure something out and come up with the same solution again and again, you’re probably not taking action. This week’s New Moon in your 10th house of achievement is an invitation to do things differently. That means setting new goals, and approaching them with different strategies. The upcoming Mercury retrograde is calling on you to take a more intuitive approach to what you do, rather than a logical one. I don’t mean an emotional approach, though at this point there is no denying what you’re feeling; there is no denying what you want or what you need. Intuition is gentler, quieter and contains more specific information than most other forms of inner contact. It may contain a caution but rarely contains actual fear. So if you’re feeling fear, I suggest you look into what that’s about. Your solar chart suggests you ask yourself about the fear of going deep. Since you want to go deep, you’ll have to confront that issue.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2014, #999 | By Eric Francis

Examine carefully your values as they relate to the spiritual and financial aspects of your life. They’re not really separate; indeed, they are inseparable except for an idea, and that is the idea I’m suggesting you look at. This is not an easy idea to translate out of the charts, but here’s my best throw. It’s not necessary to give up success to have some form of spiritual growth, or not in the way that you think. Western religion is all over the map on this one — some say that wealth is a reward from God, some say that one must give it all up to get any respect from God. But what does God have to do with it? Who is this mysterious authority figure making bold, sweeping and seemingly contradictory statements about what must be so? And why do they apply to you? I suggest you examine carefully the concept of sacrifice — that which you must give up in order to make something sacred, or to win the favor of God. Your charts in my reading reveal a passionate drive for something that includes devotion, creative passion, a visionary quality and the potential for monetary success. There are, as you well know, two ways to read nearly anything; of the two this is the creative, life-affirming one, the one where you come out the winner, in harmony with existence.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 16, 2014, #998 | By Eric Francis

Mars stations direct in your money house (Libra) just as the Sun enters your career house (Gemini). This is a great combination. Mars is the money planet — making money takes motivation. The Sun is a fine indicator of work and reputation. Put the two together and you can allow success and financial motivation to drive your desire to succeed, and allow success to drive your financial goals. This may all seem too worldly and not so spiritual, though I would define ‘spiritual’ as being responsive to the conditions of your environment and your current stage of growth. The past six months have come and gone with all kinds of questions about money, and the best direction you want to be taking. It looks like the next week will provide you with significant information, though I think your deepest discovery will be about who or what is the most important to you, and what you want to do about that fact.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 2, 2014, #997 | By Eric Francis

This is a blessed moment for you. You may not fully trust that unless you try it out, and experiment with your ideas in a way that you have not done before. This looks and feels like a continually moving impulse, a little different every day and maybe every hour. It’s essential that you stretch your vision. If you perceive a need, expand your concept of what is possible to fulfill it. If you have something to say, be bold enough to say it. Eventually you’ll reach that angle where you know it’s time to take authority over something larger than just your life. Along the way, there’s a fine line between what serves you and what serves others; ideally there is a synergy between the two, where what is profitable for you immediately expands to the benefit of those you care about the most. It’s the hot fulcrum where selflove meets love. The beauty of this kind of symbiotic (plus-plus) relationship is that there is always enough.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for May 2014, #996 | By Eric Francis

Managing your finances, and working your way to true prosperity, is a matter of balance. Many different elements are involved, similar to the ‘credits’ and ‘debits’ lines on a bank statement, but more complex. There is the equation where time must balance out with money; making more money often means investing more time. There is the time and energy equation; sometimes you have time, but you have to manage your energy. Perhaps the most significant one is, how do you go beyond a linear model, that is, a dollar-per-hour model of supporting yourself? That’s a way of asking, what is the value on your intelligence? In order to support yourself on your ideas, you must understand the value of your ideas to others — and then connect with those other people. These are some of the themes that are described by Mars stationing direct in a few weeks, and working them out all month long will help you set yourself on a productive path. One more thing: there is no substitute for commitment; there is no alternative to applying yourself fully to what you want to do. Often where there is a question of money or of self-support, commitment is the heart of the matter. The dedication you must offer can seem like it requires a sacrifice. Yet in truth, what you offer must be wholly voluntary.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 18, 2014, #995 | By Eric Francis

The question, “What next?” is second only in importance to “What now?” One depends on the other. You get to the next place from where you are now. So start by evaluating your exact location and status at this moment. Then figure out how you got here. I suggest you use logical tools such as a chronology, a list of your prior goals, a list of your current goals, and who you are trying to please. It will be extremely helpful if you do an analysis of your financial situation, and study your assets and your liabilities. Note exactly where your money comes from and where it goes. Figure out what you could or would do if you had more money or less debt. I can give you a little vignette that may help make the point. When people say to me, “I would go to therapy but I can’t afford it,” I suggest that they go to the first session and say they want to work on why they don’t have enough money for the things they need. If this moment in your life comes with one turning point, it’s about taking a no-bullshit approach to your finances.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 11, 2014, #994 | By Eric Francis

Observe life with the perspective of a playwright or filmmaker — see the details, see the drama, let your mind engage the beauty and the weirdness — but don’t get wrapped up in it emotionally. Everything that happens to you is creative fodder, the more so if you invite yourself to play with the world. And play is the word, the operative concept and it seems the thing you want to do the very most. Yet this is creative play, and rather than being an idle pastime, it’s the kind of play that influences you and sparks your imagination. As you get drawn in, you may find yourself having an idea that has some real influence, some actual mojo behind it. If you pursue this idea it’s likely to take you on something of a ride, by which I mean an adventure. By the way, your chart is strongly suggesting it’s also a sexual adventure of some kind, and if that is true, I just have two suggestions: have fun, and make sure you take the necessary steps to keep your options open. There will be time for experiences that create lifelong bonds, but so far as I can see, this is not one of them.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 4, 2014, #993 | By Eric Francis

Be mindful of the emotional reactions of others. Notice when you’re getting drawn in. This is easier said than done, particularly with the transits that your solar chart is taking right now. It’s difficult enough to maintain one’s individuality under the best circumstances in our society, when you’re confronted daily by so many forces telling you who and what you’re supposed to be. Your current charts have a potent emphasis on the emotional dimension of relationships. It’s not easy to distinguish your feelings from those of someone close to you. At the same time, there seems to be someone compelling in your environment with whom you identify closely — and that’s a temptation to ‘lose’ yourself in them. One solution to this puzzle is maintaining a high level of self-awareness and making decisions in every moment. Another potential is getting drawn all the way into the scenario, finding your way out, and evaluating what you learn. Question: how much time do you have on your hands?

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, March 28, 2014, #992 | By Eric Francis

It’s necessary that you keep a handle on who you are, what you want and what you’re doing. I say this because of the vast amount of activity in your relationship angle (Aquarius, Pisces and Aries) and so little happening in your own sign. Your ruling planet Mercury is deep in the mix of your relationship stuff, which may be describing a real challenge finding yourself in the midst of lots of movement and excitement in your environment. The planets are describing no specific or direct way to do this, that I can see. The best idea I can offer you is to know what you think, despite what anyone else might think. It would be supremely easy to lose yourself in the viewpoint of others, so if you are aware of and strive to focus your own point of view, you have the easiest possible means of tracking who you are. So yes: the path to individuality starts with knowing your own opinion. (It always did.)

Planet Waves Monthly for April 2014, #991| By Eric Francis

Events of this month may seem like a huge spectacle, something that you’re destined to witness rather than participate in. It’s also possible that what you see will seem so close to home that you will fail to notice what is happening outside your immediate environment. I suggest you go beyond what seems to be directly personal and reach with your awareness into wider circles. Make contact with those who have a global perspective, those who are not caught in their own little reality bubble — that will help take you beyond the limits of your own perception. You may be feeling a bit boxed into your reality, as if you’re reluctant to change your mind about something. Yet everything you’re seeing, hearing and experiencing is howling and cheering for you to do precisely that, to get in tune with the moment. If you are feeling like “I don’t want to change my own mind; I would rather have it changed for me,” that is what will happen, but it won’t be the most pleasant or creative way to experience the current astrology. The more creative approach will include allowing others to gently lead you beyond what is familiar. Some of those experiences will come through your relationships and some will come as a result of them. Still, the idea is the same — embrace others who are willing to take you beyond yourself.

Horoscope #990 Unavailable

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Feb. 28, 2014, #989| By Eric Francis

This weekend’s New Moon in your opposite sign Pisces shows the clouds parting, the dimensions opening and you having the ability to peer into the mysterious heart of your relationships. You may be amazed to find out how much your relationships have everything to do with you; you are the one thing all your personal associations have in common. Two factors emerge with this New Moon: Mercury is pointing to the need for ongoing commitment to healing. Mercury in Aquarius is a reminder how influential groups are — you can surrender your power to them, or you can take leadership in them. Stationing direct on Friday, Mercury reveals the role of self-esteem in how you relate to others. When you feel good about yourself, you will set an energy pattern for others to express their love and for you to receive it. When you doubt yourself, you will doubt that anyone cares, which is a good way to shut out love. If there is a core lesson in the coming months, it’s about not projecting your need for self-esteem into your need to be ‘loved back’ by another person. Start with loving yourself and you will notice all the love that is already, as in currently, coming your way.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2014, #988 | By Eric Francis

You must focus on the question of what is real and what is not. This will not be as obvious as it seems. I suggest you not assume you have this one right, no matter how confident you feel. Indeed I suggest you not assume anything, and make careful note of the facts of the situation. Opinions can be deceiving, and it’s essential to recognize them when you experience them. Facts are statements that can be documented and proven true or false. They are not about an emotional rationale or persuasive feeling; whether a fact stands up comes down to the data that supports it, preferably collected over time. The first area of your life to go over carefully is your relationships with loved ones, friends and partners. Do you have any outstanding commitments to them? Is there anything that got lost in the shuffle of the past couple of busy months? Is there anything you need to clear up? If you have made yourself invisible or have gone below the radar, if you’ve left facts out of the story or are avoiding anyone, now is the time to engage with them in a meaningful way. As you do this review, I suggest you consider the way in which your self-esteem may be influencing you. Consider how you act toward others when you’re feeling good about yourself and when you’re not. Your observations may surprise you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Feb. 14, 2014, #987 | By Eric Francis

You may feel like you’re under some pressure that you don’t understand and cannot identify the source of. This may be showing up as you feeling like you have more problems than you’ll ever be able to solve. I suggest you avoid ‘fix it’ mode, whatever form that may take. The thing to do first is to observe, and the thing to observe first is your mind and its patterns and thought forms. This is the origin of the situation. You are in one of those spaces where your thoughts are creating what seems to be your reality. This is often the case, though it’s not usually as obvious as it is now. Consider yourself on an expedition to find some deception that you were pressured into believing as a child, or that was given to you as an unbending truth. Once you get to that core false idea, you will be able to see how influential it is — and then make a decision what to do about that.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Feb. 7, 2014, #986 | By Eric Francis

You will need to play it cool with a partner, and not allow yourself to get caught in an emotional current that may have nothing to do with you. The question seems to be whether and how much you’re willing to be part of someone else’s delusion. You may have a clue that this is what’s going on, though till now you have not been able to do much about it. As the next few weeks progress, it will gradually become clearer what has been happening. The biggest trap remains trying to fix someone, or persuade them to your point of view. They will either come around to reality or not — the more vital matter for you is your own commitment to reality. At a certain point, logic and your own commitment to your healing will take over. You have been firm about this for a while; you get how important it is. Remind yourself again.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, #985 | By Eric Francis

You currently have some of the most interesting sex transits I’ve seen in a while. Here’s how it looks to me: The hot-spot is self-focus — that of you or whomever you’re interested in. Many experience this but few will say much about it. Part of our culture’s obsession with relationship is a way of making narcissism acceptable and cool. It’s culturally acceptable to express it through another person. In reality we are all in relationship to one another’s self-love (or less savory feelings directed toward oneself). How the partners feel about themselves, rather than about one another, sets the tone of the relationship more than anything, in my view. And this is what you are free to explore, in an unusually delightful way. This would go from the dark to the light, not just the feelings you say are ‘good’. Another way to read this chart is as the bold message to indulge in guilty pleasures. And I’m not talking about Fettuccine Alfredo.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for February 2014, #984 | By Eric Francis

If you’re hesitating about a relationship commitment, I would remind you that there is no rush. You may sense that you’re heading for deep water, or like you’re gradually being drawn into a situation that you don’t fully understand. When you are ready, this may be fully appropriate. Yet if you’re uncertain of yourself, slow down and observe your environment. The first thing to listen to is your intuition. If you suspect that you’re not being given full information, or if you have a hunch that you’re in any way being deceived, then pause and begin to look more deeply into the facts. You don’t need to do this in an accusatory way, but rather in a way that seeks grounding in objective information. Consciously seek the truth, and make sure that you actually understand what you learn. Address any denial factor that may be present; be mindful of what you ‘don’t want to know’ or ‘refuse to believe’. This process will take a bit of scrupulous honesty with yourself, though there may be clues that get you closer to the heart of the matter. I suggest you investigate with extra care any situation involving alcohol, or the influence of mood-altering drugs, be they prescription or otherwise. The question to ask is: how is this influencing your relationship to reality? How is it influencing intimacy? You want to know.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Jan. 17, 2014, #983 | By Eric Francis

The continuing adventure of your life is about to chill a bit, but before that happens you’ll likely start to feel like you have more energy to meet the many challenges you face. But the greatest virtue you could hope for now is just simply patience because it’s going to take a little while for things to work out. You would do well to disconnect from what seems like the state of perpetual flux of one particular person or situation. Remember that no one can enter into a clear agreement unless they know where they stand and that, if it’s not obvious, is the root of the problem. But meanwhile don’t be surprised if your own position starts to squirm. Everything will squirm around right eventually.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Jan. 10, 2014, #982 | By Eric Francis

Over the next few days you will have a series of opportunities to assert your leadership and your intelligence, though the most significant thing you’ll be tapping into is your creativity. Yet the true artistry of the moment is taking an inspiration and conveying it into something practical and immediate, designed to address a current problem. I’m not talking about art for art’s sake, but rather the use of innovation for the purpose of getting something done, solving a problem or initiating a discussion. You may find yourself in the role of facilitator, and if you can focus the energy of a group, you will find that you solve the problem a lot more quickly. But you’re the one who will seed the group with the idea that it will grow and crystallize. Don’t wait for it to come from someone else. At the moment, you’re the one with the fire in your mind.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — January 2014, #981 | By Eric Francis

There is no question that relationships remain the focal point of your life this year, though the theme brings a deeper focus on sexuality. I would describe this as seeking a purpose rather than treating it as something that’s just there, or that can be taken for granted. Most people don’t consider the notion of existing with a sexual purpose, though they also don’t consider how disorienting the lack of one can be, and how it leads directly to giving away one’s power. You will begin to make discoveries the moment you make the commitment to doing so, and harness your creativity and life-force energy as you make contact with how real and how vital these themes are for you. The connection point to your relational experiences may seem intuitive or obvious, though it’s worth stating. What is healing and empowering to you will either strengthen the people in your life, or have a way of repelling them. You’ve needed to overcome the fear of that particular effect for a while; now you’ve reached the point where you must be in harmony with the people with whom you’re intimate, because you are now capable of embracing them more deeply than ever. To do this safely and honestly, having a sense of purpose, and sharing it openly, is essential.

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